You Got Authority - In Christ You are MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU FEEL!

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Luke chapter 10 and verse 1. after these  things the Lord appointed 70 others also   and sent them two by two before his face into  every city and place where he himself was about   to go verse 17 then the seventy returned with  joy saying lord even Demons are subject to us   in your name somebody say amen and he said  i saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven   behold i give you the authority to  trample upon serpents and scorpions   and over all the power of the enemy  and nothing shall by any means hurt you   nevertheless do not rejoice that your the Spirits  are subject to you but rather rejoice because   your names are written in Heaven and in that  hour Jesus rejoice God is a happy god Jesus is   not a sad depressing God amen god is a happy god  and the bible says Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit   and so he just just went ecstatic in his heart and  he said i thank you father the Lord of Heaven and   earth because you have hidden these things from  the wise and prudent and reveal them to babes   don't always tell my wife babe it's from the bible  even so father this seemed good in your sight   i just want to speak to you today authority  through assignment or authority by assignment   in chapter 9 of gospel of Luke the bible  says Jesus sends out the 12 Disciples   they are the you know the big shots they're  the Apostles and in chapter 9 the bible says he   gives them power over all the Demons but if you  study disciples they struggled with deliverance   even though they had the power do you remember  how they had the power to cast out Demons but   they still couldn't cast out a demon out of a boy  so disciples got the power to cast out demons and   they struggled with deliverance the 70 Disciples  watch this we know we do not know their name   they're not part of the 12 they're not the  Apostles Jesus in here calls them babes and in verse 3 he says i send you as lambs among  wolves when he talked about the twelve he says i   send you as sheep among wolves meaning you know  lamb is like a younger version of the sheep   so they were not the twelve they we don't  know their names they were babes and they   were not sheep they were lambs meaning they were  little ones and whenJjesus sends them in chapter   10 he says go and preach the gospel heal the  sick he never gives them authority over Demons Jesus does not empower them with authority  over the demonic he only sends them to go   ahead of my face be like my insurance just  go everywhere where i'm gonna about to go   and get people ready and if somebody is  sick pray for them and just be careful   because the wolves might attack you meaning  religious people the government might come   against you your society might come against  you and just go there and the bible says   they did not go to cast out devils they  did not go to exercise spiritual authority   they went to do their assignment given to  Jesus and lo and behold authority kicked in they didn't look for Demons they looked for  the lost but the authority was released I   want to speak to people today in this room  not to focus on your authority in Christ   but focus on your assignment to Christ when you  walk in your assignment you will walk in authority   even if you your name is not known even if you  are nameless even if you're a baby in Christ   even if you are not even a sheep but you're  a lamb meaning you just recently got saved   you just this whole thing is very new for you you  don't have a lot of knowledge and experience you   haven't read Bob Larson's books you haven't  read break free or fight back not yet and   so you haven't got those things yet you haven't  went through the freedom we can erase to deliver   and you're like man i'm a babe i'm a lamb my name  doesn't matter nobody knows my name i'm not known   in the Christian circles I'm very new at this  in the world i had a reputation in the world   i had experience but in here i have very little  and i don't feel like i have the anointing for   deliverance i don't feel like i have the anointing  to operate in the realm of the Spirit I don't have   them my friend if you commit to the assignment in  Jesus name you will walk in the authority of Jesus that's good Hallelujah please it does not yeah the bible did not  mention their names but Jesus says their names   were written in the book of life the question even  if the bible doesn't have your name even if some   other people don't remember your name the question  is not who remembers your name the question is   your name written in the book of life because  that's where your authority is connected to you   my friend your spiritual maturity does not does  not increase your authority your authority comes   from your obedience to Jesus Christ yes it's  true it's good to read books on authority   it's good to go to seminars on authority it's  good to be equipped in authority but there is   something very simple and basic when a child of  god who just got saved a week ago two weeks ago   and a babe