Have YOU Seen THESE? The Coin Guy shows some BEAUTIFUL World Coins!

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hey everybody I'm spectacular the silver stac I'm here with my coin shop dealer in Spring Hill Florida the coin guy how's it going doing great hello to everybody happy almost Easter uh been another fun house kind of thing some gloomy day today in Spring Hill but here we are again there's a 90% chance of raining out guy but there's 100% chance we'll have a good time in your shop always have a good time let's talk about coins and precious metals you got it the music's going on behind me well hello everybody I seek to educate and entertain through my journey of collecting coins and stacking precious metals I encourage you to subscribe and please stay with me on this journey I am spectacular the silver stacul I pulled out some articles I thought would be interesting okay some articles little of this little of that these are very interesting I had Joe sent me these are those real well that's that's the point they're not he said he's from New York Staten Island name is Joe no last names and these are very dangerous dangerous because they're goodlooking you the flea market those are dangerous they're the wrong style for the 30s the 30s are more like the quarters we have now so these are too big actually to be 33 34 the size these is this is part of the early bust the sizes they don't pass the machine but they are really dangerous they're not real guy I'll be honest with you just for me picking these up real briefly they feel light are they light for the what they're supposed to be slightly yeah but they're they're very dangerous let me take a quick look why do people counterfeit our coinage guy well you probably at a flea walk and they're trying to sell them for 20 bucks a piece and the person who has any working knowledge of coins is going to know that these are $100 a piece wasn't there a saying that what is it counterfeit as to what is it all right we're talking about coin guys weight here somebody I'm I'm 240 right now holy Rolling Thunder no uh listen I'm stressed out I'm stressed out man what can I say I got to put some weight on U like we were talking about um yeah these are not the real deal but they sure look dangerous they're really dangerous it's funny you could see a wave in the metal up in here on this one let me see wave in the metal right across in here like oh yeah yep that's not supposed to happen no it's like an error kind of thing or now I had a guy in here the other day and here happens to be this article which I didn't see at the time and they brought me these new uh they brought me the new cortis and in person there really are something to say and look like the real deal what's missing on this quarter the new quarter yep the whole back is just like this totally blank this is the reverse is it I don't know I'm asking you I kind of think it's the obverse this is the obverse I mean it's missing everything right well that's the way it was made he showed me the coin and goes I've got this one that's missing it I see them online selling for $100 so what I'm doing here is warning everybody that that's the way they're supposed to look so beware of the people trying to sell you them for 100 bucks that's kind of cool I like how they made her shirt into like everything High detailing there nothing in the fields Mexican ameran so it has all the different places okay but it's very very plain you know a lot of field in the back with nothing on it well we don't that isn't like we're missing you know United States of America or date not supposed to be there just be warned that that's the way it is and don't you know beware people trying to sell them to you for $95 it's a coin and not a metal mhm it's a coin cuz usually a metal would be more like this right in fact if we just take a trip over here real quick I think you have a metal sitting right here one of the newer ones right and that even has more information on it oh certainly that's a pretty pretty coin yeah with the horse I happen to have three of them by the way um well I think the gold one got coin of the year yeah the gold ones really that reminds me almost of my my Remington between Wicked Pony and uh coming to the ride a micana this is a newer one I've had that about a year yeah I told the wife the other day let's bring it home she didn't want it she doesn't want that I don't know I I kind of like that stuff that's awesome but it mean it's great for the shop too well that's what I don't mind but then again if I give it to her for a birthday we can bring it home is that is that how it's going to work like maybe and maybe I get to wear it that's crazy then for my birthday which is a couple of weeks later she give it back to me wow is that the way it works at your house I'm afraid might so I saw that article we have this okay that's I I've never seen those yet now they are talking about doing a four coin gold different denominations and these are the ones he's throwing stuff at me Guy come on people are going to be like look at all the outakes I got to have now all right here we go these are the ones you're talking about but try to remind me didn't they do these three already yeah of course uh what but they want to do it in 201 yeah we did the uh I just sold a couple of centical we did boom boom and boom now we're doing this one that's the other one they're talking about and the um we got the flowing hair this year right at the end of the year and they're looking yes and they're looking to do a four piece $804 bus dollar look okay that might look pretty good my only point is like I've said before get somebody to design it who isn't a political appointee make these in reverse proof you got the 19 the 2013 W reverse proof buffalo buffalo gold piece stunning yeah these would look stunning and reverse proof you're doing gold this is already gold but these in Gold we seen them when I saw the dime I was disappointed but if you do this in a reverse proof I think they'll be wow especially if you're going to have a 1 o I'm just going to really be confusing some people but a 1 oz people going to sell this to Silver Eagles 1 oz/ oz4 oz and 1110 yeah they want to do five types this is four and the other one is the 1804 um I