You Might Not Be Happy About Captain America's Future In The MCU

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if he be worthy shall possess the balance [Music] well who else thought Captain America was going to die in Avengers endgame cuz we certainly did those our surprise not only did cap survive Thanos but he also got his happy ending after some time traveling shenanigans we know the Captain America mantle will continue but as this the last we've seen of Steve Rogers will he ever be young again I can do this all day yeah I know there are a ton of ways to keep Steve Rogers around in today's video is all about Steve Rogers very possible future in the MCU let's get into it right now we mean sure it's nice that Steve was reunited with this true love Peggy Carter and finally had that dance he was nearly 80 years late for but that doesn't mean we wants to use time in the MCU to end it may be the happiest ending for any Avenger well at least happier than Tony Stark's ending but we say screw happy endings because there's still so much potential with the Steve Rogers character that is left to be explored yes Chris Evans has always been one of the trickiest cast members to lock down long term with him being more open about putting the role behind him to pursue other opportunities than some of his other Avengers but come on he's an actor after all if a few of his post Avengers movies flop hardcore he might be a little more willing to reprise his most famous role we mean that seems like exactly what happened with Chris Hemsworth you know not worthy and if Marvel Studios dumps a truckload of money at his feet do you think Chris Evans would really say no but we prefer our Captain America to fight with a shield not a cane no no no so we're hoping to find a way to bring back the youthful Captain America again and it's not like it's completely out of the realm of possibility let's run down a few of the most likely scenarios where we could see Chris Evans without all that old man makeup looking at their recent and future slate of Marvel movies one thing has become abundantly clear the past is uber important starting with the release of Captain Marvel which was a prequel set in the 90s the MCU has shown it has an interest in exploring decades not seen previously what's happening floating we're just theorizing about all the possibilities but how cool would it be to see a cap that America movie set again in the 40s and 50s where cap looked like he returned to at the end of endgame and fighting alongside Peggy in some old-school spy espionage who would not want to see that but we know that's probably the least likely thing to happen out of all the options we're talking about today but dang it we just want more Peggy Carter so let's turn to marvel's recent slate of announced movies because we know Black Widow solo movie soon won't just be two hours of watching Natasha's body rot at the bottom of bore mirror we know that the movie takes place in the past more specifically between the events of Captain America's Civil War and Avengers infinity war because we know Black Widow went off with Kathryn America at the end of civil war to form an underground off-the-grid hero group it would be weirdest Steve didn't pop up at the beginning of the movie to say hello before Natasha goes off on her separate adventure but even if he doesn't show up in that film Marvel's future slate is all about the past just look at the huge time frame the Eternals will probably cover and even the upcoming shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings promises to dive back into the past as well any one of these films could easily include a quick Captain America cameo and it would definitely make the fans very happy but even if he doesn't show up in movies again the future of the MCU is shaping up the tape placed on the streaming side of things Disney Plus is just around the corner to take all of our money and one of its most exciting shows is its one if cartoon series which we'll explore a different what-if scenario from every MCU movie to date the first one that they're doing is what if Peggy Carter got the Super Soldier Serum instead and because that movie maybe sorta includes a bit of Captain America in it it would be safe to assume a cameo of sort but speaking of Disney Plus there's one possibility that we know fans would absolutely kill to see and not the TV show following Captain America's journey to return the Infinity stones to their proper places in time just think about it for a second that loose plot end is one of the most frustrating in endgame and fans definitely need some closure on that particular thread each episode of the Disney Plus show would follow Steve returning one stone and its proper time and all the crazy shenanigans that happened because of it what happened when Steve came face to face with Red Skull again on Boromir to return the soul stone what was Captain America like on Asgard when returning the reality stone and how did he inject it back into Jane Foster these are the questions we need answered even if it wasn't a live action show we'd be more than okay with an animated series following caps journey to return the Infinity stones just so we can have some final closure so overall there are a ton of ways for the original chiseled Captain America to return without it being weird but okay let's pretend we have to accept the fact that a young Captain America is gone forever we do this all day after all as much as Marvel loves to dive into the past the future is equally important for this franchise to continue the biggest question upon seeing old man cap the first time is figuring out where he was exactly during all the life-threatening major events of the past movies does Captain America really seem like the type of guy to sit around and let bad things happen to people even if he knows that ultimately the good guys triumph in the end no if he was in New York during the battle of the first Avengers movie we bet Bucky's metal arm that he'd still be taking down jet re on his way to catch the early bird special at the local Denny's and although there probably will never be an old man Captain America movie