in Christ a lamb in christ not a sheep  yet not a mature man yet maybe they're nameless   they're faceless they're still very fragile  they're not part of the elite or the Spiritual   cliques or gurus but they say Lord I'm going to  do what you called me to do I'm going to tell   my neighbors about christ i'm going to read  my bible i'm going to raise my children i'm   going to love my husband i'm going to love my  wife i'm going to do what god called me to do   and the bible says and they were surprised  Demons are subject to us to our mate Jesus   you didn't send us to do this stuff but this  stuff found us don't seek deliverance seek   devotion to God seek commitment to God's will seek  commitment to God's purposes somebody say amen   say this with me say my authority  comes from my assignment   say my assignment is the breeding  ground for my authority your authority   is connected to your assignment if you are  currently as a Christian feel like man i'm   not walking in authority i have opposition i have  attacks i feel like i lost my authority this i'm   gonna ask you to ask yourself one question have  you stepped out of God's assignment in your life   if you focus so much on walking in dominion and  victory but you haven't focused walking in what   god called you to do because God's purpose over  you always has an umbrella of God's protection   and god's supply when a Christian fulfills their  duty as a Christian they automatically have an   authority it's like a Police Officer when you are  a Police Officer you already you you have a badge   and you will have a gun even if you forgot that  gun in the Police Station and you forgot that   badge and the pull in the Police Station but  having a uniform will be enough you already   walk with that confidence and with that authority  now let's imagine for example you are not a police   officer and but you want to impersonate a Police  Officer first of all it's a felony it's a crime   when a non-Christian wants to walk in  spiritual authority they are impersonating   it's a felony in a Spiritual realm they will  always come under a heavy attack that's why   the sons of Skiva they were impersonating  spiritual authority it backfired against them   when you're not walking in obedience to God  you are impersonating spiritual authority   there will always be consequences so the secret  is not that you need to be perfect you just need   to be obedient because authority is connected to  obedience you can't live like you want to live do   what you want to do and say oh I'm a Christian  and so i therefore i walk in authority that's   like me walking out on the street and say i'm  a Police Officer why because i live in Pasco no no i don't belong to that department no no  no the the Chief of Police did not release me   they did not give me the identification  now i can buy the Police uniform on   Ebay i can buy the badge on Amazon it does not  make me a Police Officer it does not make me   somebody who has the authority i will always  walk with insecurity and that's why whatever   said today he did the meditation all the stuff  but the spiritual world recognizes one name   the Spiritual world responds to one authority and  that authority is the name of Jesus now if i am   really a good liar and if i am really good fake  person i can fool one or two people in Pasco  with the fake impersonation with the fake id and  with the fake and end with the gun and with the   fake wardrobe i can pull them over and even  take their money but that will only go so far   my friend if you want to walk in authority you got  to belong to the department of Jesus you got to   have Jesus as your Chief of Police you got to have  Jesus clothe you with righteousness you got to and   then he gives you his badge and then he gives you  his power but please understand if you do not walk   in obedience and you pro you will pretend to have  authority you will not have authority because that   authority is given to people who walk in obedience  not to those who are perfect let me say that again   because some of us in here today say lad but  i still have shortcomings you're babe i still   have certain issues maybe you're a lamb i am not  saying today that it only belongs to the shepherds   authority belongs to the sheep and authority  belongs to the lambs authority doesn't just belong   to Spiritual Fathers it also belongs to Spiritual  young men and it also belongs to Spiritual babes   authority doesn't just belong to  people whose names are known on Youtube   and who write books on deliverance authority  is known by people who they're just called   70. their names were not known but it didn't  matter because as long as you're walking in   obedience you will walk in your authority can  somebody say amen i want you to notice in verse   in verse 3 he said go your way so as you walk  in your obedience he says i send you as lambs   among wolves not a lambs among the wolf wolves  plural now and this at first will seem like people   who walk in obedience to Christ i want to correct  a traditional thinking that is not Scriptural   that when you walk in authority you are a lamb and  the devil is the wolf that is not