Young Justice Season 3 Crash Course | Young Justice | HBO Max

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oh well that's everyone with the league's fearless leader recognized aquaman mcgann as leader of the team you are invited to observe let us get right to it my co-chair has urgent news from the heroes she is leading on our various missions in space all right we have confirmation medic human trafficking on earth has spilled out into the galaxy on multiple worlds earth's metahumans are being deployed by the enemy as weapons of mass destruction here on earth our ongoing struggle with meta-human trafficking has struggled try disaster teens and even kids are being abducted on an unprecedented scale they're tested for the meta gene and if they test positive they're used as guinea pigs to create new meta humans and even if they test negative they're rarely seen again meta humans are being treated as the next exploitable resource by first world countries third world countries rogue nations corporations it's a global pandemic and globally we are faced with obstacles at every turn united nations secretary general lex luthor is using our u.n charter to place more and more restrictions on the league we have to assume he's working behind the scenes to turn other nations against us he's hamstrung us we've become removed distant from the people the league was created to serve perhaps it's time to acknowledge that the league has outlived its usefulness on earth batman that's overstating things don't you think no i don't and i'm offering an alternative if your alternative is to disband the league i think you are forgetting all of the good we do did past tense present tense the league has its difficulties i acknowledge that i'm sorry but i hereby tender my resignation to the justice league so do i ollie [Music] can't do this anymore i'm sorry i understand it's time time time recognize green arrow zero robin tim where are you going two eight arrowette v two seven join us jeff i want nothing to do with batman incorporated the truth is i don't trust you we'll have to issue a statement you mean disown them yes so the league will not be held responsible for its former members actions it goes without saying that the independent nations of the world are deeply disappointed that some leaguers don't seem to believe in the values their league claims to represent blaming the justice league or its members is laughable even humanitarian missions cannot begin without the unanimous approval of the security council these policies are costing lives itsy big it's definitely another meta human trafficking lab but is it bedlam i'm seeing pods full of black goo sounds like a match bedlam uses a substance called tar as a catalyst for turning abducted metagene kids into full-on meta-humans tar contains a clay only found in one place marcovia within markovia here we come meta human trafficking is an international scourge today we pledge all of markovia's resources to see that scourge ended markovia's king victor markov and queen elona de lam markov hold a press conference on this the second anniversary of the abduction of their daughter princess tara no ransom demand was ever made she simply vanished without a trace with me now is the princess's older brother prince brione marco prince bryon did the results come back yes you tested positive for the meta gene which means tara yes princess tara would likely have tested positive as well which explains why she was taken good evening less than 24 hours ago our own king victor and my beloved sister queen ilona were ruthlessly assassinated no bedlam is one of the most notorious meta-human trafficking syndicates on the planet i suspect that whoever's behind bedlam was most likely behind the assassination of the king and queen bedlam may even be connected to the royal family that's dr simon x a world-renowned geneticist who for some reason has taken a low-paying job at the markovian children's hospital the late queen's brother tomorrow when gregor's crown king uncle freddie becomes regent until gregor turns 18. there's motive for either of them there's this quest to activate your own meta gene is it really wise breon something daring must be done if i am to save markovia the man to speak to is dr simon x i must say it's grand that a prince of the blood is interested in exploring his metagene potential but the process can be a bit hit or miss traffickers stealing sick children from a children's hospital they're not all sick how many children have you taken how many have you murdered you part the prince so count vertigo runs bedlam and x works for vertigo what's going on stop this let me out don't worry my child it is all for the best one night i only required this organization to operate without me for one night burunderland how did i not notice that the lamb is an anagram for peplum we're shutting this place down i'll show you how you get away from me brian please [Music] what is happening your metagene has been activated your body is now manipulating geologic forces and alarms and it's clear your deceptions were the groundwork for a coup against my family and markovia you have no hard evidence we have enough to mount a lengthy investigation into your affairs i place you