I made a BLACK X-Man Tornado V3...

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in July of 2013 no in July of 2023 I started a project and created a video that was polarizing to a lot of cubers that watched it many thought it was a really cool idea many shunned me for doing something to such a expensive and premium Cube ooh that's got to hurt what here's the thing what those cubers don't understand is that I grew up in a time where modding cubes was very normal and very required so I still have that mindset in my cubing today so when I tried the X-Men tornado V3 I fell in love with the feeling of it as most of us probably did but I was having trouble getting used to stickerless cubes so I thought hm if only this Cube came in Black so I decided to make one on my own I started by bathing the pieces in acetone which on the first attempt was an utter fail I used way too much tone and it actually melted my pieces though it didn't melt them too much where I couldn't use them so I tried it again and was successful in the second try I assembled the cube brought it with me to a camping trip sealed it with a clear coat and stickered it and it was good to go it was a great Cube it worked good but after a couple weeks something noticeable started happening the pieces started getting darker and by the looks of it it looked like it was absorbing the black Dy from the pieces so the cube became unusable so after the black tornado was on the shelf for about a year I decided I'm going to see if I can redo this and do it right this time I took the stickers off and I saw just how bad the absorption was from the stickers and why the stickers got so Brown and with the stickers off you could just see how much of the black Dy was absorbed and just how not good it looked so I came up with a new strategy I applied India ink onto the cube to give it a very uniform and matte black look when I was on the camping trip I had used this to clear coat the cube before applying the stickers and My Hope was that this would seal in the D and the ink that I had used to make the cube black as you can see here seals protects that's bull so I decided to use what I use to seal my guitars a gloss lacquer this stuff is like hard I thought I would use the same thing for the tornado V3 so I sprayed cube with my lacquer I did several coats so now that all that was complete all that was left was stickering and I was blown away at how beautiful this Cube [Laughter] [Music] looked so one year later I finally did it right I made a black tornado V3 that looks unbelievable this looks so much like cubes from 2014 15 era and the black is so uniform and it's so dark and Rich I'm completely blown away so from the old YouTube short of the version one of this a lot of people said it looked like a vog so it's a vog l why does it look like the vul laughing face emoji looks like V 3 or something it looks like amgc stickered Cub or like a vog reminds me of a v looks like a V of some sort dot do dot so the only downside with this project was that first acetone bath that I bathed the pieces in basically melted the pieces um in fact they actually kind of shrunk them a little bit so there's a lot of gaps in the edges and corner pieces but it's honestly not very noticeable when solving it really doesn't affect solves at all and the Caps still snap perfectly to the primary internal pieces and there's no overlap or anything everything moves so smoothly so honestly I think this is a success took me a year to finally get it right but this thing is main worthy for sure um I personally love sticker cubes I think they're so much more fun to solve on than stickerless just because I love the color with the black background it's such a pleasing aesthetic for me um and yeah my brain just really likes the colors popping from a black background stickerless cubes obviously I feel like I do better with them as far as like just overall peace recognition and speed so I repurchased a stickerless tornado V3 just so I can have as a competitive Speed Cube and this is just for me to play with when I'm at work or if I feel like just solving on a black Cube and and it's really cool cuz it's a broken in tornado V3 it feels almost the same as a stickerless except that it's looser and crispier if any of you out there want to try this project one thing I would recommend doing [Music] is so yeah that's the black tornado V3 for you guys really hope you enjoyed the video and this was a fun one to make I potentially will do this in the future with more cubes I don't doubt it because cubes are just going to keep progressing and black cubes are a thing of the past unfortunately I really wish they weren't because black stickered cubes are just so beautiful let's be honest like this is what the Rubik's Cube looks like right this is an iconic Rubik's Cube look right it's classic stickerless cubes are great and all but they just don't look the same and they don't Garner the same recognition that a stickered black Cube would attract so just my personal opinion I love stickerless cubes so they're really fun but this is just classic and there's no replacing these for me anyway hope you guys enjoyed the video this is a fun one to make if you did be sure to drop a like drop a sub as well uh this is my first video in almost a year I think so I'm going to try to post more regularly maybe not as often as I was uh because I'm working on a lot of other projects at the moment but I will see if I could at least post a video or two a month for you guys anyway hope you enjoyed it thank you guys so much for watching bye [Music]
Channel: MyCuberVinnie
Views: 292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xman, tornado v3, speedcube, black, cubicle, speedcubeshop, rubiks
Id: 2UdcjW_1zEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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