Two Tone Air Brush Cake

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today we're gonna do a fun airbrush design on ice cream cake from dairy queen thankfully the cakes come already made we just get to add the frosting to them which saves a bunch of time and a lot of effort but i'm sorry i don't get to show you how they get made in this video because it is kind of cool a big difference between these cakes and the cakes i'm used to decorating is that they don't actually get frosting on the outside you just add a border to it normally but since we're gonna do some fun decorations on top i'm adding just a thin layer of frosting on top of this cake it's always been a dream of mine to spend some time playing around with an airbrush on ice cream cake but as our owners were actually gonna buy me one i decided to quit my job and move away so yeah i never got one but my friend miranda she has one here at dairy queen so she invited me out and i had to make sure i got to decorate one once we have our layer of frosting on top we're gonna take this cake comb and we're gonna comb the top you can make this look more like detailed but i just kind of left mine look kind of messy but if you really want to you can line up the comb so it makes perfect straight lines all the way across but i just kind of played around with mine i wanted to be more like wavy looking and kind of less organized this design should remind you of those little plastic pictures of the ridges on them that if you move it different directions you can see different images this is kind of like the same principle that's why we're making these ridges on it i looked it up it's called lecticular printing i believe is how you say it i don't know i'm not very good at reading and pronouncing things but what happens is if you look at the one side of the ridges it's a picture if you look at the other side of the ridges it's a different picture so you can kind of create like an action with it i'm not doing anything super crazy with mine but you'll see like the cool effect we make with it we're gonna airbrush one side a specific color on the other side a different color so for the first color i'm going with blue miranda told me that with the airbrush color a little goes a long way so not to use a lot so i just put a few drops in there and we're gonna spray it from far away so that we don't completely smother the cake with color but as you can see i don't really know what i'm doing so i had to speed this up times six so you guys have to wait through me trying to figure this out forever because what ends up happening is i just keep spraying it but i'm spraying it too far above the cake so i'm not actually getting any of it on the cake and i realized later when i blew my nose that i'm pretty sure i inhaled all of it because my boogers were blue tmi but there you go but thankfully miranda saw that i was struggling and decided to help me out so i just need to hold it down a little lower so that i actually spray onto the cake because i was afraid i was gonna spray too much so i was spraying it way over the cake and pretty much just into the air honestly the biggest thing i learned from airbrushing is that it's scary you don't really know where you're going you kind of can learn to gauge like okay this is kind of where i'm at but it's not like a pencil you can't just set it down and watch your line go exactly where the pencil is at you're a little bit away from the cake so you're spraying it on there there's not like a good way for you to just know exactly where it's going to go until you start spraying now that we've airbrushed all the blue onto this side it's time for the first reveal we're going to spin this around and you get to see all of the white so what our next assignment is we're going to take that white and now make it purple i find it funny because you can see how afraid i am i'm just worried that i'm gonna not spray it right under the cake so it takes me a while to like set up and get ready then once i'm there i'm doing a lot better with this purple than i was with the blue because i'm getting a better idea of how i need to spray it on there so thankfully i at least i'm progressing and learning which is always the point of all of this so just want to remind you guys once again you have to learn and try to grow i'm still laughing thinking about all the colors that came out of my nose the other day after this i don't even want to think about how much of this food coloring i wasted by just spraying it into the air because i was afraid to spray the cake so uh if you ever airbrush again or if someone else is going to try air brushing make sure you're spraying it on the cake and not just in the air because your nose will be full of the rainbow later alright i'd say we have a pretty good layer of purple down on this side there's some spots i probably could have done better but i was kind of just over it for the most part because i had been trying so much let's spin this around and see look now it's blue now it's purple now it's blue now it's purple it's pretty cool right i'm sure there's so many cool things you could do this like you if you're really talented you could like do a picture on one side and a picture on the other side so when you spin it around there's like two different pictures but yeah i'm not able to do all that at the moment maybe someday that's pretty much it now we can add our border to it so we're gonna take this dark blue we're gonna make sure we get the bag nice and tight so we get the pressure in our hands so we can make a good border because piping a border is all about pressure control so you want to make sure that's nice and full in