under arrest for the murder of my mother and father [Music] please don't do this you must leave markovia immediately [Music] [Music] cover them up what was that [Music] holy shovel faster [Music] what are you doing [Music] whoa okay not bad for a dead girl no kill no dead not dead this is halo she's lost her memory do you remember anything at all from before we met in the cemetery i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] halo's real name is gabrielle dao 16 years old karaki refugee was working as a servant in the markovian royal palace breon's a walking ball of anger right now it is very impressive always on the verge of blowing up no no keep going let's see what you can do is this a test this is just us trying to help you found a new color what does it do well um let's try to find out carefully she's healing herself it's like a reflex the forever people have been investigating reports of violence between the land dwelling bugs and the new gods of super town tales of betrayal and strange monsters attacking from on high but mother box detected no monsters bear is likely fred florian but the orion you met was an imposter there's something familiar about his mind touch explain yourself orion we we can't talk here what are you doing why are you even here and why are you trying to make the bugs hate the new gods i can't talk to you when you're wearing this false form again now little brother [Applause] [Music] explain yourself my commodores don't call me that green name i am stop it is a rabid beast it's a symbol akam the greens are a superstitious and cowardly lot the male of ox scares them to let them be scared by me she knows what they call us behind our backs anyway yes but well you've been off playing here with uncle john and your earthlings i've been dealing with the reds and greens oppressing us on mars this isn't mars i made a deal if i do a few favors on new genesis i'll get help for the white revolution on mars so you're sacrificing the peace of this world for your own our own then i'm doing the bugs a favor they're like us oppressed and denied by those above them they need to rise up and overthrow these so-called new gods i'm just giving them a little push psychic manipulation is wrong no matter how good the intentions and how do you justify controlling kidnapped earth mediteens now you are the oppressor the ends justify the means join me you know our suffering [Music] remember what we meant to each other i remember more than you how the greens treated us and how you defended us but a war isn't won on defense it's won by giving rain to our righteous anchor i know i've chosen love over anger [Music] mccomb there are better ways to change minds on earth on mars and here on new genesis this is your fault little bug i see in your mind you brought them here if i see you again i'll crush you like the best you are [Music] has no place in the hive this isn't forger's fault please understand that was never orion it was a martian feeding your hate if i've seized any of you again any of you i will end you the shapeshifter could return in a new form and clearly you cannot return to your hive halo breon this is forager he's from new genesis orager is in exile from forager's home from one exile to another welcome to earth forager thanks brionne do you understand the terms of our agreement yes one hour just like last year and the year before that and the year before that be grateful grant you this boon at daddy i love you zatanna and i'll see you next year [Music] [Music] no no no no what if naboo comes back this is his place of power tonight you choose your kryptonym forager is forager i'm halo it was the first name you gave me and i like it i'm violet at home i'm halo during a mission hello dr jace had a name for the powers in my bloodline she called it the geo force and just like that you're leading another team ah please don't rub it in between the seven of us we're coordinating six teams of heroes none of whom know we're working together is what we all agreed to diana taking a page from the light's own playbook to fight fire with fire we're kind of the anti-light and that's a good thing the opposite of light is darkness is that what we represent um maybe that was a poor choice of words or maybe it wasn't i don't like keeping the other members of the league in the dark worst case scenario they need real deniability do you expect superman to lie under oath do you expect me to if it comes to that as a princess of themyscira i expect you to use your diplomatic status to avoid taking the stand at all what does this reach device do blue beetle had previously translated the reach text on the side of the machine and all it says is metahuman failsafe and where's the reach device currently enroute back to dr stone at star labs detroit [Music] dad you miss me crushing it at my game and the celebration after this is my life you're ignoring my actual life which we can discuss when you've calmed yourself down boy boy now you're boying me dad got it what is that it's called a father box the justice league told me aliens used it to heal their own dr stone you can't use that thing on victor i am the lead scientist here and the world's preeminent expert on alien technology when i say it