Young Justice Season 2 Crash Course | Young Justice | HBO Max

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[Music] [Music] and i don't care how many years you've trained as robin then nightwing [Music] [Music] happy valentine's day artemis you remembered i don't have to read your mind to know how you feel connor but the breakup was your idea don't pretend you don't know why ripping intel from the minds of your victims with no concern for what it does to their psyches and leaving your victims in a catatonic state it's not right mcgahn i was hoping i mattered enough to you to make you stop i didn't think you tried to tamper with my mind try to make me forget i was upset with you after all we've been through how could you think i wouldn't recognize your touch inside my mind i had not believed nightwing until this moment how could you betray us you dare question me he has joined forces with our king's greatest enemy do you mean the king who hid from me the true identity of my father that was my error in judgment calderon no one else needs suffer for it all will suffer if black manta demands it blood is thicker than seawater i have nothing to say to any of you nothing to explain nothing to justify nothing it's not what it looks like i needed to find speedy the real roy harper a search like that is expensive especially when the rest of you have all given up roy you know we both spent years looking for the original speedy and everyone else here did the same we never found him because the light didn't keep him alive and before you round back to the original roy again let's face the facts he was never our friend we've all done the math speedy was abducted before any of us met you're the guy we trained beside fought beside you're the only you we know you're our friend just cause you're clone with anger management issues doesn't change that [Music] i'm still your wife legally grants me certain privileges to knock sense into you roy i left because your obsession with finding speedy was all-consuming there wasn't room in your life for anything else or anyone not me and not our daughter we we have a daughter leon when harper she needs her father roy you have to get your head on straight for her and that means you need to exercise speedy's ghost once and for all so while i was away i called in every chip i had i got us a lead red one last chance to find the original roy harper [Music] lex luthor in the light this criminal organization he works with abducted you they amputated your arm they needed an endless supply of your dna to perfect their human cloning process so that's what you are a clone he's edited to metropolis metropolis why would he oh no only one reason to get revenge on the man who stole his life in his arm he's going after lex luthor i came prepared how do i know it's not booby-trapped i suppose you don't what's in the case satisfaction it's not elegant won't fool anyone into thinking it's actual flesh and blood but it's more powerful and versatile than the model luther gave his own bodyguard and it'll literally make me a living weapon no one's putting me on ice again ever speedy you sure you're okay speedy died eight years ago [Music] but i kind of like the sound of arsenal [Music] totally unclear on the why but earthlings are persona non-grata in rand's corner of the galaxy and these six leaguers are wanted criminals what batman it's the missing 16 hours agreed five years ago vandal savage took complete mental control of the entire justice league these exact six leaders went missing for 16 hours never even occurred to us that vandal might have sent us into space not all of us are leakers i can send a squad to handle the rand end of things and to find out more about those missing 16 hours without causing an intergalactic incident tell them about rimboard tell them about the 16 hours it may be easier to show you [Music] i successfully interrogated a proletaine general on iran who had paid off a member of the iranian science command to allow the proletaines to land a secret base in the iranian jungle once there the croatians stole zeta platform technology from adam strange's friend sardaf they landed another ship in new orleans and used the zeta platforms to beam a few hundred crolotans to earth they built more platforms brought in more proletarians and began abducting and replacing humans and what does any of this have to do with the 16 hours well it turns out you were teleported to a planet called rimbar where you spent 16 hours on a rampage attacking everyone and everything in sight and announcing in several alien languages that you were the justice league from earth and that the rest of the galaxy should be where that's why the crueltains came the league itself brought earth to their attention the crowlets hands were snatching humans to use as guinea pigs they were hoping to find something something inside us what there's no english word for it the nearest translation is metagene what's a meta gene a genetic marker indicating the potential of an individual human to survive catastrophic physical trauma by adapting new abilities the medellin allows certain humans to develop superhuman powers queen bee was acting as a middle man delivering abducted humans to an unknown partner how long will you be gone however long it takes to clear our names connell but we will be back little brother may the gods be with you all [Music] [Applause] i can only repeat again what we have said all along the justice league that is my fellow defendants and myself never meant to attack rimbore or its inhabitants we