You 've Got to Go Down To Get Out

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see you Ray [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh you [Music] [Music] nice Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] good morning church [Applause] [Music] good morning church good morning church yeah okay I am Diamond gray the president of the Nullah masti ministry and we'll be conducting service this morning now may you please stand for this morning's proclamation what is today and what shall we do come let us enter into his courts with praise please remain standing for mourning him down at the cross [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now we will have our invocation by Christian means [Music] hey man can we bow our heads and close our eyes as we head to the throne of grace well we thank you for another Sunday another day to come give you praise thanks and honor to your name well I pray that hearts be healed on tonight souls be surrendered mouths be moved and we witness miracles and blessing to break out on this place tonight well I pray that you open all ears so that we utilize the word that's been come forth so we can better ourselves in the kingdom of God and the Word of God for the people of God and we all say Amen amen and thank God [Applause] [Music] now we have a selection by a youth young adult I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's moving to your name geez [Music] father we play [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] now we will have our gospel lesson by austin manelick good morning church I'll be reading the gospel lesson coming from Matthew 13 verses 1 through 23 it reads that same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it while all the people stood on the shore then he told them many things in parables saying a farmer went out to sow his seed as he was scattering the seed some fell on the path and the birds came and ate it up some fell on rocky places where it did not have much oil it sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow but when the Sun came up the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root other seed fell among thorns which grew up and choked the plants still other seed fell on good soil where it produced a crop a hundred sixty or thirty times what was sown he who has ears let them hear the disciples came to him and asked why do you speak to the people in parables he replied the knowledge of the secrets of kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them whoever has will be given more and he will have an abundance whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him this is why I speak to them in parables though seeing they do not see though hearing they do not hear or understand and them has fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah you will be ever hearing but never understanding you will be ever seen but never perceiving for this people's heart has been come callous they hardly hear in their ears and they have closed their eyes otherwise they might see with their eyes hear what the ears understand with their hearts in turn I would heal them but blessed are you your eyes because you they see in your ears because they hear before I tell you the truth many prophets and just men long to see what you see but did not see it and to hear what you hear but they're not hearing listen to listen then to what the parable of the sower means when anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart this is the seed sown along the path the one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once received it with joy but since he has no root he lasts only a short time with trunkman trouble or persecution comes because of the word he quickly falls away the one who received the seed that fell along the thorns is the man who received the word but the worries of life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it making it unfruitful but the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it he produces a crop yielding a hundred sixty or thirty times what was sown the Word of God for the people of God now we will have the selection by the youth young adult choir and following the selection we will have the welcome by Asha brown praise the Lord simple we serve a mighty God don't we hallelujah let's give him some freaks [Music] this kid [Music] buddy can battle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning Church this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it will all our first time in return visitors please stand and remain standing as members of the greeters ministry bring you a Welcome Packet on behalf of our pastor Reverend dr. Lee P Washington mrs. Anna Washington ministerial staff officers and members we welcome you we pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers now we'll all members who invited you please stand thank you for following the passes and replan visitors please leave your completed forms at the Welcome Desk thanks for worshiping with us today please come again and bring a friend you may be seated now we will have Reverend price with a special announcement praise the Lord church praise the Lord we have great news from our boy scouts Department amen amen amen to our representative day but we have three new Eagle Scouts hallelujah somebody huh come on give God pray for them Brandon bets a king Hussey and Amari Simpson come on let's praise God for our new Eagle Scouts I want to say something good morning good morning church I would just like to say I thank God my family and this church for this wonderful opportunity good morning church I would just like to say I thank God my family in the church for helping us and supporting us through the whole time certainly praise God for them with a family please stand family if you hear mom dad anyone with y'all saying Amen god bless you god bless you god bless Shaw and I'm not keeping count but I believe since I've been here we're all now six they manki Eagle Scouts REE temple is running the pole at amen we praise the Lord now turn your attention to the screens for this week's announcements I really feel that it's the family atmosphere here I have never been a part of a church before read temple I didn't grow up in church but as an adult back in 2006 I made the commitment to become a member here read temple because I felt like people actually cared you know the church is big but it felt small to me it felt very family-like and I felt like people made an effort to really know me I feel like if I miss a Sunday something is missing like my week just isn't off to the start that it needs to be off to if I missed a Sunday a church I've grown tremendously just being you know a member of read over the past 11 years I feel like I've matured to the point where I can even go out and tell people about my walking garden [Music] things have changed from our relationship status for my career nothing has really been completely solid but my relationship with God in my relationship with three temple and the ministers here and that's the thing that has kept me coming back Sunday after Sunday because all of the things that have changed in my life over the past 11 years this is the thing that has been a constant I can count on it [Music] Oh praise the Lord read temple I'm Reverend Tish and here are this week's announcements in the beginning there was nothing only God but that beginning was only the beginning for us God did not begin he has always been and will always be and from the beginning he has had a plan join us for a Vacation