Trust the Process

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have you heard the phrase trust the process well today you're gonna learn how much you trust me jasmine told me i can take six of my favorite cakes i give them away to you guys for free so i've been kind of brainstorming and trying to figure out fun things that i could do and this was something i came up with on the fly it's so rare that i get a fun opportunity like this so i decided to think outside the box and do something creative so i'm gonna hack up the cake a little bit the knife i was using was a little doll so kelly thank you so much let me use your really sharp knife we have a few basic shapes that we can make our cakes they are hearts small rounds large rounds and small rectangle large rectangle and a square so not very exciting shapes but if you take those shapes and you cut them up pieces you can make whatever you want so i'm cutting a piece of this heart off and then i'm gonna set that on top and you guys can try to guess what it's gonna be but i don't know if you're gonna get it it's pretty different once i had this rounded part on top i realized that i need to make it flat so i have to take my knife and cut into the top and make it flat so i can set something on top of it i know you're probably so confused right now but that's the fun of all this because honestly when i was making this i was pretty confused too i had a general idea of what i wanted to do but i was still just kind of winging it oddly enough the inspiration for this cake is actually an ice cream cone i cut a little mini sugar cone in half to make a little ice cream cone to put on a different cake then i was left over with this weird cone shape and i didn't know what to do with it i didn't want to throw it away then i got to thinking and i came up with this fun idea and you're probably confused on why i have this weird orangish brown red color on the cake and why i'm not really doing a good job of covering the cake but you'll see in a minute keep reminding yourself to trust the process i promise it's gonna be really fun in the end i have a few ideas on how i'm going to give these away i haven't 100 decided yet but i know that the goal is to give them away to my followers and subscribers so one of you will have the chance to get this so make sure if you're not make sure you subscribe i never ask you guys to do that because i don't expect you to but if you'd like this cake you're gonna have to be a subscriber but right now i'm probably gonna lose subscribers because i don't know who's gonna want a cake that looks like an ugly shoe but just trust the process that's what we're gonna keep saying because that's what i kept telling myself when i was making it because at this point i was pretty scared i thought it was going to be a failure and i thought it was going to be so ugly and i was really unsure what i was doing and every time a co-worker walked by they'd be like what do you what is that what are you making but nothing is lost everything is redeemable so no matter what and how jacked up and how messed up this cake is as long as i'm keeping it frozen i can make it look good and so i just kept going and going and here comes the part where things start to come together i was staring at my ugly shoe and i was just thinking you know what would look really good on this shoe let's just put silly string all over it so we got some yellow and i'm gonna squeeze this all over our little shoe and see what we can make this look like you know it looks good right all right you're a real one you're still here you're still trusting the process i just want to thank you so much for still being here i'm excited for you to finally see what is coming of this cake obviously this is not a shoe that was just a joke and i'm swirling all of this yellow in there just to give it a little bit of texture because i'm gonna cover all this up that's why i don't really care what it looks like right now there are a lot of jokes on the internet about how i'm not good at decorating cakes and i never once said i was a professional guys i've literally worked at an ice cream place all of this is just from experience from doing it over time and i also don't put a lot of effort into stuff so it's honestly probably my fault if you think that i'm not good at decorating cakes but it's just for fun i mean i work at icing place i'm not working at a bakery i'm not trying to make this a career i just do it it's fun i'm gonna be honest i'm getting really impatient so i'm just gonna tell you what i'm making that was lava the frosting was lava and now these oreo crumbs on top are like dirt or dried up lava which creates a dark rock substance so if you haven't figured out we're making a volcano dinosaur cake it's kind of partially inspired by that ice cream cone that made me think of a volcano earlier and then it also reminded me of my nephews who absolutely love dinosaurs so this one's for you huxley and your love for jurassic park once the cake was covered in lava and i sprinkled my dirt all over it it was time to put our volcano on top so that's the ice cream cone what i did is i rolled it around in the frosting and then i also rolled it around in the oreo crumbs this that i'm piping on top is a mix of raspberry puree and then that yellow frosting that i streaked on the outside once you mix it together with the raspberry puree it makes this thick and then also kind of lava looking substance i thought it was super cool and it was really fun and then here's my attempt to make a dinosaur this is pretty sad but i'm probably much older than most of you so most of you probably have no idea what the land before time movies are but when i was a kid i absolutely loved to watch these movies it was a group of little dinosaurs they were all different kinds and they were little kids and they were living in a crazy dinosaur world having to face big dinosaur problems all together as a team and there was this little dinosaur and his name was littlefoot he was a species they called a long neck in the show but in reality he was actually a apotasaurus kind of like a brachiosaurus you know the ones with the very long necks but spoiler alert for most of you that probably have never seen the land before time it starts off like most childhood stories where little foot loses his mother are you still trusting the process do you see kind of where i'm coming from i had a lot of crazy things that funneled down into this weird idea of a cake now i'm piping out our apatosaurus it'll be our dinosaur of this cake to rest next to the volcano i was so impressed the first time i saw someone using this piping technique it was my freshman year of college and in the summer i was working at this bakery and the owner was decorating a cake and she put a dinosaur on it and she just piped frosting into the shape of a dinosaur and i never thought about using frosting in a 3d form like that before because i'm so used to ice cream cakes and so i had to try it and i've done a few times over the years sometimes it looks better than others but here's our dinosaur if you're not a weird art kid like me you're probably trying to figure out how i made this green color it's kind of like a dark like army type green well the trick to doing that it sounds odd but it's to take red and mix red with your green this doesn't just work with green this works with pretty much every color so what you want to do is if you don't know the color wheel well you can take a color wheel and look at whatever color is on the opposite of it on the color wheel the opposite of red is green the opposite of blue is orange the opposite of yellow is purple this is great if you ever want to take the brightness out of a color and kind of make it more muted in more of an earth tone it kind of browns out the color so what you can do is just add that complementary color it'll make it a nice satisfying and soothing color to look at rather than something that's bright and harsh i wanted some type of border for the bottom of the cake just so it looked a little cleaner i don't know if cleaner is the right word but just so it looked a little bit more put together i guess and so i went and grabbed some cake crumbs and so this is devil's food cake or also known as chocolate cake and so i crumbled up pieces of that and i sprinkled around the bottom just to give it more of like a rock look like i said before none of this was really planned it was kind of just ideas as i was going and so as i look at things more i'm seeing more and more things that i want to fix and adjust but i don't know exactly how to do it so right now i'm looking at the dinosaur and the dinosaur needs something i need to symbolize that the dinosaur is a live or maybe dead but if you've never done art before the face is such an important part so you either have to just leave it blank or go all out with it and i couldn't decide on which one i wanted to do and i didn't really want my and i didn't really want my dinosaur to have a cartoon face so i was brainstorming and trying to think of a way that i could do the dinosaurs face but also symbolize that it was dead and if you didn't know by now i love pokemon all growing up and especially when i was an adult so i thought back to the pokemon anime and they always symbolized that things were dead by putting x's on their eyes so i decided to give some x's to my dinosaur to symbolize to you guys that she's no longer with us we gave her a manny and petty and then she was done there she is our emoji of the day is obviously a dinosaur and you made it to the end so let me know
Channel: Dylan Lemay
Views: 1,638,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wwGZuYEUi6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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