are not conquerors not criminals our only interest is in peace forgive us superman if we who represent the polyglotcher of rimbour find that difficult to swallow nevertheless it is the truth we had no control over our actions in fact as stated previously we were under the complete mental domination of an earth villain named vandal savage why would one savage do that to another that's still unclear [Music] connor you know we have to maintain the illusion that superman manhunter and the other leaguers who went into space are still on earth we can't let our enemies know how short-handed the justice league is right now i'm not happy about this he knows we're trying to leave the life behind don't blame nightwing the decision was mine you're freaking out over nothing what could go wrong artemis behind you welcome back artemis i got you hang on she's dead where's nightwing he should be here he went to tell wally [Music] wally no [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back i take it our ruse was successful almost too successful the team in the league were in mourning they may never forgive us hang on and still only we four know the secret [Music] this secret and the other that you've been under deep cover within black mantas organization since leaving the team had it go on that end successful as well i've proven my loyalty to my biological father he is moving me up the ladder bringing me closer to the light please allow me to officially introduce calderon my son he has succeeded in every mission we appreciate initiative vision and strong family ties welcome to the light calrum so what now glamour charm courtesy of zatanna physiomorphic spell i think she said it backwards wow you look exactly the same to the four of us and only us but to anyone else you're an entirely different person all right get those pods open we're on a schedule and calderon does not tolerate delay murderer now mccann mcgahn gelder mcgann what have you done i thought he had killed you [Music] you've no idea what your secrets have done to us what does that mcgann believe calder had killed artemis so when she found him on the reed ship she fried his brain that's got to be why artemis grabbed her to try and save calder's broken mind but mcgann doesn't know how to do that now sing my son or die we have a visual on the new aliens aka the crowletan's competitor aka the light's partner a small group of extraterrestrials the reach have arrived at united nations headquarters in new york city thanks cat and yes folks it seems earth's finally met some aliens who know how to get it right the reach comes to your world as friends we come with open arms extending our hands our reach if you will to help what is the reach millennia ago they were conquerors and it took the entire green lantern corps to check their advance that led to a treaty signed with the guardians of the universe now the reach can only lay claim to a world if invited but if earth has invited them no lantern may go back there ever perhaps i might be of some help such a shame your hall was destroyed i suppose it is fortunate you still have your other headquarters the one in orbit above us now what is it you call that one the watchtower what oh i'm sorry was that fact not for public consumption did you hear that folks the justice league has their own eye in the sky spying on the very planet they purport to protect thank goodness for honest allies like the rich and wise men like secretary sang who has invited our new friends to extend this day on earth the reach used our own secrets against us beat us without firing a shot the reach abductees are of two types those with a known superpower and those with the potential to develop one the reach i think seeks to cultivate the medicine and weaponize it which is probably what brought the reach and the crolitayans here in the first place all thanks to the light sending the league to rimbore and putting earth and its heroes square in the galactic spotlight lexcorp farms where the rich has partnered with noted philanthropist lex luthor to increase food production obviously any partnership between the reach and lex luthor is bad news alpha squad is going undercover to recon lexcorp farms what's in those tubes just water nutrients and a little reach slash lex corp love there hungarias the contents of that bin are non-terrestrial in origin you're scared we all had assumed it was an invention of the previous blue beetle but now it seems clear the reach created it but they can't control it jaime that may make you our best weapon against them yeah something like that on somehow the reach gets you on mode and blue beetle becomes the biggest baddest big bad in history don't make me tell you again you are of the rich and can not escape it my name is and obviously obviously but it's the beetle thing that's got us wondering how are you connected to the reach two of your earth years ago i stumbled upon a scallop which attached itself to my person from the scarab i learned of the reach and their plan for the galaxy millennia ago they sent out one scat up to every planet sporting primitive life the scatter bonds with and takes full control over its native host giving the reach an advanced operative for their inevitable invasion but my scarab malfunctioned and didn't take full control that's why the reach wants to reboot it by killing me amazing how one little bottle contains everything the body needs or more accurately everything the reach needs it to need and we brought back a sample of the alien additive for analysis this consumable contains