Young Girl's Murder Solved 26 YEARS Later (S5, E3) | Cold Case Files | Full Episode

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[music playing] Well, we started riding around, drinking beer early in the afternoon. There was a young lady pulled up on the driver's side of the traffic light. And Terry made an obscene gesture towards her. And when she turned to the left, he got her off the road. And he took her car by some water. And then it dawned on me, and I said, you killed that girl, didn't you? And then he told me, yeah, he had. And he said, you better not ever tell anybody about this. Because you were here with me, and you'll go to prison the rest of your life just like I will. [music playing] We were very frustrated with the search effort. And we were just trying to do whatever we could. There was nothing else to do but to go look for mom, and-- NARRATOR: Mike and Jeff Jones have a problem. On April 16, 1979, they reported their mother Harriet Simmons missing. The day before, Harriet had climbed into her car in Raleigh, North Carolina for a weekend road trip to Nashville. The drive should have taken eight hours. Five days later, she still has not arrived. It was totally out of character for my mom not to call, you know, when we knew she would, because her kids were her life. And she would never go that long and not be in touch with them. NARRATOR: Ronnie Dement is Harriet's son-in-law. He joins the search and begins to retrace the route she would have taken to Nashville. After 2 and 1/2 hours of driving, he finds Simmons's car parked in the exit ramp leading out of a rest stop. RONNIE DEMENT: Seeing the car where it was, I know it was out of character that her mom would never stop the car in that position. I just knew something happened as she was leaving that rest area. I didn't know what, but I knew she would never stop her car there. NARRATOR: Ronnie pulls over and calls 911. Inside the car, police find that Simmons's keys and purse are missing. In the back sits a flat tire, an indication that Harriet might have had car trouble and perhaps had asked a stranger for help. We pretty much knew that she had had a flat tire, and whoever stopped to help her probably did something to her. It was a new car. Who leaves, I mean, a new car in her situation, a brand new car that was in running condition and working order. MICHAEL JONES: But at the same time, I would like to say, you got to remember, all of us were very young right then and impressionable. And perhaps we didn't know everything that needed to be known. Now we can see-- NARRATOR: Back in Franklinton, North Carolina, Harriet Simmons's seven children are anxious, waiting for some word about their mom. In 1979, the siblings ranged in age from 9 to 22 and suspect police are not taking the disappearance seriously. Remains were found. They acted as if she was a runaway mother. You know, they stereotyped-- she's single, she's da, da, da. And until-- I mean, I actually remember talking to an investigator and them actually saying, know the oldest one of you guys is 19, or 21. And they just basically treated us like we were a bunch of little kids crying, hey, I want my mommy. Where is she? NARRATOR: Without a body and with no prints or other usable evidence from inside the car, the investigation into Harriet Simmons's disappearance quickly goes nowhere. 11 months pass, and then the other shoe drops. Simmons's disappearance matures into an undeniable case of murder. MIKE WRIGHT: I got the call around mid-morning that a passing motorist had found a skull in the woods. NARRATOR: Mike Wright is a crime scene investigator for the Buncombe County Sheriff, 260 miles out of Raleigh. He heads into a patch of woods just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. MIKE WRIGHT: The skull had been moved from the location of the rest of the probably by animal activity. And so we did a grid search of the surrounding area and then located articles of clothing and additional bones and evidence in the leaves. We opened the box, found-- NARRATOR: Medical examiner Dr. John Butts determines the victim to be a white female between 45 and 55 years old. He notes four cuts in the victim's clothing and four nearly identical cuts in the victim's bones. What we're looking at here is one of the ribs on the left side. And right here above the label, you can see a little nick and the bone. So we put those together, the injuries to the bones, the injuries to the clothing, the fact that we have a relatively young individual. And the conclusion would be that she's