think that's a pretty good idea absolutely this gets the uh the old-timers interested right I mean this is what we love in the hobby Yep this old stuff I like that old stuff I like stuff that you used now here's the story about the wartime copper pennies man you just over there mutilating your magazines steel penny I have a couple more but I can't I don't know where I put them I keep forgetting things I remember being at a show in White Plains oh 25 years ago I went with another dealer took me up there and a guy had just bought a steel penny um a 1944 steel penny he called me over hey let me show you this God bless you thank you he was a ARA deal and he said he'd been negotiating and he paid x amount of money for this and he thinks it's the real deal at that time there were not 25 years ago there were only seven or eight known I think there's about 40 or 50 now but there were only like seven or8 No 3 weeks later front page of coin World 1944 steel penny discovered at the show that I was at the White Plain show and then about three months later $41,000 had sold for Wow Let's just say this guy made home run you doing advertisement for Captain D now huh a fan of mine bought that bought me lunch oh yeah was that gem yeah s his name yeah I hope so yeah yeah I think we met him when he came in yep yeah a nice guy very nice guy came down from um kooper Town wow just to see you other I think he may have had other business in the area too but I was one of the stops he was here a couple hours and we talked a lot I had lunch with him we traded stories and um he bought me lunch that's nice guy just for what you do on the YouTube huh I do what I love now I was looking at something like this now a lot of people talk about the Titanic I don't have any coins from Titanic not this time no did you watch the movie the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and yeah that an ugly looking kid uh come on man do you know who was supposed to play the girl in that who and she screwed it up who's that uh when the girl played Wednesday Adams REI uh REI is that who it is back 20s something years ago yeah really Wednesday Adams chick the girl not the one now I'm talking about the one in the original Wednesday in the original Adams Family okay REI yeah her name is reachi she I think she was signed up she was she had a conflict and she didn't do it what a mistake that Academy Award was she threw that away that would have been but then she would had to show a booby off you know what I mean well that was a famous booby right there for some reason that was like a a rated PG booby too remember that something like that you know anyway um the Titanic 2200 people okay 1,500 died and I read this somewhere it's not in this that ship left only 60% from full there were hundreds of cabins that weren't full thank goodness I read somewhere that the ship could hold another thousand people and they didn't sell out why is that do you know the price of a first CL first class cabin and what year was this again this is 1912 okay $4,350 Sho we $4,300 $350 in 1912 that's more than a cruise today I mean people were people were making what probably making lucky they're making $100 a month $4,300 comparable to $70,000 now so you were a huge deal if you were on this right here you were all that but they weren't all that because hundreds of cabins couldn't sell then there would have been 2500 bodies floating in the North Atlantic I guess how crazy is that huh yeah how big and crazy that is but I know read that somewhere and I thought that was very interesting those two things now there's coins that like NG GC I've seen uh certify from the a body yeah it's a little ghoulish but I can understand it yeah I mean it's part of history I mean that's what we do right that's what we learned from yeah we learned from that kind of stuff look at you man getting stuff for the viewers right there so they got some information that's the game that's awesome of view what else I got over here what else you oh let's come over here and do geography before before we get to the geography I'm totally interested it but obviously guy you have a shop here in Spring Hill Florida if somebody sees something uh that they like they can give you a call right here at this number I'll have the information also down in the description of the video and just realize the guy moves this stuff in and out constantly yeah a lot of stuff comes and goes very quickly you may see it in this video at this moment but you might not have it you know in stock when they go to call but give them give guy a call anyways right and we're last we're down to the last dozen coin guy spectacular Rams also there's only about a half a dozen left maybe we'll work on something new who knows who knows what time uh we'll have for us I bring you okay mostly information the Caribbean here we go for those who don't know what an appolis is this is a book that has pictures in it of the world they don't seem to teach that nowadays so I could to show that I had this a time to sell it this is a lot of the Caribbean silver this is known as the Western Caribbean where or Caribbean right here St B St cro a bunch of saints this this size look at the size of Cuba huh well is it accurate to scale you I think it is this is Florida I think Cuba is the size of Florida no I think Cuba probably a little smaller I don't know I don't know that's you know Jamaica o I want to take you to Bermuda here we have Bahama Dominican Republic I worked with a lot of men from Dominica and Haiti I worked with a couple from ha's in the news right now guys yeah there's a if you read about at Haiti you know there's still people in there I want to you know I wonder if a boat got within 800 miles of Martha's Vineyard where it would be shot out of the water I don't know um Haiti has some of the bloodiest history in the Western Hemisphere dangerous people dangerous place very dangerous Maybe I'm Wrong I Don't Know But I don't see Oprah Winfrey or Obama's having a mansion there yeah what can I tell you well I've worked with people that were from Haiti and they've told me how dangerous it was there and oh I worked with them too they would just see people like getting laid out with baseball bats in the streets as part of their justice system