You'll Never Believe THESE Fake Coins! The Coin Guy Teaches!

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thank you guys time to get a new uh magnifying glass there's some gotta clean some residue on this thing that's I from the eyeballs I'm looking at it yeah hey uh let's do a video I had two of them in there before there's only one now let's do a video and talk to people about uh numismatics which are coins I don't like a good thing well hello everybody I seek to educate and entertain through my journey of collecting coins and stacking precious metals I encourage you to subscribe and please stay with me on this journey I am spectacular the silver stackular here we are again um Valentine's Day came and left we're heading toward Easter uh for those who may come to visit me after the 20th I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks and I had people call and come in all the time and I appreciate it but just know I won't be here the end of March and the first couple of days of April so if you're driving here from Tampa or you're flying in from England hold off your vacation yeah have the plain Circle what's going on in the shop what's new uh counterfeits have been coming in again not counterfeits yeah the game that's not good now this one's really dangerous are they getting better and better all the time well [Applause] this is a counterfeit this is counterfeits these are counterfeits like I said if you slip this in with a you set the five of these in with 20 of the 64 Kennedys I think they're going to get past that's a caliphate so I'm gonna start with this one just because I happen to grab this but this is interesting you got the Hologram PCGS you know slabbed coin right here this is and this is a Carson City that's a 700 coin I mean like right away what do you have a uh I had two of them when I when I was looking at this and I compared it the colors one yeah the color is off it looks it looks like almost like a newer that's 2021 um Morgans it just reminds me of that that fit that I don't know like faded kind of look to it what years okay what year is that one well this is 81. 18. season 82 64 plus CAC oh excuse me all right so what do we got here this is slightly dull it's not as bright as that but this is fake it doesn't pass the machine uh when you put it under the microscope surfaces are wrong the CC is pretty good it's a dangerous seasick usually they don't get the CC so well but look at the holdage and that almost would sell it in any show okay let's try to get that CC you gotta hit five of these what do you like about the CC itself the actual mend Mark the way that it's formed is usually a Telltale the 78s look like circles uh if they're too skinny and drawn like a pencil too thin they fix they gotta have a little cartoonish fatness in the middle to them okay yes look at the CC's on this one this is a authentic real deal yeah let's just what scary guy it is because like I said the guy this guy sold me this guy sold me a bunch of stuff and this was his this this and I just kept throwing them back stuff I mean we I bought like 2500 worth of stuff but I must have threw back at him 400 worth and people are just faking I mean like 1964 Kennedys stuff online but you had five of these and I told them I said I'll give you a few bucks for this I said I need one for see now if you put your nail in here this is a sticker it's not in it has to be underneath between the plastic that's a Telltale sign this one too you can feel it so but it's really done well and it's like I said and it would fool a number of people yeah and it's 700 a piece somebody's a crook and says I'll give you 350. he's only got to be right once and he's had a good day so when this came into your shop um how did you identify like what was the quickest part that you go oh this has to be fake I I looked at it then I looked up the price then I looked at it closely and it looked too shallow it was way too shallow the face looked too shallow the color is off uh and then I had I had two other certified ones in PCGS holders and then then it just jumps out at you then I got the machine out I mean you know you get five strikes against you I ain't buying this buddy and then I told them I give you a few dollars for it he goes it's okay you just gave it to me so you know I gave him a few dollars for it and I use it for Education just like we're doing now I'm I'm a little bit weirded out about the story just because he brought it in with other things too oh yeah he had a whole bouquets he slid this across the table he probably paid a good amount for it right a whole bunch of them and then he was just cool with okay just a few bucks for that no big deal yeah 10 bucks a year he said fine do you think he knew it was real I mean fake I'm sorry I think he suspected uh I I looked at everything I mean he had these which are almost these are almost cartoonish look at the size of the 2020 on that as the compared to a uh you know a silver eagles the real size of the numbers uh once again they jumped out he had about 10 of those well off to the the flip is a little this is a little off because it should flip straight and it's a little crooked you notice that what I mean these are smaller and Tighter the other numbers he had were teens and were a lot easier to see the difference that's crazy huh and these jumped out because they were funny because they they almost didn't stack they're almost they're almost a three-dimensional like they they get in the way of each other when you put them on top of each other they feel a little light are they a little light uh I believe they are also but just the overall coin just jumped out 12 and a half grams or so eleven six it's a little light yeah and the silver dollars were only uh only what 22 grams instead of 27 these they weigh you got to use the scale you got a lot of tools to use beside the uh beside the machine but when they're in case like this a little harder what you can always do is get another uncirculated silver dollar and a PCGS holder and weigh it and it should the same but one gram difference you may not catch yeah you know especially with the newer ones they made the cases slightly bigger this way you can't use the NGC boxes to uniformly for using Universal box if you don't know what you're doing when it comes to collecting and you still want to be a collector one good thing you can do is go to a reputable coin dealer absolutely usually they'll take the time to talk to you I mean I get phone calls from all over the country all the time and I take the time to talk to them um you know and you this is education we're trying to teach that's that's part of what we do it's not only it's not only you know eight uh you know 12 year olds and 16 year olds it's it's everybody who's still learning and you get the people who come in and they get really ripped off um the same with you know when they're buying gold off of you um it's like when the guy brings you a gold coin and he goes you know how much you give me for this and I look at it and it jumps out of you it's fake and you know he goes well I just brought down on the Internet it's uh it's a 50 Gold Eagle you know it's 1850 or 1900 what'd you pay for it 9.50 well there's no cheap one ounce gold coins you paid