died as a result of being stabbed. NARRATOR: Within a week, state investigators provide dental records on a missing woman. Dr. Butts compares the records to the Jane Doe and determines that she is Harriet Simmons. A phone call is made to Harriet's children back in Franklinton. Of course, it's always a shadow hanging over your head. Again, we were so relieved that she was found, and we were able to bury her. But of course you want someone to be caught for it. NARRATOR: The discovery of a body moved Simmons's case from a disappearance to an unsolved homicide. The result, however, is the same, no suspects and no leads in the investigation. Meanwhile, a second body turns up 18 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville, North Carolina. MIKE WRIGHT: I was at home and it was around 4 o'clock in the morning. And the dispatcher called and said that a body had been located-- NARRATOR: As sunrise creeps up the back of the Smoky Mountains, CSI Mike Wright takes another call for another body, this time, on the banks of the French Broad River. And she had been stabbed to the chest. And a local resident here had heard her call for help when she had crawled up out of the water. And he had attempted to give CPR. NARRATOR: The neighbor tells police that the girl died in his arms. In this case, we had victims that were dead-- NARRATOR: Dave Bossard works the scene as an investigator for the Sheriff's department. She told him that she had been stabbed and thrown in the river and left for dead. And he did have somewhat of a conversation with her while he was waiting for the ambulance to arrive. NARRATOR: The victim carries no ID and has suffered multiple stab wounds. Even as CSI works the scene, a second call comes in about a car found eight miles upstream. City Police officers who initially found the car, they had been contacted by a Southern Railway dispatcher. The train crew had seen the car while the train was crossing this trestle here. And the vehicle was in the river about 20 feet off the shore, upriver from the bridge. And the car was partially submerged about 20 feet off the bank. We had no crime scene to work with-- NARRATOR: Police wonder if the vehicle is related to the murder downstream. They track the license plates to a local family and a woman named Margaret McConnell. They said that they had found the car in the river. And they explained what had happened. And they asked some of the family to come downtown. NARRATOR: Margaret McConnell tells police that her 21-year-old daughter Betty Sue had taken the car to work earlier that evening and Never came home. Two hours later, Betty Sue McConnell is IDed as the murder victim. I can't explain how we felt, how it was most terrible thing I'd ever gone through. NARRATOR: Local detectives begin working the case with the help of the State Bureau of Investigation. Detective Wright and I, along with other officers, went to the McConnell residence to try to find out as much as we could about Betty Sue and her acquaintances and that sort of thing. NARRATOR: Betty Sue McConnell worked the night shift at a donut shop frequented by railroad workers. She had left work at 1:00 AM on the night she was killed. It would have been physically possible for someone to have killed the victim at the other location, driven the car back here, pushed the car into the river here, and climbed up a very small embankment following along the trestle, and be back to the railroad yard where all the railroad workers would be expected to be within a matter of minutes. There were quite a few railroad men that would come and go in the course of two or three days. Once we determined who all was there, we had to find out where they lived and try to interview them that way. NARRATOR: While a team of detectives begins eliminating suspects, police process the victim's car. The car, which had been in the river, of course, the river had run through it. And it had to be dried before it could be processed for evidence. NARRATOR: A forensic examination of the vehicle yields no prints, no blood, nothing in the way of a lead. After three months of legwork, detectives are resigned to their luck. Betty Sue McConnell's case joins Harriet Simmons's in the cold files where both will stay for 19 year until a recovering alcoholic feels the sobering sting of conscience. Ain't no one could ever be as hard on me as I've been on myself. I should have done this. I could have done that. But at the time, it was just-- I was totally freaking out. [guitar music playing] I tried to carry on a very rich