Bible School on Monday July 31st through Friday August 4th as they searched the visible and discovered the invisible classes will be held each evening at 7 p.m. for free school through adults to attend or volunteer register a tree Temple org for more information contact Reverend Kimberly Stern upon at three zero one three five two zero three two zero extension four eight zero if you're a vendor sign up today to be a part of the re temple community fair gain exposure for your business and showcase your products to a crowd of more than five thousand attendees sign up at [Music] Harken late organization needs you we need your help identifying community related social issues in Prince George's County researching the issues identified developing policy statements to address the issues and reviewing the policy statements prior to presenting them to the Maryland legislature to be incorporated into legal statute read temple we need your participation to get this done please sign up at the registration desk in the vestibule following each service Reed temple the stephen ministry is holding an informational session on monday august 18th at 7 p.m. at the glendale locations the stephen ministry provides one-to-one christian care to members of reed temple and the surrounding community if you want to use your gifts to help others who are facing a life challenge or if you'd like to pray with someone as they face life challenges be sure to attend this session registration is now taking place at reed restoration calm [Music] intern program has been in existence for about 10 years they work with different admin areas like membership finance we temple academies some program what I like most about the internship programs is that it's like a real job from like nine to five job it's been really teaching me how to be in a work-related environment for a job and it's really I think it's gonna help me in the future I want to say thank you to the Reid temple family from the bottom of my heart without dude this six-week summer intern program would not be possible now you're up to date with this week's announcement for these and other announcements please follow us on all of our social media outlets such as Facebook Twitter YouTube and Instagram and remember have faith in God and we greet you this morning and the faith that God calls us to have as we bless the holy name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ thank him for another day and we celebrate life on this day let me continue reading the announcements sister Alma Tibbs the honor Reverend Janice Williams dr. Juanita where and the great honor of Evangeline at which service will be on August the 2nd at unity Baptist Church viewing at 9 o'clock to 11 service begins at 11:00 sister-girl Gurlitt yarn the mother of sister hope deadly surface will be held on August the 1st at Mount Eden Baptist Church Clinton Marilyn of Ewing is 10 o'clock service begins at 11 o'clock the mother of Calvin L Kenner Miriam jkhanner died funeral pending she was a member of Allen AME Church in Silver Spring the Reverend Colin Lambert pastor of the Baltimore Conference Washington Conference died in this winter will be on Saturday that's the eleven o'clock at st. John AME Church sister Peggy sister Cheryl Parker told me after the early service that her brother died Cheryl and Peggy's brother died so I'll share that and to be in prayer for the family as well today yesterday was the close out of the church school convention Reed temple church school was recognized yesterday the elders award for highest attendance the elders award for most creative church school report third place in banner contest capital district Christian education showcase most participants Malik Cassell won first place for the oratorical contest miles Shane 1st place for artwork Dora masked Mason third place for oratorical Lorin Shepherd Zora Shepherd where honorable mentions in the PowerPoint presentation and the Teacher of the Year went to Jerry at Simpson and Myles shown student of the year and Donna Mason worker of the year so we salute our church school and the church school team Reverend Sneed and dr. Burnham and others who are working there we thank you so much the official board will be on tomorrow night at 7 o'clock the Fisher Board will be on tomorrow night at 7 o'clock I understand we have a family in attendance the matriarch is Cicely Archer is she present and Cicely Archer would you please stand and those that are with her they're from Toronto Canada and across the United States so I want to say thank you for coming yeah give them all a hand Toronto Canada and across the United States thank you for coming and sharing with us on our focus is on youth and young adult what although the youth leaders please stay and order youth leaders and those who help to serve in youth ministry and young adult ministry would you please stand we want to thank you Reverend Albert Jones is in the pulpit with us today and so we thank God for all of that I shared at their 7:15 service I don't call it youth day because there are 24 hours in a day and the implication is that if you after the 24 hours that day is over but young people are very much a part of our church not just on a certain day it's every day every day for young people every day for seniors every day for our men everyday for our women everyday for our children so we thank God for the work that has gone forth in that state on yesterday we celebrated again as we do annually we temple rewarded a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to scholars that are on their way to higher education if you are recipient yesterday and your president would you please stand with those that are present I see them recipients of scholarship yesterday and we say praise the Lord and for the parents too we're praying for you and praying for them as they go forward this church is able to do that because of the largesse of the persons who are faithful to tithing and we ask that you would continue to do that now let me ask again those persons visiting us first time or return visit and you're not a member would you please stand if you are visiting us today first time or return visit not a member we we're so glad to see you glad you chose to come and be a part of our fellowship on this day there are a number of churches you could have attended the day the Lord led you here we're in we're glad gonna ask everybody to stand get a big big great big smile on your face greet your neighbor as we go forward and worship at this time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you decided to join [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm going on [Applause] where the speed [Music] Oh [Music] No [Music] today is also higher education day and so you'll see persons with their the emblems of their armor models and wearing those that we're grateful for that as well now we want to lift up our tithes and our offerings you ppens you have witness some of the ministries that are giving thanks to the congregation for your tithes and your offering which allows this church to function and continue to operate in excellence and ministry and would not be possible if this was not a tithing Church we would not have been able to give a hundred and fifty thousand dollars away in scholarship if has not been a tithing Church we would not be in the process of building a Senior Center adult living center if we were not tithing or this was not a tithing Church and so we continually ask that you would be prayerful and that you would grow to the place that