half the price what do you think you know the packaging came from China well what can I tell you that's true you know I'm not making this up it's the real deal it's like they when they put the notch on the bottom of the on the new silver eagles you don't think that some industrialists in the Far East took a notch off The Fakes and it's just okay now we're done keep running you know how long did it take them to fix that I wonder if that's like a hard thing to replicate is the one notch off the Reed so I would not think so you wouldn't think so but why did the U.S mint decide that that's the security feature I don't know I think on the new ones they've changed mentioning of the reading now I'd heard they put it at three o'clock or nine well how do you know that so anywhere I know so you know you get a couple of people they're talking well just take a read off anywhere because they don't even know where it's supposed to be now cheers I I don't know it's you've got to have you gotta have your scales with you you gotta have the magnifier I you know when I use a microscope on especially when I'm buying rare type coins or double dies and things like that um and I was I was home I had covered two weeks ago and I was out for all of last the week before last I was out all of us got sick and I had time to kill so I was breaking up a bunch of proof sets and because Silver Proof says so hard to sell and I was just putting them in rolls and stuff and I and I'm looking at grade sheep and here's an education for you I don't understand the Rhyme or Reason to this completely but here we go what why are proof sets hard to sell why is that the silver proof sets because you're paying a premium over silver um well I'll buy all the proof sets you got Silver Proof sets at 41 dollars for 2008 1941 sure I'll buy those let me show you the breakdown okay here's Gracie this is the Bible for what we pay for coins okay or what they should sell at the 41 silver proof set retails around forty one dollars in here and I usually get 50 for the whole set the whole set okay forty one dollars now we break it down here's what the 2009 Proof Set looks like this sells separately in here for 6.25 this sells the president sale for 750. the silver quarters are thirty dollars which is about right because I usually sell proof silver 25 times okay the half usually is 15. these two are six this coin which is right here is 10. when you do the math it's 73 dollars it's in here for 41. so all of this sells for 41. yeah together yeah together but if you piece it out it's like the story about the old car the parts are worth a lot more I mean when you do the math you can almost you can get you 41 dollars without having this dollar this thirty dollar piece of silver that's crazy there's a dollar fifty here's a dollar fifty worth of silver in there and this adds up to 43 dollars of it in pieces uh the same thing is true for the 2008 set it's about 37 but in pieces it comes out to something like 63 dollars I I just don't understand the Rhyme or Reason I know I've talked to wholesalers who when they buy up stuff in bulk they can't buy the silver stuff because they want to pay x amount of money and anybody who knows this coin says I can't sell it to you for grade sheet because it's worth a lot more money and pieces to me as you can see I mean I had a couple of nines a few eights they're they're 10 and 12 dollars a piece by themselves it just doesn't pay but I thought I'd show you that and you know just it's crazy yeah that's good advice for people well this is this is what it's about it just doesn't make sense this is interesting because these things now in the online set when they did the proofs they went back to the old composition of 95 copper five percent zinc but look at the colors you got on this beautiful aren't they yeah I do a couple of them in there like for six dollars or 650 but they get outrageous colors I mean it's only like they just look beautiful when I was a coin roll hunting some years back I found entire rolls of these right here not the proofs obviously oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and the mint sold them for ridiculous money that's that's they do cool stuff now when you get corn world you also gotta take everything you got to do your homework you got to know your business somewhat here's the new cornworld it's the new gray shoot March now this came a few days ago came while I was at home sick here's the prices that they have in the front of the thing I don't understand why they can't update and I understand a lot of the stuff in here is based on the prices of metals and they can't do it you know two days before mailing but a lot of it stays the same I mean your nickels your cop is your pennies your proof prices are pretty basically the same but here gold is 1923. okay and today it's what 18 like 18 1848 1848 1850. blue the price of silver 23 and today's 21 something yeah it's off for two dollars two and a half dollars you know when you're trying to look up when you're looking at pricing you're trying to figure out prices for people oh if they got gray sheet and they come here look at the price in the air but you know what gold is eighty dollars less than that buddy and I don't blame them but you got to explain it I still don't understand how you know why this can't go to print maybe eight or ten days before because you're looking at I'm looking at 1923 I mean by the second of February it was in 1868 you know by the fourth eighteen eighteen fifty by the 13th two weeks before the end of the year the end of the month it was a hundred dollars different seventy five dollars difference I love how you keep that sheet just to kind of remember how things have been moving yeah well it gives you an idea because it just it you know well you know you I was in here a month ago when you walked from yeah but a month ago gold was a hundred dollars more right or less you know and it just isn't that it just doesn't work like that yeah hey uh guy so you know we decided to do something you and I um a collaboration to where we put silver rounds with our logos yes on either side of a silver round that's coming true that's that's happening right we haven't got them in yet and as the video comes out I might be able to get them to you I don't know whenever they get shipped to me but um you know as we're talking here right now I'll show people the video of those being made but what do you think about those rounds I think it's a great idea I've had people ask me before for it uh it's not about vanity it's p people asking for it and we're going to put out well we're going to put out whatever the market will bear and it's going to have your star and you on one side my owl logo and coin guy on the other side yeah I'm looking forward to it I think it's cool uh and I think we'll be able to move them I wish it was cheaper for people but it's an expensive process just to make these things and everything included like it's not cheap you got to cut the dies you know it's everything involved yeah these four pennies cost seven dollars yeah yeah so I guess there's something to be said for that our rounds are beautiful they're proof looking I mean yeah they're nice I think that's going to go over really good I can't wait