You Wearing Pajama Pants And Have a Cart, Means You Do Work Here! - r/IDontWorkHereLady

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady where we share stories about folks that are mistaken for employees by irate customers and the first story is my taxes pay your salary no they do not this happened three years ago but my friend reminded me of it yesterday so I thought I'd share it was the middle of June and my first weekend off in quite a long time I've been giving my friend a never ending rain check of promising to teach her to fish our schedules finally lined up weather's perfect it's fishing time we arrive at a local lake it's the type where you don't need a fishing license just to pass for the lake money goes to the city we buy our passes from the concession stand and head back to my car to get the gear I brought three setups one for me one for friend one just in case it's a really busy Saturday morning lots of people we do a mini hike across the lake to get to our spot and get to fish in friend learns quickly we catch a few before the sun's all the way up we're pumped how well the day is going and decide to take a lunch break when it starts to get hot at about 11:00 we take this stuff back to my car we chill eat and hydrate and head back while we're walking back a group of kids break away from their families to follow us around they were all boys four of them three of them were probably around eight to eleven years old and the fourth is maybe six I'm thinking they just want to watch his fish and they likely told their parents where they were going so I don't even think about it we get back to our spot but the kids were trying to follow us down the hill the top of the hill has a trail if you're careful you can climb down to reach a small landing that's close to the water's edge it was stressing me out to watch these kids try and climb down so I yelled up to them a safer place for them to watch basically next to us easier to get to but there's a gap in between the landings once they got down they decided to have a Rock skipping contest not exactly polite to do that next to people fishing but I let it go then these kids decide to have a jumping contest they're jumping from their landing to our landing back and forth there's only a two foot gap but if they fell they definitely get hurt friend is getting more stress than me watching them makes them promise her to be careful they said what I probably would have said when I was their age fine whatever guys the ringleader of the group oldest maybe 11 then asks me if they're allowed to fish I asked them if they have a pass stupid me they say yes in unison I tell them if you got a pass you're good to go ringleader puts his hands on my fishing pole that I'm holding still and asks me if he can use it I pull away say no bud I'm using it he picks up my just in case Pole without asking and says what about this one no that's mine and I don't want you hurting yourself with it little brat gives me an attitude and shouts well what can I use I didn't even know what to say at first but I pulled out Old Faithful go ask your parents it worked they immediately left about 20 minutes later we hear a large group of people coming down the trail it's the kids in their family and the kids are whispering and pointing at me mostly just ringleader a female a bit older than me guessing mom angrily makes her way over to the spot and lays into me I don't remember everything but the general consensus is that I'm ungrateful and I need to get shot her words kids are still close so I decide to keep it PG I also have a little issue with my hearing if something is too loud I can't usually make out the sound like if you're yelling at me I'm not gonna get every word I explain I can't hear her when she raises her voice she starts yelling louder I'm getting nothing friend is mortified I stare at her until there's a break and say yeah I didn't get a word of that she almost starts to go off again when the husband / boyfriend / older brother shouts something at her in another language and she stops angry lady did you tell these boys they couldn't fish me no I said just the opposite she stunned angry lady why can't they fish then they're allowed to fish at this leg me they can fish they're absolutely allowed to fish here they just can't use my stuff angry lady why not everyone else here is fishing the lake is owned by the city me yup sure is blank stares for way too long angry lady you need to teach them to fish me miss I can't watch all of them what if they hurt themselves angry lady yes you are my taxes pay your salary me no they do not angry lady yes they do I pay taxes and taxes pay for this Lake and they better not hurt themselves because if they do me you think I work here more blank stares me miss I work at place I used to work doing thing I did while I was there even more blank stares me fix computers I didn't but it's easier to say that then explain what I really did silence this poor lady looks so embarrassed as it clicks that I'm just a person fishing on their day off but I don't get an apology no recognition