You Never Heard of Surah Yusuf Like This

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the story of Yusuf alayhi Salaam is very powerful first of all allah subhana allah gave dedicated a whole surah in the Quran for saw you almost there's nothing in the Quran that is exclusively the no sir on the corners exclusively for one complete story and surah I mean the story of Yusuf occurs only in surah Yousuf as a story that's the only time it occurs whereas if you look at the story of musa alayhis salaam it's all over the quran and so many other surahs and the story of race Ali is salaam the same in so many other stories so there is something special about Salah use of so the story of Yusuf alayhi Salaam is very powerful in the sense that it relates to the life of every one of us every one of us and Yusuf Ali Aslam went through a lot of traumas in his life but he was not traumatized he went through a lot of traumatic experiences in his life but he was not traumatized he went through a lot of down times as we would like to call them but he was happy and he was content and he went through a lot of challenging circumstances and instead of being broke him down he actually grew he grew and when everything seemed to be against him the reality were first turned out to be for him so things were happening for him not to him not to him and there are secrets why this is happening there are secrets why this is happening surah Yousuf teaches us three secrets three things that if we learn them hold them to them and apply them so I use of all the story of yourself can play again in our lives the success of use for any salaam can play also in our lives and really these three secrets are the basic tools with which you can handle any situation in life literally so you should value Islam you will find through all the circumstances and the events that useful Islam went through he was actually achieving these things by means of three tools that we gonna share these are the secret of use razor just in brief first he was taken away from his father by who his own brothers they conspired against him they took him they throw him in the well they deceived his father they played a game he was left in the well then he was taken out of the well and he was sold as a slave so from the son of a prophet who was promised prophethood into a slave so he's taken by that Caravan and he is sold in the slave market in Egypt not only a free man but a prophet or someone who's promised to be a prophet and now he goes down into this cascade of negative events to the point where he loses his freedom he reserves himself he's no slave means you don't own yourself someone else owns you you're a property you're just like this someone owns you you don't have any choice you don't have any say on your life and he's taken to the house of al Aziz and as he's sort of a minister in Egypt a very important influential person in Egypt al Aziz so he's taken and he's still young so he grows in this house as a servant and as a slave who has no say who has no choice he just has to obey and do whatever his commander then when he becomes an adult he's offered such a difficult and trying fitna and what is it the wife of his own master who's also his master she is his master she commands him he has to obey she develops this affection and this love towards him this physical attraction she sets him up in a way she invites him for fahisha for zina when she do she closes all doors and windows she says here you go he's supposed to obey he has no say there's a power imbalance it's not like oh no I don't feel like it I don't want to do that no you're my slave you don't even have a choice you can't even express yourself in this point she commanded him go ahead now still with this power imbalance she's fighting his Saddam he's connected to our loss of her know what to Hannah he's connected to Allah so he says mahad Allah he says I seek refuge in Allah in the whole of beat I said amath why Allah has been good to me well has been good to me I'm not gonna fight the laws and the rules of a lhasa panel Tejada and he realizes that if he stays in that position there will be a temptation there'll be the temptation of being a man you know presented with a woman who calls him to herself the temptation of him having less power in front of her and the pressure that she could exercise on him all of this was a temptation so he decided to get himself out of that he rushes to the door he finds his master by the door straights away she finds she's caught now she wants to free herself she wants to pass the buck she says he was trying to rape me he was trying to rape me so he's accused falsely now he was fairly slim speaks up for himself and he doesn't know it was that so they call upon someone from her family a wise man let's find out investigate what happened and he said they found out basically it was her mistake because his shirt was ripped from behind so she was chasing him but they said you know don't expose that don't talk about that this is the wife of this influential man the wife of the minister it's a political you know slander now there's issues no keep quiet about this you see very salaam don't open your mouth then she's not done with him she decides to take it on him to take revenge so she sets him up in the presence of other women because they were talking about her the the news seeped out into people and started saying oh she's interested in her slave boy this is the wife of an Aziz now she said and some women are very intelligent they know how to stage things so she decided to set them up together Yousuf and the women so she gets out of it so she brings them she offers them they were preparing some food they were using a knife to cut some stuff she commands Yousuf to walk in front of them he goes walks past them they taken by his beauty now Hadar