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hey what's up guys remember me well today I brought two friends to do my Nationwide famous classic game you cringe you smoke and today with me I have two of my best childhood buddies Grayden and Riley from the YouTube channel hive mind that's our Channel they also shoot in this room with this wall yeah this is our house where do you sleep over there bunk beds yeah you see the bunk beds they're tiny but yeah they look like they could fit a couple ants on there they shrink when we go to bed you shrink when you go to bed yeah sure do well light me up a blunt because I can't believe that that was I was supposed to be like it was structured like a joke it was me trying to be cool and I didn't know um so here's how the game works guys I don't really need to explain it the title explains it for you so if you're still waiting for rules you're dumb here's how it's gonna work we watch a video and if we deem it to be a cringe moment us three if we're like yeah that was cringe yeah then we all will take a hit or take part in our vices yeah yes my advice is this dream this mixed drink that I made that has alcohol in it tequila specifically Riley's got a little drinky drink for himself because you know another one of those guests that doesn't want to actually participate in half of the game that we're playing yeah ironically smoking is a little cringe to me so oh okay well and then for Grayden and myself we are going to be smoking a Detroit split a Detroit spliff which is a first for the channel yeah you've never had it no I haven't and my favorite pizza is Detroit style pizza so do you think oh you don't think I'll know it's like a little tobacco with some weed that's homegrown that my dad gave me and some ocbs and cheese and pepperoni nope nothing like pizza and crust does pineapple belong in the joint yeah I don't know I probably not I love hanging out with you guys complete with whatever you want to uh maybe every time you cringe you decide to walk outside and take a handful of grass and rip it out of the ground stick it in your mouth yeah or maybe you could snort a line of cocaine every time I do this with guests they don't know how to do the format it's like you do something you say every time you cringe you do this crazy like outlandish weird thing well I mean wouldn't it be outlandish and weird to snort cocaine every time you cringe oh I got it yeah try me okay every time you cringe maybe you could Free Base Cocaine no you don't actually have to do what we're doing maybe every time you cringe you could walk outside and shoot a stranger with a gun oh anyways I'm trying to get blasted I'll roll it up can we can you roll it up Jesus hi he's I'm the human grinder that's what they called me in college so the rest of your body after like tied it up like that I get all the tension and all the pressure right to my fingertips and the weed just disintegrates is he saying something over there no I don't know he's mumbling anyways guys before we start the video make sure you go down and subscribe to the channel it's actually free so that's easy and also check out my podcast the fellowship Covenant podcast you can click the link in the description to check it out we post new sermons every single Sunday come to church get saved and also make sure you check out hive mind and both of their channels they're going to be linked below including a bunch of other stuff where you can find them praise Gorman oh thank you yes do you actually are you yes I've been saved by gormu you're not a poser no I've been saved by gourmoon oh cashmere you know he's not saved by gormo let's be honest I know yeah he said [ __ ] him today we're going to be watching a video called strangers rank themselves by attractiveness it's you know a video that came out a while ago by Jubilee but alas you know I'm looking for some longer form content for us to try out and I feel like this is probably my best option I feel like it's already weird that they have blindfolds on they're going to describe themselves and then rank on attractiveness like do they take the blindfolds off eventually yeah I think there's two rounds where they rank it with them on and then rank it with them off which doesn't really make sense because it seems like the first round's pointless but someone might have a sexy corpse husband voice oh yeah what's the opposite of cringe look at that oh that seems It's like a makeshift uh ashtray is that cool turn this until we get some of this if you know what I'm saying understood what's the what are you doing are you fighting the joints no they're just they're talking but it's on the verge of an argument I told you I'd pay you back when I had enough money it's your [ __ ] sister who stole my lawnmower isn't it what do you mean dragging her and do it she mowed you off for 15 years the least he could do is let her have a [ __ ] lawnmower so you're saying she did take him I knew she did you [ __ ] what's going on cheers man I'm really excited to smoke weed on YouTube yeah have you done this before no wow it's a completely different experience it's gonna make you feel like Unstoppable I make money from this not from this video we've also never smoked in this room this is a christening let's do a let's do a ceremonious first hit for all of us