Monitors For The M2 Mac mini

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so you just bought the M2 Mac Mini and now you need a monitor let's talk about it welcome back to the channel so if you have not been under a rack lately you know one thing the M2 Mac Mini came out recently and people love it right it starts at 5.99 sometimes lower the pro model is 12.99 just a great system overall performs really well but what I want to do in this video is I want to set this up for everybody the big problem is is what monitor do you get for this right obviously you know what doesn't come with one it's just basically a standalone computer and you need to get one that's compatible with Max you're not going to have a lot of problem with that you're happy with so what this video is going to do is I'm going to go through I think I have like 10 or 11 different monitors they're no particular order although I'm going to start with the the main one and we're going to talk about them I'm going to go ahead and just show you what they are how much they cost and basically these are all monitors that are not only recommended by me but I went through and did some research on places that rate these and they all rate them very well for the M2 Mac Mini so if you're looking for like either a 4k monitor a 14 or 5K monitor 4K 1440p and even 1080p I have some in here so what I'll I'm just going to go through everything with you I'm going to share the links in the video description so you can go ahead and just do your own research afterwards and what I recommend you doing is just watching this looking at it maybe mark down the model numbers you like and then go ahead and do your own research before you buy anything make sure it's compatible as far as the kind of ports you want to use and the cables you have there's always some Oddities with all monitors and all type of connections and cables and everything so just keep that in mind this is just a recommendation to show you and if you're interested in getting a monitor for the M2 Mac Mini let's get into it and I'm going to share my screen here and show you a lot of different pictures and a lot of different examples let's go all right number one I just have to get this out of the way is going to be the Cadillac of all monitors for the max it's going to be basically the Apple Studio display all right and this comes in at about 1500 bucks if you're going to buy it and I'll have a link to Amazon and obviously you can go to Apple and bite as well so for 15.99 what do you get well let's take a look it's 5120 by 2885k 618 kind of knits of brightness at least it's been measured around there very very bright screen and then basically it has an IPS panel 60 hertz only it's got accurate RGB srgb I'm sorry it's got really good viewing angles and really deep blacks as well all right so some of the problems obviously is the price I mean it's almost 1500 bucks and then also you can't you know the stand is not the best ergonomics obviously you have to buy different types of stands and you can't wall mount it if you buy the stands so there's some problems there as well so the price is a big price point and you can see everything there 15.99 but I did a video recently and it's basically if you go to the Apple refurbished store right now they do sell it right now for 13.59 so it's a couple what is that a 240 bucks off of it so that price is getting a little closer so if you're looking for a 5k monitor for sure this is the one to get especially for 1359 from the refurbished store it's going to be like brand new trust me I got a bunch of stuff from there don't worry about it and uh you know long story short it's just probably the best of the bunch all right number two and this again this is no particular order it's the Dell Ultra sharp u2723qe and this is going to be basically a 4K panel so we're not talking 5K we're talking 4K here it's 3840 by 2160 it's an IPS panel it's got HDR 10. it's again 60 hertz I believe 60 hertz text Clarity is phenomenal on this that's what people say so we got really good text Clarity good viewing angles on the system as well this system comes in at 532 bucks though so it's not going to be the cheapest obviously it's nowhere close to the studio display obviously you get a lot less with it but overall it's it's still kind of more of a pricey Monitor and then if you keep looking it's got a built-in KVM switch and you can control uh you know obviously things like your keyboard and you can plug other things into it so it's got that added functionality it does have USBC as well to connect your M2 Mac minion if you want to do that and it says it's got good SDR Peak brightness as well I think it's let me see if I can find it here I mean the peak brightness obviously is not going to be I think of the the altar or the studio your displays like in the 600s you got to keep in mind that any monitor like in the three to four hundred Peak brightness of knits is going to be fairly good for these kind of more discount monitors and this one comes in about 350 peat brightness knits so it's not the highest but it's definitely going to be bright enough for most cases and definitely I've seen this one in person and it works great all right so if you don't want to spend up you know 500 and something dollars the next one here is going to be by Dell again again no particular order this is the Dell s27 22 QC comes in at 399 bucks you're a little bit better price point here this panel is going to be basically of 27 inch 3840 by 2160 it's IPS panel it's 4K like I said 60 hertz hdr10 it does have it comes in a little bit brighter than the last one at 382 Peak brightness for the knits which is actually pretty good and then basically it's got no KVM switch in this one that's one of the differences and it does have USBC and display port to connect if you want to go ahead those are the two different options on this system and then basically it's got wide viewing angles does not have srgb which is kind of The Limited thing it's got limited Adobe it's got basically the Adobe RGB and the stand has good ergonomics as well so it's got a good stand compared to the studio display but for 3.99 this is actually a quality one and it works