You have betrayed me woman... | St. Bernard

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hello everyone today we are grooming tiny and I know that he is very fitting to his name tiny is a St Bernard and a great D mix he is a rescue that is currently available for adoption at Niagara dog rescue he is currently staying in a kennel while he looks for his forever home today is what we assume to be his first bath so hopefully he does well all right are you ready you like treats so hopefully you're a good boy here you go okay good boy we got to be good for our bath okay I'm just trying to make friends with him I want him to trust me because this dog does have a bite history he was protecting his home he was not just you know an aggressive dog on the street wanting to bite but that tells me that when he gets scared or anxious he might be aggressive so I don't know how he will behave and I'm going to try to take this slow something tells me I will not be getting him on a grooming table today and boy do you have some extremely long nails hopefully I can clip them good boy there you go look look yeah good boy because he is staying in a kennel boy does he stink so you really need this good bath and hopefully it helps you to get adopted can I come in there with you he has some stranger danger so I am of course a stranger but don't worry him and I hung out for a little bit before this groom and I gave him so many treats that he must know me now as the treat giver and would not dare to execute me okay okay good boy it's okay it's okay he was very scared about getting in the shower I had to entice him in with treats but he does know commands so that is helpful when working on a nervous dog as you notice I'm not really bending down right now that's just because I don't want my face to be in the line of fire in the event that he decides that he doesn't like this that much he is wearing his collar just in case he breaks this noose because he is very large I just want another way to grab him good boy according to the rescue he is a very friendly dog even the bite history that he did have it wasn't an emergency room type bite although no bite is okay it was just more of a warning I think rather than actually wanting to hurt someone good boy good boy tiny you going to shake is the blow dryer going to be a noo [Music] H you're very smelly you're very smelly guy you're stinky you stink like a kennel okay good boy good boy tiny is house trained he is Crate trained he is leash trained he is good with other dogs he's good with kids but I would suggest older kids because he is a large rambunctious dog and he can probably knock over a toddler unintentionally okay another canister of shampoo on the other side so this is now three canisters one nasty critter and 2 D shedding he so far has not shown me any signs of aggression so I think he is good he just needs some socialization when it comes to whatever home he's going to be at that there will be people that he doesn't know coming and going so that he knows it's nothing to be scared of he is still a young dog he is only about 2 years old right good boy boy good boy come here good boy good boy very good boy it's all right it's okay good boy my guess is for blow drying I will be following him around the room Niagara dog rescue is mostly I believe a foster based rescue he is in a kennel which means that they're paying for him to be in a kennel obviously they're having a hard time finding a foster home for him hey hey hey it's okay it's okay paying for a dog to be in a kennel long term can be really expensive if you guys want to donate towards tiny care or towards any of the animals in Niagara dog rescue's care you can check out the link in the description for Niagara dog rescue and leave a donation if you like I'm sure the donation would be really grateful for it it's okay buddy it's almost over thank you thank you so much no you can't jump on me you can't jump on me no no no no hey it's okay it's okay no no tiny you're all right you're okay [Music] tiny okay I think we are good I am just giving this dog so many treats no more water the dangerous water sprayer is done I feel like I should try to dry you in there yeah okay let's see if you'll wear a happy hoodie don't worry I haven't left okay bud can you put this on I'm going to try drying him in here just because I have a feeling he is going to try and Escape if I let him loose there's just no way I'm going to get him on the table trying to get him in the tub or sorry in the shower was a chore so let's see what happens when I turn the dryer on good boy good boy good boy yeah good boy [Music] tiny [Music] sh oh see and this is why I put him in the [Music] okay no no no hey hey hey hey okay you are really good at getting your head out of that noose I'm going to give him a bit of a break from the dryer for a second and see what happens when I clip his nails good boy oh you are a strong dog okay good boy it's okay it's okay no no no good boy good boy how about the front ones [Music] H good boy good boy good boy it's okay it's okay it's okay good boy no no no good boy hey hey they're really long hey sh no okay that's a bite that was a bite what if I no no if I do them like this I'm going to let him down on the ground and finish drying him on the ground then I will attempt to do the nails on the other side but probably with help because he is very stressed out and very strong so we will be back once he is dry I almost got all of the nails completed but I had to stop because tiny was going a little bit too ballistic for my liking and I was concerned about his safety and my safety the cameraman tried helping me but when he came in he went to give tiny a treat and Tiny would not take a treat from him and his entire body stiffened up so that was a pretty good behavioral indication to me that he was not comfortable with the cameraman as you guys could clearly see he was taking treats from me nonstop I don't have my other camera in here with me right now it's just GoPro footage because I have a feeling this rambunctious dog is going to knock over my camera so I'm going to follow him around with the blow dryer to get him as much dry as I can because he doesn't really like it and then give him a little bit of a brush out and he'll be [Music] [Music] done while it was fun getting my cardio work Co in I'm hoping that you just stay here while I brush you now oh my gosh I think I got all of your hair out with the dryer that's amazing you're barely shedding now if I had taken this EIG gromer to him when he first came in I would have gotten so much hair off but I honestly think I basically got it all out that's pretty remarkable buddy there is honestly not a speck of hair coming off of him okay he done I'm not even going to attempt shaving his paws cuz I think that would be a death sentence for me oh you're a good boy yes you're a good boy you didn't like the cameraman you didn't like him yeah you're very happy dog I'm not going to let him in the backyard because the backyard is a mud pit it's like 10° today in February so yeah it's pretty nasty I'm not going to lie I don't love cold weather but I do like when the ground is Frozen yeah now you smell like sugar cookies he's eating some treats he's honestly going insane right now he's trying to jump all over me and slobber all over me so I don't know if I'm going to get any shots of him but thank you guys so much for watching if you're interested in tiny he is available at Niagara dog rescue again the link is below I think he will do great in a family that's willing to give him the time energy and training that he needs thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you again in a few days
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 363,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PXu0i5ykv6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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