you know yeah I I talked to one one guy uh I said to me going back to Vis he goes why would he had a few Choice words they leave they do not go back I wouldn't blame this is uh they called it the Somalia of the Caribbean I wouldn't blame them I've heard it called that I mean Somalia is notorious for Africa but anyway this is this is this is the Caribbean okay now you've heard the term if you watch enough pirate movies and such the Spanish main that's this the Northern end here's Panama this is the New Mexico Panama and all the other countries that try to get here and uh the Spanish main is the northern Coastline of South America Venezuela and the others yeah Colombia there Colombia Venezuela and whoever but this is this is what's known as a Spanish Main this is the areas where all the pirate silver came out of pirate gold came out of mhm now you've got pirate Silvera but now not pirate silver you've got pretty silver pretty Sil not all of this is from there a couple of them are from other places but I've had these I'm looking to move them they have a lot of value in silverport but they make pretty coins I mean that's beautiful I think they're ridiculous cheap right here they're very low priced I mean this is 80 this is maybe $5 $7 over melt can I can I grab a couple take a little little Gander here so this is they got the dollar system here Barbados yeah that looks like a picture of me at the beach who Barbados no Neptune who's that oh yeah yeah yeah same guy you miror got the sixpack yeah looks good like you're looking at yourself those are cool man they feel heavy too don't they yeah they got a lot of weight now just I was looking at now this is a said this is these these countries here this is like all Bahamas down in here once again Birds just pretty coins there extras of some I had all of this in a ammunition box in safe o ship on a coin guy fan favorites Queen Lizzy those are pretty man they feel so heavy I mean they make a nice gift especially if you're from the islands or oh they're beautiful you know you can buy a souvenir there we can come home and buy it and put it in the album anyway at half the price anyway listen guy if I was a lady and I refuse to identify I'm going to be a man but if I was a lady this would be like one of my big collections right here because they're beautiful pretty birds coins yep even as a guy I'm enjoying them I got you got extras here of course here we go he has a whole bunch of proofs always got extras being in the coin proof ones oh the proof ones are fantastic if you want you know $400 worth I got them here sh we um they're awesome look at that bird right here that's like a mix between like a pelican and like a a dinosaur something like that yeah crazy this isn't going to last this the Philippines that's big now we just jumped away from another ocean to another ocean but they're mixed up here's Trinidad and Tobago where at here we go they look so cool guy they're beautiful absolutely beautiful his bise we can we can take a note on this stuff right here for our coinage here in America because these are these are Fant these people they you know I never well I guess they they we use we're doing the presidents and stuff and I don't know sometimes I like seeing things other than the presidents on coins which is why you know the Canadians have the wild life series have have some beautiful coins and you know I I like that kind of stuff I think that's prettyy cool well that metal we just talked about and again that being the gold piece being the coin of the year they didn't have a single person on it you know it it just it had those horses it just was absolutely beautiful now here's Panama now how would you like hey buddy you got change of a 100 these are $20 pieces careful I don't want smash my finger actual silver weight 3.85 so you're looking at things that like I don't know what is that about 90 90 $92 in silver in them big I remember some years ago we did a video guy and you had some of these things years ago you got a hoarde in and that's probably all gone these are new ones now new ones this is I know people love these now the United States made these we made the coins in Panama Panama and the Philippines too right yep pretty pretty silver and like I said it's right right on here Western peran the Western Caribbean you have over here you have the Cayman I've been to the Cayman Islands off the coast of Havana where have you been in this little location right not many I've been I've been to the Cayman okay I've been to the uh I've been here that Mexico yeah I've been over here KML you went there been to KMEL Cancun been over here that's how you're so T I've been there um Susan wants to go through the Panama Canal have you ever been here yes I've been to Florida Key West Key West I've been to Key West okay I have I have people fans of mine in Key West who send me one gu send me coffee which I'm drinking right now very good coffee thank you feel free to send me more uh you been to Jamaica no I worked in Jamaica oh okay I worked with a lot of Jamaicans okay felt like I was many a day you know it's it's an interesting thing if you have cultural experience and I worked with a lot of people from the islands you stand next to two Jamaicans talking you can't pick up two words they're saying because they get into their you know their accents or their colloquialism of the Jamaican talk and I mean I'm talking they you can't understand what they're saying I worked with them for 30 years wow and uh worked with many many I worked a lot people from all over the Caribbean all over the all over the world I mean I worked in a facility in my department where I was a minority it was mostly African-American Caribbean ameran Spanish um 65% of them uh but we all got along there was no problem then he had work to do he had to get along we had work to do we were there all work I mean 70s ' 80s '90s we were there to work uh but I learned a lot there and as I said I learned that the Haitians don't want to go back to Haiti no and you know wow what do that to say I've been to Italy and I would go back again well a lot of these places you know they don't want to go back Cubans they really not trying to go back to Cuba to you know Live Well I get Cubans to call me and say what are