okay Jesus king J is Cheers Cheers man and also did you read the Sunday paper the funnies were great this week the funnies for me was the sports section and those Lions getting beat again my audience has nothing to do with sports they don't like that [ __ ] they have nothing to do with sports they will not have anything to do with it tell you what I went golfing with this guy and yeah Nick is not green I haven't heard that one before oh you're a little suck monster you got that sucker growing immediately your little suck monsters wow guys before we start I actually have a video out on hive mind's channel that just came out today look it's right next to me go check it out after you watch this video it's also awesome and funny yeah it's like fine okay let's do it yeah let's do this I am like 5 10 5 11. I'm a Blonde I'm white I have freckles it's telling the truth he's not lying about it shoulder length hair like so this is bizarre because they do it a spoiler alert they rank without blindfolds yeah in the video by so by the end of it so I don't get this at all you've already said this but what why are they doing this yeah I don't understand I think they're trying to basically like it's like a science experiment for school where you remove one aspect of it yeah to see if it changes like they're just going in their head they're imagining what these people look like and trying to see oh true like are they attractive to me and then it gets revealed later on the idea in their head is not the same is the person in front of them I guess no you're right because the video is called personality versus look so that's honestly that's on me we're just normally smoking the whole videos I was talking it's just a haze in front of the camera that's exactly what it's gonna be dark brown plaque I am Brown I have she's doing all this for nothing straight up like I have a lot of tattoos I have a sleeve I have a neck tattoo I have tattoos on my face I have tattoos on the side of my head of two scorpions [Music] she goes I have two tattoos on my head scorpion he goes like peeps over with his blindfold scorpions um scorpions you say five six I'm like 5 10 something like that brown hair is pretty short right now but when it grows out a bit it gets all curly and nuts it gets nuts that is nothing to do with it it's just like what his hair might look like in the future it's short right now but if it gets long it is nuts I grow this thing out I turn into a raging alcoholic so true all right put one on the Dinger let's call it a cringe yeah we need to do something here Riley how's that drink tasting it's great it's a lemon peel and ginger soda mixed with tequila how's the spliff tasting the spliff is good I'll be honest with you it rocks you yeah and you wrapped that baby and I am having a good time let's just say that let's say that much yeah let's just say I'm taking them more than one hit up there in the corner I don't know if it's up in that corner or whatever I don't know I wouldn't put it where maybe we have it follow I like a little I'll I'll kind of go out of my way to make his life harder yeah like try try something out he'll do anything it's crazy anything yeah turn me into a half ocelot half human hybrid perfect like right here yeah all right I'm gonna go right here and then I'm gonna need you to take a screenshot of that during that it's gonna be a still image and you're gonna put that on a mock-up of a phone and it's gonna be on Tinder with uh the cool name whatever you want to put on the Tinder thing and then a big swipe right and then it's going to come back to the video that just cost me fifteen hundred dollars all right let's get back to the video right got a little bit of facial hair got a nice little stash going I got just about everything everybody else got got some ears [Music] have a lot of discerning features which isn't like it's not his fault I mean it is because he has literal scorpions tattoos which he could do at any moment and it looked like he was interested he has a healthy level of skepticism about the game he's kind of like I got everything you know good Eyes Ears around mouth whatever you know but at the same time like let's look at body language here he's the only guy with hands on his hips what does that mean that's scream skepticism yeah he lacks confidence that's for sure we could do the green line test on all these people and see how much they're leaning I don't really know I am brown skin I have black hair um five three and a half the half is important um 15 pounds I'm five is that the first person to include their weight I think so I mean it will give you an edge in the competition is it a competition or is it a social experiment this would be I would be competing if I was just me competing imagine if there was some guy completely lying he's like I'm six six I'm like half yolked half shredded yeah I got my shirt off right now everything hidden on camera you know I got a custom piece from Johnny Dang [ __ ] you try I heard it go out I hit the bottom went over there and I got one more coming too dude six foot ten uh green skin I'm wearing kind of like a burlap vest I'm in love with this princess who turns into an ogre at night a little bit of swamp pretty good spot now I know one guy turns with his blindfold he's like what I got kind of