really well with any of the Mac minis so definitely look at it as the Dell 27 s27 22 QC 27 inch and it's a mouthful but but that's going to be number three all right so number four is going to be very similar to number three it's actually got the same stand it's got the same basic panel but it's a lot cheaper why is it a lot cheaper well let's get into that so this one's going to be the Dell it's the 20 s 2721 Qs so it's very similar there's the metal number I'll show you some pictures as I'm talking here so what's the main difference here well it's basically it does not have eight USBC it's got only HDMI so if you can connect to an HDMI cable and you want to do that through the M2 Mac Mini and you're basically able to do that and that's the only kind of connection you need and this is a great choice why is it because it's only 249 bucks so it's actually very very similar to the last monitor it's basically got the IPS panel it's basically going to obviously be 4K at 38 what is a 3840 by 2160 ultra thin IPS panel but it's basically 150 bucks cheaper than the last one only really because it doesn't have the USBC port for the most part and uh but beyond that it's basically probably a steel at 249 bucks for a 4K panel all right so if you're looking for kind of a cheap price point as well we're going to talk about some 1440 monitors here 1440p monitors so the next one on the list that you might consider is going to be the Asus Pro art display it's the pa27 8qv comes in at 289 bucks so I'll show you pictures as I'm talking about this it's a 27 inch IPS 75 Hertz and again it's the resolutions 2560 by 1440. it's got no HDR 10 support So for this type of a monitor though it's rated as very sharp it's got good viewing angles the peak brightness is actually I think it's at around like 417 or something like that so it's actually a really bright monitor it's got a little extra refresh rate on it 1440p but it's been tested on these type of monitors so for 289 the Asus Pro art it's not a bad manager obviously you're only getting that 1440p so you got to take that with a grain of salt but not better overall all right so number six is going to be extremely cheap Monitor and I'm going to give you some reasons why you'd want to pick this up but we're going to get back to some other more expensive ones in a second this one's the Asus it's the vg246h vg246h it's only going to be a 24 inch display it's an IPS panel it's 24 inches it's only got 290 nits of brightness but it's still plenty bright for most most applications it's not the best obviously but good enough for most cases and then basically it's 75 Hertz which is a good surprise 1080p only again that's the main thing here 1080p we're talking and then basically no HDR it may you know it basically has very little input lag so the reason I like this monitor though is this is and it's the price here it's going to be 119.99 right now on sale so for less than 120 bucks you can kind of have that secondary screen I totally recommend that for the cost on it it does say you know it definitely just is a good monitor overall for a 1080p screen I know when you're talking M2 Mac minis that's not always the best option but if you have a very low budget and you just want to know if something's going to work fairly well with your Mac this is actually a good one at 119. again it's the Asus vg246h check it out all right so this next one is actually got a couple different surprising things and it's got a lower price point the one thing it's got going against it is going to be it's only 1440p so obviously keep that with the grain of cells 2560 by 1440 but this is going to be the gigabyte m27q 27 inch displays so 27 inches again so what what makes this up why is this something that we recommend let's get into the numbers here so again it's the IPS panel this is a hundred and up to 170 Hertz again you may not be able to get all that out of it with the Mac that you have but 170 Hertz so if you're maybe using this is also for gaming maybe on a PC and you want to move between the two monitors this could be a really good option it's uh again I said 2560 by 1440. it's got a high refresh rate super high refresh rate and response rate so it's good for gaming if you do do that on the side and then basically it does have you know poor ergonomics on the stand so it's not as movable as the other ones I talked about probably more so than the studio display for sure and then it's got a it's super bright actually for for a monitor of this cost it's a 400 34 nits only only 434 bits yes it's high only anyways this monitor comes in at 289 bucks only that's what I wanted to say there was the only but anyways long story short it's a great monitor for for what you're getting for the cost for 289 bucks so can consider it I mean gigabyte gigabit however you want to say it they don't you know you don't kind of think of them for monitors but in this case they made a good one all right so the next one we've heard about a lot and there's going to be one reason why I'm recommending this so stay look stay here and I'll show you why it is so this is the kind of the true and tested it's getting old now but it's basically the LG ultra fine 27 inch it's I believe that the number is 27 MD 5 KL Dash B that's a mouthful but this is a 5K panel and it's one that basically was the same I think it's basically the same panel that was in the 27 inch IMAX and obviously we know this works really well with Max so this is a good option here the price of it though a couple different things I want to just stay tuned because there's actually a cheaper price than this but right now on Amazon it's 1157 bucks so that's not too bad for a 5k panel it's coming down slightly on that and uh it's just a good panel overall and it's got 500 nits in brightness just like the the iMac that used to be you know the 27 inch iMac had the same same knits of brightness so plenty bright there for sure 60 hertz it's got three USBC ports which is great for connecting into it it's 5120 by 2880 so again full 5K but the reason I recommend this and that's so much for 11 57 because I would just get the studio display for that 13 something if you can pick it up on the Apple refurbished store but look