will work it will work it has to [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] vic can you hear me are you all right [Music] what have you done to me you ruined me murdered my future violet harper opened a boom tube as if violet harper was a mother box i didn't know i could do it until i did it then it seemed well natural where am i [Music] what did you do to him wait for it i think i cleansed you i need to leave before i do something that we both that's the father box talking not you son i don't want to be anywhere near you right now let's go victor wait [Music] when we were at bedlam central i spotted a dissected mother box there was a burst of energy then the machine went dead not just dead murdered mother boxes are living computers that burst of energy it was probably motherbox's soul escaping hello megan dr fate sensed an old soul in halo's very young body and the first time i saw halo vertigo's crew was burying her bedlam wasn't in the business of ditching powerful metahumans so they must have legit thought she was dead maybe gabrielle dao did die but the mother box's soul energy or whatever you want to call it merged with gabrielle's body and resurrected it as me but violet you've never been able to heal anyone but yourself well she healed me that's why i actually i don't believe i did heal you victor i think i only made adjustments to your internal technology more proof she's a living mother box yeah well clearly a halo cleanse is only a temporary solution mother box has run a diagnostic she believes your only hope is to place you in the mobius chair of metro the new god metron he invented mother boxes father boxes and boom tubes among other things his mobius chair is the only thing with a powerful enough connection to the source to purge fatherbox's soul from the technology contaminated i have never seen a father box completely override an organic system such a thing is worthy of study study it you need to stop it my son is dying in the chair mother box tell the chair to save vic [Music] [Applause] you're stabilized you'll be all right [Music] the justice league and star labs are pleased to announce the official opening of the first meta human youth center for children and teens victimized by meta-human trafficking what do we know and how do we know it what we know begins with these vr goggles manufactured by gretchen good's good world studios garfield logan learned the hard way that the goggles were designed to test for the metagene if the subject tests positive subliminal messages begin to brainwash the potential metahuman sending the subject to a specific location in the vicinity these locations seem to be depots trading posts for meta teens as we speak the justice league and the team are sending squads to take down all these depots simultaneously we got the beyond gig because of the tara connection what is the tara connection intel from another source a tip that the shadows handed tara over to someone named granny unfortunately granny was too generic a term could have meant anyone or anything but since gar made the good goggles connection we now believe granny refers to gretchen good's nickname in the popular press granny goodness a good shell company purchased an abandoned mall in greater bialya one of the meta depot locations the league hacked off the goggles we even found a list on the dark web of merchandise available for purchase at this depot note item 16 female age 15 earth powers tara this isn't just a depot it's a fight club for meta team gladiators starting beat for terror he's 500 000 us i see we have our first beat you are free now my sister free and safe no worries my friends a plan is in place we'll deal with these naughty children in our own good times great scott up ahead we're coming up on some kind of asteroid base one that's easily twice the size of the watchtower open fire for granny hail granny goodness hail darkseid the children i think we found them the missing eight from markovia no all of them the end point of the lights trafficking of metahumans to the forces of apocalypse that may not be the worst of it look at the size of this thing scans read all of the stolen elements within it so how's it going with the meta kids at the center mixed bag some are really having trouble but i wish there was some grand gesture i could make to truly inspire them that's the problem with the team the covert thing gets in the way of the inspiration thing something is missing okay i'll bite what a public version of the team young heroes rebelling against the system to fight the good fight in clear view the league can't do what we need because you're playing on the lights game board have you seen the headlines lately lex luthor's grip on the united nations the public fear of meta humans meditine trafficking bad guys like granny goodness and baron bedlam are capitalizing on all of it we're gonna break the rules the league can't we're gonna connect with people in ways that can't be blocked by governments we're gonna quiet the fears of the public terrified by the metagene generation and will do it all by inspiring that generation get on board or get out of the way so it is decided the covert team will now consist of miss martian super boy tigress halo 13 forager