family tradition heritage as a storyteller. (SINGING) I found a job in the city. NARRATOR: At Asheville, North Carolina, Jerry Harmon is known as the "Smoky Mountain Gypsy," a keeper of the Appalachian oral history, a singer, and songwriter. (SINGING) But his heart won't ever go alone. I grew up very much around storytelling and was a storyteller myself. And the most devastating thing that ever happened to me was a story that I felt I couldn't tell, I was afraid to tell. When I was a kid sitting out on the front porch with my daddy and my grandpa and my grandma-- NARRATOR: For 19 years, Harmon has held a close secret, one kept at Bay by a combination of fear and booze. JERRY HARMON: I lived in a bottle for a long time. I climbed inside of a bottle, and I stayed there. And I didn't feel anything. And then the time came when that didn't work anymore. And finally, it, just got to the point to where it was just unbearable. I sat him down in my office, and he began talking about a case from 1979. NARRATOR: As Buncombe County Sheriff's Captain Pat Hefner listens, Jerry Harmon begins to talk about a night 19 years past. JERRY HARMON: I knew things that the police officers, that the law enforcement needed to know about. I knew that I had been with someone who had committed cold-blooded murder. Well, we started riding around drinking beer early in the afternoon, probably noon, I guess. And we just rode around and drank and partied all day. NARRATOR: In August of 1979, Jerry Harmon is 19 years old and hanging out with a new pal, 22-year-old Terry Hyatt. At 2:30 AM, the two men leave a bar and get into Hyatt's truck. There was a young lady pulled up on the driver's side at a traffic light. And Terry made an obscene gesture towards her. And then, when she turned to the left, he ran her off the road. And then he jumped out and ran up to her car and jerked the door open, and yelled back at me and said, follow me. And he jumped in her car and took off. NARRATOR: Harmon follows behind Terry Hyatt who drives a few miles and then turns down a dirt road. And then he got the girl out of the car, came back to the truck, got into the truck with her. And I got away from there. And it's obvious what was going on, he was raping this young lady. And I was just terrified. And then, when he finished, I remember he came up to me and said-- you know, asked me if I was going [audio out] Well, he got in her car and started driving up and down the road extremely fast. And I remember telling her, get out of here, go, leave. And she kept saying, that's my sister's car. I can't leave my sister's car. And I said, forget your sister's car. Just get away from here. NARRATOR: The young woman, however, does not leave. Hyatt returns, pulls her back into her car, and once again tells Harmon to follow. And no one could ever be as hard on me as I've been on myself. I should have done this. I could have done that. But at the time, it was just-- I was totally freaking out. And I just followed it. I couldn't comprehend what was happening, why did I not try to do something. But still, the thought had never occurred to me that actually someone was going to die. That just didn't seem real. Then we went, and he took her car by some water. NARRATOR: Hyatt pulls the girl out of the car and begins walking towards the water. JERRY HARMON: And then I heard this girl scream. And it was-- I assumed he was raping or again or something. I mean, that's what I figured was going on. Then he came back up there. And then it dawned on me, I didn't hear the girl anymore. And I said, you killed that girl didn't you? And then he told me, yeah, he had. NARRATOR: Hyatt drives the girl's car a few miles upstream and runs it into the river. JERRY HARMON: Well, I was just freaked out. And he said, you better not ever tell anybody about this. Because you were here with me, and you'll going to prison the rest of your life, just like I will. NARRATOR: For 19 years, Harmon never breathed a word. Now he tells it all to Pat Hefner, including the place where the woman's car was dumped, the French Broad River. And that's what keyed me off, because I knew that they had recovered a body at or near the French Broad River from 1979 or 1980. So I began researching the ones from 1979 and came up with the name Betty Sue McConnell. NARRATOR: Betty Sue McConnell was 21 when she was stabbed and thrown into the French Broad River. The car she was driving was also found in the river. So we didn't think there would be any difficulty. We were just-- NARRATOR: Pat Hefner assigns the case to