you people doing here we left that the Venezuelans told me the same thing you know we left that socialism to have our own way and to be our own people the woman that I used to teacher that I used to do the Great American teaching her her husband I believe her her son her son married a girl whose family owned a s own a Sausage Factory in Venezuela mhm in in one of the major cities and now they're poor because the government just took it all over there's no I mean you just lose everything it's like you know crazy to me it's just crazy crazy thing but I thought these were interesting these are crazy beautiful what's the what's the practicality of on a coin that big just for fun right I thought that the two pence piece was big that Britain made in 1797 and then you can put it into a slab that's this big you flip this and say heads or tails and if you get under it and it hits you in the head it knocks you out yeah whack these are great so what people can just call and tell me what's available you know what are you interested in uh put together enough that we can avoid having to pay taxes on it um you guys should grab some of these These are really good price you can like kind of well they left this is see a small part of the world for cheap and they're beautiful there they're not like all spotted up these are great there's probably 150 o here oh look at the two can look at that didn't let me see the two can Sam wow what's that that's a that's a pretty oneop FR Loops right there's a couple of others here that I thought were interesting I mean they're all pretty cool feel like I'm a world traveler traveler yeah this one Liberia Bank of Uganda Liberia 10 Shillings let me see the let me see what you got there here yep Liberia oh okay they got elephants over there fantastic well Liberia is on the coast of Africa there you go you know the story about Liberia no tell me I'm in trouble now uh oh when Lincoln died uh Johnson became the president lynon B Johnson well no Andrew Johnson oh different guy and in 1867 he let any slaves who were brought over from Africa any slaves that want to get Civil Wars over anybody can go back to Africa free of charge to Liberia 35,000 left so there goes your reparations you had a chance to leave had a chance I can't tell you yeah I guess that's true story elephants are it was an open uh an open thing to go back to Liberia and uh and 35,000 people took it out of a couple of million maybe 3 million but only 35,000 decide to go back I guess it's like the aans who work here and do you go back to Haiti no God Bless America greatest country in the world and that's the story of what built Liberia um here's the Philippines um conquistadors remember cool stuff yeah Columbus was only the Navigator he didn't own the ships that was Spain the rape and pillage of the Spanish main Mexico South America that was all on SP don't blame Columbus I want my parade back anyway um very cool people probably call you over this stuff right here yeah would they yell at me one or the other yeah they'll say that you were wrong on some little Minor Detail or whatever right I got big well I used to have bigger shoulders but I'm willing to hear what they got to say yeah history is just to be learned from now I know we got a lot of people the snowb birs are getting ready to leave uh no offense to the snowbirds but I hope so man well I don't mind the snowbirds I do traffic's been nuts over here I can't you know the funny thing is like I've said before when the snowbirds are here when the snowbirds were here 5 seven years ago and you went up to 50 where all the big restaurants on the steakhouses you're waiting outside an hour and 15 minutes not anymore people can't afford to eat yeah they you know they go out once a month or you used to go out once a week they just can't afford to go out but for those who will be be going back and if you're going to go to England or if you're going back to Canada I have a whole lot of Canadian money if you want to make you know uh nationalize it come in and buy it I have a box of 25 rolls of nickels I have more nickels here I have dimes I have quarters now what's their deal did they they stopped with the pennies over there did they yeah they don't make the these are they don't make them but yeah but I a selling those for Penny that's a good question right Canadians where you at tell us they I was in Canada about 5 years ago before Co hit and um they just don't use pennies they Round Up round down so you don't know you know they'll tell it's a165 not if I want to go in there with a$1 65 and pennies will they take them I don't know that's a question some people it's almost like here I brought my one and my and2 my loonies and my tunies and I brought my paper ones and twos and it's like they never saw the1 and2 bills then this is 5 years ago I guess it's like people who get a $2 bill now and are surprised to see it um you can go right to the bank all you want but you know I know that they just passed legislation last year where the people don't have to take the ones and twos they don't have to take the ones and twos they don't have to take the 500s or the 1,000s and Canada made a $25 note I've never seen one but if you have one I will be glad glad to give you 75 cents on a dollar for it because I think it's like a th000 but it's very expensive so I'm willing you can redeem them here feel free um but I have all this Canadian money if you want to redeem if you're going back this I've been to Canada a couple of times this $10 is going to buy you $10 worth of stuff in Canada M $7.50 yeah oh wow till I get rid of I'm selling it at the exchange rate the the dimes the quarters the halves the loonies the T now do we have Canadian viewers guy I don't even know I am sure we do because they live in my development are they legally allowed to watch us over there I would I don't know I would kind of think so I got all this yeah you never know look at that it's pretty it's it's cool seeing something different I guess oh yeah fan yourself off with it oh the Canadian money then I got other monies and here's something for those of you here's England use guys here's England here's the queen look green mom mhm last printing with her $50 50 lb notes 1,000 lb they don't seem like they weigh that