that she was wrong she just climbs back over to the rest of the family as they quietly speak amongst themselves walking away in their shame when they're finally out of sight friend and I give each other the what the f just happened look and break into the most beautiful 45-minute session of uncontrollable laughter I've ever had the second story is this is the weirdest I don't work here that I've ever experienced so I dispatch roadside assistance for a Motor Club no not that awesome one you're thinking of their sh competition yeah that's my job this occurred a couple few weeks ago dramatis personae me me Valerie a lovely young lady just trying to do her job Damien a co-worker and friend of mine who's part of the same guild as me in not one but two different mmo's so it's my day off and I'm chillaxing at the crib surfing the net and Sh posting on various forums when my phone rings I answer it like hello suddenly huh Nabi hello this is Valerie from company that competes with mine and is somehow even lower on the totem pole I have customer in a box truck who's broken down with a flat tire I was hoping you could help I've been doing my job far far too long my brain instantly shifted into customer service mode and Pavlovian conditioning took over full on phone voice and everything okay I might get help with that what kind of box truck a 2001 Isuzu NPR the Isuzu NPR I said closing a tab in youtube and opening two tabs one for Google one for fine truck service calm that ought to be like 235 ad r18 tire right they got a spare No they'll need a tire delivered and installed okay that's not too tall in order that's a pretty easy tire size to get what zip code is the customer in Valerie told me my city zip code no Sh that's my City residence I said as I entered in fine truck service we got some good outfits around here I can get you the names and numbers of a few good prospects isn't tire delivery what you do she asked confused um no I said I'm a roadside assistance dispatcher just like you I imagine at my company but I'm not on schedule today this is my day off you've got me on my personal cell I'm not working today Valerie paused for a long moment okay so why are you trying to help me because I'm D good at this now do you want these phone numbers or not sure so I give her some recommendations and hung up and return to my hectic schedule of drinking and fishing in Terraria about an hour and a half goes by and my phone rings again I answer it hello hey this is Damian and our employer I'm seeking help with the tire delivery for a box truck in our city of residence can you provide assistance apparently the customers insurance hadn't come through for her and she called her aftermarket warranty line dude Damian it's me suddenly a knobby we work together we have a raid plan for tomorrow wait what he asked me yeah man you caught me on my personal cell phone I told him I'm drinking beer and watching I stopped remembering all our calls are recorded documentaries no way he said way I answered and get this this is the second call I've gotten about this today what in God's name company are you trying to get a hold of what number are you dialing he named a local outfit I'm not familiar with which probably means they're pretty trash and reeled off a phone number that wasn't even close to mine I told him that and he told me that on their main menu the option for a mobile mechanic was optioned for and he hid it in the call just automatically went to me obviously their previous mobile technician had the same cell number at one time I currently use and I'd have to call that service provider and have them sorted out I confirm we were still on for the Wednesday raid and we hung up I didn't need to recommend him local companies Damian is just as good as I am at what we do and has every resource that I do I just turned my phone off for the rest of the day and drank and played video and watched the prawns in peace I've since made three phone calls to the record service and asked them to stop routing their mobile mechanic calls to my phone number I think they fixed it I haven't gotten any more since it's just the weirdest I don't work here ladies story because I work really adjacent to there and it's just freak chance that bought their phone calls to me the third story is no I absolutely won't come with you to your car so I'm 15 and female this morning my older brother called me because the key to his car wasn't working electric short and he wanted me to wake my dad up so we could bring him the spare that I did so my dad drives us to this 7-eleven parking lot that my brother is stuck in and hands card telling me to grab him a Coke Zero and get myself something to drink and eat it's 7:30 a.m. I'm wearing fuzzy slippers leggings a sick persona five masks that I sewed myself air pods and a Marvel hoodie I have cotton candy pink hair and I wear glasses I'm also 5-1 and look way younger than I actually am unless I'm wearing makeup in comes bill bill is somewhere over six feet tall and large I don't know if it was fat or muscle but he was big I don't have social anxiety