Bashara and how the hell am I looking kidding this is not a human being and the prophets are salaam by the way in his journey in an anime Raj when he made the slot in the Mara lodge when he ascended to heaven he saw prophet alayhi Salam he says follow a to use of Selam for either who are cuddling a shuttle Hosni Youssef was given half of beauty so some scholars who commented in this hadith they said Allah created Beauty for humans certain type of beauty for humans he gave half of it for Humanity and half of it if we who saw it was a very extremely handsome so they saw him they couldn't you know they couldn't they were taken by his beauty so they were cutting some vegetables or whatever they ended up cutting their own hands their own fingers and because of that of their beauty they were taken by the beauty they didn't feel the pain and by the way this is a human experience it's not unique to them literally whenever attention is taken by something we can actually stop feeling the pain and this is what they call Pain Suppression boyhood and now they were talking about the wife of a disease they are trapped and takes taken by the beauty of use if they are trapped now so the news started spreading about them they turned it against use of that he's trying to you know attract women he's trying to set women up so they said the only way to you know deal with the situation is to get him convicted if he's found guilty in the court that means your hammock Allah if he's found guilty in the court that means it's his mistake all the other stuff is rumors it's untrue that's how they conspire against Yousuf and they send him to prison he usually somebody was saying oh Allah like the prayer I prefer the prison to being in this fitna and trial so he goes to the prison imagine someone who's been through all of these negative events one after the other they would usually turn to Allah why me why this reasons happened to me like why not someone else you might not say it with your tongue but as the Arabs say beliefs and inhaling I really sandal makan right that's what your heart feels and it wants to say it but you don't verbalize it but you feel like me what is this happened to me what did I do Yusuf Ali Salaam was not in that state so usefully Salaam when he enters the prison there are two other people and they see him they see the beautiful face not only the the handsomeness of him but the righteousness the beauty the pie it's sincerity you can tell this is not a liar this is not a dodgy person straight away they assumed this is a man of must be a man of knowledge he must be wise so they narrated their dreams to him one of them said in the Irani are still humble I saw myself making wine the other one said in the Iranian authority who doesn't call a woman I saw myself in my dream having Bread on over my head and birds are eating from that bread it's funny I'm understood with the interpretation of the dream don't forget his first dream was interpreted by his father and this was a promise of his prophethood so before telling them about the dream since these people are interested he decides to tell them about something more important than their dreams about a lost princess since they're open the open minded they're willing to listen to him now it's time to tell them about Allah because these people don't worship Allah they associate partners with Allah so he starts telling them about Allah that he's the only one who has the right to be worshipped he's the creator of the designer of the universe of everything and we should worship Him he's alone we don't associate partners with him and he started speaking about them then he says in the midst of all of this imagine this predicament this trial he's put in prison unfair you know unjustly and the first place he was taken from his father all of these predicaments the news Peniston I'm gonna see he's so chill like his so chill in the prison he's is not traumatized if someone went goes to prison now and I mean there's no real cause for his going to prison they might lose their faith then really my question why does a lot of this to me well this what is a lot allowed this to happen to me so he's very intense he sends to them telling them about a lot and he says then he came in fugly LaHaye now Alan s where I can act on nasty lyashko on he's saying this is from the blessings of Allah subhana Allah upon us and upon people but most people are unfaithful man you just put in prison and you're talking about thankfulness you should be talking about oppression right we talked about impression we were oppressed I'm put in prison unjustly the case is all fabricated so he should start speaking and making a case right you guys we need to rebel we need to do this we we'll put imprison this it's injustice we have to stand for justice he wasn't about this it was about Allah he said there's so many blessings from Allah upon us but most of us are unthankful then he says to them this is from what Allah taught me daddy come on Tamara lemony rugby this is what Allah told me it's not my knowledge it's not like one think it's my intelligence is my merit that's something from a last part I refer it back to Allah because truly we don't own we don't want that Allah gave you that knowledge through people through experiences whatever you have or whatever you claim to yourself is really a gift from a lost man or to Allah if you want to be truthful about it it's not about you even the fact that you pray in the masjid you don't own that allah loud you allah inspired you allah gave you the total vehicle to pray in the masjid so don't ascribe anything to yourself so use for anytime after this he interprets the dreams for them and he says one of you obviously will be crucified then birds will eat his blood his body the second one he said you will serve the king and then he told him you know