Detective Anne Benjamin and Agent Tim Shook of the state's cold case team. The two begin by sitting down with Harmon. Yeah, and I mean, you guys knocked on the door and introduced yourself. I said, OK. TIM SHOOK: Well, you finally had somebody show up it was old enough to remember when this murder happened. So then it was explained to him early on that whatever involvement he had, we certainly couldn't make him any promises. ANNE BENJAMIN: Well, what finally made you cross over to where you said, I need to tell. JERRY HARMON: Well, it wasn't like this particular thing happened. It had been years and years. I'm just really, I mean literally, waking up in the middle of the night in cold sweat. And I could hear-- I could hear the screams of that girl. His statement about where it occurred, the description of her car, the fact that it was left in a river, all those statements that he made led us to believe that he knew exactly what he was talking about. NARRATOR: Benjamin and believe Harmon but would like more in the way of corroboration. Harmon then provides detectives with a second name. He had mentioned that if we really want to verify his story, we need to talk to Mr. Hyatt's best friend at the time, which was less Lester Dean Helms. NARRATOR: Two months later, Anne Benjamin tracks Lester Helms to a nursing home. She and Tim Shook head over for a chat. We just wanted to see if he would corroborate what Jerry Harmon had already told us. Because we weren't really accusing him of anything except guilty knowledge of things that Terry Hyatt would have done. ANNE BENJAMIN: And he said, oh, yes. Yes, he killed that girl, didn't he? And at that point, Tim said, well, let's talk about it. TIM SHOOK: And when we asked him to relate what he recalls, he starts talking about a lady with a flat tire being abducted along the interstate. And I was taking notes and really didn't-- you know, I thought, what is he talking about? NARRATOR: While Helms is talking about murder, it does not appear to be the same murder Jerry Harmon shared with police. In Helm's statement, Terry Hyatt raped a woman and killed her and then dumped her body in Buncombe County, some 18 miles from where Betty Sue McConnell's body was found. As we're walking out to the car, I remember turning to Tim and saying, what was that all about? And he says, I think I know. I had read the file, and it begin to click, that sounds like the Harriet Simmons murder, because her skeletal remains had been found in Buncombe County up near the Blue Ridge Parkway. NARRATOR: Like McConnell, Harriet Simmons was abducted from her car. Like McConnell, Simmons was stabbed multiple times. TIM SHOOK: It had never been associated in any way with Betty Sue McConnell's abduction and subsequent murder. And we were both quite excited. We knew we had some good information and some good witnesses. NARRATOR: Investigators Benjamin and Shook believe that Terry Hyatt could be responsible for at least two cold murders. Then they find a third Hyatt victim, this one still very much alive. He told my mother, you know, he's put a lot of bodies down there in that river. ANNE BENJAMIN: To tell you the truth, the file, when I first got it, was probably about this thick-- when I was handed it. NARRATOR: Anne Benjamin is trying to make sense of two murders, cold for 19 years. I've put some tabs in here and did some color coding and tried to kind of put it into some sort of an order. NARRATOR: Two women in two separate attacks, each taken out of her car, raped, and murdered. Witnesses have linked one man to each of the murders, an ex-convict named Terry Alvin Hyatt. When we looked up his record, we found that he had actually gone to prison in 1979. He had committed a kidnapping. NARRATOR: The kidnapping occurred just a few months after the second unsolved murder. Hyatt's kidnap victim, Carolyn Brigman, survived the attack and is still alive. Detective Benjamin decides to talk with her. Miss Brigman was very, very fearful all these years of him. He had threatened her that he would come back and get her at the trial. She didn't have a driver's license. She didn't want anybody to track her. So I actually found her through her children. My mom came walking through there. And he had his truck parked on the side and had the hood up like he was working on his truck. NARRATOR: Joseph and Melissia are Carolyn Brigman's son and daughter. Their mom doesn't like to talk about the kidnapping. But now her children are willing to provide the details. And as she was walking by, and she got right in front of