my dad is a musician so I'm used to being approached by adults that I don't know and can generally hold a friendly conversation help people who need help stuff like that this guy is not wearing a mask he looks like if Guy Fieri the dude from duck dynasty and Joe exotic had a 400 pound love child he's wearing a sleeveless muscle shirt with the words keep America great on it and a graphic of the president holding a guitar I'm standing in front of the fridge door that had energy drinks in it when bill over here taps on my shoulder I turned around in this moment I felt like Derek Shepherd when the semi truck was coming pure fear the conversation went as follows me hey sorry am I in your way bill you're awfully young to be working here can I see your manager I don't think pants like that should be allowed on the job me now very confused I'm sorry I don't work here do you need help I can get you an employee if you need I picked up two orange monsters my AP test is on the 11th and I need to get my sleep schedule back on track so I'm pulling an all-nighter and move six feet away from the guy I already had my dad's soda tucked under my arm bill are you one of them illegal girls who do free car washes can you clean out my passenger seat and come home with me nobody you'll notice just say you're on your break that escalated quickly for context I'm black white Hispanic mixed but didn't end up with curly hair blue eyes I have brown eyes and very thick and wavy dark brown hair it's balayage pink from right above my ears to the end me no I'm sorry let me find you an employee Bill Nye it'll be just fine bill then reaches for my free hand which I very sharply pull away I started walking to the front of the store and he follows a few feet behind I put my things on the counter and start to checkout bill is standing like a foot behind me employee good morning did you find everything okay me good morning yes I did thank you for asking now yelling excuse me I can see that your friends and all but your employee has been absolutely disgusting to me and I want my gas pump for free employee sir I'm sorry she's not an employee she's a customer bill no she's not she offered to help me in the aisle back there employee sir that was probably just her practicing common courtesy me is your chip reader working or should I swipe bill I want your manager now employee sir I'm the only person here right now the manager will be here at 10:00 a.m. I'm standing there holding the card and waiting for this dude to back off and grab a little tuba doughnuts from the counter for my troubles then place it down since I hadn't paid yet bill then Huff's and storms out gets into a 4x4 with wheels as tall as me and very aggressively drives away as Hotel California blasts from the speakers I could hear it from inside the store employee uh the chip reader works go ahead the totals 1124 I left and found my dad handed him the bag and told him my tail we leave on the way home we pass bills truck I don't think he saw us I hope he didn't we were in a Prius 4x4 vs. Prius never goes well for the Prius the last story is Ninja Turtles pajama pants Plus Kart apparently equals you work here I needed groceries I had my mask a bright pink hoodie and Ninja Turtles pajama pants because I just don't care how I look today getting a moment alone during all this crazy was really all I wanted and needed milk among other things I head to it with my card then I hear it you know how JK Rowling describes Umbridge huh hmm I think I'm in the way Bram I 2 mil can quickly step aside nope mm-hmm I turn and I'm actually surprised to see a man I need taco shells there aren't any on the Shelf is is this really happening to me in Ninja Turtles pajama pants uniform at this local store his white shirt black pants can't even close to claim I look like I work there sorry sir I don't I need them now I'm already running late I don't work here I say it louder than I mean to I really don't like being interrupted you obviously know your way around the store you must work here I need those shells if I have to say it again I'm getting here a lady had come around the corner while he was talking tortillas in hand she sees him and lightly smacks his arm you dummy she's obviously shopping she turns to me and says I apologize for my idiot husband he's not what you'd call observant she turns back to him alright apologize for acting like your mother he turns red apologize this and they head off all I can think of is he only saw the mask which is just a bandana to tell the truth which yes the people who work there were wearing thank you for watching have a nice day
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 35,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, i don't work here lady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, /start, r/, idwhl, idoworkherelady, Employee, r/IDOWorkHereLady boss, job, store, r/IDontWorkHereLady manager, work, r/IDontWorkHereLady do work here, do work here, Cart
Id: MR1DG-ryLk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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