to get them thanks for doing that I'm glad I'm sure thanks for putting me in on it yeah uh I think we'll have uh I think we're gonna start having pre-orders what are you gonna do try to put some in the uh the cases here well not yeah I got to get them first they're gonna you know what's gonna happen they're gonna end up selling out everybody's gonna go I need some more of those and you'll be like hey I'm gonna put the next the next one chat and like you said people don't realize you got to cut the dies you got to pay the guy you got to pay the medal then when we sell those because they are not government issued we have to I'll have to absorb the tax on them you know this it's you know at 50 bucks a coin the tax is 325. yeah you know it all adds up uh but it I think it's going to go over pretty good I'm excited to do that we both hand signed the certificate of authenticity for everything yeah man it's gonna be cool I think I'm I'm proud to do that for people um let's talk about something else and it's uh related to you as an influencer do you ever think of yourself that way you know I've heard that said to me in the beginning I did I never really thought about it uh and I guess in a way I am especially when the young people come in well I'll get the parents come in with the kids and they said my child has now started collecting coins because of you or like I told you about that one um I did that it wasn't a great American teaching but it was uh a junior honors class in history in New Jersey and I did a zoom thing when I had all these little pitches and I was talking to the class and then they sent me a thank you and it was a cover page where he approached the board and they started a coin Club in the high school from the history angle and America I think that was great and I think I that is an influence I guess I think that's pretty cool absolutely I think that's good I Do It For the Love of the Game I mean it's like uh where did I just see this yeah here's the theme of national coin League what is the theme Our Heritage our America our money that's pretty cool right yeah that's what it's about yeah you know that's pretty cool it's the Pan Pacific gold coin the 50 gold piece coins that I'll just keep dreaming about them I knew somebody who just got one of them I'm envious yeah that is a cool coin if you're gonna get that coin would you go for the octagonal or the octagonal yeah I want this one even though the round's rare yeah but I want I would want the old tagging on me too I know person has gotten one I'm willing to trade a 95 proof Morgan for it you would do it yeah I would trade for that I think it's pretty cool it's just so so unique and crazy that's different yeah but yeah influencer that's you yeah okay so what do you think about um you know if people were trying to help you get a title uh maybe uh 2023 um most uh influential person in numismatics you you know I made fun about that with the top 100 and and I understand what you're saying and I'm flattered about it and I appreciate the nomination but I don't think I have a chance I just don't think I have a chance I'm I'm cynical about that it's like when I talk about the hundred people that are in the book and 95 of them are either heavy advertisers they are the grading service people or the auction houses and I guess in a roundabout way because I spend a million dollars in certifying coins advertising in coin world that makes me an influencer I don't think so I don't know I find it we were talking earlier about it and I happen to have a book here and I'm not in this but that's okay but you know I was pointing out just in the first few pages look at this you know NGC wow oh look his is it it's almost any side head he's the same guy is that do they have is that is it seriously probably I didn't even know that's his name yeah he's most influential but there's his ad right here so advertising dollars so what is this is this a fifteen thousand dollar ad I mean it's all through the Bono okay can we do it again there's no way right Legend that's that's the publisher that can't be it they're going to keep doing that aren't they if I just flip pages I'll find it more ads yeah coin World retired editor okay I'll give her that yeah yeah this is denley's abortion I know who he is I've done business with him some of these people I've never um this is this guy this is this guy and that's his is that that's his ad oh man uh well this this is your problem guys this is him throw down a couple thousand dollars I bet you it's ten Grand to do this Goldberg Goldberg what I got the same name that's crazy wow it's all to the book yeah Miles Standish I mean I know him I understand that he's a good deal but you know it's funny how there's an article in the paper and Nathan brought up and says 10 people from NGC who are nominated well they're doing their job grading coins does that really make them an influencer no I don't know I've seen that list I know the the one guy um Salazar I think it is and that's so like I said and the other thing the other thing that I saw this weekend and I appreciate everybody in nominates me I think it's fun but I think it's futile there you go this is going to be the May 23 issue now this goes to publishing the beginning of April which means in about three or four weeks this ends on the 15th you think the interview and tally and do everything in two weeks 100 people that's gonna be rough it's a lot of work I'm cynical about that I think the hundreds picked already I'm sorry well listen we're gonna try anyway yeah thank you thank you the very least I'd like to see you on the list of people okay maybe that'll be cool maybe not even in the magazine but on the list of people that should be on that list of 100 how about that I just think it's part of everything you ever see it's politics yeah I know how we've been talking about thievery and things being stolen yeah this was in the numismatic news the other day um coin safety tips yeah Coin Show safety tips yeah there you go and I was just reading an article in coin World about how they're going to up all the security at the shelves it's the people who last summer were asking me if I was going to do Chicago or to see outside of Chicago huh where the money show was and I said I wouldn't go there if my room was free they had six robberies on the floor how many were outside where you had the old men going home that's crazy and they were waiting to jump I mean a city like Chicago yes it's one of those things where I keep mentioning that everybody knows that this is money this is this is valuable stuff well there's big sign to say the money show yeah you know they look at each other get your Blackjack Get Your Gun I'll meet you around back we'll catch the guys in the parking lot people the old men coming in or going out one way or the other you're going to jump them people still use blackjacks I have one back here oh geez keep that keep that personal bring your Blackjack out here you know it's just a crazy crazy world like that it's crazy um yeah as we were talking um oddly enough I just got a text message from the person who's making our rounds asking me where um they want me to or where I can ship it to so it's coming it's getting close Okay okay good news I'm