at this over here I'll show you a quick thing up here it's got 905 bucks if you want to get a renewed medal so when you're down at 905 almost almost in that 8.9 cost that's where we want to be it's going to be renewed but I heard it comes you know it's got really good reviews they almost come very clean and perfect a lot of people think there might be new units so for that price when you're getting close to 8.99 900 bucks now you got to consider that instead of spending an extra four or five hundred on the studio display so it just comes down to if you have the money or not but that's a good recommendation for a 5k that even though is going to work all the time all right the last one again it's got mixed reviews but I think it works fairly well with Max it's been tested by Max reviews uh Marquis Brownlee a lot of people have tested this monitor out like maybe about a year ago or so and it's going to be the Samsung M8 monitor this is going to be a 4K 32 inch panel so that's actually really cool it's got some built-in features if you watch TV and stuff on it there's some issues with trying to get it to work perfectly and stuff and and more or less it's more about maybe the speakers in the microphone on it's pretty low quality as far as the sound but throw all that away for a 32 inch 4K screen this is actually a pretty phenomenal monitor but it depends on the cost right well right now if you get the white version I'm going to show you some screens up here it's only 349 bucks right now on Amazon so this thing used to I think it came in like around seven eight hundred bucks when it came out like a year ago it kept considerably dropping now it's 349 bucks so what does it come with it's got the USBC connector it's got HDR 10 plus it's 3840 by 2160 60 hertz 4K they call it the Samsung 32 inch I believe it's the m80b I believe what they're calling it on at least here on the Amazon so that's the number that I'm looking up here and uh basically though the cost here I mean obviously I don't know why but I mean if you go it's got a bunch of different colors to kind of match different you know I guess it's to match your your uh you know MacBook airs or something I don't know what they came out with it but like the Green version here if I click on it the Green version is going to be a lot more it's 504 bucks but if you go with that white model um and this thing does come with a little controller too like it's almost like a TV but it's actually a pretty good monitor but the White Version again it comes in a lot cheaper and that was at 349 or whatever it is which is unheard of price I don't know how long it's going to stay like this so if you're watching this and it's not that price it was at one time so maybe wait until it gets there again all right and then a couple notable mentions I mean there's a there's an M7 Samsung M7 as well which is the model kind of before this the year before that works pretty well for the cost and you can pick those up pretty cheap but the one to watch out for I did a video check out my channel I did a video fully on this one it's going to basically be the Samsung S9 it's not out yet but it's gonna be a 5k panel that they're coming out with and I think it's going to be below the thousand dollar price point so it's one to keep an eye on it's going to be uh you know pretty fair I think it's 27 inch only I have to verify that I think it's 27 but it's going to be 5K and it's going to be very comparable to a studio display but it's going to be a matte you know obviously matte finish if you don't like that then it's not going to work for you obviously get the studio display but if it comes in at that 9.99 to 800 price range to start we can maybe see it trickle down like this other M8 version did and it's going to be really attractive maybe in a few months so that's just one to keep an eye open for it's going to come out maybe the next one or two months all right so let's wrap this up so it doesn't get too long I'll probably do another one with some additional monitors because I know there's a ton of them out there but I just wanted to get people started on if you're looking you know obviously for a monitor for your M2 Mac Mini you're excited about it what are some monitors that you can kind of trust at least as far as being fairly good giving you they're not gonna like let's just be honest they're not going to be like the Max studio display right they're not going to be as good they're not going to be all 5K panels but if you're looking for something at your price point and you want to spend like 500 or less somewhere in that range these are all good monitors except for some of those more expensive ones like I showed you but those are a 5k so keep in mind that these are going to always usually work with your systems they've been tested and you won't run into a lot of the problems with like kind of the ALS you know basically the way the text looks and it scales wrong and all that so anyways let me know what you think do you guys like these kind of videos definitely click the like button if you can and subscribe it just helps me out in general if you use the links uh below you know obviously my description I do get a small percentage full disclosure but I'm not doing it for that obviously very few people buy that way but it does help the channel grow so I appreciate it if you do it I I appreciate it very much for my work here and we'll talk to everybody soon I'll have another one of these and maybe within the month or so talk to you in a little bit peace
Channel: Craig Neidel
Views: 155,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: M2 Mac mini monitors, Best monitors for M2 Mac mini, M2 Mac mini, Mac mini M2, good monitor for M2 Mac mini, M2 Mac mini best monitors, help me find M2 Mac mini monitors, list of M2 Mac mini monitors, Mac mini M2 Monitors, 4K monitor for M2 Mac mini, 5K monitor for M2 Mac mini, 1440P monitor for Mac mini M2, Apple studio display, best monitors for Mac mini M2, new M2 Mac mini monitors, find monitor for mac mini m2, M2 Mac mini displays, Displays for M2 Mac mini, mac mini 2023
Id: o8NVYM7ijK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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