you become at either because it blesses so many persons and the blessing and return comes back to you do we have any first time Tyler's here this morning those have never tired before but you've grown to the level of your faith where you are now in tithing first time would you please stand and I'll acknowledge you in the first time tithers seeing none follow these instructions from the rear to the front if you're tithing goes to the center box if you're going in faith to time it goes on the table God love it what kind of a giver let's be that way when we come to the table never ever be cheap with God because God has never ever been cheap with you God always gives us the very best that he has god bless you as you come god bless you as you give and the young adult choir and singing as they normally do in power as they go forward let's thank God for them with ahead and clap as we go further in worship [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] open star I can not see Jesus sweet [Music] Jesus will hair and we'll make all my decisions for me Jesus wheel whoa oh Jesus will ooh [Music] [Music] [Music] my decision [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] we [Music] seven omits [Music] that who made me do [Music] [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know [Music] [Music] say [Applause] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they say Jesus will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all things come of a always and [Music] Oh [Music] Amen at our 6 o'clock service James Harrison will be here and our Reverend Stephen green will be the preacher and so we encourage you to stay with us if you can all day long if you have any strength left come back at the six o'clock service and we'll continue doing what we did at the 7:15 and 9:30 11:15 and that'll be the final for today 6 o'clock let me also acknowledge the name just escapes me but I know used to be here the security here from Trinidad I saw him and his wife please stand our members they from Trinidad and we've always fled Bazaar I always glad to see them and we praise God for you thank you so much for coming certainly how preach of the day does not need an introduction in the sense that he is home bread he came out of this church he got saved and converted and anointed by the Holy Ghost in this this sanctuary here and he hails from Richmond Virginia he's a graduate honors graduate from Hampton University and went on to Princeton Theological Seminary where he graduated there with honors as he graduated with honors from Hampton University the Lord has his hand on him he's married and has a little son and we're very proud of how God is using both of them Natalie and Khalil part of his ministry and part of the marriage he is the pastor of the Redeemer church in South Philadelphia I shared with him on yesterday I made reference to the fact I was in South Philadelphia preaching for him and we stood outside and looked around and we saw how Jennifer keishon had come and it was impacting the community in terms of transition of people Alcala were moving out but then the others were moving in and the home prices were escalated and yet on a Sunday morning you can't get in his church it's filled for every service and midweek service the point I made was that the gospel Trump's identification and geography every time all it takes all it takes and it still works all it takes is a flatfoot preacher who who believes in the Holy Ghost and the anointing of the Spirit and cry aloud and spare not and preach as the spirit guides them and folk will be drawn if I be lifted up I draw all men unto me and so he has preached already at 7:15 and preached at the 9:30 and the Lord has been pouring out at both of those services and he comes now to conclude the preaching for the day at this 11:15 service and I'm in high expectation as you are in terms of what the Spirit will do through him let me share with those of you who do not know him he's the Reverend Almira Hughes the proud and esteemed pastor of the Redeemer church in Philadelphia the husband of manly and the father of Kaleo we just know him as Omari around these parts and so after the choir has been singing with such anointing all day long after they sing this next selection the Lord will speak through him as he's been speaking all morning long hear ye him as the Lord uses him to minister to this congregation god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] raise [Music] years [Music] that's a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and these are temple are you glad about it come on give him some praise and you know today anybody glad to have a place you can run to a place for your shelter in the time of need let me just say that again because if you've never been out in the middle of a storm of life you don't appreciate having a place where you can run to but I'm of the sneaky suspicion that although they don't look like it now there's some folks right on your roll if God had not been a shelter if God had not been a covering knowing I can only talk about Omar at Natalie and Khalil since then I can tell you if God would not have been a protector and God would not have been a healer come on somebody of God would not have been if God would not have been El Shaddai if he would not have been Elohim in my life if he would not have been Jehovah Jireh my provider I can guarantee you that I would not be alive here and standing in front of you right now but because he shall I said because he shout because he shall she fountain and I came to tell you early on every now and then you gotta declare he SH ALL we got too many mites in the church we got too many maybes in the church we got too many I wonders if the church you ought to walk back and forth in your house every now and then somebody Indian knows what I'm talking about when the demons are on the outside trying to get on the inside and just speak over y'all Wow he's now provide he's showering doors he he he shower he's kept food on necessarily go ahead and give your neighbor half life right here so hi [Applause] he's Shou was laying up in the bed last night in a hotel room having a conversation with the devil trying to get me to give up trying to get me to be scared no no no I said I may not know everything that's gonna come out of my mouth in the morning but one thing I do know is this if I carry my little narrow light skin behind up to the pulpit have faith in the God who raised me when I stand open up my mouth the Spirit of God is gonna come with me he shall provide he shall make away I gotta get off of him a warning [Applause] [Music] Wow feel like screaming right here Wow uh speaking over your life he's shy he's Sally's he'll be shocked [Applause] he's gonna do a warning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you know he will then you can praise him for somebody who's still trying to figure it out the reason I praise them like I do is because I look back and know what he's already done for me so let my praise be an encouragement for you let my shall be an encouragement for you let my run be an encouragement please wipe your tears that's not fun he Sally Sally Sally [Music] [Music] [Music] I can I gotta test them up mother be walking to the tersely I came true the least Hey I can truly say that we're gonna do it what's up and get outta here come on soon ah he [Music] [Applause] [Music] look down on him like this his faces come on [Music] crackers makers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looks like somebody's ready for the water