excited about that because I think it's cool yeah it makes things interesting it keeps the blood flowing um these are new coins I got the uh I showed you the one break them out let's see these things how about that I like new coins you know I've seen that uh I want to talk about those dimes that you got over here oh yeah that was a big collection I picked up that was some of the most breathtaking dimes I think I've ever seen we'll talk about that right after these ones so these are all new this one you don't really see this is a certified PCGS holder this is that one that we saw earlier right yeah yeah it's so thick it's huge because usually what they do is just strap on that little label right there Sam is created yeah it's that's heavy duty isn't it yeah it's bulky bulky that's cool though I guess the box would put those in we're only going to have 10 of them I would collect something like that yeah I think it's it's kind of cool yeah it is kind of cool what else is new in here oh that Indian Head we got it with some pretty ones that was from another collection I bought I got a pretty red Indian may I uh go ahead it's an au 58 flying eagle oh that's so pretty guy that that's so pretty that it looks fake because you just don't see them like that you know sometimes amazes me the price he's a 1956 D I probably got uncirculated rolls in the back but you look this up and that's what they go for you can't certify this coin with PCGS for 20 bucks it just doesn't happen tell you what even like you know a wheat cent we see wheat cents that's no problem but in this condition looking like that pretty it's just so awesome who's gonna somebody's gonna buy that 23 bucks that's like a no-brainer that's awesome just to see what the coin could look like you know this collection I picked up was that last Monday which one um I bought this big collection right after we were gone for we were out for a week last Monday was a crazy day between the silver the gold we bought a lot of Scotland and we bought collections um oh your dime collection I got done it was all dimes but I also got two trays of Baba dimes now it's all about dimes I even sold a couple of these already I know he sold them to the Beauties I know he's just steal you saw it under me I was cherry picking now these early ones let me uh let me see a couple of the really nice ones because again with Mercury dimes you don't you don't get that and you get those early ones in high grades you know here's the first year 1916 Mercury Dime with split bands I mean now when I split bands you're looking for that that one right in the middle right in the mid well all of them you want them all the middle one of course you got to have that one now I've heard that people try to fake those is that true they try to like take something real thin and they try to a needle yeah whatever yeah well some of them would be worth it I mean you picked up a couple of coins that had good prices and I didn't even charge you full gray sheet on them because I couldn't believe the number to be honest a lot of these when you look at a number like this and you say Okay full split bands gem 65 the gem is there this price is probably a hundred less than gray sheet set I just it's crazy I should send a bunch of these in to be certified you really should they're super pretty look at the pretty ones you got the blue ones yeah well that rainbow coloration that they had I should actually put them in the video because people are gonna be like what did he get they were some of the best Mercury dimes I've ever seen in my life the beautiful split band 65 blue 1916 D oh so pretty and I got them right here from the coin guy it is 410 I think this was like 570. now this is a breathtaking this is just a breathtaking it's an expensive one huh yeah this is 65 is 5 10 because of it they sell for 510 to 585 you can't question the split the split bands are there but this is a six this is probably a 700 coin and gracious let me see here now when you're going through these and you're grading them do you value them at a six because that's I mean it's your opinion right yeah well I grade them then I look up the values okay I don't do at the same time because that's going to influence you gotcha and I don't want to be an influencer but uh you are an influencer but I don't like that terminology personally and I know that I'm an influencer too with the YouTube channel well that's not that's almost like the Kardashians their influences I guess but some of these wackados that are on TV they're influences I like to be thought more of an educator than an influencer uh I'm trying to teach the Next Generation or the generation that comes in and you know they don't know what they're doing or you're trying to teach them and you try to show them and that's what it's about and like I said before I bought a collection the other day I told you about that older woman who came in with a couple of gold bars didn't know this woman came in and she had a bunch of stuff and she needed money I won't go into too many details but she needed like three hundred dollars and she had twelve hundred twenty dollars worth of stuff a lot of 90 percent no Rare Coins just you had to sort through all those Bank cardboards where you slide the dimes in or the quarters but I found over twelve hundred dollars worth of stuff and she just broke down crying this woman just was crying and it was there was another customer in there and he told me how he felt and it was emotional and he said the same thing if you if you had gone to the wrong person they would have she'd have been crying if I gave her 500. but I you know it's just a matter of of what we do and the reputation is important and uh but I still I still say that if you're that old coin dealer out there and you're going to leave your your coin collection to your nephew give him a heads up you know just give him a heads up because you take this for certain stores and you go in there with fifty dollar gold Eagles yeah they'll gladly give you 100 a piece for those right that's a fact I had somebody in here yesterday and told me that story where he was in a pawn shop and uh the other guy just left and the woman was bragging to him that she just bought six fifty dollar gold Eagles for six hundred dollars because the kids said how much you got to get would you give me a hundred each since you took it he said we just turned around and walked out so what that woman just made 10 grand that's crazy but that's crazy out there yeah give give him what he wants but it's not what he deserves to have on the value of those that's that's sad and I've had more than one person when I've said no no you don't want to do that man this dark tone is actually kind of nice too yeah those are cool very cool so now with this collection right here how did it go like the guy came in and he's like hey I'm done with my collection I was about two hours it was a couple of boxes of stuff it was a lot of stuff it was dimes it was Barbara dimes it was silver dollars it was but why is he getting rid of his stuff he's he's old enough and he travels and I guess the kids don't want the stuff and it was like a ten thousand dollar deal I mean there was a lot of stuff and then goes the homework into going through it