much $1,280 American yours for $1,200 so if you go to England on vacation come see coin guy I'm not mailing these come in and buy them from me you save 80 bucks is it a problem to mail those like is like a legal thing I don't want to take the chance I think it I think enough people go vacationing down here just like they go to Canada these are brand new crisp and most of this is in uh numerical order I mean they are consecutive order ones I've seen them selling online for like two for $170 uhuh so do you have premiums I don't want to bother I want I want 1,200 bucks and you get a th000 1,00,000 PBS here's Australia I got all kinds I got all kinds of countries here you start calling you the foreign money guy this I showed before I think Terry showed me one of these sold at auction for over $300 this is the original from the Colombian Expo that's got a probably a premium right there guys just that Lea the pouch but that's the coin that was in it and I think it's sold for like $300 I'm willing to entertain a I think it's cool it's historic um I have plenty of Colombian Expos but you want to sell that to me that's a real what do you want to pay me I don't know I know the price is right here in the leather that stuff goes for I've never seen I have never seen another one that's the truth I've never seen I mean how many people actually saved it and it's what3 years ago I'm afraid to just keep opening because it's just like it feels fragile but man what a cool not as fragile of some I have had I've had the Civil War photograph ones those will fall apart in your hand now this is in pretty good shape we can talk about that I mean this is the this is the way they would this is a real deal this is a real deal I tell you what I'll give the people that are watching a chance if that doesn't sell by the next time I come into your store I'm buying it what's this made in China no better not be all that stuff from all those different half dooll like you know the classic memorative half dollars anything where they sold with the half dollars it sells for a huge premium every single time yep now this is the real deal I think it's you know Americana is what it is every single you probably got to go to ajor you got to go to a major show to find this in one of the displays I'm sorry where'd you find that it came I it didn't come in this big collection something else I don't remember where I picked it up um bottom of a box I don't I don't remember because I think I've had I showed it once before and I got no response um I don't I don't recall uh but I wanted what I wanted to show was this stuff to people go over the story of the the Caribbean and the Spanish Main and talk about those articles you did it and um and we still have a lot of commems left if people are looking for that especially military KMS here's all that's left look at this we had 62 cities okay okay the top ones aren't can we bring them out just cuz it helps with the glare people are going to want to see these old coins let me take take apart my my foolproof alarm system okay press the secret code disable the laser beams we had about 30 gsas Sho this was left why are these the ones that's left I wonder I don't know these are not going to be left too much longer that's what's left I love how they just they just strap it right across these a't these are not these are part of that set would be part of the CC's but yet had 62 and you got 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 nice coin right there guy we got 17 left that's a nice coin 17 from 62 I think guy price is too cheap oh he made a mistake but now he's got to pay up take advantage of me uh and then one without the strap it's what I've said before a lot of people don't collect cost in cities what a lot of PE I mean a lot of people don't collect Morgan Dollar but they collect Carson cities yeah I mean they uh Caron cities are very popular um guarantee to sell one guy called me took nine of them you know like three each of the 82 83 and 84s you know maybe he's got three grandkids he wants everybody to get one I I'd imagine guy that when you're looking through like somebody's collection or whatever and you see the CC's on the back of a coin like time just freezes for a moment yeah that's when I smile I smile for them too cuz half the time they don't know what they have yeah you're like going to give them some good news you ain't kidding yeah you're not going to be eating the Burger King you're going to Red Lobster now going to the Lobster well maybe it depends how many people are with you oh you can eat Cheddar Bay Biscuits huh right wow this was a nice tray right here too guy we got to we got to pop some trays here this is what's left I filled in a lot of it is gone somebody's this is BL the old Bion not in the uh ual holders but some of these are pretty cool what's what's uh where's the Blazer let me see this that looks great 860 very expensive coin in high grades people are going to trash talk it cuz it's in the annex holder but that's a beautiful coin still a beautiful coin mhm and there's nothing wrong with Annex that's the first Coin Grading Company right yep that goes back to these all a lot of these people that got their their names over here at PCGS and NGC the you know oldtimers guess where they had to start they had to start at the original Coin Grading Company here we go I know there's old out there like me who remembers something like this this is the old photo grade oh yeah we showed this off yeah photog grade 22 no D are these pretty collectible yes you can sell these by themselves and then what they would do is they would just have it in a flip and it would be stapled to this but this was the old photo grade the precursor before you had the certified so if you're at a garage sale and you see something like this just don't think it's junk make sure you're grab some cases you know like you take a coin like this uh 32d it's registered doesn't say the value but you know this is 1978 1978 huh yeah this this is like I said these are the look what it says here too 83 let's see 1932 decorder in our opinion this is a genuine original coin as described see this is just when the we coming out in ' 86 this is when the hard plastic was coming out I think we need to go back to