it looks like somebody came out I don't know what you came to do I came to hear from Jesus want to give honor to the man of God who I'm so blessed to call dad and ministry and who's awesome pastor come on give it up for Lee P and I know you are it is I know you're stuck I know you're stuck in worship I thank God for his ministry what dad has taught me what pastor has taught me is there is no substitute for being led by the Spirit and what he's taught me is that is not something it's something that everybody is able to do but not many do because it requires sacrifice it requires devotion it requires solitude and so I am so grateful for his example and I just I know I asked you to celebrate him before but I really believe that in the twilight of his ministry we ought to celebrate him better than we just did can we give it up for him [Applause] what while you're doing that turn your attention over to the only lady of re temple who has allowed him to stand I'm telling you law inside sriq your pastors wives you know they go through it and they sometime they walk around a church with us which knives and they pockets because [Applause] all right lovey now I'm gonna get thrown out of here today I want to preach by the spirit a message entitled sometime you have to go down to get out come to First Samuel Chapter nine my sweetheart is in Philadelphia but she's looking online I can tell because she looks good through the camera [Applause] holla at you boy I want to be welcomed home and my son I thank God for him for Khalil he's a blessing to me this choir has been tremendous amen thank you my brother PJ jumped on the organ praise God for him and I just wanted to also say as we read the word First Samuel chapter 9 verses 1 to 6 wanted to also say actually I'm sorry I meant 2nd Kings chapter 5 sorry about that 2nd Kings chapter 5 verses 8 through 14 and I also just wanted to say the ministry that has been happening through hospitality behind the scenes has also been tremendous and so I think all of those who have been so kind let's pray speak father your servants are listening we pray that you would have known all of our ears to hear eyes to see a mouse's before you we need your anointing in order to accomplish what you said us here to do and so we ask you Holy Spirit to come by here tarry with us in such a way that nobody leaves the same that somebody cries out what must I do to be saved that everybody is challenged somebody is corrected we need your correction everything everybody is encouraged and that we decide as a result of what we experience here today that we want to go on and be more like you it's in Jesus mighty name that we pray our hearts not so say Amen Bible says this in 2nd Kings chapter 5 verses 8 through 14 message again you've got to go down and get out when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his robes he sent him this message why have you torn your robes have the man talking about name and come to me and he won't know that there is a prophet in Israel so naman who is a leper went with his horses and chariots and stopped at the door of Elijah's house he used to get in a certain type of treatment so he goes to the Prophet but instead of opening a door for him Elisha sent a messenger to say to him go wash yourself seven times in the Jordan and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed but naman went away angry and said I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God wave his hand over the spot and kill me of my leprosy are not Habana and far far the rivers and Damascus better than all the waters of Israel couldn't I wash in them and be cleansed so he turned and went off in a rage naimans servants went to him it's good to have why I've spoke around you went to him and say that's why you can't be a president and put yes-men around you you got to have people you got it you got to have people around you who are empowered to speak truth to your power oh you got it yes people around you that's called a oligarchy that's called a dictatorship that's authoritarianism this is a democracy naming service supposed to be named a service went to him and said the property that told you did some great thing would you not have done it how much more then when he tells you wash and be cleansed so he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times as the man of God had told him and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy want to preach again a message simply entitled sometimes you got to go down to get out [Music] speak father your servants are listening we pray once again the children own all of our ears to hear as I see a mouse to speak for you have your way in this place arrest us now for your ministry to take place as you would have it to flow through us flow through me guard my thoughts against any demonic thing that would try to come into my mind to take the message off course so your people may be edified and be healed in Jesus name Amen it's very important for you to know that naman is a leper naman has leprosy it is a debilitating disease that works its way through the human physiology in a way that brings about slow and painful decay what's challenging about leprosy is that it starts out as a spot and if it is not dealt with and at this time there is no treatment apart from the supernatural in the time period in which we're reading this story since then it will spread and slowly take over the body some of you and some of us in here on today have a spot and you are overtly calling out others who already smell like the gay not realizing that yours is on the way so you call out the fornicator that you read about on Facebook you call about the homosexual living a double life style you call out the liar you call out the sister with the skinny clothes on you call out the prostitutes you call out the quote/unquote or you call out the drug dealer but not realizing that the judgment that you are utilizing to call them out is a spot of your own I [Music] am fervently of the belief that part of the reason that name and story is one of my favorite stories is I do not attempt by the spirit to read scripture in such a way that always identifies me with the protagonist I've grown by the Spirit didn't start out that way in front I was always David I was never so but I've I've grown some of y'all I've grown to the place where I can see myself in the antagonist as well and I want to tell you about the spirit at one point in your life all of us are naming naming at this point in the story because we understand the medical customs of his time is leprous but it obviously has not spread and taken over yet because he would have been isolated isolation at that time it was the only thing that they could do to guard the community from the spread of leprosy and so right now naman is leprous he is biologically on his way and medically on his way to the grave but nobody knows it do you know that you can be on your way to damnation on your way to sin on your way to divorce on your way to bankruptcy on your way to foreclosure on your way to losing your job on your way to depression on your way to giving up I think the church emptied out on your way on your way to being down on your way to being lost and you carry it in such a way that nobody knows the wiser but there's a God who sees through all that and what amazes me about the same God who sees through all that is that the Bible says that despite all that God had given name in the victory now I just came by to tell you if that won't make you shout nothing will if you can't look at your