all and there were no fakes in there but uh and there was Bob I guess he liked his dimes you know everybody has that thing that they like the best and dimes are cool to me I mean I Like Dimes I wish they were bigger make it easier for me to see okay storage right now a lot of these I had but I was able to fill a whole nother tray it's funny how many Bob dimes survived in high grades I have a lot more au's and on some Barber dimes than quarters or halves and halves you never see them they're far and few between so wild seeing those nicer conditioned barbers very cool One S some of them is surprising some of the numbers no 94 s but okay we'll pick that up at an ice cream shop Barbara dime this set is a pretty large set right this little yeah there's over 100 coins I mean they made a lot of just you know you have a PDS an O at one point uh you have multiples of all kinds of coins the 94 s Legend has two dozen were made and it's supposed to be about a dozen known uh it was one of those where the the mint director printed out a few just to show show somebody to show dignitaries after dinner and uh and he gave them out or they disappeared whatever it is but they were never really put out there and I don't think I think a VG is out there for like six hundred thousand dollars really yeah that's wild it's it's a funny thing you confiscate the 1933 gold coin the saint but why aren't the 94 s's confiscated they were never issued as business strikes it's like the uh you know the 1913 V nickel it was never issued it was one of those things that somebody decided to turn on the presses and make a few but you allowed them to be sold not that I want them confiscated but I kind of like to see the 33 gold pieces to be out there for everybody to get sure you know we need a few more 10 million dollar coins I mean throw some 1964 Peace dollars out there why not right I've heard that stuff and they'll come in over there I'll get those there's somebody somewhere getting a permit to make those while we speak we've seen those on the channel before those fake ones that you had over the 1964 piece though 64 piece dollars it's like when you go to the flea market Mazda's 18 uh you know those 17.99 uh silver dollars and uh and they've got rated edges and it just didn't happen as I've said before they didn't start and read it ending coins until 1836 that was half dollars and they call back dollars but uh you know but that was later it wasn't in 1700s so when you point that out the woman goes hysterical and starts yelling at me yeah what do you know about coins and you know you still raw you know everything you're the coin guy one guy those uh I was going through like I said I go through the magazines and I look for material and things it triggers memories of other shows I've went to these are the Dutch lions very common coin they weren't the most favorite because they were slightly lighter than the pieces than Pieces Of Eight but they're Bitcoins they're big chunky coins you know here's Pieces Of Eight this is so much detail and so like and they're cool I have one at home uh I would have brought it in but I didn't know until later you were coming today oh I'm sorry but I do have one but I remember I remember 30 40 years ago being at shelves would it be a pilem and they used to call them the slave money because that's what the Dutch got paid for to bring slaves here oh the colonists didn't bring them you didn't know the Dutch in the Portuguese weren't slaves here first I'm sorry they didn't teach you that somewhere but that's what they used to call it they used to call this just slave money that's what they used to get paid in it's crazy but you can see this has a lot of character it's a cool coin and I remember when you have these and they would have a couple of chop marks and they would treat it like junk they'd give me it for 20 bucks 25 but now the chop marks give them character makes it they make them cool I think they're kind of cooler with the chalk marks well you know it goes back to that um you know coin collectors love the thought of where has that coin been exactly and now you have evidence that it has been places oh certainly yeah you know when you and I've seen that in I have I never the one guy who's the expert never got back to me about this here's a chat mark or counter stamp on an ancient he wanted to buy that with me that wouldn't sell it to him the only ancient I've ever wanted to say is Mark on it yeah you know it's probably worth 100 and 150 but it's I just thought it was so cool that is cool and you wonder what the story is there yeah that's the interesting part right maybe somebody still knows I think it's just a cool just a cool thing uh I saw this the other day too what is this paper money in the news we don't talk about paper money enough on this show we got to start doing that because I know we have a lot of paper money freaks out there that look my son sold a bunch of bills like this he had this same bill but I believe his had all fours the Black Eagle yeah all fours and it was an ankh those are awful I don't remember what he got for it he had seven digits and that's what that has seven um but there's a number one that's crazy huh I mean they go for big numbers 7 700 but this big one I had this I mean I saw his and Heritage came here to to get the bills two years ago and I told the guy you're lucky my son got this and not me you will not have gotten this from me and I still think Brian got ripped off I think that bill was worth half again more than he got but it was that first auction of last year after everything shut down for 18 months and it was just so much material hit the auctions at fun that you know any a lot of these you know solid numbers like this which I happen to have some over here I saw a guy today on social media you never know if anything's real or fake on there but you know those in that right there over here are they're more older style dollars or bills I should say yeah um edia was a modern bill but it was serial number one you think that because it's modern it's valuable yeah it's still valuable of course well that's what I got over here fancy numbers fancy numbers seven sevens 1977. how crazy now if eight digits are worth 1800 how come I said we're 200 they have seven digits and these are all gem hunks there's a whole bunch of eights here's the back sevens that I sold the other back what one um I thought they've labeled them fancy numbers six eights well that's what they call them fancy announces I think they can set it in here too right probably solid numbers but yeah I have uh I have another bunch of these but these are some of the hard there's some Continental Currency yeah and there's 1780 little Colonial currency yeah Continental Colonials sure I just think continental breakfast when I think Continental you know which I'm not a fan of I prefer the buffet style yeah yeah eat hey uh I asked some questions by the way all of the of all of that jewelry I had it's gone what happened to it I sold it I sold it nice I sold the whole lot I didn't get quite 300 but I'm happy with it yeah and I was able to pick this up as part of the trade what do you got there this is a valuable book oh the typeset the typeset book and this one's brand new have you seen