what this means   because Jesus says it later that  you are a lion and devil is a snake   in the Spiritual World you are not a lamb you're  a lion but in the natural world when you walk   when you and i walk in obedience to christ  we are the lambs not the devil is the wolf   who is the wolf the government society your  family and a lot of times people pretty much   they will come against you Religious Institution  so Religious Institution the government the   society and our family become the wolves  why because when they criticize your hurts it hurts who attackedJjesus it wasn't the  Demons it was the Religious Institution it   was the government it was even his  own family and it was the society   soJjesus is saying as i walk in obedience i am a  lamb among wolves meaning i don't fight back the   government now i can protest in the united  states i exercise my amendment rights and   everything but in those days and even in our days  we supposed to have a characteristic of a lamb   where we walk in innocence and wisdom we  don't fight Spiritual Warfare naturally   we take the beating when our family attacks  us and criticizes and says you joined a cult   when the society looks at us and because  we believe what the bible says and calls us   Homophobic and calls us crazy and calls us people  oh you don't care about this and you don't care   about that we don't try to fight back the society  we walk as sheep in a society full of wolves   now the most important part to keep in mind when  we get persecuted the wolf in here is persecution   not retaliation from the devil the wolf in here  is not oh i did a Spiritual Warfare the Devil is   attacking me no no no no no no my friend the  wolf in here is not a Devil it's the society   that doesn't receive Jesus Christ that will  attack a person who walks in authority of Christ   there will always be an attack on your  life from society family government   or religious institution that you walked  away from the moment you commit your life to   obedience to Christ one of them will attack  you one of them will say things about you   one of them will spread rumors about  you one of them will even try to sue   you one of them will try to make your life  difficult and sometimes God forbid all four and we shouldn't be discouraged by walking  in authority because our Savior constantly   was being bitten by wolves and he was the lamb  of god I'm not talking about Demons I'm talking   about Pharisees I 'm talking about the government  officials and his own family coming and saying   this guy is going crazy let's take him home and  Religious Institutions and society was not very   fond of him as we speak right now every person  in here has one of these wolves currently in   their life that somebody's persecuting there are  people watching us on live stream that you have   people that are attacking you it's illegal in your  country to believe in God and that's you being a   lamb among the walls but i want to encourage you  never stop being a lion just because you're a lamb and when you're being persecuted just one little  side note because some people are persecuted and   they're like oh the devil is attacking me well  the problem if you're not paying taxes it's not   the devil's attacking you remember if you're  being a goat don't claim the persecution as a   as a sheep oh i'm just being attacked my family  is attacking me will your dad give you a curfew   nine o'clock and you came at 11. that is not an  attack on your faith that is an attack on your   punctuality that is a criticism why because you're  not acting like a sheep you're acting like a goat   you're not a sheep among the wolves  you're a goat among the walls okay   and so we have to repent for those things  and not walk around and say oh i'm just being   persecuted i'm just being attacked i'm just such  a demonic oppression no no no no no no my friend   if you don't live like a sheep do not start  claiming this verse for your trouble come on   but the part that i want to highlight is this i  believe according to the scripture that Jesus does   not promise us retaliation when we do spiritual  warfare what does that mean in here Jesus   says if you walk in your authority nothing  by no means somebody say nothing by no means   will hurt you in the realm of the flesh  we are lambs we can be taken advantage of   and that's okay in the realm of the spirit the  same lamb becomes a lion you're persecuted by   the religious leaders but Jesus says you tremble  lamps don't trample on snakes lions do lamps don't   exercise authority lions do so you're a lamb among  the wolves physically but in the same time while   you're being persecuted maybe misunderstood and  criticized Jesus says do not forget you have a   dual identity one is a lamb and the other one is a  lion and do not stop attacking just because you're   being attacked by people but i want to overthrow  this myth the moment i walk in my authority   the moment i fast and pray the devil will come  against me hell will break loose i know it's   popular in Christian culture but i want to just  pinch at it right now and say it's not scriptural   Jesus never in the bible not once  