and tara while beast boy will lead wonder girl blue beetle kid flash static and geoforce in this new public squad but still covertly answer to the lead through miss martian so if you're not the young justice league who are you we're something new here to help people we're definitely not playing by the insider's rules we can't we are all outsiders aquaman was on scene to throw the fight oh no aquaman's hit so we could send in garfield's squad knowing that blue beetle would be our best bet against whispers reach tech the ivo drone and the monkeys those were damaged bots salvaged from ivo's last base by robin who repaired reprogrammed and operated them by remote control to fool the outsiders among others but not lex luthor no lex will know this was a setup but knowing and proving are two different things is that your excuse don't any of you see how truly compromising this is this is a war diana and which side are we on we're not simply hiding things anymore we have gone beyond lying to our comrades in the public now we're staging false events creating fake news merely to make our opponents look bad or the outsiders and by extension the rest of us look good even with the best of intentions that is crossing a line [Music] cards on the table boys why are you here two of my friends paid you a visit and disappeared you mean two of your friends broke into my home illegally take us to them those that require correction and discipline are brought here to my ex pill obey i said you could take your two friends i did not say he could take the mother box such behavior requires correction strike overlord kill the motherbox [Music] you you feel that yes [Music] thick and boom too hurry free wait [Music] coward crush that magic do not fear sister i will hear you now [Music] i already have plans for her catcher that gives me first rights to her i see overlord cerebral leash please i've fulfilled my part of the bargain i'm ready to depart with bryon and tara as promised you'll get what you're owed when we are good and ready would you care to see what we have planned for this mother box girl i admit i'm curious excellent motherbox rise overlord what is this this is an x-pit we're safe within the cube which protects us from the effects of the pit's ghost dimension side effects are somewhat deleterious to mind spirit and body in my proper role as matron of my master's orphanage i hone his young warriors and often use x-pits for discipline correction and to prepare a subject's brain for reprogramming it's quite effective in the short term but only because my children fear the consequences of returning to the pit my dirty little secret is that the process is flawed and impermanent free will has not been truly eliminated but after seeing a mother box trapped inside this organic form i formulated a theory do you see it's a reflex she can't help herself the close dimension has repolarized the power emanating from the mother boxes human flesh meaning what meaning she's the key to solving the entire life equation what is this anti-life equation i'd have thought that obvious life minus free will equals anti-life but the formula must be what tested happened another proof clearly motherbox is still connected to the source of all life but without the unfortunate technological safeguards metron built into all non-organic mother and father boxes so halo's organics make her the key to this anti-life equation with her connection to the source of life repolarized i believe it does the ghost dimension plus halo equals anti-life but one final test remains do you have truths you wish to share with your children doctor no i don't be modest dear spill your secrets i i only wanted to protect my kinder but hara and bryon are mine my creations after bedlam abducted the princess and brought her to my lab i destroyed the old tara drowned her what emerged was not demarco's human daughter no tara was reborn as a metahuman and met a human i had brought into this world she was now my daughter but when baron bedlam stole my girl away from me i swore revenge upon him but needed to forge a new weapon to get it breon is such a sweet boy at heart that manipulating him was child's play i planted seeds suddenly leading him to beg to become a meta when he had second thoughts i took the difficult decision out of his hands and brought my son into this world but the markups were hardly my only subjects there was also gabrielle after the king and queen's assassination the lamb wanted any potential witnesses removed gabrielle was sent to me but she tested negative for the metagene she was useless bedlam's thug wanted to shoot her right there in my lab but that would have made a mess so i put her to sleep with an overdose of morphine it was a lovely surprise to learn you had survived to become a metahuman i reasoned your genetic test had produced a false negative and that the morphine activated your meta gene i believe with all my heart that gabrielle had been reborn as my daughter violet just as brionne had been reborn as my son but how was i to stay near you both let alone find tara so i seduced jeff used him to reunite with my children but after learning the truth about gabrielle and the spirit of the mother box within her i began to suspect violet