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yeah uh i'm gonna yeah just give me a minute i'm gonna do some labs let's see here let's set down and let's open gns3 let's see here it is gns3 and lab done a little bit let's do some what should we do to ospf create a project okay well that's weird usually it brings this up when i open it let's see i must title this ospf connecting new version all right now gns3 vm is starting um virtualbox is opening can i can we hurry i've got stuff to do one eternity later i screw it i'm not gonna laugh today [Music] hey everyone so welcome back to the channel while gns3 definitely has its place i think i may have something better in today's video we're going to be taking a look at and do kind of like a review of something this is the first time me purchasing and that is busan netsim so let's open the program real quick and here we are in the program now when you first open the program you'll notice depending on what you have purchased you'll notice over here on the left side of the screen we have labs now i want to say real quick i've recorded this video twice and the reason that i recorded this video twice was the first time that i recorded the video i had a few editing mistakes and i noticed that once i had composed the video and actually was going to upload it that my screen resolution was terrible and if you watched my previous video you'll probably notice that when i actually showed this off we're going to try and do this program justice i don't think i can but we'll give it a shot so when you first open the program what you're going to notice is these labs over on the left side now you'll see there's three over here there's three sections uh as far as actual labs and then there's the demo and in the demo we have this right here and you can certainly have those and these are included however these over here are paid for and later on in the video i'll have to show you where you can go to purchase these the ones that i currently have is the encore if you don't know i'm currently studying for my ccnp exam and these have come in handy so right off once i jump inside this labs folder here you'll notice i have different sections and i think it's really cool that they've sectioned it off so if you notice there's infrastructure network assurance security automation and i can dive into each of those topics now i've noticed a lot of people on the ccnp have struggled with network assurance or security or infrastructure or whatever you struggle with but i've noticed network assurance seems to be one of those topics so we can jump in here and while we don't have many labs these are pretty good topics that people are struggling with currently and we can jump into one of those and we can see a topology now the preview is something that's pretty cool so a preview of the lab is going to give you a topology and then aside from that it's going to give you a command summary a command summary is really neat because what it's going to do is going to tell you what commands you'll need to use to configure the lab whether it's to troubleshoot or actually do device configuration if you notice right beside of the command summary we have a description and for someone who is trying to learn the technology and the protocols these descriptions come in handy because it's going to specifically tell us what the commands do so for an example let's say for instance i'm fresh ccnp study and i have no idea what glbp is i can jump over here and i can see the commands but i can also see that glbp this command specifically creates or enables the gl bp group so for someone that's trying to study this will definitely come in handy for you a little bit about myself kind of starting off at the beginning of the video with gns3 as a little skit but it is true gns3 while it does have its place isn't pre-configured so you have to go in and you have to install all the devices you have to set the topologies up yourself and then once you set those topologies up then you have to configure the network from the ground up so let's say for instance you want to configure ospf well then you have to go in there and you have to add the devices once you've got the devices added then you have to actually you know set the network up so work your way up connect the wires and physical layers and you have to work on the layer two layer and then once you get to layer three you get your ip addressing done and then finally you get to lab ospf now if you're lazy like me sometimes that can be redundant so you get in gns3 you open it up and you say i don't want to be doing this i don't want to set this up from the ground up with this you don't have to do that so what's really neat is you just jump into the lab so let's say for instance i wanted to configure ospf i go find ospf this is single area i double click on it and just like that the lab's already loaded and you'll notice i have these devices over here and let's take a look at the topology it's going to go step one step two step three whatever the tasks are and imagine these are like tickets so task one configure ospf on uh p1 r1 p1 r2 and p1 r3 using a process id of one on all interfaces so what we can do is we can jump on p1 r1 and we can configure ospf just as if this was a ticket so we say router ospf one and that's gonna start it off with a process id of one so what you do is you work your way down and sometimes you'll notice a question like this so number three it says on prp one r1 how many ospf routes exist well we would do our verification process but let me show you something that i do now this program may have an official way to do it so to speak but this is just the way that i handle it i'll hit a print screen and once i hit my print screen button i will actually take a copy of the objectives and i just do something very simple open paint and i'll control v that and then what i do is i come down here and then i'll put like a number three and then i'll put you know the number of routes i'm going to say 62 i hadn't checked but you know i say 62 right so and i'll work my way down and i think that's pretty cool because there's a lot of verification that's involved in this so they want to make sure not only can you configure the protocol there's also troubleshooting labs in here an example of that is troubleshooting ether channel you can see i've actually already did this one let's take a look at what that looks like so it'll give us a lap topology just like the rest of them but we'll also do is it gives us objectives to actually troubleshoot so step three on this one says on the distribution switch display a list of switch interfaces in their states what is the state of the port channel interface so what we can do is we can jump over to our distribution switch and you see how fast it is we can