the reach's additive which combines microscopic quantities of two chemicals one is a dopamine polymerase the other an adrenaline inhibitor taken over generations they will slowly addict the entire population to reach and make the people of earth placid the additive also contains a mitochondrial marker which works as a metagene tracer allowing the reach to identify and isolate potential superpowered individuals making it easier to harvest and weaponize the metagene if the reach controls earth and exploits or expands its meta population does that not have long-term implications for who rules the galaxy my skatup has accessed the reaches database for intelligence on the approaching threat it is called the war world a massive artificial satellite slightly smaller than earth's moon it is a mobile doomsday weapon created millennia ago by a now understandably extinct alien race it is self-powering and self-sustaining thanks to an endless supply of worker drones providing repair and battle drones providing security the war world was reactivated by a crystal key long thought lost yet somehow the war world's current commander found it that commander mongol now sits at the war world's helm which receives and transmits his every thought allowing him to control all of the world's functions trajectory weapons and drones without moving a muscle who is this mango long ago he was the sole dictator of his home planet but he was ousted by another tyrant and is determined to reclaim his throne so what does that have to do with us mongol has determined that the surest way to take back his world is to first conquer the entire galaxy one can only assume he now views earth as a threat to that plan and so he comes with literally enough firepower to destroy your world [Music] i used my natural shape-shifting abilities to reach inside my scalp and ensure it could never take control ah too bad you can't reach inside my scarab wait a minute you can you can reach inside my spirit green you're totally up for my buddy blue's grill i'll back off or nothing he did it he fixed me great what does that mean the scarab it's silent as green rebooted your scarab to control the meat inside so you must control the natives of this world enlarging the reaches foothold in the galaxy [Music] mongol is down and contained and i'll just take this for safekeeping well the gang's all here but i believe we've acquired value for the cost quite the value indeed thank you thank you all but it is i should express gratitude to you ambassador for giving a normal average human being like me the power of the reach the power to save the world hey you're lex luthor in the flesh and you would be virgil hawkins the sami quiz with me you know us know you my boy i've been watching over you for weeks even arranged the power outage that facilitated your escape from star not to mention the timely arrival of the press which enabled you to evade blue beetle who has become an agent of the reach but you work with the reach you make the refresco their beverage true but i've come to suspect they've been using me for their own ends and i think you know what that feels like what do you want to empower you not metapowers you're doing just fine on that front instead i want to help the four of you finally take control of your own destinies oh nice one ty you are seriously getting a handle on your power thanks virgil but i'd rather get a handle on the scarab that turned my man jaime into the reach's little blue poppet if you truly want to hit the reach where it hurts i believe i can show you the way one of nine young heroes captured by the reach those guys saved us from the reach precisely care to return the favor and in the process strike a critical blow against the reach dude you're asking us to go inside the war world and rescue superheroes if they got caught what chance do we have i'm in there's no way the reach expects us with the element of surprise and our powers we're the only ones who might actually stand a chance besides we all i think congratulations are in order no train no guidance and yet you pulled it off when we get back after a debrief there might be a place for all of you with the team wow really so now that we saved your butts you're cool with us not being star labs guinea pigs so until you prove yourself a team player you have no place on this team now let's get aboard and get out of here we can discuss this further when we're not behind enemy lines sounds like there's nothing left to discuss see we don't need your help getting back to earth all your offer to join the team we have our own way of doing things what do you say bro want to ride with us sounds like a plan wait is that a home please so am i right in thinking congratulations are in order lex luthor's got you running his errands on the war world this guy's the reason i'm missing eight years of my life and my arm don't you get it he didn't care if you rescue the team he was using you as a distraction to lure black beetle away from the crystal key so one of his other pawns could steal it deathstroke's more of a bishop actually but i'm not sure i understand the problem you rescued the heroes and dealt a blow to the reach isn't that exactly what i promised you [Music] no more promises [Music] elder i am sorry please let me help you help no ruins all ruins but it doesn't have to be ruins we can fix things symbols say together so you and aqualad are playing manta in the light for chumps i can live with that baby girl we both want to keep your sister safe so we played it out love then you look this reminds me