like a button-up shirt got like rectangular pants on yellow you think SpongeBob's four foot eight yeah that's huge SpongeBob is like four inches tall yeah 4.8 inches tall my best friend is a starfish I'm still [ __ ] yoked all right can we yeah can we watch this video what are we doing sorry I was just hanging out with my friends I guess is that crazy it is crazy and cringe what did you just say it's crazy Owen [Music] naturally blonde hair I dye my hair like kind of platinum like silver gray it doesn't look platinum silver to me that looks blonde I see a little bit of it in there I don't take her for a liar so far not cringe okay I mean I wasn't saying it's cringe I just am confused my question for everyone is do you feel attractive are you confident in yourself is she a host or something why is she asking yeah what is she in charge maybe everyone gets to ask a question oh okay maybe they're doing like a soul train type thing okay let's see I feel like my uh the way that I express myself isn't conventional so it took a lot of hard work so I'm pretty proud of what I have going I mean as well I think I'm I think I'm pretty cute so I've gotten a lot confident definitely in the last like three years you see a lot confident shouldn't be confident about that English right and I feel like because of that I just feel more attractive I guess I feel pretty cute you know it took me a while yeah wait wait Graham I want you to guess what this guy looks like oh that's interesting this is the guy who said that he's got an eyes nose and ears like everybody else okay just from this I guess I feel pretty cute you know it took me a while to get to this place but hey I feel good now what do you think he looks like yeah I think he's wearing jeans and like a button-up shirt guys wearing a flannel white undershirt are you [ __ ] serious yeah keep going I bet you he has like uh does he wear glasses look he just has like short brown hair right yeah he said that he did yeah look at this that's literally exactly what you said wow that was insane I thought you were messing with him no I've never seen this video literally it has a white undershirt flannel button-down Jean and you can barely see the white undershirt either you barely can see it but he's wearing it it's like an inch yeah put a cringe up on the board for that I don't know what what what about anything it was but just why are we putting one up there I don't know I just feel like it's about time I miss my game so I can technically do whatever I want all right after two more cringes I'm doing a shot and you have to do one with me though I'll do one with you dude look at this guy was bread made with butter no you put no you put butter you put butter on bread what are you saying no you put bread butter on bread afterwards so are you saying No this is a shot I literally what this was the bread made with butter it's like an old scent everybody says I don't think anybody says that ever oh my God it's gonna explode what are you saying oh I would like to know what everyone would want to change about them oh before this question goes I want us to answer that question no the first question uh do you feel attractive I just want us to answer that I didn't think I would have to do much introspection here okay you want me to go first yeah sure um I guess it depends on the day but overall and I think over the past couple years my confidence has grown so I would say yeah with a like a bit of a oh man because like you know yeah okay I'm kind of in the same boat I feel like some days I walk out and feel like the man like I'm like oh man I'm a good looking guy yeah today's the day this is gonna sound like I am like pandering so like hard to be like this is like a sweet thing yeah but like honestly certain qualities about myself I feel like I look sort of like my mom and I was like my mom is very pretty and it's like you know like I have like really thick eyelashes and like her same eyes and stuff someone's like oh I like like things about myself but some days I look in the mirror and I feel like [ __ ] I actually do have days where I'm like damn I look ugly as hell yeah yeah no I'm the same way sometimes I'm looking in the mirror and I'm like wow one of my eyes is going that way my hair doesn't make a lot of sense I could see that her hair is out of control it actually looks nuts it's nuts no it really is I tried getting a haircut but every single place the wait time was like 45 minutes yeah you told me you wanted to shave your head wait that whole time yeah Lord Mercy all right as I was saying to you by the way you could always shave your head and then get like a head tattoo of like a normal haircut like Fouseytube yeah correct have you seen his hair of course yeah anyway do you feel attractive I feel sexy some days other days I feel like a little worm that crawl out of the ground you know I'm like Amen to that foreign I'm sure they're going to ask this exact question so I almost am hesitating to do it but like how much does external validation affect how you view yourself are you attract more or less attractive based on the validation you get from other people that's a good question for us because yeah oh yeah we're all on the internet yeah we're on the internet so does that make you feel like more attractive my answer would be