jump over and we can say show etherchannel and we can see that or we can say show interface status you know and you'll go through your troubleshooting steps to see we can see our port channel one is connected and it's a trunk link it was negotiated with auto duplex and auto speed and then we can see the type of ethernet interface so this is really cool because you're going to be troubleshooting sometimes in real life you may have an issue that is persistent and you need to troubleshoot and figure out what that is and these lab objectives will definitely help you get that experience in troubleshooting the topologies and that will also carry over to your work so you'll notice over here in the labs like i said before i currently am studying for encore so that's what i have this is my first time around using this but i do look forward to using it for my 300-4 which hopefully i'll be purchasing once i pass my encore now these laps are pre-built into it as i've said before what's also really neat is we have over here and available devices you'll notice we have devices so just like gns3 you can come up and you can hit the new topology tab and then from there we can take those devices and we can connect them up now let's say for instance i want to add a new device so i'm going to bring this up and then i'm going to bring these over here and let's go under the 800 series and let's just take this and drag and drop it now it's going to bring up and it's going to ask us to name it i'm just going to leave everything in default we're going to hit create now i could dock this over here where the labs are at but for now i'm just going to exit now i have this device available and in this device i can configure it so i can come over here and i can add a connection and i can actually configure that device so i can set up my own topologies just like you would inside with gns3 except for these are very packet tracer-esque meaning that these are simulations rather than an emulation so we can come over here and we can hit add connection and we'll connect these two devices together and like that it's done so now i can come over here under router 1 or router 2 and i have those devices actually there so let's go ahead and hit the start button on this and it's going to give us a warning letting us know that there's unsafe progress we'll go ahead and allow it and we're just going to give it a second and we'll come over here hit enter and it's done so it's really fast um i don't think there's an option for you know like wireshark or actually tracing the packets although that certainly would be cool but if you're just wanting to configure something very quickly to me this is definitely the way to go if you're looking for something that are pre-built labs but also something that you can jump in and do yourself you can also do that there's also this community tab and this is really unique as well so in the community tab these are labs that were uploaded by the users and these are people that are using it and uploading their own labs uh and so you can come under here and you hit download and then just give it a second and it's gonna say that it was successful we're going to click ok and now over here we have a new under custom so instead of courseware this is actually stuff that is from bosan's courses we have the standard these are the labs that we've purchased but if we go over here and select custom you'll notice we have this tab here now and we can double click on it we'll go ahead and say no we don't want to say and then here we have these topologies that was created by the users and you can come under here and configure it and follow the steps that someone else has created that is really unique because they can only add so many labs under here and they add what they think is appropriate and i think they did a really good job of that but someone in the community this person i'm not sure who they are but maybe they just pass through ccnp and maybe they know what's on the exam without breaking you know their disclosure they can come under here and say hey you know i took the ccnp exam i kind of struggled with this on the exam with questions i'll build a lab and i can set it in here and people that are studying for the exam can know hey you know without them explicitly telling you this lab could help you and you just never know because the exams can be pretty sporadic and you never know what's really on them so again i can't say enough about these guys if you're not familiar with who boson is this is their website here and this is how you can purchase the software you go over to network simulator and you hit on that and then from here you can see the cost of it now it is 179 dollars but let me show you something if we were to add that to our cart we can jump over here and we have this here you'll notice there's a special offers tab i can't guarantee that these offers will be the same for everyone but you may have special offers under there let me log in real quick so here's the special offers tab and then here um we have save 15 percent so these are offers that again i can't guarantee are going to be the same for everyone but you may have special offers on here that you can purchase either a bundle to get their xm with the netsim or whatever the offers they're offering you at the time however if you don't have any of these if you notice if i hit the back button here i have boson michael 15p and what i can do with that is once it's applied this gives me a 15 discount so it'll save you 26.85 cents at least in my case and that brings my total to 152.15. now michael was nice enough to leave a comment one of my previous videos thank you michael for that discount code and this will give you 15 offs this will certainly help you um purchase the software at a discounted price now again this software is really great and for 179 dollars the time alone that it saves you is worth it but especially once you apply the discount code you're going to get a phenomenal product that was built by a great team that's going to help you succeed this is my first time around using it although i probably will doing a another review or a follow-up once i take my encore exam here within a few months i'll let you guys know how it helped me i know i certainly love their xm product and i have been using that for a while if you guys would like to see a review of that i will certainly get around to it thank you guys for watching i certainly appreciate every single one of you please leave down in the comments any suggestions to help me improve the channel and i look forward to seeing you in the next one
Channel: Chad Emery
Views: 2,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BXtDDvsE0dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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