of me so i know dad was only here to protect his rep but you risked everything to offend me you can't get out before he captures you again right right and sorry about what [Music] [Music] my son is whole again [Music] seeing me in mortal danger was the final catalyst his recovery required i truly feel blessed congratulations the first kills are always the hardest my boy might as well get them over with scare please we've got side by side with these guys do something i must do as design parameters dictate here you are sure you got the power for this me no [Music] but i'll summon it from those who do oh yeah them cece phoenix and barracks evict message [Music] you will all die [Music] [Music] it worked jaime and bars or are back in control of their own bodies so spill how did you know how to cure us that temple wasn't even the reaches database bumblebee and i first came across it months ago on another mission i couldn't help noticing the blue scarab imagery and recorded a holographic file of the symbols in hieroglyphics dr fate was able to translate the glyphs which revealed a mystic ceremony the ancients had used to cleanse the scarab of reach control that's why my scarab was off mood when i found it i have been cleansed upon landing on earth 4 000 years ago because the ritual used magic of human origin fate a lord of order could not perform it so he prepped me instead meanwhile batgirl and i got with the hacking starting with the computer files of the previous blue beetle the late ted cord ted's files revealed that an archaeologist named dan garrett first discovered both the temple and the scarab in 1939 it fused with him the way it fused with you but dan assumed it was some kind of mystic artifact and he used it to become the first blue beetle of modern times when dan passed away he left the scarab to his protege ted cord but cord quickly realized the scarab was alien technology since he wasn't about to let an alien device fuse to his spine he locked the scarab away but garrett still inspired ted to become the second blue beetle even with no superpowers i hear those are optional anyway ted suspected the light wanted the scarab back in play he tried to stop them from stealing it and paid the ultimate price that's where you came in the reach has come with grievances against the light please explain how the young earth champions were allowed access to the bialyan scarab temple under your control we acknowledge your concerns over the actions of my former team if the reach had been more forthcoming about how long ago their scarab was sent to infiltrate earth with a beetle warrior the light might have made the connection to the temple and certainly would have provided better security for it the light has provided everything the reach required and you aliens have let it all slip away you allowed the young heroes you kidnapped to be rescued by the very teenagers whose metagenes you enhanced after allowing their escape as well remember the earth is now the property of the reach and per our original agreement the light is merely our favored agents amongst the humans show the proper respect or suffer the consequences should we not be concerned that superman batman the lanterns and the rest will soon return to earth and once again sway public opinion to their side great one this is a glamour charm created i'd wager by zatanna or dr fate to hide artemis's true identity but kaldaram killed artemis that means aqualad duped them all including his own father the light takes care of its own calder it's too late father i have already won if you are watching this then your summit is truly over the light and the reach deserve each other both sides play at being partners but the reach believes the light to be their naive tools of conquest when in fact the light has manipulated the reach from day one shut this off how it was the light that brought earth to the rich's attention by sending the justice league to renmore the lights set their trap and the reach snapped at the bait fulfilling the light's desire to thrust our world into the galactic spotlight part of their perverse survival of the fittest scheme for the planet which they believe will transform the earth and the light into the eventual rulers of the milky way though the light made a deal to help the reach take earth they have also sabotaged the reach's efforts they kept the enhanced medites out of the rich's hands they added a neutralizing agent to the reach's drink so earth's population would not become servile they turned public opinion against the reach and they intentionally allowed the team access to the scarab temple to cleanse blue and green beetle so you see any agenda either side imagined they shared was not but a carefully crafted illusion i trust i have shattered that illusion as well as whatever remains of this sorry alliance good night the light is fortunate we do not carve up your planet as we speak that would indeed impress as i have the war world's crystal key that is all i needed to know calder you're alive and i always heard the great one was such a gentleman impossible deathstroke killed you both just for a little while after all i wouldn't want to do any permanent damage to my best friends not when a little misdirection and hollywood special effects will do instead for we value our true friends and unlike you we are not short on them there vandy no wonder our successes mount you consistently underestimate us it is true the light has always underestimated these young heroes but no more it is time i had hoped to end this tonight but savage escape