You, me, and 28 Cakes

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let's make some ice cream cakes and get to know more about each other i was honestly pretty excited when jasmine asked me to make some cakes with her because it's been a very long time since i got to make so many ice cream cakes and she had 28 cakes for us to decorate because mother's day is coming up so we gotta cram and get as much done as we can but as we started talking jasmine started to let me know that she's been watching my videos a little bit here and there because she heard about me because we worked at the same place and we built that great cakes but in reality she doesn't know much about me and then i started thinking a lot of you have kind of been in the same shoes and you probably don't know much of my journey especially because i'm new here on youtube so hi i'm dylan lemay i'm 24 years old i'll be 25 on september 3rd and i've worked at an ice cream place for almost 10 years i've started working here when i was just 15 years old on february 8th of 2012. and man has it been a crazy ride since then if you think about it i wasn't even able to legally drive a car by myself when i started working here that's how long this has been i started off as just a little kid that learned how to decorate some cakes i never in a million years could have dreamed that it would turn into all of this and i wish i could go back a million times over and just tell that little kid that it was gonna be all right and he was gonna make it to this point today but as we all know that is not possible i can't go back and talk to myself but i can talk to you right now you're online watching me right now and i'm able to talk to you i'm not gonna sit here and lie to you and tell you that your whole life is gonna be all right and it's gonna be okay because i don't know that and you don't know that but the thing is i will tell you that the thing that i've learned from the last 24 years of my life is that no matter what happens to you you have an opportunity to grow and learn from it and each little thing that you learn and grow from adds up to be a much bigger thing and it creates the person that you are today i know that i've been through so many little things throughout my life that has built me and grown me and polished me into the person that i am today and i know that i would not be able to be here talking to you through my phone if it weren't for all of those crazy things that have gone on here's the important part i am not special i am just like you everyone has a story everyone has these things that have gone on in their life to build them into the person that they are as well and so the best way that you can relate to people is by understanding that simple principle so before you go and judge somebody for whatever reason just think through that there's things that have happened to them that have brought them to the point that they're at right now and that could happen to you too so always have just understanding and kindness and just ask good questions figure out how somebody got there you can always learn a lesson from someone else's life experience as well so how did dylan the may this ice cream guy on the internet get to the point where he can talk to you well what happened is when i was just a little kid i started working at this ocean place i learned how to decorate cakes and i absolutely loved it i thought it was so much fun but i was so nervous as you might have saw in my first video that went viral is that i was just so nervous that i screwed up so many things that i ended up actually getting fired at one point for not showing up to a shift but i didn't give up because i really enjoyed this job and so i want to make it work so i took a couple months off and then i went and got a job at a different location so that i could have fun there and that's where i met these two awesome managers named whitney and brittany they're two identical twin sisters and they were awesome they actually brought me in and really trained me and helped me become even better at the job that i absolutely loved you think me working there for almost 10 years is crazy these girls have almost doubled that that's how dedicated they are before working at that location i pretty much just made cakes i didn't really help customers a whole lot and so that actually shifted with this location whitney and brittany brought me in i didn't make as many cakes anymore but i helped a lot of customers which was fun because we had an awesome crew and a great staff and we were so busy all the time but we made it so much fun but then everything changed when i graduated high school and then it was time for me to move and i was trying to figure out where to go to school and i was kind of overwhelmed with the decision and so then i thought maybe i'll just go to the same school that my brother went to and it's just little bible college in missouri and i was like alright that's what i'm gonna do so of course the workaholic that i am i had to make sure i had a job before i got down there so i looked it up online and there was an ice cream place that i worked at in the town so i was like all right i'm gonna call them and i'm gonna see if i can get a job there so i call them up and then my old manager victoria answers the phone and she's like hi how can i help you this is blah blah and i was like hey i'm about to move down here and i'm looking for a job i have two years of experience i can also decorate cakes and she goes oh my gosh you just saved my life not only what what do you mean how did what and she's like oh my gosh my cake decorator just quit two days ago and i've been freaking out trying to figure out what i was gonna do when can you start and it's like