said or promised Spiritual retaliation   he tells us physical persecution not Spiritual  retaliation that means when you commanded the   Devil to go you should go to sleep like a baby  oh i got nightmares now why because i delivered   this person that's not Scriptural there's a  crack in your spiritual armor and who allowed   that crack traditional teaching need to remove  tradition and believe Jesus tradition teaches this   if you do Spiritual Warfare cover yourself  a lot with the blood cover yourself with oil   cover yourself with water why because the devils  are coming back to attack you Jesus says not that   he says you will trample meaning you break when  you step on it you break its neck it can't move   no more it says by no means meaning it's not  possible by no means it will hurt you again   so what is hurting me traditional thinking  because what tradition did is tradition replace   the shield of faith in the realm of the spirit  with a shield of cloth that can't catch bullets   tradition cannot help you that's why we have  to throw away the tradition this in this area   and say no i will do Spiritual Warfare I  will kill the sick i will cast out Devils   i will walk in my authority in Christ and the  devil will not fight me back he's been defeated   he's been disarmed and he's been laid under  my feet come on somebody give God some praise   right there for your authority in Jesus give God  some praise right now for your authority in Jesus Devil you can't fight back i can  fight back you can't fight back why   and that and if the Devil said but the  Devil is fighting he always does fight   but you have a Spiritual Armor in the realm of the  Spirit it's called the shield of faith faith in   what in what Jesus says that nothing by no means  shall hurt you faith in what that you have that   armor as you sleep the evil will shoot stuff at  you it will bounce off you won't even know why   because you have that armor because you believe in  what Jesus said instead of what your dad said what   your previous Pastor said or what other people  said if you believe that exercising spiritual   authority brings attacks i can tell you one  thing about your life you're under attack   in fact always under attack and your connection to  that attack is this it's because i've been trying   to serve god and you justify that and then you use  the verses like Jesus God Baptized in the water   and then after that the devil power attacked him  Elijah brought the Prophets and then the Devil   power attacked him and I'm just like Jesus and  Elijah i'm the third guy pow he's attacking me you believed a lie you will be attacked by people because that's  part of the promise sheep among wolves but you   will be attacking and Satan will not be able  to attack back because the blows you deal   you can recover from those blows the blow  of the name of Jesus the force of that name   you can't recover from the  after that Devil cannot throw   a counter punch after that it's it's your punch  is weak but the name of Jesus is so strong   he says you will trample and nothing  by no means somebody say nothing   somebody say by no means will hurt me i believe  in that ever since i changed my mind about this   we do deliverance Conferences Raise to Deliver  conferences deliverances we sleep like babies   our team doesn't come under attack you may say  does that mean there's no attacks no doesn't   mean that life goes on the only thing  we come under attack from is Christians all the time people say do you come under attack  from the Devils no Christians all the time why   because Jesus promised we will be wolves we  will be sheep among wolves and the wolves   sometimes it could be a Religious institution  a government a society or it could be even   our family so i just want to encourage you if  you're Spiritually under attack check your armor   have you let cracks in memorize this verse  rehearse it until it becomes true in your life   you were destined to walk in authority if walking  in authority creates repercussions then praying   for healing also has repercussions if i pray for  somebody and they get delivered and afterwards   i get that demon attacking me does that mean that  if i pray for healing i have the same sickness   attacking me does that mean if i lead a person  to the lord does that mean the next day i'm going   to be the same kind of a sinner that they were  no of course not there's a protection in doing   God's will guy could save you 50 or more in your  car insurance but Jesus does 100 the whole 100 i'm uh quickly i'm gonna bring this to  an end somebody say exercising authority   diminish Satan's influence i want you to see  this disciples came back and i want you to see   what Jesus said he says i saw Satan fall now  traditionally how that's understood is that he   saw Satan fall when he fell from heaven this is  not what Jesus is talking about i believe and a   lot of other peopleTtheologians even who translate  the bible and they say application of this is this   Jesus is saying when you were casting out demons  i saw Satan fall from where Heaven not the third   Heaven where god lives the second Heaven where he  ruled over