YOU Should Buy the CHEAPEST M2 Mac Mini, And Here's Why!

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oh the M2 Mac Mini is a pretty darn unique piece of technology this machine is both cheaper and better than the model that came before it and if that's not unique in today's hyper constrained and inflated Marketplace I don't know what is and you know what you should totally buy one easily the first reason somebody should buy the M2 Mac Mini is the price I don't know that you can beat a fully functional legitimately high powered computer for 599 and yes that is 100 less than the previous M1 Mac Mini that's awesome because personally I thought the M1 Mac Mini was a fantastic bargain for its opening price point too what that price buys you is the latest 8 core M2 standard processor 10 core GPU 8 gigabytes of unified memory and a 256 gigabyte solid state drive not the wildest specs you'll find on the market and we will talk more about performance in a second but you have to remember everything that we talk about today everything in this entire video that this costs under 600 well I guess it depends on where you buy it if you buy it in a state without sales tax like Delaware that's true but if you buy it anywhere else then it's slightly more expensive but either way it's still a great value you can even spec this out more than the M1 if needed and you can turn it into a beast of a machine with a 12 core M2 Pro processor 19 core GPU 32 gigabytes of unified memory and an 8 terabyte solid state drive and is a really serious bonus you can even get a 10 gigabit Ethernet port on the back of it now one nitpick on specs I do wish that if you were buying the m M2 pro model in any way shape or form I just kind of wish the 10 gigabit came with it like I'm already spending half of a roof's replacement amount of money give me more connectivity just on top just sprinkle it in all of those beefy specs included will cause this little thing this little computer that is about the same size as a book it'll cost 44.99 dang those hard drive upgrades really catch up to you after a while all of that leads into the second reason to buy the M2 Mac Mini the versatility are you somebody that just needs a family computer are you a student living in the dorm slash apartment are you in office trying to build out a series of networked computers awesome that 599 model is gonna be insane to beat you will do everything that 95 percent of folks need and it can easily like fit under a desk however are you somebody that needs a pretty serious workstation for compiling code processing a wedding's worth of photos or you just like spending money to have phenomenal cosmic power in a teeny tiny little living space well that 44.99 model is going to be really hard to beat for the professional Among Us normally when you try to get 12 core processors beefy gpus all that storage and active memory you need something roughly the size of a custom PC and those are much louder bigger and while yes they have absolutely legit benefits it's sometimes nice to have a computer that is just so simple I do wish you could upgrade these on your own like a custom PC life is all about trade-offs I know here on YouTube life is not about trade-offs life is about Stark emotional differences that we can monetize but personal consumer technology is not immune to needing trade-offs the next reason to buy the M2 Mac Mini is absolutely the performance like I said earlier at any level or any price range this is an objectively better computer than its predecessor for less money well unless you go the upgrade path that didn't exist on the M1 then it's an infinite amount more money because going from nothing to anything is infinite right I try not doing massive off the top of my head and know before you start typing I still don't care about SSD gate or whatever the click baiters are calling it this time around that is not even close to a bottleneck of a perform torrents on a computer like this personally I've started moving away from running my own benchmarks because I'm just some guy in a basement and I'm not a professional Tech analyst but from the general consensus around the internet and the numbers that Apple has provided us we can see that the M2 and the M2 Pro are a decent step up from their M1 and M1 Pro variant something else about the performance that I really like is just how quiet of a machine this is to use I would like to make a note that the specific model I've been using has the M2 standard processor so this might change if you have that 4 500 Powerhouse but much like the M1 mini I never hear this thing the fans exist and the cooling system is there and you have to do the standard move your hand behind it to actually know that air is coming out of it but I've never heard anything on this computer at all and I have been doing very long sessions of World of Warcraft classic which yes I play too much but I do think that's a good Benchmark since very few other games are optimized for Apple silicon even when I was sitting down at my computer typing out the script my custom PC is audibly droning on in the background now I've been saying this for actual years is crazy that it's been actual years but it still stands that if you want to be irritated by all computer noise in the future start using an M1 or M2 computer everything else makes so much more noise in comparison but in use the M2 has felt surprisingly sharp I mean we've seen the numbers and we've seen the bar charts already but in actual use it feels faster that could have a few different causes one I've recently moved to a 240 hertz monitor which if a computer can handle it it will make this monitor makes anything feel faster and crisper it could be the updated graphical capabilities that did not exist in the M1 but those encoders do exist on the M1 Pro and all the M2 processors because video editing on even the cheapest thing here it feels like cheating and it could just be that I want it to feel faster so it does all of these things go into the subjectivity that is a YouTube video but that hasn't stopped it from feeling really good for me to work on the next major reason to buy this is very similar to why you should have bought an M1 Mac Mini the port selection on this computer are darn near perfect and this time around it's even more perfect dir why I don't know why I write like this it's even better than the M1 you get everything HDMI Thunderbolt 4 more or less depending on the variation of the mini you buy ethernet headphone usba thank goodness USB I typed this script on a custom keyboard that I upgraded and customized myself and it's usba to the Max and like we said earlier if you need that extra bandwidth oomph for a hundred dollars you can upgrade to 10 gigabit Ethernet that's just it's so good the only thing that I really consider missing here is a display port section but Thunderbolt to DisplayPort cables aren't that expensive anymore you can have so many monitors plugged into this little computer it's really striking back on the M1 mini you could have two a 4K and a 6K but now you can have up to three displays two being 6K and one being 4K having that additional monitor can be huge for some folks I'm a single monitor person myself but I know a lot of folks especially those working from home need multiple monitors and limiting those was always a crazy part of the M1 standard for me look the M2 Mac Mini is phenomenal there is no other way to put it it hits the very rare occurrence where it's better than its predecessor in every Market way it's far more versatile with customization options taking it from a cheap home computer to a legit Powerhouse processing machine it's still small enough to fit anywhere has ports for days and it does all of these things and it's still cheaper than the model that came before it that's as close to a Triple Crown win as you are going to get and it's so good because it's a rare very rare over the past year tech product that I think makes a lot of sense to buy new instead of buying an older generation refurbished model obviously if you don't need a computer right this second you can wait this out for a few months and even get this for even cheaper refurbished so you know shake it up and actually go out and see what you really need before buying and if you like this video but you want to find how this specifically held up after 48 Hours of solid use click here click click click click click click click thanks for watching
Channel: The Everyday Dad
Views: 57,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tkZ537339Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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