well i'm still in michigan like i'm not gonna be down there until the fall and she's like it's okay i can make it work for the next two months i when can you start and so then i we set things up and i came down to visit the next month and when i walked into the store i was like hi and she's like hi and i was like i'm dylan she's like okay cool i need you to come back and fill out your paperwork i was like no wait what and she's like i was like i thought i was gonna get like an interview or something and she goes no i just want to make sure we're in a weirdo and clearly not a weirdo so we're good we're all good you got the job which i still think is hilarious because she never actually saw me decorate a cake so i may have been terrible and i just knew how to do it but she still let me come in and i ended up working out the job was a huge blessing and honestly an answer to prayer because i got to come in and make my own schedule as long as all my cakes were done then i was doing great or so i thought until one of my friends from church came in and said oh hey is dylan working do you know dylan and when the employees said oh you mean the guy i have to clean up after all the time and so when i found that out i ended up realizing that all of my co-workers didn't like me and they thought that i was just messy and i made a bunch of messes and they all had to clean them up that's just the hard part about switching locations is you don't understand the culture of the employees that already work there and so you come in with a different culture of how to work at a place and it's sometimes a disconnect and most people won't actually tell you what you're doing wrong to your face they just talk about you behind your back so how are you supposed to change and do better if no one tells you so for a few weeks i just went to work every day and i just kind of have kept my head down stayed to myself and just got my stuff done and left and i just didn't talk to anyone because i didn't realize that that's kind of how they all felt besides the manager because i was really helping her out we had a great time together but everyone else just didn't like me and then the job that i really really loved just kind of wasn't as fun anymore and it was kind of falling apart and i didn't know what i was going to do i kind of wanted to quit when all your co-workers treat you in a different way it kind of feels odd and i tried to fix the things that i found out i was doing wrong at the time our location was really slow we'd only have one person work in the morning and one person at night and then someone would come and do cakes which was me well when you do cakes a lot of stuff does get on the floor and you also create a lot of dishes well i wouldn't ever sweep the floor because i never thought about that because i didn't have to at my old location and then i definitely never did the dishes because they weren't doing anything they just got to sit there all day because their stuff would be done because we weren't busy we don't have one person work in the morning one percent night they'd get upset that i didn't wash my dishes which i expected them to do because they are also working but they were reading books instead so i don't know it's just weird to me but i suck it out and eventually things did get better those people quit we hired new people in and things just grew and changed with me progressively throughout the years that i worked there there were more and more challenges but by my junior year i became the cake manager and i had a whole group of people that were helping me with cakes and the store just kept getting busier and busier by my senior year i was pretty much helping manage the store and then once i graduated i became the store manager which was such a fun time because you have to go through and kind of redo everything you have to go back to the basics and make sure everything is running well in the way that you want it you have to hire new people and the transition is always crazy but it's fun i manage the store for two years after i graduate it's a ton of fun i'm loving it but slowly and slowly i start to be hard on myself that i'm still working an ice cream place i have a college degree what am i doing with my life my friends here are having real jobs and i'm just an ice cream guy some months i'd be having the best time ever and other months i would just be in such a low place and i just wouldn't be doing well i think a lot of it was also due the fact that work was my life that was all i did my family lived so far away from me so i pretty much just buried myself in work just keep myself busy then through one of the worst seasons of it all pandemic hits and i lose all my employees and i pretty much have to start over from scratch but as that happens there's a two week period where everything is so slow that i make a couple videos on the internet and they do really well next thing you know i'm making viral tick tock after viral tick tock after viral tick tock and it starts to change my life and my perspective on where i'm at it was such a great reminder that god had me in the place that he had me for a reason i did love my job and i needed to stop comparing myself to other people and what i didn't have and what i thought i should have thank you guys so much for being a part of my journey and getting to hear about what has led me to this moment to be able to talk to you through my phone but i just want to thank you so much for making it to the end if you want to hear more about me you can always just loop this video because it's gonna start all over again so let
Channel: Dylan Lemay
Views: 1,174,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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