remember me remember man that shows us well when you can use something use a means to get somewhere use it nothing wrong with that you're putting your trust in Allah doesn't mean you do what you are supposed to do you wanted to get your risk doesn't mean you don't study you don't get a profession you don't get skills you don't apply for jobs or you don't make your own business now you have to do it this is how the world works trust in the last month Allah means you put in the work but if you're not putting in the work you're not trusting a lot span eternal you're just fooling yourself so then you start Islam the man forgets and this racism stays in the prison for so long for so long then when the King has the dream the guy remembers he calls upon Yusuf because the interpretation Yusuf gives not only an interpretation but a solution now with a solution the King says I want him for me I want him I want to see this guy he refuses he says you need to clear me all the charges I stand for myself I stand up for myself I stand up for myself clear me first of the charges so they investigate the clear norm of the charges he grows in the eyes of the king this man is not so desperate to get out of prison he's not so desperate to be close to the king it's a man of principle he that is a man of principles Yusuf he's offered I want you to be close as kin says I want you to be one of my assistants he says he asks for a position he says Allen Hynek as an adult give me the treasurer the Treasury sort of Minister of Finance give me that position any happier than adding I am an honest I'm a trustworthy person happy of a Liam and I have the skills and the knowledge isn't that self-promotion nothing wrong with that if it's true and you deserve that position and you can actually do a very good job there you should actually speak for yourself yes but don't lie there's nothing wrong with that don't be super extra righteous where you put yourself down when you can do something good that's an opportunity for him to be more influential so he starts designing the whole financial system in a way to deal with the famine that was coming after that seven years seven years seven years then he deals with all of this then Allah brings his brothers to ask for help because they were in a drought Yusuf and Egypt were ready for that so now he has the power over his brothers he ends up basically with his father and mother coming to Egypt and then his dream becoming true when they all prostrate themselves before him because at their time frustration was okay was a sign of respect but in our Shari I knew snap it's Helen it should you only prostrate before Allah subhanAllah so useful ease them throughout the process he maintained three things and that's these three three things are available to every one of us and they're quite simple quite easy you will find usefully Salaam first of all is thankful throughout the way then he come in fully like a lady no Alan s well like an actor on a sea lion : this is from the great blessings of Allah upon us but most people aren't thankful ungrateful and he says abdicate any min al-maliki where I am today min tweedle a hadith father Astana what he says o Allah you have taught me so much and you have given me so much power and position so he's thankful to Allah every time he's thankful you never find your any story complaining about things that happened why did they happen not at all he doesn't even feel negative about them he feels optimistic why because he's been thankful he's always thankful even the hardship is thankful for him he's he's thankful in Belgium this takes me to the second one he's thankful when there's a blessing number two when there is hardship and predicament his patient no complaint in the whole sewer my son doesn't complain he doesn't even say to Allah Allah take these well why did you bring these women into my life to give me so much trouble he didn't say that he said oh Allah I prefer prison to these women he didn't even object toward Allah Allah this is politeness or the last one o Tana so that's patience Shuker subol and the third one was what Wow this is why when his brothers asked him they said to him to LA they said to like allahu la nena when could another topic in Allah has favored you up over us when they figured out that al Aziz was Yusuf and he has all this power and this is the guy we got rid of we thought he was dead and now he is the Minister of Finance and he controls all controls of the country he says to him he says to them in who may yet 30 why is that whoever has taqwa and patience Allah will never waste the efforts of the Mycenae so these three themes are so powerful in surah Yousuf when there is hardship and challenges in your life you need patience hold occupations beautiful patience when there is blessings and ease your thankful sugar when there is obligations you have taqwa so do what you are commanded be thankful for the blessings be patient with the calamities and the hardships and life would start working for you period life will start working for you but the challenge is to have these three things in your life it's challenging and there's an obligation you fulfill it that's taqwa and there's haram you keep away from it it's aqua that's number one number two because there's an expectation but then life places a demand on you an expectation on you if it's a hardship and challenge and a misfortune what do you do patience when it's a blessing and ease and terms of tranquility you are thankful you literally you could use these in any situation in life and they will make things work for you
Channel: LoveAllah328
Views: 136,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: You Never Heard of Surah Yusuf Like This
Id: Xwnxb6Bn7jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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