You See It Everyday but Don't Know What It's For

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no escalator brushes aren't there to clean your shoes these bristles mark the edges of the steps if you stand too close to the edge your shoelaces or loose hanging clothes could be dragged into the gap between the stairs and the wall whew we instinctively step back when we feel the brush touch our leg the extra pocket on the right side of a suit jacket is called the ticket pocket first they were used to store coins for people on horseback to pay toll booths without having to open their jackets then when train travel became popular they held tickets and passes for easy access as for the left chest pocket it was used to store handkerchiefs keeping them away from the other cluttered and dirty pockets the hole in a pen cap is there in case the thing gets swallowed it allows air to flow through Lego heads have holes in them for the same reason go look at your bathroom sink really see the hole up near the rim it's there to prevent overflows excess water goes into the siphon and your floor stays dry in case you forgot to shut the water off it also helps your sink drain faster instead of glugging down slowly as it fights air resistance the hole gives that air somewhere to escape there's a special oval-shaped compartment under the flap of the tic-tac container it's supposed to make it easier to attract one little mint at a time well if you still like the idea of having a handful of them I can't blame you what side of your car is the gas tank on well it may be a tricky question if you're driving a rented vehicle or some brand new wheels but just look at the little gas pump on your dashboard fuel indicator the little arrow points to which side the tank is on holes and - black coffee stirring sticks help reduce resistance from the liquid so they can stir the sugar more efficiently and we're thankful for that this design also makes the plastic stick sturdier and protects it from bending in hot water manufacturers save money by using less plastic when the thing is hollow the microwave door looks completely black when it's off but when you're heating up your food you can see through it look closely it's not just a black glass it's a special mesh against regular glass this protective metal screen keeps the microwave energy inside dimples on the surface of a golf ball make it look cuter now actually the dimples increase its lift and reduce air resistance meaning a ball can go further with them in my case it goes further into the trees and pods these dimples don't have to be spherical they can be hexagonal or any other shape but choose carefully the slightest change in form or depth can really affect the balls performance the doors of toilet stalls don't reach the floor yeah so you know when it's occupied but these gaps are also there for emergency access in case the person inside needs immediate medical help the gap is also good for ventilation well I don't know sometimes it's better to keep things to yourself you know what I mean coins were given ribbed edges to stop people from shaving off parts of them to make whole new coins the ridges make it obvious when a coin has been tampered with now look at the metal part on a staplers bottom turns out this small plate can be rotated 180 degrees after that the stapler will bend the pins of the staples outward this makes more temporary staples that are much easier to remove the picture on UK coins seem incomplete and random because they all make a puzzle if you put together all the denominations from the one penny to the fifty pence you'll see the Royal shield airplane windows have holes in them to keep from shattering from air pressure differences but only some of them the window has three layers of glass the outer pane is made from a sturdy material that can withstand air pressure differences during takeoff and landing the inner panel is made of cheaper material and prevents potential damage to the window the hole in the middle pane balances that air flow it also keeps the windows from fogging up almost every padlock has a tiny mysterious hole near the turn keyhole it's there so water can drain out after a rainy day also if your lock got jammed the right way to lubricate it is through this hall those little buttons they're actually called rivets on jeans were originally put there to keep the seam from ripping jeans back then were worn mostly by miners and other laborers who put their pockets under a lot of daily wear and tear we don't put our pockets under such stress these days but the tradition of rivets stuck around and no it's not true that the rivets were named in honor of the frogs the California prospectors found while panning for gold most of the buttonholes on a shirt are vertical but the top and sometimes bottom are horizontal the reason is simple these two slip up more often than the other buttons so the horizontal buttonhole can stop your garment from popping open like the lid on a cheap suitcase next time you're struggling to peel off that tiny foil cover on a tube of ointment or cream look at the top of the cap it normally has a spike on it for this exact purpose every toothpick comes with its own handy little holder just break off the top put it on the table and place your toothpick between the notches pointy end up now it won't touch the table and get all dirty you can do the same thing with disposable chopsticks break off the top piece before you pull them apart a typical box cutter has lines on its blade these lines show where the blade can be broken if it gets dull when doing this use the removable sleeve on the backside it's safer this way for when your butter is too hard to cut put a glass of water in the microwave for a minute or so test the glass so it's not too hot take it out and pour out the water put the warm glass over the butter it'll soften up in no time coconut oil isn't just useful in the kitchen more for making hair masks you can also use it to get chewing gum out of your hair if your pants zipper is stuck or your door hinges squeak you can use coconut oil as a substitute for wd-40 you can also polish cutlery and leather with it toothpaste can clean silver as well just apply a small amount on your jewelry and rub it with an old toothbrush when you're done your silver will shine again and there will be no cavities or bad breath to get rid of pungent odors in your fridge use coffee grounds put them in the fridge and they'll absorb the smell the same will work with your hands after peeling onions or garlic a cotton pad has different textures on each side for different uses the pattern side is for removing nail polish and the softer side is for face cleansing the textured side is also good for skin exfoliation when applying toners sometimes you need to use a screwdriver at an uncomfortable angle with the screwdrivers handle in the hole of a wrench and turn it this will increase the torque and make the job much easier if you like takeout meals you probably have a whole collection of tiny soy sauce packets don't let them lie around in your fridge completely useless free of them their perfect little ice pack for small injuries look closely at the overhead tramlines you'll see it's contact wires run in a zigzag path and not in a straight line it's made to extend the life of the current collector which is mounted on the top of the its upper part contacts with the wire and wears out with use when a wire is laid with a small zigzag this collector wears down evenly over the entire width of the runner the ice cream cone was invented accidentally one sunny day a vendor ran out of glass cups to serve his frozen treat in luckily there was a waffle booth right next to him so he decided to put the desert in the rolled waffles and now your ice cream holder is deliciously edible as well
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, hidden uses everyday items, secret uses for everyday things, technology, technology inventions, innovations, things with a hidden purpose, things you never knew, interesting facts, amazing facts, good news, escalator brushes, hole in a pen cap, where is gas tank located, golf ball, UK coins, airplane windows, coconut oil, chewing gum in hair how to remove, fridge odor remover, fridge odor home remedy, public toilet
Id: UBcjSu9p9kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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