yeah it does yeah yeah yeah like I'm not gonna lie about it like when you get messages from anyone even if it's a faceless person being like wow you look good I go oh okay maybe I do yeah yeah yeah I feel like in person the validation is still much stronger and feels less shallow yeah because like if somebody if like a girl comes up to you in a place and is like wow you are like really good looking yeah like that will last me like a week but if I walk compliment for a week but if I get like one in the DMS that's like I forgot about it three minutes afterwards just that moment I'm like like I was like oh nice all right and then that's it we are all such similar guys you and me and you yeah sure I got hook lined and sinkered off the DMs I feel like I can't even talk you met your current girlfriend from her dming you yeah shout out to you shout out to Eden I guess for me my goal this year is just kind of like I guess put on more muscle I think for me it'd be my nose just because it's pretty flat and every time I want to have like new glasses on it's always a struggle because I have to like push it up I would also probably say get a nose job but my twin would be so upset if I did so I won't whoa she's a good time we're identical she would be devastated if I did I've thought about it many times for me I kind of want to put on a couple pounds my hair when it grows out I just can't manage it is still on about his hair being nuts man this is so This Guy's in here is a problem yeah this dude ain't lying when his hair grows out it's his main problem okay yeah we can cringe if you guys want you like it I [ __ ] with the Safari idea nothing cringe about the great Sahara it's a desert there's nothing cringe about it put one up on the board okay I don't know why yeah do anything about it and tried so many products all kinds of haircuts it doesn't really do anything so I always got to cut it super short every now and then I read so many products he keeps doing that he's done it a few different times he's really got that motion like you want to go on a date with me no no no one up there for that I'm absolutely high I'll tell you that we rate ourselves I mean I got some videos in the eye of the beholder so I don't I don't know I can't really say I'll be safe I'll say eight I give myself a solid nine just because there are more improvements to come eight eight and nine are so much higher than people should be giving themselves so yeah very bold and like I'm not gonna say it's bad to like have confidence about yourself right but personally [Music] never would even touch a nine right probably not even an eight either I just feel like I'm not saying that these people are not attractive by the way I'm saying just in the mental game that I'm playing by putting myself in the shoes of these people you definitely want to say a seven yeah you think you're right that's what I'd say if I knew the cameras were on and I was blindfolded I'd say 10. oh 10 is funny though you have a bit of a like like nine is like you're not yeah you're half sending if you will you know yeah and if you said like two or three like three or below is like funny Zone depending on how you deliver it and then a three would be like weird because then you're like oh geez yeah like one in ten are both funny Zero's funny and then like five is funny depending on how you play it eight and nine off limits seven seventh grade six is fine it's a little bit like showing a little bit lack of confidence yeah if I heard a six I'd be like yeah you're probably ugly three and four about what we were saying about the people we're not ranking the people we're saying you would rank yourself it's a mental game you have to play it if you're being asked to rate yourself at a scale of 110. we're just talking about what the answers from that person's perspective mean Seven Ten or zero that's one's funnier than zero one two one yeah Hero's like I'm gonna give up one's kind of like I mean I'm [ __ ] disgusting give myself a solid six it take a six that's good I'm sure it'll be higher than that oh yeah I hope so did everyone do a number no I'm gonna give myself a solid six Tim Allen in the studio Disney's in the back you've found something on the ground you all want to just like say a number that you think you'd want to place yourself I know it's a really hard question they should rank each other like Survivor style maybe they got something cooking also if I was blindfolded I would like have no concept of like of everyone's personalities oh you sound very confident so I would place you higher the most attractive quality a person can hold for me is confidence sorry I know that was aggressive with that so zai do you want to move like this way maybe where are you are you right I'm all the way on the end I agree with that yeah my right I feel like that person seems to be the most attractive to me just because that person seems like really confident and like positive and I'm really like I like being friends with people like that so this one over here yes am I right wait I can't you can't see I was pointing at the person to my right well she's not talking about him I think she is I think she is I think she's talking about her that's so this one over here yeah Oh I thought it was gonna be him for a second I was like that's cute yeah I