life and see your sin and see your corruption and see what you've done and see the mistakes you made and see how you should have could've would've did and see the stuff that you got away with the only way they'd locked up in you not is because you didn't get caught if you can't look back at your life and see how unqualified you were and just in case you don't think you'll fit this description the Bible that I read it says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God if you can't hear that there's a God who sits high and looks low and looks our thoughts and despite it all sees our needs and still gives you the victory somebody in here ought to be shutting right now because you know you ain't living right I'm not preaching for the holy rollers right now I'm preaching for the brothers up in this Troy who's still rolling for El every now and then not preach it to the sisters in this house who still struggle to sleep around I'm preachin to the people who have not gotten rid of every evil thing in their heart but display all of your mesh God still blesses you God still encourages you God still uses you somebody up in here open up your mouth and say thank you [Applause] I don't praise him cuz I'm perfect I praise him because I got spots all over me but he uses me anyhow I don't praise him because I've done everything right I praise Him because even when I mess up he pulls me somebody say I'm naming him and the good news is there's a cure we're coming to that the Bible says the name and the name and name it has leprosy has this debilitating disease y'all sit down but jumping when you want to be lay about spirit let's have a good time the Bible says that he has leprosy no no nobody knows about it yet but but he gets to a place where there's somebody in his house there's somebody who's of insignificance somebody who others would look beyond somebody who others wouldn't neglect what was interesting about this in Scripture is that whenever there's a significant person that God wants us to hold on to or that the writers of the particular passage want us to hold on to they give us a name they give us a background they give us information but God is doing something mysterious in this passage because he does not give us the name of the person who say his name ins life oh god help me in here there's somebody up in here somebody pray for you had you on their mind took the time to pray for you I'm not talking about your prayer partner that you call I'm talking about the grandmother did you forgot all about when you shipped off to a nursing home Oh God help me in here I'm talking about the parent that you have not picked up the phone to call for years even though they white choked dirty even though they put food in your mouth I'm talking about the brother who you met one time at the gas station who said what's your name and what's going on and they pray I'm talking about the pastor who you never had a personal conversation with but late in the midnight hour when God drops your name in their spirit they call and pair it for you you ought to be grateful that everybody that God uses does not have to be front and center stage everybody that God uses does not have to have a microphone everybody ain't got ass in the doggone centers here there can be people in the sidelines that God is using to build you up is there anybody here like that old today god I feel like preaching then I'm standing because of the unknown prayers the unseen people those who I may never need weeping may endure for a night but my joy comes because somebody was praying when I was alone in the night by myself in naimans case said in name is case pastor this individual is identified only as a slave girl watch this she has no power of her own my god but she has a relationship with God I need to preach to everybody up in here who's making something less than 50 grand a year trying to keep food on the table of your kids and trying to live or I need to preach to everybody up in here who every now and then you feel like you cannot pay your bills and you feel like you're powerless I need to preach to a woman who's been raped I need to preach to a brother who's been molested I need to preach to somebody who's been abused and you feel like you're voiceless because your power has been taken away from you I came by to tell you that there's still power on the inside because you may not have what they took from you but my God is still in your life and as long as you're in relationship what I found out is relationship Trump's Trump relationship will trump everything if I've got relationship I'm not have what I mean but I've got access to who I need to have access to to get it that's when I give them praise that's when I left my hands that's when I open my mouth that's when I stop thank you because I still got relationship I'm still here in name is Kaycee there's a slave girl in his house she is not named she has no power over home self my god but she has a God in her life she has been removed from her homeland and when she sees naman because God has given her unique access to him my goodness gracious isn't it amazing that God will give some people unique access to you you don't even want them to see everything they see scratching your hair trying to figure out how you get here who gave you the key to this area of my life I didn't want you here I didn't ask you to come here I don't need you here but there are people who God is strategically placing in your life so that they can be there just when you need and this is a slave girl she says I know that I've been taken captive about one of your raiding parties but I want to tell you there's a God in heaven and there's a God in Israel and if you go speak to him he can do something came none of these kings none of these other people over here where I am can do can I preach to all the slave girls in here on today you feel like you're powerless you feel like you're nameless and you feel like things have moved you locationally into positions where you did not think you would ever be but isn't it amazing that even though she's no longer in her hometown she still has enough memory enough God in her to know that I can call on him and that he still has power you can take my money you can take all those things from my god you can't take my god from me you can't take my joy you can't take my pieces of the slave girl says naman if you want to be healed you need to go over and you need to talk to the prophet by the name of Elijah now you need to understand the name and at this point he has a little entourage he he says okay so he goes and he is a commander in the army he's a commander and he's been given victory over Israel watch this he is a commander in the army of Israel's enemy good God Almighty but God uses him and sends him to go back to talk to the very people that he was trying to destroy and the very people that he was trying to destroy end up being the source of his liberation oh god that's why you can't look down on nobody some of the people who used to pick on in high school some of the people who you turned your nose up at those people who you let walked away is it amazing that God can use anybody in your life that there's nobody who's exempt from being used by God there's nobody who we cannot give power at a moment's notice God can use anybody God can use the unseen God can use the unknown God can use the nameless and the powerless and in this case he sends naming over to a place that he thinks is beneath him and remember that on today we're learning about the fact that