my finished typeset it's not you know great condition coins but it's finished and this even has a cut I even I'll even help you I don't have that page and that makes the book yeah I need that how much uh how much is that got to go for I see golf as much as a hundred and a quarter because dansko's not making them yeah if you walk in I take 100 that'll sell quick yeah I think it just can't find it yeah I mean I took it it's not nice condition yeah mine's not that condition right there at all but guy I have some questions for you um a couple of fans out there said hey questions for coin guy so I'm just gonna rapid fire these off to you David wants to know your personal favorite coin that's in your collection uh my 1794 halves favorite that's that's your number one thing in this a half dollar yeah I've always liked half dollars why is that your favorite I I like the size of them I like the early busted stuff uh bus Scholars bus tabs I made a mistake and I didn't pick up a bus quarter oh God 95 I cut the end of this finger off on a band saw and I went to uh comp and I didn't take any time off I worked through it big bandage everything in the kitchen and I got like a settlement to forty five hundred dollars for it because I didn't use any comp time and I was at a show in Queens and somebody had a 1796 quarter and I still could kick myself because I'm looking at this the guy's calling it an AG I think it's a solid good and he wanted like twenty two hundred dollars for what a mistake I took it over to Annex the guy said yeah it's real that's all I wanted to know and then pull the trigger I just stepped back from it and that car is worth 10 grand now that's the first fact is it's not even what it's worth I wouldn't have sold it just like my 1794 halves it doesn't want me in a way to see only 1700 quarter you can get is a 1796. and even in a you know AG it's probably worth six or seven and this was good and it was a solid good and and I drew blood and I had the money and I didn't I'm mad at my I'm getting aggravated with myself right now and I should have had that sorry sorry guys I remember the past I see your uh I see your shipping Department back there slowly I turned hopefully they're working hard I funny that you mentioned like the one that got away because there's many times I'll walk into a store and I see a coin or a piece of silver gold where the case may be and I'm like ah I can do without it and I get back to my vehicle and I'm sitting there just in my head going like why didn't I pick that up maybe I should pick maybe go back go back tomorrow like and it just it's driving me and it's usually gone yeah it's gone the next day and that's the way it'll happen it'll always happen and I I thought about it like the next day but it was a one day show it was a Saturday show and I just I'm annoyed at myself because I didn't buy it sorry guys I picked up two p most of two so I do have a couple of 21 oh 21s yeah usually don't have them I can't keep them in the store now yeah I like I like the Peace dollars a lot I'm trying to squeeze those out this is a really nice one I want to see those ingredients to be certified might as well if that comes back before it's like 12 true I got the 09s there you go it's a 28. pretty coins guy you actually have some gold in stock now too uh I got a bunch of these I bought a roll of these uh back last Monday I've got less than half the row left um at least I have some gold not in love with the country not the people the government of course gold but uh the maple leaf is a beautiful coin it's a pretty coin it really is yeah you do a good job on that one it really is all right let me give you another question here uh different name right here butter wants to know your advice for younger collectors 20 and up um collects Silva because you get the most of the Best of Both Worlds if everything goes to hell at least she got the silver and at the same time you can collect it by dates and have the joy of collecting the coins and you have the silver as a fallback I'm not talking about 28 piece dollars but if you collected Peace dollars Morgan dollars see you know Walking Liberty halves Franklin halves you putting dates together and in Us in in circulated and not very expensive and you got the intrinsic value of the syllable all the time and I still stick by my guns I say silver in the high 20s this this year and gold in 2200 2300 there's too much crazy stuff happening in the world and people see it um you know speaking of crazy my brother is running for another office now oh adventury over there yeah okay what kind of office are we running for now County Commissioner County Commissioner okay if he couldn't be Governor which I have a lot of fun with that unfortunately the guy is in the hospital but now and no I'm not making fun of him for that but he never should have ran honestly the governor of Pennsylvania they hired but then again they got a senile old man in the white house so what can I tell you I mean it's just in your face it's in your face but he's running for uh county commissioner interesting I guess it keeps him busy what else are you gonna do what are you gonna do right you know but that's the next question that guy in the White House man it's like I say we're talking about people now people know well come in here I got the one guy who bought some gold and he's afraid of all the hot spots around the world and it's like and he brought up a good point he's most concerned about the Israelis and the Iranians and the one thing I always respected about the Israelis they they are backed up to the Sea and there's a number of countries is what what 1.3 billion people have sworn death upon them they got nowhere to run they got to stand and fight and you know it's the kind of thing where they they don't seek they don't seek permission it's easy to get forgiveness and permission if the Iranians to get too close because they've sworn to blow them up you might see some crazy stuff around the Persian Gulf really and I think there's a chance of that because they'll just strike when you get too close there's going to be a sudden explosion in the middle of Iran or Tehran scary stuff I mean crazy stuff yeah yeah I know you know people are not afraid of our government you know there's no respect for it because there's no they're not uh strong strong armed right now look it's what I said in the beginning you know you look at the the you look at uh the Ukraine now they're not perfect people but they never would have made this move with the other president that's just a fact yeah you know anyway uh more rapid fire questions from the fans all right so Alan um wants to know um if anybody has brought any kind of medals that have been like excavated so like you know treasure fines of metal detecting uh I'm gonna say no one guy's always so busy I must have gotten 70 phone calls a week I was home I'm sorry that's okay but uh I mean I even had to sign on the door and uh you know uh no not recently no treasure coins recently no and once again like with treasure coins like I've said before you got to be real careful because you get a personal show you know where's your provenance for this show me what you're talking about and then well here's a photo yeah but the idea with