We Drove Through The California Desert in a Mustang

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[Music] hi I'm Matt and I'm John and this is the comfy sofa in a secret location again so what's happening here is we're recording several videos in an order but the audio seeing them isn't the order in which we're doing them because we're going to replace filming a video for now for the bench they'll make a video about the place we went but I'm on break so that video about the place we went isn't going to be up for a few weeks and this isn't on break this was still at this location and this yeah pretty quick to do so yes so it's last week's it was in a woods in the area then there'll be another one from there in a few weeks time but now you're in a hotel room then in a couple of days we'll film another one about the place we're going to in a couple of days who knows where we're going to film that we're all over the place in more than one yeah so last week yeah we were in California in Los Angeles yes Los Angeles we don't have an accent when you go to America especially a big place like Los Angeles then you need a car yeah yeah you do I mean we could just about manage on yo I have a metro but we wanted to go out see the sights and yeah I was [ __ ] the cup mm-hmm and I don't think you realize this but I was only going to book one car I did some options we really had it we had a slight disagreement very there was no disagreement I was [ __ ] the cup I would have booked a sensible midsize SUV for about the two days we were there and it just managed for the rest car hire in California is considerably cheaper than everywhere else I'm used to we hired a Mustang convertible he for the same price that I'm used to hiring a VW Golf or similar for a day and we hide it before I'm not driven a car lineup before if it turns out it was not a performance muscle but I was fine but it was cool yeah it felt like now because I thought I would in the America thing we felt like we were were Brits feeling like America Yeah right after I part on the right yeah as soon as you get convertible the first thing that happens obviously literally as we walk into the parking garage and it's a cart but that's what we got to pick a car which is weird for Brits like American Car Rentals amazing yeah you fill everything on the internet when you book it you turn up out of a car part and each section is labeled by type of car then you just get in one the keys are in the car you do I go with it and say hi to them on the way out and flush them your card and you're done that's is it just it just be clear the European method is you go in and you are assigned a car at the desk it is in a particular place and then you get you go you queue up at a desk yeah then someone sees you they fill in lots of paperwork yeah but then they check everything and scan everything and then you are given some keys and a diagram on how to get to your car I mean like I imagine that shall happen somewhere but for a lie at the airport you just kind of walk to a town getting some flashing documentation or where you go have to do lucky to this yeah yeah which is much is great because we got to pick from several combative calls yet but unfortunately just literally of you as you go yeah I feel this one right yeah in LA yep so the phone of her lunch alone but if program the bomb Bing um like the Sun came out eventually and we were driving to the desert via a secret location but you won't mind out about yet yeah I did some tourist stuff on the way I want on the way there as well but we'll do that video on a bit um but yeah we we heads out into the Mojave get now I've already been there you did a video I have a video with YouTube's field day November 15 linkie linkie video um which I was done really well they've got a million hits on that I think one of those popular ons field they did which is lovely I got to go out to California City back then which the city that was mostly planned out roads built never actually constructed and so Matt's like well where do we go we've got we've got a Mustang we've got the desert weather is not a bad Mexican place in no way those are not bad Mexican place is not a bad method let's go this restaurant in California City that's why the crow ate last time fine Mojave Desert 65 miles now a dead straight road now I have seen the film fair and Loathing in Las Vegas I realized I went in there right this is California oh yeah good luck in Nevada but it did feel like we shouldn't have stopped there because it was about country you've tried to get the photo unveiled yeah you know it's not bad mmm it's that it is that I mean barren mine I'm used to driving when I'm in America like the sensible SUV thing luleå not a big car just sit here on cruise control that's going to be fine and there is something about going well I'm going to convertible let's give it a bean if you catch yeah babe right to give it some beans which is a really really you expression I was going to say British and I was going to say Yorkshire think you like to speak you know I've heard it okay right quite this that's a commie if you've heard the phrase give it some bean comment beans below what we just end up with a lot of comments having beaten smack what we should do is sort of a little poll card that says beans or no means which is a crap recipe or no actually supplementals this is a good point um yet normally that I did this time what I were I'm going to point out we did not break the speed limit at any point we got to the speed limit very quickly what being completely in control of the car just just being me yeah it was fun won a little a little rural road no one around it's like the limit 35 like we're good good please control on that fine it's winter there and it's a desert so I was expecting desert but because it's winter this is taking a lot of effort to get this intercept there was just foliage yes yes that's true last time I went to California city and area it was yoga yeah just a lots of a that very simple sense um it was entirely desk it was all yellow they had rained a few weeks earlier I think though there was actually some greenery and some vegetation pretty much the day you've got those chucking it down yeah that's true of course the storm coming yeah a couple couple days for I'd like that yeah if the plate or it never rains yes it rained when no it look beautiful and it looked different than what I was used to and different to what I was expecting yes but I think the this is because of the rain the clouds everywhere north of LA were beautiful yeah they were big fluffy rolling and clinging to mountains yes I have taken lots of photos of some big fluffy it's lovely go and there so then we roll through when we roll through arms and we're beginning with P oh that was on the way back we with California City we had young Mexican food yeah have a Instagram of some Mexican food I don't think I actually integrate we went to California City we all rode past and I gave a quick salute to the Edwards Air Force Base where all the cool guys captured yeah you're like oh let's go on to Edwards Air Force Base no no I think you couldn't get eaten yeah I wanted to get to the point that you know the fine where it tells you to bugger off the answer