Young Girl Battling Cancer Gets a Surprise of a Lifetime from Gordon Ramsay

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[Applause] [Music] 92.7 wo BM so we hear that Gordon Ramsay is here on the Jersey Shore and one of his biggest fans wants to meet him so Gordon if you're listening can you make this girl's dream come true [Music] I'm excited to this school run I'm at Toms River and surprise an amazing lady she's been slightly poorly over the last couple of years and I'm gonna surprise with something very special she's 12 years of age and what a great way to supply someone on the school run dan how are you sir matters I'm so glad we all know that I'm so C I'm so excited this is my oldest daughter and we literally just ran yeah mr. Gordon Ramsay here to see Calista we have to the school the school cook is here so right so how alright yourself good good I'm wish lights times well this she comes with a duel that you should stand in the corner please for you guys to please share so my daughter could meet her idol this fine individual over here is actually at my daughter school and Calista is gonna come through the door in like a minute I'm hiding what a lovely house an amazing family and with three daughters of my own I understand the pain but we're gonna stand strong right yeah we're gonna stand strong I can't wait to meet her nice shoes you're gonna see a lot of tears no and what's the favorite thing what she enjoy eating what is she your recipes are really blessed blessed is a master chef junior Hell's Kitchen what do we get is she just anything important man thank you sir she'll watch it just like that's my boy let's serve her food and she goes for teams here tell you much better okay so I'm hiding in the Headmaster's office to me Calista to wish her happy gym class and I've got some amazing and macaroons some beautiful cupcakes so she's top obvious of age now I'm not I'm not good on school runs and three daughters of my own and I do one school run a year said to be here in Toms River in between shoots yeah pop in I'm just absolutely panicking in fact if the school headmaster after see my school report in English amazing how's Jim plows music sounds what you playing um we're playing actually a British song and I was talking to my teacher and he's like you gotta learn the Britain's national anthem before he comes don't say the Queen yeah extraordinary right an amazing of them now I know you got a tough time I know you were absolutely under at the moment but when I see strong young girls like you having three daughters of my own you know what you're inspiring now I didn't cook these but look on you to take them home I was an amazing little macaroons a beautiful cake and the most amazing cupcakes okay so have them to take to pack this morning that's it no be quick otherwise we're gonna get there for 2:15 and you enjoy watching fruit brightens right yeah oh you look out her kruger cancer treatments watching your show taking her mind you know welcome you are welcome and look at that book missing okay stay well okay continue to fight this because you are a strong winner remember that okay yeah we keep in touch yes can you voice it yeah I'll make sure it doesn't win Mel we also nails going on as well but that would that will explain that that's what does it for yeah come you next time I see okay let's have dinner together okay you got some tough months ahead of you but I know they're gonna get through this and remember what kind of inspiration you are there don't you dare ever forget that okay we show the same hairstyle brayer but we're buddies now right chef buns [Music] [Music] hey Johnny monk I'm here with this gorgeous little nuggets my long-lost sous chef I'm trying to call your work in arm stream and I won't come round for dinner tonight but I've heard it's turkey meatballs now what is it that's the bait I haven't that was our menus yeah what's on the menu and I know tri-tip I've got to go to work no I know that 15 yeah a steak do you like my wife you didn't answer the phone when the caller what's on the dinner she didn't call me back so [Music]
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 4,170,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay surprises fan, gordon ramsay wholesome
Id: TWF1gEFpo38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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