It's Time to Tell You the Truth | Things are Changing

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hey guys welcome back to my Channel today I'm Rebecca Robson and you've landed it a very personal video now some of you know that next week one week from today all of our Christmas decorating videos roll out and it is without a doubt the most popular time of the year for my channel but today before we get into Christmas I wanted to bring you some very personal news are you ready I just want to feel like this living life no regret up in the a like nothing's going to break my I just W to feel [Music] like life is funny isn't it I mean it goes in Seasons there are times when we just think we know exactly what's going to happen in the future and then there are times when things can turn very quickly I experienced one of those transitions this year it started in March March and uh it was kind of one of those things that I had to really think about I brought my team together and we put together a way that we could roll this out to you in a way that's exciting because honestly it is okay here's the tea many of you know that I formed uh a company with my daughter sharah we call it Ken woven we started Ken woven 5 years ago and it's been a great ride it's been a lot of fun but there have been changes in our lives first off hello we moved to Tulsa Oklahoma that's a huge change don't you think secondly sharah had two children in less than 2 years and you know what she discovered she loves being a mom and you know what I applaud her for that I loved being a mom too when I had little children what that did was it helped her to realize that you know what she doesn't really want to work fulltime and be you know paying a babysitter to take care of her children when she wants to take care of of her children at the same time about the same time Tyler got offered a job from his old boss and it was a job that is like a once-in-a-lifetime too good to pass up thing so he took it so what does that do to Ken wovin you might ask well here's what it's done we've decided to put Ken woven aside for a while I do want to let you know that the five years that Sher and I did Ken wilvin it was really a joy it was a joy to work with my daughter and it's been so much fun but but now I'm heading into a new season of life which is I'm going to work on my own personal brand and shar's going to work on hers so what does that mean for you on my side there will not be any changes I will continue to provide you and bring you the YouTube videos that you've come to love and trust and learn from I'm here every week can't get rid of me that's what I [Music] say I'm changing my brand guess what it's going to be it used to be ropes and design right then it was kinwoven now it's just going to be are you ready really creative name love it Rebecca ropon Ching you're going to see actually today we are rolling out the new branding of my new brand which is Rebecca Robeson what does it mean if you are a a design sessions member you still have all access to the design sessions if you're a member and you have access to the courses we are trying to make this transition as easy on everyone as possible so that you don't have to learn new things you don't have to log in under a whole new email or a different user or password it's all going to stay the same it's just going to be housed on Rebecca what's the new email if you want to contact us it's hello Rebecca I mean I can't believe I have my own website like that that like sounds so [Music] fancy now for the design sessions I actually own them 100% that means I'm on my own again just can't wait to get back to my own again yeah so I am going to be continuing to take care of the design sessions and we have some great things rolling out this next year oh speaking of something new here's the latest this year I created filmed a brand new exclusive episode for you on design sessions about Christmas and it's all about my process how I come up with my theme and we decided this year we're going to try something new all right up until this point the design sessions have been a subscription-based model and it still is that's not changing but if you happen to be one of those people who want to be become a member during the holidays because you want to access the Christmas information we have exclusive videos where I go into much more depth on Christmas decorating it is amazing so we've bundled that together and we've made it a one-time purchase you buy it one time you own it for a lifetime okay so there's a great advantage to buying the Christmas design sessions bundle if you go to my website you can't miss it it's on there and it's an easy way to become part of the design sessions even if you're not a full-time member you can buy that access it and get on with your Christmas decorating this year in ways that you've never been able to do before and I can't wait for you to see it and the bundle of the design sessions Christmas edition would make a great gift you know anyone who could use some help with their Christmas decorating or maybe they're already really good at it they just need to get it a step up you know just like you did at one point give it as a gift I highly recommend it this is a big change certainly on our end and all the back work that's gone into it but from your standpoint things are just going to look the same pretty much actually they're going to look way better but they're going to perform the same way they have in the past I'm not going anywhere I'm still here to stay hold we'll keep going until we reach New Heights going further than we ever thought we could thank you so much for those of you who have been along this journey with me for such a long time 5 years ago I posted a video on how everything was changing and now here we are 5 years later and guess what that's live all right you guys set a reminder for next week because gu guess what's here Alexa set a reminder to remind me on November 2nd at 2 p.m. central Time to watch Rebecca's video okay I'll remind you November 2nd at 2 p.m. this reminder sounds important would you like me to follow up on it until it's completed yes okay I'll follow up every hour until you tell me this is done all right you guys I will see you next time when I'm here with this fella woohoo
Channel: Rebecca Robeson
Views: 303,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design, decorating, home decor, interior design tips, interior design ideas, rebecca robeson, kinwoven, decorating ideas, design style, home hacks, christmas 2023, christmas decor
Id: IIXeLe7Rvnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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