the hood of the-- you know, right beside the front of the truck, he spun around and grabbed her and put a knife to her throat, and told her, do not yell, and get in the truck. MELISSIA BROCK: He told her when they crossed the bridge, I've thrown a lot of people in there. My mom was trying to convince him to let her go, that she wouldn't tell anybody. ANNE BENJAMIN: When he had her in the truck, he had a large knife that he held all the time. And of course, both our murder victims were stabbed with a knife. After a while, he told her that he was going to do something he had never done before and he was going to give her back her life. NARRATOR: In its details, the Brigman attack is almost identical to the two unsolved murders, bolstering Benjamin's case and, if Carolyn Brigman will testify, putting a face to the women Terry Hyatt is suspected of victimizing. She was very willing to go ahead and testify in court, which we desperately wanted and she agreed to. NARRATOR: Brigman's testimony is the final piece the state needs. Warrants are issued, and police descend on Terry Hyatt's home in Nashville. TIM SHOOK: He met us at the door. And his father came to the door also. And we identified ourselves, produced our credentials. NARRATOR: On a fall morning, Terry Alvin Hyatt is brought in for questioning about the murders of Betty Sue McConnell and Harriet Simmons. He seemed fairly willing to talk, but his father was very apprehensive and would rather we weren't there. But of course, Terry was in his 40s then. And he made the decision to talk to us. NARRATOR: Under questioning, Hyatt places himself at the scene of the McConnell crime but says he did not kill her. When asked about Harriet Simmons, Hyatt lawyers up and is arrested. Assistant District Attorneys Don Gast and Rodney Hasty prepare a case for prosecution. We didn't have any hardcore DNA evidence that could show that he was the person that raped them. But we had lots and lots of pieces of the puzzle that, when assembled, painted a clear picture that this guy is the one that committed these murders. NARRATOR: The team decides to seek the death penalty. On January 6, 2000, Terry Hyatt's trial begins. BAILIFF: All rise. NARRATOR: Jerry Harmon, who was with Hyatt when he allegedly killed Betty Sue McConnell, takes the witness stand. I knew I was finally doing what I should have done before. He killed an innocent woman that had a family and had done nothing to him whatsoever. No kind of self-defense was involved, it was just cold murder. NARRATOR: Harmon is followed by Lester Helm's, eyewitness to the Simmons murder, and finally, by Carolyn Brigman. RODNEY HASTY: I have not seen more chilling testimony come from the witness stand than I did that day when all the family members were there in the courtroom, lined up, hearing this for the first time. And here this woman is, brave enough to be the only one that lived. And at the time she testified, for all she knew, the jury might let him go and walk out of that courtroom. NARRATOR: On January 31, 2000, a jury finds Hyatt guilty on all counts. JUDGE: Terry Alvin Hyatt to be put to death as law provided. NARRATOR: He is sentenced to die by lethal injection. Jeff Jones is in the court to see his mother's killer sentenced. It's never easy to think about someone else dying. But it has been bittersweet. I mean, it has been a long road for us. We've all grown up with this over our shoulders. And just to know that he passes that close in front of you, and this is the person that took your mother's life, is a very hard thing to restrain yourself, both emotionally, verbally. You know, it's something you deal with. And we were just glad to have the moment. NARRATOR: In February of 2000, while Terry Hyatt sits on death row, his DNA is collected and entered into the state DNA databank. There it hits on yet another unsolved case, the 1987 rape and murder of a Charlotte woman named Jerri Ann Jones. When presented with the DNA evidence and a deal to avoid another death sentence, Terry Hyatt confesses to Charlotte authorities. NARRATOR: Hyatt goes on to say he raped the young woman. NARRATOR: On August 2, 2005, Wyatt pleads guilty to the murder of Jerri Jones. The Simmons and McConnell families are both in the courtroom to hear this final verdict. I would grieve for the other Jones family. And we offer our complete support. And we're glad that he's been exposed for what he is. Some days I think he should sit there and suffer. But I don't think he's doing that, because I really don't think it bothers him. I may be wrong, but