might not be my child my creation at all to be certain i tested violet's hair follicles and discovered my initial diagnosis was correct gabriel never had the metagene the girl was some kind of sick joke a corpse revivified by an alien machine and worse this thing was dating my son i had to separate them so i lied telling her she was dying even convincing her not to burden her friends with her illness anything to keep her dependent on me and drive a wedge between this pretender and my boy but i knew this subterfuge couldn't last and now that i was reunited with my children i was impatient to create more i contacted ultra humanite and in exchange for delivering this motherbox girl up to him he agreed to arrange our exits and set us up somewhere i could continue my work increasing the size of our family i'm sorry about the control chips but i couldn't take the chance of losing you again in time i'm sure they'll no longer be necessary of that i am now certain the light may keep its starro tech and control chips my master will have halo and through her anti-life it's no wonder darkseid insisted you give him halo the galactic balance of power will shift irrevocably once granny hands over this living key to the anti-life equation you'll find her a very well-behaved child just as i prefer i know you have a mother box i'm here to offer coordinates so you can boom tube to miss harper's location what's the catch the catch as you put it is this you promised to tell her abductor exactly who sent you we are almost certainly aboard granny goodness's asteroid base the league was staging a raid here today to liberate dozens of kidnapped medicines what a delightful test of the anti-life equation the justice league's biggest bullies enslaved in one fell swoop now the children motherbox your friends certainly make things easier by coming to us let violets go again the moment we enter brain blast everyone render all unconscious friend and foe alike you're joining them so too the entire population of your world well the meta population who are the only ones that will survive non-matters suffer from the process in a way that matters do not imagine every non-meta in the galaxy suffering before eventually dying it's truly glorious to contemplate please hurry there target that device well at long last rise children and bear witness the age of the anti-life equation is finally upon us the age of dark side begins i can reach out with my mind to anything on the web or the cloud or well anything electronic really building 16 a storage facility for props and costumes with no network connectivity and found a clear apocalyptic signature there a big sci-fi machine making a loud nefarious [Music] give me a second i can figure it out i speak its language you speak come on come on [Music] oh the old vic can't beat this bruiser so i better sub the new vic into the game now we're talking you're the true source of granny's power aren't you you're the techno cancer she's using to hurt my friends well guess who brought the tech no cure overlord who told you to end the lesson lesson one don't come to the party alone you with me absolutely [Music] no no if i hurry i can follow she'll lead me right to violet i knew it that machine kept granny separated in two i know you want to fix this but yes i remember i've been repolarized if i simply act on my instincts i'll continue to enslave everyone to the anti-life equation but i can't leave any of them like this and i believe there is a way rainbow power cool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign if you're wondering how we found you you can thank vandal savage he sent us and wanted you to know i failed you lord darkseid but all my works in your name including the implementation of the anti-life equation were sabotaged by none other than vandal savage vic violet i knew you'd make it good to be back indeed it is there's more good news the league will soon return to earth with hundreds of rescued meditains all in favor of vic joining the outsiders i i guess i'm an outsider yet another metahuman has joined beast boy's rebel squad of young heroes known as cyborg the newest outsider has already made a splash by releasing footage that places the blame for this deep space meta trafficking squarely on the back of media magnet gretchen good claiming that the much beloved granny goodness is actually an alien entity [Music] this is cell phone footage from earlier this evening frederick delam also known as baron bedlam escaped from a markovian prison and staged a coup with the help of metahumans and members of the military loyal to him look as you've probably guessed the league's been sidelined by u.n secretary general lex luthor and frankly by public opinion which luther's manipulated both sides know a win for brion and the outsiders will also help the league's cause a loss on the other hand that's why the bioship's crossing the vladivon border into markovian airspace at this very moment mcgann's leading gamma squad combining members of the team and the outsiders to prevent dr x from executing those loyal to king gregor marco meanwhile beta squad is preparing to boom tubes straight to markov bird to back up alpha squad who are taking the battle right to bedlam this will be