can't you can't see that right there is cringe guys am I right come on putting Applause in the background Dylan please this show is dying but we're bringing it back bringing it back bringing it back bringing the boys back bring it back my car it's fine dad what is that up there it's a flying car son oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm in the car I'm the one in the car in the sky look at all this we can't keep any of that those flying cars all flashy at first but you got to paint a charger them at your house what we're not cringing we got a great get ready back to the cringe I was pointing at the person to my right yeah you're right okay yes oh my God thank you oh she wasn't even close a sleeper is anyone think that they shouldn't be where they are at the moment I feel pretty solid where I'm standing here do you feel like are you comfortable in your spot yeah yeah also yeah they're always going to say they're gonna be higher like okay who goes there in the freaking liar none of these people know what they want it's like the first day in on love Island everyone loves each other oh no they're leaving like the first person to get eliminated after one day it's heartbreaking yeah they cry right right like everybody's blindfolded and they're bonded by The Experience yeah it's same with Master everybody's like especially with the crew of artists this season I mean like anybody could go home and then somebody goes home they're like you're such a talented artist I can't believe you left first like it's crazy yeah but truly with the new seasons Master it is Master All-Star and there really aren't any weak links so great show every time he says the TV show woman just [ __ ] put a big fart over it Master are they paying you no can you not be passionate about things that everything about oh I need a paycheck from them for to be able to say that's not what it's about yeah we should maybe watch a little faster I like your tattoos I will say that I I like when he ribs on you for them yeah I genuinely do like the kid drawing stuff I think that's cool I like them too that's the only reason I rib on them rib tattoos are very painful but tattoo ribs can be playful that was actually awesome man thanks man someone's got to use that as their new producer tag rib tattoos are painful but tattoo ribs can be playful earlier you didn't want to assign a number to yourself I feel like because you're so confident so you should move up a little how does that make you confident if you didn't yeah that's not like I don't think that's a sign of confidence at all signed a good confidence is a [ __ ] hard set um where would you guys put me three or four I kind of think that should be one if you want to switch with Kelly okay yeah all right she's like I'm not gonna switch with you I'm a number right right right right but I also agree Kelly hasn't shown much personality so far we also we get to see them so we're like working with like way too much information yeah as much as we want to work off of just like personality it's impossible there's biases that come into play psychologically deep inside our own psyches when we see people and we're able to actually analyze them yeah you're asking yeah American psychology Institute the same exact thing as me you know I love that movie study blood movie American psychology Colin Farrell okay so now it's zy1 Ally to Kelly three Lauren four Conrad five Kyra said we were talking three I feel like oh sorry oh okay they're still doing something feel now yeah I feel pretty happy about this [Music] now they must rank each other based on who they think is the most attractive if their blindfolds off I really hope they don't just rank themselves again like the way they adjusted I want them to like give their actual opinion and then they get votes on it because that's like the honesty part yeah they give them too much creative control as like the guinea pigs or whatever I feel like they need to make it a little more specific and be like okay now each of you are gonna cash in your vote and then we're gonna rank you guys and so then and it's Anonymous so like you're not like you're not doing it to try to not to make anybody upset you know then you get the actual beta the data is skewed by the fact that you're trying to be the like light in the room and not be an [ __ ] the experiment does not make any sense because that was like that was their final thing and it was so half-baked they didn't actually give an honest ranking of who they thought was the most attractive that makes this not interesting anymore because it's just random [ __ ] like it just ends up being personal stuff yeah and I care about data I care about data I want to walk away with something we got encyclopedias and stuff on there you can just Breeze through those see if anything's cringe okay that guy is so imagine Conor's crazy ass getting pushed to the Caboose just everybody's saving somebody at the end like oh you're about you're blah blah and Connor's like yeah let's keep moving over but he's like hey my hair is nuts nobody's here they got my track do I mean my hair is crazy it's literally like I think you should leave it yeah my hair just gets done you would not want to see my hair because it gets nut it felt written when he brought it up originally yeah it did they