your hand and we're going to go ahead and pipe it but miranda's about to show off so let's pause for a second because miranda's going to show us something really cool you can actually write with the airbrush which is extremely crazy and scary to me right now but i really really really want to see how she's about to do this i guess it's a good thing i had a little bit of purple left over in there so she gets her a happy birthday one thing that's really cool that our friend heather does is she'll write it like this with the airbrush and then pipe over top of it with a lighter color and it'll look like a neon light which turns out really cool if you didn't know how an airbrush works it's actually pretty cool there's a hose that feeds compressed air into this little gun that we use and then you just drop a couple things of color in it and then it goes down into like this little needle and then it shoots the air across the needle and then that sprays all the color out but what's funny is as miranda's over here writing with the airbrush she just sprinkles all over her cake and so she's just blowing the sprinkles all across the room so i learned a lesson if you're ever going to airbrush and write on something you want to make sure you don't have sprinkles on it yet because your sprinkles are going to fly everywhere when it comes to decorating a good border like i said earlier it's all about pressure control so you want to make sure the bag is always nice and tight and firm full of frosting in your hand whenever it starts to get loose you're just going to tighten that up and then start going with your border again one thing that people always struggle with when i'm teaching them about piping the border is they just try to move their hand a lot it's not really about the movement of your hand it's more so about the squeezing of your palm you're just controlling the pressure of the bag and that's what's going to control how much frosting comes out and how big you make your little shell or however you want to call it it's kind of like squeeze and then pull away squeeze and then pull away squeeze and then pull away as you can see but i'm also not a professional so take my word as it is i'm just a guy that has experience because i worked at ice cream place for almost a decade so i don't actually really know what i'm doing but i just have a lot of experience pretending like i know what i'm doing also i do realize that at the end of this my border is a little jank and it's a little crooked but that's also because i can't really see what i'm doing when i'm recording because my phone is like an inch from my face and it adds a lot of complications especially when it comes to writing and comes to borders so that is my bad i hope you forgive me because if i didn't make this look a little bit jank then i wouldn't be able to share this video with you because i do this part for you guys so this is kind of cool miranda did decide to go over it with a color but she just went over it with purple if you do a lighter color that's what it looks kind of like a neon light but this still looks really cool like this yeah that's pretty cool it's so fun it makes the happy birthday look like it's glowing i want to try it someday but today is definitely not that day because it's a little too intense for me but i think i'm going to still write on this cake i just need to use white and i think i want to throw some sprinkles on it too let's go ahead and use these ones they're kind of like purple and gold that's kind of fun for this cake now that i'm thinking about these are kind of like mermaid sprinkles but it's fine it'll be kind of cool these kind of like waves so i guess it all kind of works out this may be odd to you but i figured out over the years the easiest way to control sprinkles is by using the largest setting because you can kind of ease them out like this like you're just kind of pouring them out whereas if you use the holes for the shaker spot they kind of go everywhere and they don't really come out very smooth so the best is to pick the biggest hole and then just gradually dump them out this cake's been pretty fun i think i need to invest in an airbrush machine for sure but now this cake looks a little boring so i need to add something else to it but i don't normally work a dairy queen so i don't know what their typical designs are and the top of this is way bigger than any cake i normally decorate this is a 10 inch i normally only decorate eight inches that's usually the largest we go at my job so let's go ahead and just write happy birthday on it so it has something on it doesn't look plain and boring so i'm gonna go white so it matches the sides once again please forgive me if i make any mistakes it is extremely hard to write with a camera two inches from my face actually it's more like an inch from my face to be honest when i do these ones with it sideways it's kind of just resting on my chin but this one turned out probably the best of any cake i've written on on camera so i'm pretty proud of that i did kind of run into the border the end though but i probably would have done that without or without the camera on my face that's just me my exclamation mark is kind of jank though you're a real one and you made it to the end so that means you unlock the secret emoji and the secret emoji for today is going to be that freezing guy you know with like ice crystals coming out of his mouth i hope you enjoyed me doing something new since
Channel: Dylan Lemay
Views: 1,822,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w2Fu0XsDh-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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