that photo is gonna match the coin you're showing me this is a nice photo but it's not that coin yeah you can run off 50 of these photos and get a bunch of these coins and name every one from the atosha you know I saw this coin on eBay uh from the 1715 Fleet and of course it's raw um looks you know authentic from the pictures and it has a paper with it with the picture of the coin saying that it was an authentic piece from the 1715 Fleet I was wondering if that does go to like PCGS or NGC are they gonna take the papers word for it I mean they got no proof that thing came out of the water really well that's what I guess they have a way of well you would if you match the coin and then you're right I don't know it's a piece of paper though yeah we got the internet now we can make all kinds of crazy stuff they can make we only if I put a few hundred dollar bills on my cop yet not that I would they come up pretty good with a color print a jet printer yeah you know they look really good I mean so yeah they could they could photo static do we got to get the secret service in here you and your your copying money uh counterfeiting all right another question uh Philip wants to know we heard about your your missed opportunity Philip wants to know your best cherry pick as a collector I was at 10 show I know this is two things actually I picked up I think was within a week of each other there were piles of uh piles of seeded half dollars and the guy wanted seven and a half dollars a piece for them and they were ages they were pretty beat up and I'm looking through them and I'm looking at the seven this 1873 and I'm looking at this and I'm saying this is an open three and it's either the open or the clothes that's a really rare variety and I thought it was the other variety so I I paid the 750 for it I took it to a couple of dealers they said no you're wrong you're wrong I sent in to Onyx I was right I sold that coin for eleven hundred dollars when it was certified they bought the plastic they wouldn't take the kids and because I was probably in my 20s when I bought that and then another time I had a bunch of scrap silver and I had nothing to do and I'm sitting there and I'm looking at the type ones and there's a few Diagnostics to tell the 1916 quarter and I had paid two and a half times face for this silver and I'm talking this was probably well maybe this was around 93 1990 this was probably 30 years ago more maybe 35 years ago but sure enough I the looking at the Diagnostics the coil on the back of her head the the lines of the skirt at the bottom I said this is the 16. I think it's a 16 it was a type 1 coin it didn't have the Stars underneath the eagle on the back I sent it into Annex they gave me an AG on it had no date they gave me an AG I sold that to a dealer at a show for about 400 when the 16 was going for a thousand that coin is probably worth 1500 just because of the plastic I think those are pretty cool Cherry picks yeah man especially is when I was learning and still a novice but two pretty one legendary coin in 1916 quarter and the other one was just a cool variety and that guy had that coin forever rubenstein's I know he had that coin for 15. when I moved to high school as that coin it just was very hard and the thing about that coin is the population is less than a hundred now just hard to sell but then again when you sell it to him for 11 and he put it up for like 2350. you got to try and sell the thing I mean how much anyway that those are my those were two cool Terry that's fun um last question right here um my silver journey is his name asks you think that Platinum is ever going to catch back up to Gold I can't understand what happened there they tell me it has to do with the capitalistic Converters on trucks and they use platinum but I always thought to use rhodium mostly on all that stuff but you know rhodium is like 12 000 an ounce platinum's around a thousand I mean for most of my life and when I did precious metals all the time I remember when gold hit 2000 Platinum was 2400. um Platinum was always 20 30 percent more than gold now it's half the price and you just never see it even in jewelry I never see it yeah it comes in very rarely and to be honest with you when it comes in I'm just holding it aside for inventory because Platinum you know when you're buying Platinum you got to buy it at the price of 10 karat gold and it's still Platinum I'm thinking that one day it's going to have its day you know because it is a rare metal it's 15 times rarer than gold or what I've read and what Reports say and it's weird because I thought that the catalytic converters that they had like Platinum Palladium rhodium all those Platinum you know family Metals in there but you would think that they would only use the cheapest which right now would be platinum Fawn away yeah I mean rhodium is 12 times the price of platinum even if you got to put it on twice as heavy I mean it isn't about the weight I remember a guy when I first moved here I knew a coin dealer who worked three days a week and he used to buy scrap uh catalystic converters and he would sell the catalystic converters and I remember him telling me the best catalytic converter out there used a beat up one junkyard one were I think it was the cougars I think it was a cougar and they were they were like six hundred dollars they had a lot of platinum just for that piece yeah Platinum with the rhodium I'm not sure what he was after but he made a serious amount of money working three days a week yeah and that's what he used to buy it and then sell the scrap speaking of uh you know you always use that word shellacken talk about rhodium taking a shellacken huh yeah it's really come down if you were some kind of rodeo if you could get the stuff I mean it's all about production out there you know I was watching mornings and Maria the other day and there's this one girl on there it's got short blonde hair I think she's kind of cute and she's a financial person and and she's explaining how you look at the CPI and you look at this and you look at that and they're saying well you know the CPI is up three percent so you don't really have this so you don't really have that well CPI might be up three percent but that's because of inflation the product you're buying has raised 15 when actuality you're about 10 back in units you're a lot less but the actual cost of them is increased only because the price of of the material I was just reading an article on the Wall Street Journal half the reason I got the journal it's because of articles that are buried in there and he had these pitches in in all the ports along China thousand eighty thousand a hundred thousand containers are laying empty they're piled six High their production is way down you don't have they've returned was it I forgot how many I'm thinking it was like 200 container ships that they were leasing they've given back to the leases because the cost and stuff of going out for instance a year ago now when Pete butterjudge used to meet all those container ships on the on the west coast you know because he was a transportation person and he would but the containers to rent then were sixteen thousand dollars yeah sixteen thousand dollars to rent a container questions now