could really do a perfect Jubilee type video I think you should leave yeah he's been doing like a jubilee but one person just keeps talking about one thing yeah it's definitely gonna be him and then he'll start yelling he's from Clarkston Michigan you gotta blur that out with the city that he's from yeah you gotta blur that public info called doxing Riley look up where Tim Robinson's from it'll say Clarkson excuse me yeah I don't want to be like you so I'm actually gonna refrain from looking it up it's not like a haunted town it's just a real place don't talk about it anymore arkstone Michigan I don't like it what's this more afraid of the big ghost yelling at me yeah all right it's so bright oh that's right I took my mask off and my makeup was running down my face from the mask and that was horrible because now everyone's gonna see it I don't really care about your makeup nobody gives a [ __ ] about her makeup honestly Conrad that's how I picture you um that makes sense that's what Grant did do start with that I guess like I'm attracted to men so I guess if my line was going this way it'd be right do you want to move Conrad off voice your opinion yeah looking guy thank you they keep doing the pity off oh I like it they cut it like a sitcom they should cut me like a sitcom ah I got Ash all over my keyboard that was made for engineer for ashing on your keyboard you just cringed me wait you did it yeah oh okay last one down the gullet I'm trying to work up some of the energy I feel like I got lost in the video now I'm quiet that's what being Stones like I'm not stoned you are still no I'm drunk I didn't even smoke any weed at all I haven't smoked any weed I watched you smoke what are you talking about all right let's do a fellowship Covenant style confession what is it in you're gonna confess your sins to the audience to the congregation right now okay go ahead tell them what am I telling them again go ahead and tell them you're sin so we tested some soda cocktails today Grant mix up 150 different sodas from the gas station 150. it was 150 and then he froze them no this is not what happened what did I drink maybe a two liter wood what did I drink funny stuff I don't know what I'm funny Curtis Curtis this is to you wow let's finish this crap we're almost there trying to switch yeah sure okay I'll I'll move up I'll move up for now but we're all this this the discussion is still on the table you're gonna have a geoguesser where do you think that Connor's from Conrad Conrad that's what I meant Plano guy Iowa oh interesting okay I was getting like Oklahoma Vibes maybe like oh Utah could be there's like a bit of a southern thing to it but it could also be kind of Midwest which I feel like I like that you said Iowa yeah because that has a little bit of like there's a lot of corn fields it could be a corn Oscar for sure absolutely Nebraska there's a lot of cornfields in Iowa too you could be a Hawkeye now on Disney Plus okay let's get back into it guys I just got paid fifty thousand dollars what they didn't even know it was an answer yeah I don't know it's just a really uncomfortable feeling to say I think I should be higher in this line than you because I think I'm more attractive than you yeah but he's like a model he should probably be higher up no offense good looking guy yeah terrible choice in jeans well I hope it's a Sunday because he's wearing his holy jeans [Music] uh yeah he's too hype about it I don't like that yeah yeah back to like the original I do feel like Conrad and Lauren should switch dude yo she ordered them down the line but I know we've switched you back so that was just my opinion I'm not saying oh man man yeah that was a cringe and he was like I was like he was talking to god dude all right that was a cringe oh yeah we forgot to cringe actually for the cringe You Are Gonna Save you're just gonna stay there I think for now yeah we've switched you back so that was just my opinion I'm not saying any money here I don't mind that yeah yeah no yeah switch on that for the game do you guys feel good about where everyone is yeah and you don't have any qualms okay this is really interesting not a lot of differences here it was just a swap of these three yeah it's like if they were a uh a rectangle it was like doing this with it which makes a total bunch of sense to a bunch of people wow that's a good data are we supposed to I know we are not gonna rain okay I'm just wondering no one cares about our opinion enough for us yeah I think they do though that's the thing it's just that it's not people want to know it's just not a good idea when I watch people I want to know their opinion that's the thing I will say is when I watch somebody react to something like this I do want to know how they would do it versus how they did it in the show yeah but at the same time it's not worth it because you're not trying to offend anybody and everybody has a deep-seated biases yes which are like sexuality you know and then all of the other factors that go into it so it's like it's not worth it to try to do that yeah and I can't imagine what these people are trying to think because they're in the room with the people they're supposed to be ranking themselves amongst and on camera in front of a million people yeah I would love to participate really you would like