you laugh you DIE

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all right Eddie jr. introduced the game yeah yeah yeah all right boys here's oh oh my god fifty climbers away an orphanage just spontaneously combusted we're gonna play first one to laugh dies starting now no light on the ground dude I'm trying to make you laugh dude I can wait on the ground or wali us anything goes Molly what are you trying to make me love for dude I'm the first one in the game yo [ __ ] let me suck on your titty [Music] what do you got you got some funny [ __ ] to say three bats just real quick Shadid he made me laugh I left like five times Darian uh nobody noticed it's just like a quick like whimpers like alright [ __ ] time for round two round two [ __ ] wow that was quick [Music] the way he bent backwards broadsides yeah he literally said yeah oh my god it's one of the fire I'm not gonna lie to you I almost laughed just then dude Molly why don't you crack guys oh god penis penis penis penis penis boys have dicks gone some took my [ __ ] baked it is this my destiny make me a CD sin all right dog stuff around 300 [ __ ] what's that starting round three don't laugh okay see this guys this is what happens when you take a tissue then the end of you take okay all right yeah how is he supposed to clean your penis right I just think it's unfair that chicks have tampons and anytime I stuff a little tea towel from me mum's little linen cupboard j-just hold his mouth look at this gauges I'll just get lazy gonna die ages dying bro what when you were doing that I was literally like [ __ ] dying I was actually like shaky sigh border power you say what the hell are you saying come in oh [ __ ] I don't even go to mom this is very hard with that name tags weights tena can I come over it I've Rick over eight boys come here come here I'm not sure I'm not sure which one of uses Molly but Molly has to die all right Molly Molly only Molly put your hands up all right look right who are you who are you that was the hardest thing I've ever done my [ __ ] life dude well which part almost got you the most sipping the [ __ ] tissue down there boys we've got the finest salesman in all of us aqua say welcome to exact standards we got over here we got Edwin yeah over here I just got some some Ribena in a syringe some people really like right you know got a Taser handy for charging your Nintendo DS I'll give this gun away it's for free to anyone this shoots this gringo right here no I I got I'll do it I recognize that accent you got papers son yeah you a Chico huh listen listen Dawg I don't have I don't have papers I think it'd be best if you do it oh yeah it's a say no more dude there's no bullets sorry five seconds ago we were just bored out by EA so you need to buy this ammo package for $5.99 $5.99 dude all right you know what hang on hang on and like that I'm away Oh God part of the noise like a ninja you'll grab the [ __ ] grab the [ __ ] you ready come on okay I didn't really work the way it would you know much money you've cost us our store whether we're the gauge go yeah all right boys Oh No can ate so much sin what else am I supposed to eat out here bro I don't actually don't know where he is gage guys yell out yell again Callaghan I'm about to show you if you can sight to behold boys there we go Josh save something for the rest of us big day I can hear my hair growing boys you ever thought about how like [ __ ] useless babies are like get a job you [ __ ] prick you ever thought about like like dogs they're just these like weird rat things that we keep and and then they're dead and a vacuum cleaner you become a vacuum cleaner you know you know that one time when you told me that when your mom was pregnant with you she was a drug addict and he came out shaking oh yeah [Laughter] where are you going with this it was this FedEx rule at UPS right Mike how much was the shipping on this bad boy this is like a crumb this is all okay so this is about how much I could fit up my [ __ ] and then the rest I snorted in the airport bathroom you know sorry but this is all you get well you even put the pallet in your [ __ ] oh look dude I can even read what this is it says share coke with no I think the guy just had an aneurysm when he was trying to write that you know what we should do we should actually call this number drool off and see what happens I'll call right now all right support service number really this is emergency please call nine one one nine one one is hard to remember why don't you just call this number for a six five seven three six seven or completing calls guys I've read this sounds like a trap boys I wouldn't trust him if mo okay can I say more yes okay yeah look over there there's cocaine on the table see that cocaine there ah oh it's wrapped like a Christmas present dude how do I open it uh anyone get a nice all right I'm bringing this back all right thousand degree north challenge versus a Mexican all right ready so anyway our sister Mabel I says why jackpot oh dude oh man dude there's and there's tons more in there I mean you got like six your way through all like the dead bodies and stuff but you can find it if you look this is world cheese from over here because I don't want to die yeah come over there be safe [Music]
Channel: JoshDub
Views: 15,145,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vr, joshdub, virtual reality, vr gaming, funny moments, vr funny moments, best vr moments, memes, comedy, funny, mully, onward, eddie vr, juicyfruitsnacks, juicy, onward vr, you laugh you die
Id: wvj0LQROyhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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