that doesn't mean the cab doesn't have a role anymore on the MCU quite the opposite actually it's probably more important that he sticks around last we saw him he was giving his shield over to his second best friend Sam I'm doing this now no offense captain but has the old age started to affect you a little bit no you're a super soldier whose powers have made you stupendously fast have amazing precision when it comes to throwing a shield and have an incredibly ill-defined sense of strength like sometimes you seem to be able to get into a fistfight with Thanos and hold your own other times you struggle staying balanced against a normal dude they call Batroc the leaper in the opening scene of Captain America the Winter Soldier but you're giving away the Captain America mantle to just a normal guy with wings and guns it was especially strange because Bucky was literally standing a few feet away and he's also part super soldier and looking for redemption for his past so giving him the mantle seemed like the better move but what whatever though as much as we love to question that decision maybe it was to set up a future plot point the MCU it's clear that if Sam is going to be the new Captain America he's going to need some guidance and who better to do that then Steve Rogers don't say if Sam is ever questioning what to do he could always take a short drive over to the retirement home where an old Steve Rogers enjoys playing bingo every night and ask for advice it's the start of a wonderful mentor mentee relationship that the MCU should definitely consider but here's another idea who says old man cap has to sit on the sidelines and do nothing he's still Steve Rogers after all and besides the whole Gibbs stand the Captain America mantle thing he still seemed incredibly sharp and quick-witted and after the world altering offensive end game along with the reveals about where Nick Fury is and spider-man far from home there needs to be someone to take charge and lead the troops on the ground so why not place all band cap as a senior officer or even acting director of shield he'd be perfect for that yeah yeah we know that would create a major problem with the TV show agents of shield but since they had to ignore the events of endgame it's safe to say the show is no longer trying to be connected with the official MCU so that's our vote for the way to best utilize an older Captain America and that's by putting him into a leadership position where he can use his years of experience as well as his strategic and tactical mind to help fight against whatever threat the Avengers face next now comes the part we've been trying hard not to admit to ourselves maybe four sevens really is done with the MCU although we'd be sadder than Hawkeye after his family picnic suddenly turned grim we'll understand his decision to move on to other projects but if this really is the end game for Evans that doesn't necessarily mean Steve Rogers time in the MCU was over although spider-man far from home teased the idea of a multiverse I'm sorry you're seeing them on TV they quickly pulled the rug out from all of the three people who believe Mysterio was telling the truth about where he came and revealed he was just another person angry at Tony Stark for some past transgression after that it seemed like the multiverse idea was dead but it didn't take long before Marvel announced that dr. Strange's sequel will be titled Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness now there's no way they'd fake us out twice right so all signs point to Doctor Strange introducing the concept of the multiverse into the MCU now more likely than not the multiverse is probably being used in order to integrate the x-men and the Fantastic Four into the MCU without too much trouble it's the easiest most convenient way to bridge the two worlds together without having to wonder where the heck Marvel's first family has been all this time but there are also a lot of different things they could do with the multiverse especially when it comes to the character of Steve Rogers if Marvel was really desperate to keep the character around then it would be easy for them to jump over to a different universe where Steve Rogers is still alive but played by someone entirely different force Evans will forever be the face of Kathryn America to a lot of people but that doesn't mean there aren't others who'd be good replacement choices for the character if you're a big Marvel fan you probably know that John Krasinski was one of the final contenders for the role of Captain America or originally stop before Evans nabbed the role funnily enough Krasinski is also on a lot of people's lists for potential mr. fantastic actors as well so how better to really emphasize how different the multiverse can be if we see both John Krasinski as mr. fantastic and as Steve Rogers both from different parts of the vaulty verse is it a totally insane idea absolutely but for a movie called the multiverse of madness we expect some trippy wacky situations that bend our brains and twist it into knots is this all a bit of a reach maybe but it speaks to how much we care about Steve Rogers character and how important he is to the MCU itself any way that they can keep him around as a win in our books just don't tell Falcon that Steve Rogers will forever be our favorite Captain America we think that would hurt his feeling what do you guys think you think Steve Rogers could feasibly stick around the MCU or is there a better way to use the character that we didn't mention let us know in the comment section below and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for more awesome MCU content as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,400,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBR, Captain America, Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers future in the MCU, Captain America future in the MCU, Avengers: Endgame, Old Man Captain America, Captain America Death, Falcon, Captain America Disney+ show, Black Widow, Eternals MCU, Old Man Cap, superhero movies
Id: ydhRxsrhFY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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