Base M2 Mac Mini - Don’t listen to the haters!

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I gotta be honest ever since the original M1 came out my first M1 machine was the M1 Mac Mini with 16 gigs of RAM pretty much base model everything except for that 16 gigs RAM and ever since then every single M chip upgrade or Improvement that's come out up until today has honestly been really boring to me and that includes even the M1 MacBook Pros and I have a 14 inch M1 MacBook Pro with the M1 Pro chip and it's a great laptop it's probably one of the best laptops that Apple has ever made but from a Pure Performance standpoint I've been really bored with these computers in the best way possible the thing is M1 was already so damn good that every upgrade since then has been okay yeah cool it's like 15 20 faster at doing this sex that whatever they're still great push aside the new M2 MacBook Pro updates push aside all that crap because there's only one computer in my opinion that really pushed through all that performance boredom and that is the M2 Mac Mini the reason for that is it's cheap so now it's exciting that you can get all this performance and power from these new chips in something that only costs 600 bucks for 99 of the population you're still fine with an M1 MacBook Air an M1 MacBook Pro an M1 Mac Mini all of those machines that we've had for the last couple years you know go pick one of those things up refurbished they're fantastic if you're just doing word processing Facebook you're going on social media browsing the internet email doing some light video editing doing some photo editing even those computers will fly and I can almost guarantee you they will fly for years to come as well another thing that's always sort of like clouded the conversation around these computers is that most people that make these videos for everybody come from a production standpoint or a creative standpoint so they edit video they edit photos they're doing media production and I think the vast majority of users out there do some of that for sure especially now that we're in this world of social media and Tick Tock and all that stuff like more people are doing more media related tasks with these machines but general purpose stuff you know like the regular things that maybe your parents do or your friends do or stuff that just people don't always create these machines are amazing so it's six hundred dollars I was curious could this be a machine that you could use or that I could use someone who's a little bit more advanced with their computer usage we're not talking about just the general population that's just doing word processing all that kind of stuff like I said those folks are fine you can grab this machine because it's the newest one of course you can have it for years and you'll be fine or you can use one of the older refurbs you can get an M1 MacBook Pro and you'll probably find Mac Studio all those computers are awesome but at 600 my curiosity has been peaked because if you're a first time Creator you need an extra machine for something or you're looking to upgrade an old Intel machine to something very very affordable because you don't want to break the bank just to be able to edit some 4K video and stuff can this Mac Mini perform the task that we do day to day as creatives and Professionals in this industry and guess what of course it can because M1 could already do that I loaded this thing up with some 4K video from my a74 I layered it four times and the thing was still smooth sailing for 600 truly you're getting a machine that you can edit 4K video with you can edit your Raw photos with it you can do all the basic mid-level and even professional level video and photo work that you'd want to do with a computer in a 600 desktop machine it reminds me a lot of where we're at with cameras right whereas like every camera is so damn good now the thing with Apple Computers is every Apple computer is so damn good now there's a lot of people that I even say just go grab a refurb MacBook Air if you just need to edit some 4K stuff real quick you're fine unless you're doing full-fledged you know feature filmmaking and narrative documentary work and like you're layering six layers of 8K and you got to do all this color correction yeah sure go up to like a Mac Studio or get a MacBook Pro but for us if you make YouTube videos if you do stuff on Tick Tock if you're just doing social media things for clients or for yourself this is a 600 machine that can do all of that and you will not break a sweat while doing it now one thing when it comes to the base model is that it only comes with eight gigs of RAM and from all my experience with M1 you definitely want to try to get at least 16 gigs of RAM one of the big reasons why I went to the Mac Studio is because I wanted to get up to at least 64 gigs of RAM this is machine that I want to hang on to for a long time and I do find that the biggest bottleneck with these base models is the ramps if you have that little bit extra money to grab the 16 gigs of RAM I think you'll be in a much better position to have a long-term device whereas I do find with the 8 gig it's a little bit easier to bottleneck that machine so I would just suggest if you can you have a little bit extra cash go up to at least 16 gigs of RAM so M1 was already a paradigm shift in terms of what we had for performance now we've just hit a new level of what that performance costs and that opens the doors for a lot more creators to have access to a machine with this level of power and that to me is incredibly exciting and fun and it's not boring anymore which is a lot of computers have been because they're so damn expensive whether it's a MacBook Pro or Max 2 they're not cheap computers this thing is 5.99 it is so nice to be able to have a machine out in the world now that I can recommend to students and folks that are just getting into this as a hobby or if they just need another machine that they don't have to break the bank with I'm sure a lot of people already have computer monitor are sticking around in mice and keyboards all the stuff they've had from their old machines can now be translated into this little desktop computer and I think that's just so much fun it's so exciting that we have this type of performance at this price point so I don't want to get into benchmarks I don't want to compare it to my Mac Studio or my MacBook Pro those serve a purpose for me I need the i o I want some more USB ports I want all that stuff that comes I want the SD card reader that is stuff that I need for professional work but if I didn't have the money for that if I was you know just starting out I'm a freelancer I'm just getting into this this is the machine that I would buy I would pay 600 bucks for this and spend all the money on other things that I should invest in my business better lights better lenses getting help all this kind of stuff that you would need and even at this base level with only eight gigs of RAM there's still no reason why you can't edit your video you can't edit your photos comfortably sure it might not be as fast as like a MacBook Pro or a Mac Studio but it is still damn fast it's faster than any intel machine you've probably ever used and that to me is what is so exciting about this M2 Mac Mini and has down it's just the best computer under a thousand dollars so if that's your budget here it is this is the computer for you this is the one you should absolutely grab I'm not saying if you have an M1 machine that you should upgrade to this there's absolutely no reason for that I would still use my M1 Mac Mini with 16 gigs of RAM I don't really notice that big of a difference between them so for me I would just say look I already have that machine that's the one I'm going to use I already have my Mac Studio that's the one I'm going to use I'm not upgrading to M2 from any of my other machines I was just curious could this machine be as great as I thought it would be in my head for 600 bucks and yeah of course it is it could have still had an M1 in it for 600 bucks so I'm just excited I think it's a great time to have an Apple computer and we have never seen this type of power to Performance available to the masses before and that is just an exciting proposition for creatives just like cameras you're not held back by the tools and the equipment or even the money anymore it's all on you so if it's in your brain and you want to get it out there we have everything we need to make that happen you have any questions about the M2 Mac Mini please let me know in the comments otherwise my name is Patrick Tomaso and you will see or hear me because I feel like making a video cheers [Music]
Channel: patrick 2masso
Views: 39,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, m2, mac mini, m2 mac mini, base model m2, base model mac mini, mac mini m2, m2 mac mini performance, m2 mac mini ram, 8gb or 16gb, apple review, apple mac, apple mac mini 2023
Id: -pmccywwhko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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