I really don't. So I think he should just be put to death. I really do. NARRATOR: Margaret McConnell has lived her life bereft of her daughter Betty Sue and raises Betty Sue's child, Heather, as she would her own, rich with memories of the mother Heather never knew. Still I ask her little things like, do I really sound like her, what would she have done, just because everybody tells me I'm so much like her that I ask all the time. MARGARET MCCONNELL: And she is like her. She has her personality, her laugh. If she's in a different room, it's hard to tell the difference, because she's a lot like her mother. This is the state's exhibit number 28. And it's the piece of the curtain that Sergeant Kolb collected from the house. And right here in this hole is the place where his blood was left as he cut himself entering Mrs. Gaerte's residence. And it's from that small little spot there that the case was broken. MARY LOU GAERTE: Nobody answered the phone. So I thought, well, I'll go over and check on her. NARRATOR: On a Monday morning, Mary Lou Gaerte decides to check in on her 86-year-old mother-in-law Julia. She hops in her truck and drives around the corner to Julia's farmhouse. On the outside, everything appears to be normal. The inside however, is a different story. It looked like somebody had totally ransacked the house. And a lot of things were really like thrown around, torn up, things were out of a cabinet. NARRATOR: Mary Lou walks through the house and inches towards Julia's bedroom. MARY LOU GAERTE: In the bedroom, I saw on her bed-- she was laying there, but there was a pillow over her head and a footstool on top of that pillow. NARRATOR: Julia Gaerte lies dead, apparently smothered in her own bed. It was just kind of like a nightmare, like something was happening, but it really shouldn't be happening. NARRATOR: Mary Lou races down the road to her sister-in-law's. GINNY SKILES: All of a sudden, Mary Lou came across the yard screaming, Nanny's been murdered, Nanny's been murdered. And somebody robbed her house or something like that. And I thought, what is she saying? And then, finally, we realized what she was saying. And we called 911 at that point. Call had just come in of the murder, notifying the Sheriff's department of the murder. NARRATOR: Investigator Greg Bricker of the Indiana State Police Department catches the call. There was no reason for it to happen. And Mrs. Gaerte probably wouldn't have offered any resistance to this person whatsoever. And it just wasn't necessary to kill her. It was a vicious, cold-blooded murder, no reason whatsoever. It appeared to me to be somebody that had been doing burglaries for a long time, maybe a professional. He hit all the right spots. NARRATOR: Crime scene technician Thomas Kolb is called in to work the scene. Inside the house, he notices two distinct styles of ransacking. THOMAS KOLB: The main floor was very ransacked. All the drawers had been pulled out, dumped on the floor. NARRATOR: Upstairs, however, there is very little ransacking. Upstairs, the drawers were pulled out. You can see things moved. But it wasn't totally dumped on the floor. The bed just had the covers moved back. So upstairs was kind of neat. And. There was also two different sets of shoe prints. So I knew there was two people. I knew one would probably be a male and the other one a female based on the shoe prints. NARRATOR: Kolb documents the shoe prints and makes his way to the living room where he gets a close look at the broken window, the possible point of entry. THOMAS KOLB: We found the rock inside the TV where it impacted. And there was curtains, so you know that when he came in, he had to move the curtains. And you always hope that you find something. So when I examined the curtains, there was a small reddish brown spot, which to me indicated a blood spot. As soon as I saw the blood, I said, ah, that's great. We have hope now. NARRATOR: The curtain is bagged and sent to the crime lab for testing. Meanwhile, Bricker asks Ginny to scan the house and list any stolen items. There were some TVs, there was a VCR, a phone that was missing, and also her silverware was taken. NARRATOR: Bricker checks with local pawn shops but turns up empty handed. . Meanwhile, officers canvas the neighborhood. We had a team of detectives at that point looking for information as to if anybody ever saw anybody out of line, if there was anybody hanging around that they didn't know, or any vehicles that they could describe to us. NARRATOR: Less than a mile down the road, investigators meet Tracy