sometimes you got to go down to get out I learned that this way if I can give you a little interjection here when I was a young boy growing up Richmond Virginia young boy I was probably about seven six years old my mother took us to a play that was being put on or more of a some type of a field day that was being put on by the local fire department and in this particular place they had a trailer and they wanted to teach us how to get out of a smoky house and so the trailer field that was smoked and the trailer field that was artificial smoking there was a fighter fighter in there and here's what he said he said the only way for you to get out of this place is for you to get down is for you to get down on the floor because if you try to walk through this you're gonna just bump into things you'll never find the door if you try to crawl your way out on all fours it's not low enough sometimes you gotta get powned in order to get out we learned it this way you got a stop drop and roll and hear his name and he has to stop because he's got leprosy hear his name and he has to drop because he has to go back to the place that he thinks was beneath him my god and he has to roll up to the house of the Prophet by the name of Elijah and what's interesting about this is that the man of God does not treat this man namin like a man would in the world what I find to be interesting about this is that there are people in our lives who are impressed by our entourage there are people in our lives who are impressed by Noah there are people in our lives that I press but the thing is that we have a mass but you know you come into contact with a true man or a true woman of God when they say look maybe you can keep your bling-bling because I don't want the demonic attachments that come with your crazy self in my life maybe I know you look good at night it even feels good but I'm sorry I gotta live right for God he's called me to be chaste he's called me to be holy and I can't connect to you like I used to I'm not simply gonna be bought out by what you're bringing to the table on the outside I'm looking beyond this and what's interesting is I don't believe that Elijah's problem with mainland is leprosy Bible says he shows up at the house of the Prophet by the name of Elijah Elijah says man I'm not going through the door why because my God told me I cannot be close to any unclean thing oh god help me in here and so the Bible says that he sends a servant over to the door and that the sermon goes over to the door the servant opens up the door and the servant gives name and a message on behalf of the prophet by the name of Elijah services look tell him that the Prophet says if you really want to be healed you're gonna have to go over and you're gonna have to dip yourself down in the Jordan River I know you've been down because you came all the way over here to Israel but you've gotta go down further there are some people in the house on today the reason that you're healing cannot occur is that you won't go down some people in here or today the reason that you cannot get the help you need don't get quiet now is because you refuse to go down you've got so much pride so much so much arrogance so so so full of yourself that the Spirit of God bringing his healing bringing his restoration bringing his deliverance bringing his joy can move all over the sanctuary you gonna sit up there like a bump on along with your hands crossed knowing that cancer has taken over your body I came by to tell you you can get free right now but you gotta go down you gotta catch your pride aside you gotta lay aside your ego you gotta stop caring about what people think about your praise and think about your worship and know that there's a God in heaven and he said if I humble myself I want to pause right here and I want to preach to some marriages some marriages you ain't told nobody but joke messes on the rocks and God is available to heal but you don't want to go get marriage counseling you don't want to tell anybody God told me to tell you you got to go down I want to preach to a parent in here whose child is out of control running around in the streets on the verge of being locked up and there's a God who can send the healing that you need but you don't want to go down you've got to go down to get out every now and then I need to preach to somebody who needs financial help but because of who you used to be before you got to where you are you don't want to let anybody know that your house is in foreclosure God told me to tell you that you got to go down and you don't have to go down to get rid of what's on the outside you've got to go down because it removes pride removes ego and so naming naming goes over to the house of the Prophet by the name of Elijah and then the Prophet says you've got to go dip down seven times in the Jordan River name it has a problem with this because naman says I just came from a place with two rivers wide travel all the way over here if all you want me to do is dip in a river plus I'm naming I probably got on some ferragamo shoes I probably am wearing some red bottoms I got on the st. John I'm I'm naming I'm uh I look good I haven't authorized with me and seen watch this the only way for me to do what you're requiring me to do here is for all the people who are watching me and who have been under me to watch me get dirty in fact naman has two choices naman can either strip himself of his robes and bathed without them thus revealing his leprosy and how dirty he really is our naman can dip down with his robes and all the stuff that used to be important is just gonna be dirty now I need you to get ready to shout cuz here it comes see the thing is sometimes what God is requiring you to do when you're lowering yourself is an act of grace because naimans problem with the Jordan River is that there are clearer rivers where he's from oh god help me in here and see if I want to bathe in a clear River but I'm dirty what it means is that while I'm in that River all the people who are around me have the ability to see through the water and to see how dirty I really am can I tell you what bathing in the Jordan River is a blessing even though you come out dirty and you come out smelly and you come out grimy when God is working on you between nobody but you and your God she's somebody up in here even right now you got ready to get mad you got upset because God is asking you to drop down into a dirty situation but what you don't realize is the dirty situation is being used by God to protect your reputation so while God is working on you while God is rolling you were round like the muck the ball of claim that you are nobody can see nobody can see what he's doing in you you want to know you want to know you want to know it's an act of grace you want to shout even now is there anybody here you can thank your God that when he works on your life he didn't treat you like the news then put you on Front Street when he dips you down nobody can see it but him and so now here is named him standing on the banks of the Jordan River and he has to decide for himself am I gonna stay in my leprosy huh am I gonna stay in my ego am I gonna stay in my pride huh I wonder is there anybody here and you're honest enough to say huh every now and then [Applause] there are situations in your life come on you hit a drum with me that you would rather stay in huh then to get out of I know you super holy huh I know you saved and sanctified but there's somebody here and you would a rather stayed in the relationship then have God take them