particular regions and he was falling   like lightning every time you exercise dominion  now he didn't fall completely from the whole   earth where he doesn't control the earth but the  influence of his territory where you stepped in   was being diminished because you exercise your  authority every time you walk in authority   Satan falls again he falls again not only in your  life but in your territory because demons are   territorial demons they like their territories  that's why when the legion said to Jesus we're   okay with leaving the man but don't let us out of  this country that's why a prince of Persia a demon   came to Daniel and he tried to resist Daniel and  the angel that came to Daniel and said i fought   with the Prince of Persia he wasn't fighting a man  one simple Angel could slay thousands in a split   second but the Archangel was fighting a spiritual  principality that's why Paul says that we fight   principalities and powers when you walk as a babe  as a lamb as a nameless maybe Christian in your   authority Satan's influence in the realm of the  Spirit in your family in your city in your region   in your county begins to be diminished because you  walk in authority because somebody's saying that   number four bring jesus joy by walking in  authority the bible says Jesus was exuberantly   joyful see God is a is a joyful God according  first timothy chapter 1 verse 11 God rejoices   in his works according to psalm 104 31 God also  rejoices when person gets saved we know the   Gospel of luke chapter 15. god rejoices over  Jerusalem but there is one thing that gives Jesus   joy and that is when he sees babes battle when  he sees lambs walk in authority when he sees   the seventy walk in their assignment and they  begin to cast out devils they begin to command   they begin to decree and declare for those of you  coming to our church maybe for the first time or   the first few times and you're like man why do  they spend time and speaking to the situation   speaking to the sickness like it's a  real thing because see authority declares   authority speaks authority doesn't beg authority  doesn't plead the police officer doesn't say   please i beg you i implore you by the name of  the Police Department of Pasco could you roll   down your window and then just give me a license  if you want to if you don't want to i understand   license and registration there is authority come  on somebody now somebody's been a Police Officer   yeah there is an authority and he doesn't beg he  tells he tells it the way it is now he's a human   authority you are a Spiritual Authority that's why  you will not understand these prayers that we pray   until you understand the authority you have he  says if you have faith you will speak to the   mountain not ask the mountain not plead with the  mountain not bargain with the mountain not make   deals with the Devil but you will command why  because authority changes your voice tone it   changes your attitude it changes your approach  you become a lion and the devil becomes a snake   not the other way around you're not a little  sheep and the devil is a wolf you're not a lamb   and the devil is a lion you are a lion and the  devil is a snake he's biting the dust and you   are trampling over him somebody give god some  praise somebody give God some praise Hallelujah god rejoices Jesus rejoices when you walk in  authority you want to put a smile on Jesus's face   rise up in your authority you want to put a smile  in God's heart step into your divine authority   stop playing a victim stop walking around  like a spineless weak snowflake Christian   realize who you are in Jesus Christ stop giving  devil more credit than he already has gotten   over your life he's been defeated he's been  disarmed he's been put under your feet and   Jesus says I give you authority now what I  love about this is that in this verse is the   only time i see in the gospels where Jesus  gives authority and after that no assignment   every time he gave authority to disciples he  always told them go cast out Demons and here   he gave them authority and no assignment because  he gave them authority for life this authority is   to live this authority is for everyday life as a  mother everyday life as a father everyday life as   a businessman everyday life as a student Jesus  is giving authority for you to live as a person   it's not you're not on duty and off duty you  are the police officer spiritually all   the time when you sleep you have authority when  you're taking a shower you have authority when   you wake up at night you have authority when you  go in your car in the morning you have authority   when you work you have authority you carry that  you're never off duty he gives you authority   because somebody say amen you give jesus joy  you give Jesus joy when he looks at us casting   out Demons when he looks at us commanding  those mountains when he looks at us walking   you know proud as believers in his the power  of his name he rejoices he smiles says that's   that's right Devil you take that that's  my babes over there crushing your kingdom   that's my babes over there destroying your words  that's my