Broxon, of Fort Wayne cop. Broxon tells police that two days before the murder, she caught a strange man snooping around her house. Well, it was odd that he was trying the gate where the dogs was. I didn't know him. We're a half mile back. Who's back here looking in the windows? NARRATOR: Broxon opened her front door, gun in hand, and confronted the men. At that point, he started backing off the porch. And he goes, I'm really lost. I'm really-- I think I'm really at the wrong house type deal. And I said, yes, you are. You're at the wrong house. At this point, he turned and went at a pretty good clip through the yard here trying to catch up to the van. Yeah, somebody's casing the neighborhood looking for a house to break into. NARRATOR: Bricker circulates Broxon's description of the van and waits for a break. Yeah, it was very frustrating because we weren't getting any information from the public. We had very little information to go on that we gathered at the scene. It was very frustrating. Just no tips, period. NARRATOR: In the weeks that follow, Bricker tracks down known burglars and brings them in for questioning. One by one, each is eliminated. GREG BRICKER: We had some leads on people who were burglarizing homes in the area. And we interviewed those subjects. They all had alibis. So we came up cold. NARRATOR: Now Bricker turns to the crime lab and pins his hopes on science. I obtained a small portion of the curtain with a reddish-brownish stain present. NARRATOR: Leslie Harmon is a DNA analyst with the Indiana State Police. On a Monday afternoon, she takes delivery of the Gaerte evidence and examines the curtain. I took a small portion of that cutting and started my analysis. NARRATOR: The stain is confirmed to be blood. Harmon eventually extracts a DNA profile and puts it into the CODIS database. The first time that we ran it, there were no hits. There was absolutely no leads on this case. And every lead we did get was a dead end. I just ran out of things to do, places to go, people to look at. And I put the case-- I suspended the case until further information came up. NARRATOR: Julia Gaerte's case is shipped to the cold files where it will stay for 3 and 1/2 years until police tracked down a woman who is ready to point a finger at a killer. NARRATOR: Do you know of any solved cold cases? Tell us at MARK HEFFELFINGER: I got a call from my boss. I remember sitting on a couch and she called me and said, hey, Mark, you know the Gaerte case? NARRATOR: Mark Heffelfinger is a detective with the Indiana State Police. On October 24, he takes a call about the Julia Gaerte case, now nearly four years cold. She just said, well, we got a DNA match on the blood that was taken from curtain on the window that house. Comes back to a guy by the name of Donald Houser. NARRATOR: Indiana periodically runs its cold cases through CODIS, the state's DNA databank. It was during such an exercise that the name of Donald Houser, a convicted burglar, came back as a match. The DNA was a start. It's a starting point and somebody to look at. That in and of itself won't necessarily get you conviction. So what I needed to do at that point was establish what can I find out about Donald Houser. NARRATOR: Heffelfinger digs through the file and pulls out a name, Angela Stone, Houser's ex-girlfriend and former burglary accomplice. Within a day, Heffelfinger tracks down Stone and brings her in for some hard questions. MARK HEFFELFINGER: This is tape number two, continuation of the interview with Angela Stone-- NARRATOR: On October 26, Detective Heffelfinger sits down with Angela Stone and presses her about Julia Gaerte's murder. At this time, I truly believed she was a witness. I really believed that. NARRATOR: Heffelfinger believes Julia Gaerte's murder was a burglary gone wrong and that Angela Stone might have been in the house when it happened. After almost two hours of back and forth, Angela Stone comes across with the details of how her ex-boyfriend killed Julia Gaerte. MARK HEFFELFINGER: I am excited as can be. I am surprised, because I didn't think she would be that good of a witness. But actually she turns out to be more a witness, she's an accomplice. That just really helped seal this up for us. NARRATOR: Stone confirms her story with a set of silverware stolen from Julia Gaerte's house and given by Houser to his mom as a Christmas gift. After recovering the stolen item, cold case detectives are ready to talk with Donald Houser. When I go in to talk to Donald Houser, I got just more ammunition. He can't say, no, it