out of your life you were too rather kept on smoking huh then hand God removing from your life is there anybody here yeah you don't mind being honest on Sunday morning you can say that is me I was naming Huckle but I can say thank God thank God but when I wanted to say there was somebody in my life Joe Dec in my life Allie P in my life they said no no no no you talked him out of your mind you're not thinking straight I know it may hurt I know you may not like what it's doing to you but if God says go down you've got to go down in order to go out is there anybody here and you can say my god I'm tired I'm tired of being stuck I'm tired of being lonely huh I'm tired of being sick I'm tired of being down I'm tired I want to give you the prescription the Bible says the God tells me man so the river called Jordan and dip down seven times seven seven times anybody know anything about seven I heard the Bible say it took God seven days to make the heavens and the earth if he can make a world in seven days he can make your marriage in seven day he can make your mind in seven days he can make your body in seven days I heard the Bible say that they were watching around Jericho's walls and on the seventh day God said shout somebody in here today you oughta get get get ready to shout I'm coming I'm not seeing here I'm done with my prize I'm done with my ego and so now here is Mehmed he dips down in the water he goes down and nothing may change I came to preach to some party hippo brain keepo fasting people studying keep on worshiping hello seven times that means when 7 is seven is completion that means when God says is over it will be over keep on working and I got the sneaky suspicion on this morning somebody's on your third time you were ready to quit huh you were ready to throw in the towel you were ready to give up but the word of the Lord is capable of dipping people praying keep on fasting coz when you go down you can get out when you go down you can get mainu when you go down you can come up stronger come up wiser come up better and will God bring you out and won't God make away and what it oh it won't it won't it won't it won't it on but you you gotta be willing you gotta be willing to dip down seven times I want to tell you this and I'll let you go what God does with name it is not baptism when I'm baptized I'm not relying on my own power I don't have to have God put strength in me I can simply lay back into the arms of someone else and is their strength that drops me down and brings me back up I'm actually more encouraged by Neyman because God tells him you can dip yourself what's amazing is that sometimes the call of God comes and he requires us to make sacrifices he requires us to let things go he requires us to give things up and we do it we we release them and then once we're gone we struggle with believing this concept that the same God who gave you the power to let it go can return the power that's needed for you to get it back again I want you to know there are times when God says I need you to dip yourself I need you to know that just like I gave you the power to let them go to let it go to walk away when you've been lonely for a while when you haven't had it for a while when no restoration has occurred you've been to question my God will I'll ever get it back again but God told me to tell somebody keep on dipping keep on dipping keep on dipping keep on dipping at times when you need to lay hands on yourself and keep on dipping there are times where you need to pray over yourself and keep on dipping there are times when you need to anoint yourself and keep on dipping there are times where you need to preach to yourself and keep on dipping and the same God who gave you the power to release is the same God who will give you the power to get back up again and the Bible says that because nameand dips because he's willing to go down when he comes up not only does he come up cured of leprosy but he comes up with a relationship with his God would you stand to your feet all over the house or today [Applause] listen I'm gonna ask you to do something that is going to challenge you is that all right if you know that what's holding you back is not a physical barrier it's not an economic barrier was holding you back this is gonna require great transparency it's gonna it's pride would you come would you come would you come if you know that's what's keeping you away from your destiny I see you coming you need to encourage people because that that's not easy to come on that's not easy to come on come on is pride is pride is pride come on I call out that spirit in the name of Jesus Oh God we come against the spirit of pride on this morning we come against the spirit of ego because the Bible says he resists the proud come on come on come on look at let's celebrate these brothers who are coming let's celebrate oh they're celebrating whistle let's celebrate these sisters who are coming what's holding you back it's not lack of resource is pride Wow this is pride its pride I don't want anybody to know about it I don't and I don't want to have to go through it come on don't stop clapping church let's celebrate them because there are others who need to be here if you're in the balcony we're waiting for you his pride his pride his pride his pride his pride I call it out his pride his pride his pride his pride his pride the Bible says that he resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble encouragement come on this pride is pride I don't want anybody to see me so I'd rather say say stop in to drop out and come on my issue is pride my marriage is not chapter because my mouth is right we can't pay our bills it's because of pride [Music] [Music] stretch your hands towards the heart to begin to pray over all those who were here come on beginning to pray all over the house come on open up your mouths and begin to pray father right now in the name of Jesus we pray for every soul who's represented here god we thank you for their boldness God we thank you for their honesty the Bible says that we have not a high priest who cannot be touched by the feelings of our infirmities but one who was tempted on all parts as we are that means that pride had to tip him - that means the ego had to tempt him - so therefore we can come boldly to the throne that we might obtain grace and mercy at the time of need God we thank you that they've had enough humility to put their pride aside so we claim victory for them even in that even right now God we know their areas of their lives that you need to touch in what you need to move god we pray for you to remove ego from them god we can pray for lust all day long god we can pray for addiction all day long god we can pray for fornication all day long but today we stand as a people against the spirit of pride god we come and get some quiet full spirit in the name of Jesus God we come against an egotistical spirit in the name of Jesus God we ask for somebody to win could be encouraged even while they're low to know that weeping may endure for a night but that joy will come in the morning God we thank you that you drop us down not so that we can say town but so that we can learn what we need to learn so you can work on us and so that you can pull us back up again god I pray for every man woman surrounding the altar got touched in ways that only you can God heal broken things because some of us are prideful because we weren't damaged some of us for travel because we were hurt some of us are probably because we know no other way and because we're afraid