lambs over there in the eyes of the man   but Devil you know they're not lambs they're  fierce lions they might be young but they are   fierce they are bold they are courageous they are  powerful that's my boy over there he puts a smile   on Jesus's face when you walk in your  authority somebody give god some praise and the last thing and we're gonna pray and that  is this the authority of the name of Jesus has   been granted exclusively to believers in mark  chapter 16 the bible says those who believe will   cast out Demons in my name he did not say those  who want to those who want to help people Everett   had such a powerful conclusion and confirmation  to that he wanted to help people that's not enough   i also want to pull over criminals on the  street it doesn't give me the right to be a   police officer okay i also want to see sometimes  i see a person speeding and i'm like man i wish   i wish they are breaking the law and they're  doing it wrong i still cannot pull them over just   because you wish and want and desire that's not  enough you're it exclusively to people who belong   to Jesus so believers it's your right believers  it's exclusively given to you his name is given   to you use that name as a social authority it's  not a magic name it's not a charm it's not some   kind of a gimmick but when you are obedient to  him as a person his name becomes your tool it   works in our church a lot of times where somebody  would come up somewhere else and say things like   not in the name of Lad but Vlad said and they  could get you free coffee in the coffee shop   i see Anna says but it can sometimes it can get  you a lot of things in the church done but after   a while if you're lying you're gonna not only get  kicked out of the church your salvation can be   questionable but uh but if you know me personally  if we are in a relationship and you go somewhere   and you say Vlad said it's the same thing as if  i said when you're in relationship with Jesus   and you walk to some old little Crouchy Demon and  you tell them in Jesus name what you're saying is   Jesus said you have to do and that's what demons  will obey that's why many times when we see during   deliverance you know a big old Demon you know and  we're very young and the Demons say oh I'm so good   at you i'll control you know like and the more  they they they glorify themselves that's that's   when they they're very weak already and stuff and  then that name of Jesus like lightning begins to   break that spew it begins to break those curses  you got the name of Jesus let's rise to our feet every head bowel every eye closed we've heard  so much about authority today we've heard so   much about the power of the name of Jesus and we  also heard how changing your life starts with you   surrendering your life to Jesus whether you're  watching me on live stream right now or you are   physically in this building if you have not made  a decision to give your life to Jesus Christ yet   today is that day maybe your story is like  Everett's story you're looking for power   everywhere or maybe today you're feel so powerless  you feel so empty you feel so lost Jesus came two   thousand years ago he was god he died for your  sin he rose again and he is soon coming again   to rule and reign today he wants to rule and reign  in your heart he wants to forgive you of your sin   it cost him his life to give you this free gift if  you don't accept this gift the bible gives a very   severe warning you will stand before God and give  an account God is a Holy God he's not going to put   your sin under the carpet because he loves you his  holiness won't allow that that's why Jesus died if   you're saying glad i would like to give my life to  Jesus today i would like to get save I would like   to come back to god today when i count to three  I'm gonna ask you to raise your hand one hell is   hard eternity is very long two Jesus is the only  way to Heaven the only one door three raise that   hand high if you're saying i would like to get  saved today just raise their head high i would   like to pray with you today father i thank you  Jesus i thank you you're watching us on livestream thank you i see your hand  thank you i see your hand now wait for a few more seconds if you would  like to give your life to the lord today   in jesus name thank you i see your hand thank you  i see your head those of you who raise your hands   pray this prayer with me right now i want you to  say Lord Jesus I'm a sinner please forgive me of   all my sin and wash me with your precious blood i  surrender my life to you and from this day forward   i choose to follow you wash me cleanse  me and make me yours in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 22,088
Rating: 4.9297628 out of 5
Keywords: vladimir savchuk, hungry generation, vlad savchuk, good news church, pastor vlad, tri-cities wa pasco, sermons by vlad, messages by pastor vlad, deliverance, healing, supernatural, sermon on fire, messages, sermons, authority, dominion, overcoming, believers authority, faith back
Id: QGZllK_zMT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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