Superman - All Fights Scenes | Young Justice S01-S04

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oh and Superman do we keep our promises or what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I had that I didn't want to take the chance I know but Superman wait Arrow slow down what's attacking no I'm definitely available coordinates acknowledged on my way sorry Super Boy duty calls [Music] already got the alert Bruce I know Clark talk [Music] what [Music] to uphold the values of Truth Liberty and Justice that's uh last ones even in the name [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] sure about this let's do it [Music] the team did good work here you did good work thanks so I heard you took a name uh yeah Connor Kent my secret identity is Clark Kent I didn't know I wasn't trying to no the thing is I'm glad Connor Kent it seems right thank you where you spend 16 hours on a rampage attacking everyone and everything instead nice aim x-ray vision IG Superman triple Cabo over here quadruple nice listen I'm not trying to hurt you a bomb is set to explode beneath this base there are too many of you to carry individually but if you board your ship I will fly you all to safety please [Music] how long will you be gone however long it takes to clear our names Connell but we will be back little brother Brave Heroes of the Justice League trial before the Guardians don't hear a heartbeat moment Great Scott up ahead we're coming up on some kind of asteroid base so screw their Shields hitting Target he had an inclusion or failed to [Music] underwhelming security stay welmed we're not out of this yet stay what oh uh guess I picked that up from the children I think we found them the missing Ape from markovia no all of them [Music] stop we don't want to hurt you good makes it easier to hurt you you saved me [Music] Wonder Woman Aquaman catwalk above their leader go [Music] good Ness [Music] good Ness [Music] hey cow what are you doing here I mean I'm glad to see you but it's a long story I know this is a weird time to ask but would you be my best man of course wait what I swear no one makes my head spin like that kid no one [Music] I can see the kidnapped kids inside our Rescue Mission still wait the device has been activated brace yourself Seattle [Music] it's working keep pouring it on another thing if you're wondering let's check on those meditating prisoners I think we'll find the markovian eight and many others who'd appreciate a return ticket to Earth [Music] is is the heat affecting him too no Kryptonite traces on I just want to get the tractor up on blocks then we'll be right oh no you two will get to talking and we'll be waiting on you for an hour put that thing down and come wash up yes ma'am my friend Clark said you wanted to see me um okay thank Clark for us on my way I have to go good luck to us all come on Cal you don't play fair please I'm all about fair play come on I'll go first stop [Music] I have reason to believe it is Superman and a rhino rushed forward to take it regulated me but you also saved me so I'm giving you one chance stand down for the future of new Krypton for the future of Earth they're good but not in sync let's go for the Cabo [Music] thank you [Music] sorry General should have waited for your troops and you should have learned on Krypton never mess with that it'll all have been worth it and I also want to welcome Superboy back to Earth but if his powers are Awakening if he's learning to hover wait I heard crying is he crying is he cranky Lois his eyes are they red glowing red no did you say no Lois you're breaking up Lois Lois can you hear me Lois cyborg I need a boom tube no
Channel: Gotchu
Views: 470,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #youngjustice, #blackadam, #dc, #fights, #justiceleague, #superman, #yj, #jlu, #dcamu, #dcau, #manofsteel, #clarkkent, #kalel, #clark, #kent, #supergirl, #krypto, #steel, #super, #dccomics, #dccomic, #comic, #teentitans, #justiceleagueofamerica
Id: L25d6Q7H0Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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