a complete debacle for the outsiders proving what i've been saying in the media for months all heroes and metahumans must be registered and regulated worldwide my own team of young champions will quickly volunteer to register and infinity incorporated will supplant the justice league while the light fills its ranks with many humans under our control the current heroes will be rendered outlaws subject to arrest imprisonment even inhibitor collars but how to guarantee today's debacle if we use our mole her cover will be blown no doubt we believe the outcome worth the sacrifice any objections channel is secure proceed death stroke to tara the moment you've been waiting for is here on our signal you are to publicly kill garfield logan you kidnapped my sister murdered my parents betrayed crown and country geoforce no the outsiders are beacons of hope we don't deal out punishment bedlam caused all your misery do your job then nothing can stop you and brionne from executing glam kill beast boy now [Music] what are you doing do it kill him tara listen you don't have to do what death stroke says death stroke how does she i thought this channel was secure you can be forgiven tara the choice is yours well we wondered who else would be on the other end of this line now we know mr secretary prince prion brought down the tyrant the lamb who staged the coup after escaping prison after murdering our king and queen speaks only you have the strength to rule markovia with the full support of the military i had to do it don't you see you crossed a line we don't cross you murdered that man grayson's people in their masks a coup on live television an outsider executing an enemy and declaring himself king i can easily frame the argument now for heroes to be registered and regulated the light is though lex satisfied some legal issues to resolve the rest of the news is good agreed king breon now leads a puppet kingdom thanks in no small part to our newest members influence my limited meta psychic ability does come in handy to nudge people toward their own worst impulses no need to be modest fijad your services are much appreciated now i'm sure you're all wondering about my recent trip to apocalypse darkseid and i rattled the sabers at each other over our mutual sense of betrayal we hear our differences but manage to find common ground and reconfirm our partnership of course his search for the anti-life equation continues so we must prepare while keeping eyes on this halo she could be the key to our final victory stay back i think not you are my granddaughter and you are my grandson for you are both the children of the children of my intellect i am impressed with how you both have survived and evolved my technology as halo and cyborg you have become extremely important players in the coming galactic conflict no need to be modest i will enjoy watching your continued evolution assuming darkseid does not kill you since you both present great obstacles to his plans thanks for coming everyone word's spreading fast we might as well get it out in the open batman wonder woman aquaman miss martian oracle robin and i have been running a secret task force coordinating all our teams and squads in an attempt to beat the light at their own game we kept it a secret in a misguided attempt to protect you we've had successes failures compromises deceptions and betrayals it is now clear that despite our best intentions we made a mistake so i hereby resign as co-chair of the league effective immediately as do i i'm stepping down as leader of the team as well which means we need a new leader one who has consistently acted as the conscience of the league and although i'm not a member i'd like to take the liberty of nominating black lightning seconded all current leaguers present and in favor aye and aboard the javelin i from here on out we will not keep secrets from each other we need each other to know each other's secrets to keep each other on the straight and narrow in this league the ends will not justify the means we will not sink to using the methods of our enemies we will keep our covert team not for the sake of it being covert but because it affords our young heroes a place to learn out of the spotlight but otherwise like the outsiders we must live in each other's spotlights ah if we fail while doing right then at least we went down swinging on our own terms but in the long term we will not fail holding firm to our principles will guide us to an honorable victory now let's get down to business you
Channel: DC
Views: 1,787,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Young Justice, Young Justice Season 2, Young Justice Season 3, Young Justice tv series, Young Justice TV Show, HBO Max, DC, DC Universe, dc comic books, dc entertainment, comic books, dc comics, dcu, comics, superman, clark kent, connor kent, superboy, Danica McKellar, Miss Martian, Megan Morse, Jesse McCartney, Nightwing, Tigress, Artemis Crock, Bruce Greenwood, Bruce Wayne, Batman, Wally West, kid flash, Forager, Aquaman, Black Lightning, Arsenal, red arrow, Lex Luthor
Id: KIg4rprmO9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 30sec (3030 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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