something like this a little bit along with the slab and kind of give like a rundown of where this coin had been like okay coin guy had it you know sold it to me you know and that way it kind of keeps the history of where that coin has traveled wouldn't that be cool yeah that would be neat yeah I mean like I said I know I have had these um I think I don't I think these were part of collections I don't believe there were coins attached to these I've had these for years it's more of a you know we're coin collectors we collect everything we don't tell nothing out my wife tells you should see my you should see my office sometime probably looks just like yours all kinds of crazy this is it400 square ft of this is my this is like Susan says this is my man cave I see got some peace dollars guy hey you were telling me I had these before I don't remember seeing these there's a green bean I definitely would have remember these couple coins right here like for instance this 21 High Relief the Tony's a little dark on this one right here but a 61 you don't get a 61 too often around see here's a vam five I'm not sure what that means I don't get into that what the vam is yeah well I know what it is but you get a book somewhere don't is it a big deal this book like this thick yeah it's like a phone book for those who don't know what a phone book is I mean that's everybody now right phones used to be the numbers used to be in them books how miserable was that when you think back to now to looking through a phone book trying to find the number well there you didn't know anything better um that's what you had yeah I remember my uncle was big strong guy Frank I remember watching him rip a phone book in half one time when I was a kid wow strong man yeah he was a garbage worker he was he was pretty pretty strong yeah try that for anybody watching with just a pack of sticky notes yeah it's tough It's not the easiest thing in the world try and rip a cassette in half now try and rip that phone in half because that's where all the numbers were that's funny it's a beautiful coin 28s I mean it's not the Philadelphia 28s is a very expensive coin in high grades that coin gets stupid when it gets in high grades it doesn't take fall before it passes to 28 which is a key dat you're going to offend the coin you just call it a stupid stupid man I mean that no the coin gets stupid prices come on man don't get upset here all right 28s 28s here we're looking as it runs parallel somewhere it's going to pass there we go 28s when it gets to a 64 okay blows away to 28 plane double surprice let me see here let me try to zoom it here which one is the okay the bigger number 1100 is yes that's when it starts to overtake it yep okay and then don't look back look at that and the num $10,000 jump guy that's what in a in a six look at over here holy smokes I told you it gets incred no stops there crazy 46,000 that's a new vehicle three times his size yeah woo yeah how nuts I mean some of these things will absolutely take off that's like when I talk about the uh what is it the 94 the 92s goodness gracious 92s is another crazy coin that when it gets uh uh where's my 92 s's here we go and I got two or three raw ones over there you know $22,000 in a 40 you got everything man you got in a 50 got the stuff slab and a 60 is 48 8,000 48,000 that's nuts man so if you got a 92s and you take it to the pawn shop make sure you check the back yeah you know you think that's ever happened guy yeah that's sad to think about you know I'm sure it has I'm sure it has and then half the time the pawn shop doesn't know what it is uh I had a kid come in here eight 10 years ago and he brought me a 1815 bust half dollar 1815 for those who don't know is the key to the bust half dollar um there were only 37,000 made or something like that and I looked at the coin I off I think I gave the kid 900 for it 900 he stood there stunned he said the guy in the pawn cha put it on a scale offered me $20 900 my goodness I sold it for I don't know 13 but I got it certified first and I'm the dealer I got to make a few bucks but wow yeah you know there are dates you need to know uh what happened was there was a fire in 1815 at the mint and there were no uh no large pennies made in 1815 uh and they didn't make the half doll they started to make the halves and then you had the fire and that's why production got stopped the more you know the things you know when you're the coin guy huh you read a lot 1815 was the year Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein did you know that you know who Mary is I believe you told us before yeah she was a friend of mine anyway was she yeah she was at a retreat in July in England because mbor exploded big volcano lot of as and and that was a year without a summer in the world I guess they call it global warming well there it was Global freezing uh no summer it snowed in England crops just died all over the world and they were on a the summer vacation Lord Byron was a friend of her and her husbands and it was G you know dreary cold July and they had a contest to write science fiction she wrote Frankenstein got published in 1817 the rest is history wow yeah you know guys how many books she ever read wrote how many books she wrote that's the only one she ever wrote just one yeah oh did a good job like 19 at the time she had a interesting mind huh honey what do you want to do yeah I don't know let's get a fire going uh oh I don't know you know Guy the one of the the gentlemen that came in earlier Jim um who I guess took you to to lunch without me that's cool lunch here no big deal Jim next time he said he said to me is is uh is he coming in today is spectacular coming in I said who who's that guy thanks a lot man but you know he said something really interesting he says you know when you watch these videos on YouTube you know and you start to get a feel for guy and his daughter and Nate you start to like build a connection you know is that that's that's something so interesting right well people from miles away they can build this connection and I appreciate that people come in they say they watch I get wives Assa tell me their husbands listen to me four times a day that's okay you know it's it's better than listening to the news half the time