(LISTEN TO THIS EVERY DAY) Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret (FULL) - Patrick Tugwell
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Channel: Patrick Tugwell
Views: 4,047,505
Rating: 4.9278011 out of 5
Keywords: Earl nightingale, Personal development, Mlm, Network marketing, Nerium, neora, success, motivation, inspiration, motivational video, money, how to make more money
Id: y5x-KjBME_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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No, I'm sorry. I couldn't go beyond a few minutes.
This is either bullshit propaganda, or he has made a gross error. But it sounds like Capitalist, Individualistic, keep-the-working-class-divided style propaganda.
While he may be on to something about the reason for those who succeed, at least for some who we'd consider a success, he's absolutely dead-ass wrong (or, more likely, deliberately lying) about the causes for people being broke.
I mean he literally says it--the reason why people are poor in America, the most prosperous country in the world, is because they don't work hard and single-mindedly enough.
Horse. Fucking. Shit.
That's so close to fascist ideology that I'm frankly shocked to see a regular of this sub posting this, without disclaimers or an intentional discussion about what's right and what's wrong with this video.
People are poor in this country, the most prosperous in the world, by societal choice. Collectively yes, but we also all know that policy and even social norms are largely driven and commanded by the powerful elites.
Those who don't contribute enough to the oligarchs are discarded from society. Those who don't fit in are discarded from society. There is such grotesque wealth inequality--billionaires aren't worth that many other human lives.
This sub knows that. The people of this sub know that the powerful folks who manipulate things engineered it so that most people are poor.
But like all good con artists and propagandists, this man with an admittedly sexy as hell voice thoroughly mixes his hogwash in with some powerful truths.
If we want to talk about how conscious, sustained, mindful attention can manifest all sorts of marvelous results, let's do that. But what this guy says even just in the first few minutes is sooooooo loaded with sinister meaning and I'm sure intent that I just can't even anymore right now...
Edit: I mean, it's 2021 for Christ's dick. I think we need to be a bit more critical with what we're sharing on "let's change the world" subreddits.
Or are my expectations of this sub too high? Is this just me being a weird, sore-headed old crank? Seriously asking.
Thanks for sharing