to let anybody else in but I declare in the name of Jesus who the Sun sets free is free indeed and so we declare as your pre people that we are free of glad we declare as your people that we are free from every trap of the enemy we declare as your people that every snare and every trap has already been filled and God we thank you for your move in the house on the morning God we ask you to touch your people and as they leave this place but not your presence help them to cry out to you God help them to call out to you god help them to reach out to you help them help grow mr. Shane tears that woman to seek help from a father there was a thing how children to find their parents again help them God and for doing what only you can do we'll be careful to give your name all glory give your name all pot and give your name all praise it's in Jesus mighty name that we pray our hearts and our souls say a man a man amen come on put your hands together all over [Music] [Applause] why you still here why you still here that's those of you that have never joined a church never accepted Jesus publicly cuz pride is in the way those of you know you're not saved prime then hiding if you here today would you raise your hand if you're not don't have church home you're not actively involved in ministry you're not saying would you raise your hand you need a church home god Bless You God bless you want I need I need my stewards to come on in minister to these percentages my choice god bless you yes they're coming here to talk to you listen one more thing I want to say but listen before you sing that verse God's been using River to Maori all morning long he told us at the first service he's preaching about humility here's the thing pride is a beast I mean pride is a serious beast you know you need help but pride won't let you go to get it humility is not denying your strengths [Music] humility is not accepting your weakness and I felt I feel led as he was preaching and the Spirit was moving if you have a weakness in your life would you come - come on if you got a weakness in your life this is a safe place come on if you got a weakness humility says I accept the fact I got a weakness in my life you can't be healed to hell if you don't ever admit that that's something in you that's weak and it keeps bringing you on that right back where you started from come to church get happy but go right back to the same thing because you're not admitting got a weakness I got to deal with in my life got a weakness can I tell you I got weaknesses [Music] yeah I'm Reverend doctor but I got weakness that weakness and I'm clear I'm on speaking terms with my weakness I know what it is I'll have to second-guess it so when I pray to God I don't pray God helped me with my sins I know exactly what my weakness is and I pray God I need strength for this pride as a beasts pride is a beast it's a beasts beasts it's a beast thank God preacher said he didn't put you on blast we spend too much energy trying to hide what makes us sick [Music] but the devil's man today he-man he's upset today all these folks stepped out and admitted publicly take out a weakness I was doing fine until that a revenue Maori came down I had him on I had them all locked up all of them and they just a secret that's as sick as their secrets I had all of them but he has unlocked confession can you bow your head with me you know what your weakness is you know what it is I don't know what it is I just don't mind get it in your mind you know what it is you know the name of it we're not gonna ask you to confess it to somebody else we're gonna ask you to say God help me with this weakness called it out to him call it out to him call it out to him call it out to him God I released this call it out call it out to you I know it worse cuz work for me work for you in the name of Jesus God I thank you I praise you that you didn't pull the covers off so it would destroy my reputation because if they saw it they wouldn't be able to handle it but you see it and I'm asking you in the name of Jesus by the authority of your word to deal with my weakness and this what Paul said in my weakness I found strength but I I had to acknowledge my weakness before I got the string so I thank you today for the work of the whole it goes and I'm not I'm not trying to negotiate with you any longer I'm not trying to bargain with you I'm not trying to tell you how how good I am I'm not trying to remind you of the good I've done I just need you to give me power over the weakness and we release the power through prayer in the name of Jesus now henceforth and forevermore I pronounce a benediction over the weakness in my life in the name of Jesus [Music] I memorialize my weakness it's dead it's buried and I will not accept it rising again in my life in the name of Jesus father thank you thank you I feel better I feel lighter the spirit has helped me in this moment through your vessel in the name of Jesus and I walked in faith because you've just freed me let the people of God say man and again if you don't know Jesus if you've never joined a church and you're not actively involved let's not play let's not play this is not the time to conceal this is a time to reveal I really need a church home I really need the Lord and the Word of God in my life and I ain't ashamed to let nobody know I do these are standing god bless you God bless you God bless you come on let's celebrate these courageous amen amen god bless you god bless you pastor we have brother David say gain coming to join Reed temple we have sister Felicia Willy coming to join Reed temple we have brother Dale annouce coming to join Reed temple we have sister Linda Johnson also come in to join Reed temple we have sister Jenny Coppola coming for salvation and coming to join real temple pastor these are they [Applause] brother Charles coming for special prayer god bless you and then we have Dante Patterson is coming to join Reed temple - god bless you go with brother Myers can we thank God for the vessel that God used today in a mighty way the ministry through him praise God for him pray for him pray for his family thank you so much for putting your plays putting yourself in a place where God could use you I think we're ready to go let's stand sing praise God from whom all blessings flow thank God for celebration of this day the ministry that went forth and our Reverend Mary is gonna give us the benediction [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] father we thank you for looking beyond our faults in seeing our needs God we thinking that when we were as spotted his name and you still blessed us you still uses and you continue to do so anyhow god we thank you for removing the blemish of pride on the inside and the out and so we say to you God replace it with humility so that we can draw closer to you now unto Him was able to keep us from falling present us faultless before his throne to the only wise God until you be glory beyond of imagining been to making them power now his forth and forevermore People of God say Amen amen and amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come take the prophets hand god bless you
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 2,992
Rating: 4.6444445 out of 5
Keywords: reid temple, ame, Pastor Lee P. Washington, Rev. Matthew Watley, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Id: XylDps7Ac-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 45sec (7665 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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