which will drive you crazy um but no I I hear what you're saying I hear what you're saying and that's part of the connection and trying to teach and and learn I'm looking forward to the what's it six months maybe seven months the Great American teaching I have a client who's been selling me gold and she works in a school and she has talked to people in Hernando County and says that she's got the green light to get Me In by a bang so maybe I'll I can move from Pasco and do both of them just as long as they're not the same day don't kill yourself guy take it easy do what I can do yeah but uh you seem like you're very energetic today I don't know you've been eating your sugar or something like that what's going on here what I have I had I had fish I had my uh fish fish for lunch oh must be a me it's good fish the mega 3s Mega sixes just pumping you up well that's cool though I thought that was neat that he said he built a connection and that's that's great that's that's the idea and hopefully that he's interesting he's up in Cooper town and he he had some interesting stories to say and and tell us he actually had some coins that he showed me I'm sure he showed you too yeah you showed beautiful what was that ms68 uh morgar beautiful think an 81s and an eight holy cow yeah I had no idea I mean the book on he shows a seven that you know that becomes an auction piece and I do not have that clientele in here for that uh but it was it was really something to see and it was good talking to him yeah it was good talking to him that's cool what else is new wies with the with me nothing with me I'm just work work work just working to death the American dream I think is just working working working working working maybe maybe Bernie Sanders is right maybe we should go to a three-day work week huh get some more of these by the way in Cas well Bernie is funny that's that's why the Americans are who they are is because we work 6 days a week you know I said a long time ago the the European you know you you look back and why do we have this and why do we have that the Europeans have two people for every job you know it's when they go on V when they go on holiday it's five weeks seven weeks that's some more almost an extension of those the bars I go on a vacation for seven weeks and did you bored after did you get a gift from some yes I did get a gift you're right don't forget them all right let me let me give a shout out real quick me read the whole thing I guess you got something too it was a very nice gift yes uh dear spectac I would like to send you a gift to thank you for all of your videos although there not much I thought you would be like to add silver to your stack first of all it's a lot uh Ava and Mara very very appreciative 13 years old 12 years old hooking me up with this really really cool standing liberty quarter I think it's awesome 1916 W one of my favorite coins of all time yeah right I'd have to give it back to be like I can't accept that uh but no very thankful that's awesome you would take it I got no you m lady no yeah I want to send I want to send them a little gift I think that's really cool so thank you very much greatly appreciate it that's awesome good and you got some like what paper money from them or something I got some paper money and I sent him a a t-shirt wow look at you yep fany I got some T-shirts you got some T-shirts you touch me I sent you a t-shirt not that I'm touched jeez man all right what's uh what's going on in this uh this case here this came back from great collections I saw that little nickel we sold the one that was generation 2 we did well on that this one is a very early one but not as early as that I still think it's it was it was much more at the auction I brought it down to be sold it's there are people who collect those the green it's it's an early generation some of these ran for 3 months 6 months until they hit on even now they're changing the styles of them as they go along pretty toning on that nickel you don't see that very often on nickels yeah that's that's a 67 if I recall and I and I I think that's full steps and that's before they used to put full steps on there we're going to see if we can see the full steps we're going to try to take a look C with this amazing technology here I don't know it's hard to see I don't see full steps you see them I think there's a lot of steps there I don't see I don't see any steps maybe it's my zoom oh no no there's steps there's definitely steps you look you look with the uh the special technology you got oh no this there nice clean steps I just can't see with my zoom my zoom blurs it out I guess that's Apple for you Apple can't figure it out I'm looking at Five Steps heard Apple's getting sued by the government yeah about that they must have went after one of the bidens I don't know Biden it's like death now I see steps if without the big Zoom there we go now I got the right lighting guy now something to like that they were suing because like apple was blocking technology from Android and all the companies were doing it stopping people from just being able to get what they want on any system so two more coins I got doesn't enable a free market this one I got the box for this is interesting this is the what is this the 1100th anniversary of Iceland 1100 nice place to go in the summertime so what Iceland is green and Greenland is ice is that it work pretty much that's gold yeah yeah it's got an interesting color to it oh yeah well it's not it's foret what the percentage was it's like 45% I it's still over a thousand bucks there's a lot of there's enough gold there and this was a beauty what's that dude holding just some big old totems he's got a really strong chin very squared pretty cool this has got incredible Fields this just has incredible Fields let me see these fields that you speak so high of overall that's a really great coin isn't it that came in a holder that came in a certified holder I didn't AG grade with the grade I broke it out um I just think that that coin is breathtaking full headband beautiful you know like I said Coin Grading is subjective uh look at those feels looks like a four it's fantastic um I think it's a beautiful coin these these Barber half do that was a long run right for coinage