wasn't me. Your girlfriend at the time says you did it. She saw you do it. Donald Houser was brought back to DeKalb County, where the jail is just across the street there. NARRATOR: One day after his conversation with Angela Stone, Detective Heffelfinger meets with Donald Houser in a small interview room. He sat right here, at this table, in this chair. And I sat at that end of the table. Initially when he came in, he was the calmest, coolest-- no emotion whatsoever. NARRATOR: Heffelfinger has a game plan. He tells Houser he's really out to get Angela Stone and tries to pin him against his ex. MARK HEFFELFINGER: And I knew that he was in prison now, currently, because of a burglary he'd done in which she was there also. And she was not in jail. And I think that was going to be upsetting to him. So I kind of use that as an angle, look, I'm not necessarily interested in you. But you're in jail, Angela is not. Why isn't she? NARRATOR: Houser takes the bait and starts talking about the string of burglaries he and Stone committed, but denies ever being at the Gaerte house, that is until Heffelfinger tells him about the blood on the curtain and the stolen silverware set recovered from his mother's house. NARRATOR: Houser switches gears, laying off blame for the murder of Julia Gaerte on his former girlfriend and partner in crime, Angela Stone. Whether he was just ignorant of the fact that he's incriminating himself, or whether he didn't care, or whether he was so focused on getting Angela in jail-- of what, I'm not sure. But either way, he started talking about Angela being there, what Angela's involvement was. Of course, he couldn't do that without implicating himself also. MARK HEFFELFINGER: It was quite exciting, because I have to be cool as I could be too and not let him know that I'm excited about the fact that he just implicated himself in the murder. NARRATOR: The case against Donald Houser is complete. Six years after 86-year-old Julia Gaerte was murdered, her suspected killer will stand trial. This was obviously one of the strongest cases I'll ever see. NARRATOR: Steven Clouse prosecutes the case against Donald Houser. Central to the state's evidence is the DNA. This is the state's exhibit number 28 that was admitted into evidence in the trial. And it's the piece of the curtain that Sergeant Kolb collected from the house that contained Donald. Houser's blood stain. And right here, in this hole, is the place where his blood was left as he cut himself entering Mrs. Gaerte's residence. And it's from that small little spot there that the case was broken. NARRATOR: On November 11, Houser takes the stand and tells the jury he is innocent and that he was on drugs when he confessed. It's a story that jurors don't buy when weighed against the evidence stacked against him. We had an eyewitness who testified well. We had a confession. We had physical evidence from the scene the suspect left. And we also had physical evidence recovered four years later from his mother's home that he had stolen. All this together really made for a great case to prosecute. NARRATOR: After 20 minutes of deliberations, the jury finds Donald Houser guilty of murder and sentences him to life without parole. Meanwhile, Angela Stone pleads guilty to burglary and gets 30 years. GREG BRICKER: Well it was-- I was happy-- happy for the family, happy for the community, happy for law enforcement that we could clear this up and we've got somebody off the streets that's capable of killing somebody like Mrs. Gaerte. Because that kind of person, who knows what they can do? NARRATOR: For the victim's family, the verdict answers every question in the death of 86-year-old Julia Gaerte save one. It is both the hardest and simplest of questions, why? She was definitely no threat to anyone. But it was just really, really senseless, because she would have let them had anything just to leave her alone. But they wanted more. And a really, really great woman was lost. [music playing]
Channel: A&E
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, the first 48, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, police procedure, cold case files, cold case, murder investigation, true crime show, cold case files new episodes, watch cold case files, Cold Case Files, Cold Case Files Classic, Cold Files, Cold Case, old case Files new episodes, watch cold case Files clips, watch cold case Files full episode, watch a&e full episodes
Id: 4XTYyjdXifA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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