to where that sign is is on the freeway exit yeah no you're not my picture is the same thing it cuz all space stuff happen from there yeah that's really we passed by the Mojave Air and Space Port again could we get in yeah shouldn't have got driven in so we didn't but we took a picture of the sign yeah and it's got a boneyard there but there were loads of claims yes a place to store your your planes that you have no use go and then we roll back through wind farm Oh a wind farm yes that was it there's a big wind farm yeah one of the biggest in the world you may have wind turbines near you you might think that's a lot of wintermint unless you live and I think one particular part of China they have more winter horizon to horizon wind turbines thousand-odd as we're driving on the very on the way there on the very straight road north all you could see left to right across an entire mountain region the plane in front of it was wind turbine so we drove into it because there's a road that goes through it and go through it just everywhere and it's not human you've never in that Club swamp snow and of course you be not yeah but I want kiss look yeah I always wanted to what what this ended like I've heard they make noise obviously that there is thing moving of course them yeah it sounds like a plane flying over just every couple seconds no just constantly okay the noise of the plane flying over but at the volume level of just that yes huh yeah I like him I would want to live within a hundred meters of one yeah but I like it look really good Palmdale Palmdale we went to Palmdale on the way back before we got to LA mm-hmm and the clouds were even better yes we were in the car park of a CVS or something particularly rock and roll like that he does a lot you get a lot of text messages very much a lot of this yes pit stop for drinks and snacks yeah and wow the clouds at the other end of the car [ __ ] it was like they were it will like he or like they were all in down mountain and that constant because that's why the cloud stopped us whether the two fronts of our meet so we just have this constant rolling clouds with the Sun person behind them yeah yeah yeah and yes we went back via Pasadena yeah where we went to the well yet the soda pop shop that I've been to before I haven't Matt bought a cucumber soda very kidding that he'd be hey that's my best friend well the cucumber sodas he recommended that one okay I like the cucumber fizz easy who's a one brendham Eucharistic visitor and I like that and you've got an absent flavor soda which was terrible actually terrible you know when you get to an airport have to learn see all of your liquid yeah that's the airport just as those about to go through security oh I've got that I'm about to deliver nights yeah okay hahaha yeah then we use that to tour around for various other things that we'll talk about yes there's a good trick but I mean hopefully we've got enough pictures to cover up the enormous amount of rambling but yeah yeah oh good yeah I think we've run out of things to talk to about that for the no no we haven't can I only have you I've taken a lot donor face person otherwise wrong I've taken a lot of photos as I always do they will be on my Flickr but not yet because we're in a secret location doing secret things and the secret location doesn't have good internet map we have missed one really obvious thing that we visited in that car when we were going to return the car I like space yeah we will return that car to LA Airport a in a place called Hawthorne not too far from an airport is the headquarters of a company known as SpaceX yeah they sent a rocket to space and the bottom bit came back and landed and it was really cool they put this in their carpet yet they literally taken a falcon 9 the one that came back down London and they've just gone you know what that'd look good our carpet and it's not just on the corner of a block yes in La Land we go hold on how have you got chance by this point yeah oh it's nice yeah well we're riding with the top down at this point because we were in a convertible yeah yeah round the corner and that is a stop it yes we can stop it yeah all right and they're basically there's a fence around their property and the corner of it where the rocket is is glass instead of fence yeah and bushes so you can see it because as matt has a lot of photos about rocket well go a couple you have a lot of Matt we spent like half and however yeah none of them came out so don't write it was really really tough yeah and it wasn't very well lit yeah yeah and how's the SpaceX engineers we met outside I'm like really sorry I'm spaz did for about 15 minutes saying can I come in we show me around we can you let me in we rock up like turn the corner in and I swear I hear my name said by summer every rock up in this convertible and it turns out yeah a couple spa hi hi Paul and I can't remember the other person maybe even give me a business card ah but we go and like you see how easier chatting than a spot on his jacket wait a sec SpaceX Dragon engineer but is that true yes can I come in can I have a little just blade should we ask the question yeah yeah grants the try the answer was no but that was a couple days Iraqi as we checked with Bethany our department has a couple of the written with a camp a couple of foreign nationals with cameras could come into that top secret space specifically a tremendous we didn't see was a tried absolutely worth here yeah it was good run that and we've seen the rocket we said bye to the engineers turn the car no Mel stop with the advice of engineers we drove to the airport and I look out my door a thing leather cheap let's rock it but it's not that Hyperloop yeah we stumbled across the Hyperloop test track which we had been driving past from government into a mile oh yeah good minute yeah they've all just a big long metal tube like right next to SpaceX my long straight row girl is to victory and a gap in the middle where some train tracks get aggressive where they just take me apart from it so the trains go through I don't really want to use it she has stopped trying to remember I think they've done the second lot of second lot of testing you know the university is having a go at running a Hyperloop testing the weekend before with it so it was all branded yeah sweet we saw the Hyperloop we saw a SpaceX rocket we went to the desert in the good man yeah and then we then we return the car you seemed quite disappointed effect I think no longer give it some Mustang a bean you don't call us right but little a year now every time we come to record this you brought along two big box locations hey okay I know so now it's it's just it's full box well I say you're talking about that with you with my giveaway
Channel: Matt and Tom
Views: 268,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt gray, mattgray, mattg, tom scott, tomscott, unnamedculprit, matt and tom, park bench, comfy sofa, california, driving, road trip, california city, mojave, mojave desert, desert, fear and loathing in las vegas, mojave wind farm, wind turbine, spacex, falcon 9, hawthorne, los angeles, la, pasadena
Id: Hd7d1TTcxq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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