yeah yeah I just got a matter fact now you just reminded me oh I haven't had a chance to go through it all you can pay me later and for crying out loud I think that Captain D owes us some money too for all this advertising we're giving them oh he's going down into the depths of the safe that's where the back gets hurt guy careful it's not what it used to be okay got a Dan I bring you the barber collection made me gasp are these all quarters yes they are it's missing to three key dates the 96s the 13s and the 01s I've only owned one 01s what would that cost to fill those in like a I don't know about the same grade we're looking at here those well the 01s is $4,000 um the other two are like 8 and 11 respectively so those those three coins are 6,000 the rest of the set gives a price what is the price 17 dude I kind of want this guy that's a great start and it's got some nice ones you can always build from there I I think the book is worth $50 empty um you know when it comes to dance goes it's always here's another book I just picked up that's a great I just had some coins in it that's a great piece you know it's like I said the the wife wants me to retire what are you retiring from this is your fun I love what I do it's just what am I going to do what am I going to do I don't go I don't fish you want to golf sometime here's another book you never see thank you but this came with 20 coins in it seated halves seed liberty half this try find this book this is empty now yeah it's empty now but it had about 20 coins now I got a nice guess what I got a nice tray full of seated ABS this is this lot of low grade stuff but what does this book go for for full I mean no empty you're saying yeah I'm asking 59 for a dance go for a very specialized yeah hard I tried to put this set together back in the early 80s uh the seated halves and I was trying to put together the bust Hales at the same time I was crazy either one could exhaust you with no matter when I had limited funds but this has varieties just just and when you get to the end of this and this didn't have any of the ones in the end once you get past here forget about it forget it right here all of these all of ones in the 80s mintages of 4,000 6,000 10,000 oh buddy I mean they they were none made I think the 84 has a mintage of 4,400 4,400 that's always was made crazy you went in there with you know $2,200 you bought the whole run and then what survived how many survived yeah you know if 10% survived there's you know say there's 500 left it's 500 I mean this went through a time when money was really used really worn out all right I'm going to get really personal right now what is your favorite set that you've finished it was always the Walkers you finished the Walkers a number of times a number of time when I was younger low great set and then later I put a set together that was V mostly XF to to Au I didn't want to put unks in there because it blows away the rest but I did XF I just could not find an XF at that time in a 21s and I think a 19d 19d is very expensive 21s 21s and extra fine is like $3,000 yeah it's just and I'm talking 30 years ago I put that set together I mean um it was just but I'm a collector now I just collect all kinds of stuff I love the 16 and 17 with that obverse Min mark on them that's so pretty to me so pretty I wish they had never stopped that for that that series well like I said who knows what I don't know what politics were involve but you got a little gold right now Gold's been coming up I mean record highs hit 22 2202 coin guy told you I didn't think it was going to hit 22 before Easter but I said 23 by Summer something stupid happens we may see more than that have people been dropping it off or been picking it up I am not a bullion dealer but I get bullion I have I have a few oun of gold if you have 30 ounces to sell don't come to me I'm sorry I just ain't buying it uh it's slowed down a lot I don't have buyas um go see my son up in St Augustin or somebody else uh i' rather not not invest $100,000 in Gold to make $1,000 it's too dangerous uh there are people selling yes every day yeah people you know we've talked about this they just can't make ends meet um every time you go shopping it just amazes me how much uh how much things cost um you know I've been I've been cheating on you guys I've been going to other shops too once in a while but they have that same story that people are struggling I had a guy who here owns a pawn shop he said he put out 35,000 one weekend in the street 35,000 man I mean Jesus be well I had a guy and sold me 3,000 and stuff Tuesday he got his his home insurance double mhm my bugman was in today his insurance went from like 19 to 43 yeah it's hard to deal with holy cow yep and what happens he starts charging more for bugs that's what has to happen well you know it's just like they said well you know we're going to move minimum wage now in Florida is 12 5 years ago was eight now it's 12 yeah but everything went up 50% yeah so what you all back done to say yeah you've done nothing it's the same cycle I mean it's it's just ridiculous frustrating guy frustrating and us just screaming up into the air doing nothing we can't do nothing about it anyway have a great Easter uh God Bless America and it's springtime Now isn't it is it yes yeah officially have a great Easter God Bless America and good luck to all of you thank you guys take care bye bye you know when I was a kid we did this every day in school and I believe we need to bring this back a little bit and I'm going to start right now I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 19,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silver, coins, bullion, inflation, gold, investment, copper, savings account, money, bank, coin, penny, coin roll hunting, bank roll, coin collecting, Lincoln cent, wheat cent, epic, silver, currency, junk silver, walking liberty, franklin, kennedy, mercury, dime, half dollar, quarter, constitutional silver, 90 percent, spegtacular, coin guy, coin guy spring hill, coin guy florida, coin guy interview, coin shop interview, coin shop, coin shop florida, coin shop spring hill, spring hill
Id: 97zHFWVwrIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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