with clarion go and lead me as did black beetle and the reaches head scientists luther and queen bee never showed and even ray shall go no doubt are you kidding me calder you won one dude dude you triumphed you've crippled the reach and literally broken the light in half even took down deathstroke before the summit and since we holographically recorded the entire deal we'll be able to use the bad guy's own words against them to clear the justice league all charges are dropped effective immediately the justice league owes its freedom and reputation to you and the team after a unanimous vote secretary tsang officially rescinded the reach's invitation to stay on our world and demanded they leave immediately the green lantern corps will soon be on their way the war world has left orbit i assume under the command of savage then the entire summit was merely employed to remove me from my post guarding the key chamber fine the meat can have their way the reach will leave this world but won't that leave behind evidence of our tampering with this planet in violation of our treaty with the guardians of the universe no not after we destroy the earth [Music] what have you done it is over we have won no we lost it's black beetles mfds the magnetic field disrupters that reach seated in multiple locations across the earth they're causing a deterioration of the planet's magnetic field which in turn is causing these not so natural disasters i can locate all the mfps but each is defended by beetle tech drones programmed to run interference until the mfd can build up enough steam to go chrysalis and in the world lex corp has developed anti-reach software a virus that should disable their magnetic field disruptors now i believe time is of the essence blue beetle has located 20 mfds around the world there's 40 of us assembled here so you'll be in squads of two just a few more should do it you will all be issued multiple reach tech eggs containing my anti-reach virus software while one hero runs interference with the drones the other only has to physically touch his or her egg against an mfd to disable it the mission was a success we have done it we missed one the earth's magnetic field is still being disrupted who to watch tower i'm reading a 21st mfd in the arctic hidden from my previous scans by earth's north magnetic pole sending coordinates flash to watchtower magnetic field disrupter it's already gone chrysalis i'm not sure the egg is useless now you're too late together you and impulse should be able to negate the chrysalis by running counter to its energy flow is it really that simple i wouldn't call it simple you'll be attempting to siphon its power with your own speed trails it'll take a massive amount of kinetic energy do you think it'll be enough record guys kid flash b zero three i think it just might be working it's definitely slowing but not stopping even at our top speed i'm not certain the two of us can generate enough kinetic energy then how about the three of us i may not be as fast as you two but i can add my fair share of kinetic energy there is a problem mine is the kid flash is in danger his slower speed is making him an exit valve for the crystal energy 16 seconds he will cease cease cease what bart we have to slow down more try to siphon off some of the energy attacking wall-e it's no good barry oh man artemis is so gonna kill me for this and don't even get me started on mom and dad kid just tell them okay kid where's wally he loved you the crisis has passed though at a terrible cost i am now officially returning command of the team back to you congratulations calderon this is unnecessary you have done brilliant work leading the team under the most trying of circumstances which is exactly why i'm thrilled to have this particular monkey off my back this is no time for you to resign i'm not resigning just taking a leave of absence besides if you need help barbara's more than ready to step up welcome to the team virgil call me static catchy so what about your pals i take it they declined our invitation well arsenal was always more of a solo act and the others are getting out of the game since when are tim and cassie a couple since wally you know it was kind of a life is short thing it gave cassie the courage to kiss him well that kind of courage can be hard to come by having stopped the reach invasion and broken the light in half the team will now operate out of the watchtower side by side with the league not because mount justice was destroyed but because you earned it [Music] guess what folks sang finally resigned you're welcome now his successor has not yet been chosen but i think we all know only one man qualifies lex luthor you have got to be kidding me the war world's been activated it's leaving earth's orbit the rest of your gamma and will investigate batgirl's lead on vandal savage's next move [Music] business as usual [Music] you
Channel: DC
Views: 888,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Young Justice, Young Justice Season 2, Young Justice Season 3, Young Justice tv series, Young Justice TV Show, HBO Max, DC, DC Universe, dc comic books, dc entertainment, comic books, dc comics, dcu, comics, superman, clark kent, connor kent, superboy, Danica McKellar, Miss Martian, Megan Morse, Jesse McCartney, Nightwing, Tigress, Artemis Crock, Bruce Greenwood, Bruce Wayne, Batman, Wally West, kid flash, Forager, Aquaman, Black Lightning, Arsenal, red arrow, Lex Luthor
Id: sehtkV9h8OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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