what is it way more 1200 bucks went down crashed you're looking at seven cents on the dollar that's crazy in other words if you had to container filled with let's say 1200 air conditioners and that used to cost you sixteen thousand maybe it's costing you fifteen dollars an air conditioner but now it only cost you a dollar in air conditioner to ship it but if they pass that on to the consumer he said it's like when somebody was telling me when you look at the price of breakfast and they get an x amount of dollar what does it take for them to drop that price I'm thinking I mean every time I go to it they might as well just write the menu on a chalkboard because they've got to keep changing the rest of the menus yeah because it's like 2 for 15 is now two for 40. and the price just keeps going up or they just give you less but the point is Chinese production is way down and if shipping is is off by those numbers if it's in Wall Street Journal this weekend and like I said it went from like I think the numbers were like 12 5 and it's now it was 16 000 in change that's not like twelve five to rent a big container craziness wonder how much you can they make a good storage unit yeah okay people make houses out of them here see those tiny houses yeah Isaac well it's probably bigger than a tiny house what I remember as a kid we used to play Clubhouse they'd make a cool clubhouse be pretty big seems like a condo yeah you know I got to thank you guy um you know sometimes you give us some history and I remember you know early on when I met you you talked about um a little fellow in our history called Elliot Ness remember that yeah didn't know who that was but you know you mentioning that name I went and did my homework I watched some you know shows and did some Google searching and I found out who that was and I was just now in Yellowstone is it yeah that's the guy playing him I don't watch the other stuff okay I got it all right listen I'm slow to get to those uh series I'm gonna work on Yellowstone at some point in my future but I was amongst some uh some buddies and we were talking about uh weapons and um one of the guys said what do you think you're like Elliot Ness or something and I said oh you think I'm untouchable and I just thought it was a funny little comeback and I wouldn't have known and it was good it was a good comeback I wouldn't have known that was if it wasn't for you so did it go over his head or he knew uh he smiled and so you never know when somebody smiles and nods you you wonder if they get it or they're just trying to have to get it because I mean the series is on TV for a decade The Untouchables but uh yeah that's that's your fault you're an influencer you influenced me to uh you know go out and do a little research and say thank you for that well I enjoy doing it that I the reward is in itself when the parent comes in and my son now collects or I get the phone call or I get I got this the other day actually oh can we read that let's see I'm gonna try to paint it it's it's an owl it says coin guy thanks for the laughs laughs on YouTube do I make you laugh we think you're hilarious my wife knows you like owls so she painted one for you she painted that that's pretty cool yeah I thought it was like I like that though it's like it's like one of the snowy owls that's a pretty my wife's been painting what's her name Anita is that right Anita who's that the the artist right there where she signed it on the bottom left I can't see now that's pretty though I thought it was a picture yeah that's well done yeah I got that it's a very talented I get a lot of thank you letters I appreciate them from people I don't always mention them all but I appreciate the time that you take to mail it to me and uh and you're touching lives and you're trying to teach and and if I can get a young person to open a book or to learn something about history that's what it's about like that's you know often said if you if you don't learn from history if you're doomed to repeat it the fun thing to do is like you get all these coins from different years and you have ancients here from you know BC times you know do a little Google search what happened in that year BC you had the coin in your hand you know use that as a starting point and you'll find something for the information out there it's kind of neat who ruled in different countries how are the how are these coins moving usually when people come to visit and they come in from different states and they come down and they go to Disney they'll come by they usually buy an ancient or they buy if they're from if they're from Europe they usually buy a Civil War token there's a Mystique about the Civil War um you know and ancients are usually people from around here because there's a heck of a lot more ancients in Europe and around the uh you know Croatia and all around there they're still digging up pots I think a civil war um I think it's off of uh 75. somebody's flying a massive Confederate flag yeah I've saw that years ago massive massive one he owns the land from what I understand he does what he wants right yeah it's his flag I just can't believe how big that thing is that like had to have that thing specially made well I would think of storms coming in you better pull it down it might just blowed a pole over with it golly picks up a lot of resistance which is like all them poor whales dying along the coast the East Coast you know you got those wind turbines being built I don't know I'm hearing all that concrete ain't good and all that hammering's not good and all the vibrations are not good I think you're confusing the whales and they're killing them oh you know where is Greenpeace well they work off of like sonar right so all this sounds is probably jacking them up well they got what 42 dead whales in the last few months I mean some of these things are just you better sit back and really look at it you know what's killing the whales is we know the turbines kills thousands of birds every year tens of thousands so the albatross is flying along Suddenly It's Twilight and you don't see the blade whack he did shark food geez well the Sharks will be doing good at least where's the Audubon Society you know golly crazy anything else you got I think that's uh I think I covered most bases yeah like I said God Bless America and just hang in there things will get better and we will talk again thank you guys thank you so much take it easy you too bye-bye bye-bye foreign
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 173,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silver, investing, coins, bullion, inflation, gold, copper, money, how-to, bank, coin, penny, coin roll hunting, Lincoln cent, wheat cent, epic, silver, currency, junk silver, walking liberty, franklin, kennedy, mercury, dime, half dollar, quarter, constitutional silver, 90 percent, spegtacular, the coin guy, coin guy, coin guy spring hill, coin shop spring hill, coin shop, coin shop owner, coin shop interview, coin dealer, fake coin, counterfeit coin, fake coin detection, you'll never believe
Id: L27QjQWX9Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 9sec (3849 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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