to be on Jubilee you rank them right now have you seen have you seen our friend Max on Jubilee before yeah okay oh you went on Jubilee He went on Jubilee He was known as Max from Jubilee for a while one of my mods went on also and they like don't pay anyone who goes there well it's crazy so even if it's like going from a market to me oh I wasn't supposed to go ahead oh and put one up there Owen I just want a drink you know wow dude anyone else feel uncomfortable or I think we all felt pretty uncomfortable ten dollar bet he mentions his hair one more time before the video ends if that happened that would make me so happy this would be the best video I've ever seen oh yeah I'd be one more mention of the hair come on my favorite Jubilee character if you do this went into a room with other people in blindfolds are we actually filming a video or are we like being punks for me I feel like we all like kind of conjured our own images of each other in our head so then having to like completely rethink that when we like took off her blindfolds it was a little disorienting for me I guess beauty is from within and oh it's just the angle this channel is just so sterile like everything about it just exists in like this fake World they can't not like it yeah everything has to fall in this like goddamn box there's no dust on a single yeah yeah he's never been lived in everything is just like a blank white box yeah yeah weird as [ __ ] beauty is from within and he said that's what I mean it's literally like watching it's like an infographic hat at a YouTube channel yeah definitely confidence is the best accessory that you can have to any outfit what the [ __ ] was that my bar went up and down add one up there for the progress bar getting effed up can you link oh that's crazy noise I just made my God my God and attractiveness comes as a result of that what the [ __ ] dude I don't know I'm pretty proud of it and it was super reaffirming that they even put me there and Ali can we get you back in the line not seriously by your hair I know I'm so confused was that it yeah what it's not a good experiment how was that the whole video that was so bad they didn't do a single data based anything it doesn't show anything they didn't learn anything though like like our videos people walk away knowing something yeah they know like what a cloaca is for example what it's a pleasure portal for a bird I don't want that to transfer to my channel does anyone want to kiss me what you say that just like once on the lips I've never kissed a man before I would if that if you really want me to but it feels weird just ask on camera you've never kissed a man on the lips that's not true really no I haven't well listen I didn't have my first kiss with a girl until I was 17. I don't want to blame it on me being a Christian I think I was just a dork it was what do you mean by that what do you mean by that nothing you said was and yeah was for sure what the hell man wait there was something we were gonna watch can we show you Lisa Gail yeah you can show me Lisa Gayle I think this is a good like we can wrap up cringe and smoke here and this is also a video that Grayden and I have seen hundreds of times there's no thousands if not thousands this video raised us this is gonna date us a little bit but we used to pride ourselves on interacting with Lisa Gayle on Facebook like you had her on messenger uh on like comments and she would respond to our comments that was kind of the thing but um this is like you know early 2010's internet lore [ __ ] where it's kind of reaction content before there's reaction content yeah reacted to the same way I'm curious to see how many views it has it came out April 20th of 2012 which is 4 20 and that means smoke up go crazy go and put one up there oh and put it up I'm gonna drink don't worry I'm just pulling it up this is three second rule by the artist Lisa Gale Allred it's an official music video producer Desi isn't that ksi's brother sorry that was so funny I had to like stop myself I thought I was gonna throw up what that was so funny that I like it was like it was like almost harmful oh my God is that a perfect oh that was insane what does that go out of nowhere you coughed it was a perfect smoke ring that was a mural that just happened on camera it's just your face nothing it's like literally nothing that was like [ __ ] [ __ ] stop saying that why are you saying that you guys are just like the golf was [ __ ] it wasn't like an art piece unnecessarily mean we're trying to make an art piece trying to show you one of the best music videos of all time dude art piece we have the meats you know wow that was rough ready watch this Kyle how did that happen I just know it's like lightning striking twice you can't just make it happen can we show you this show it to me [Music] this is three second rule oh classroom Academy a classroom vocals are high in the mix I love it [Music] it's hitting that no so I love songs where it's like about this concept and like the lyrics of the song have to kind of like explain this concept yes yes so this is like really awesome how it's like she's explaining like the lore and then she's like so I came up with this three second rule and she starts by saying in order to be a man you have to toe the line she's saying she likes a man who takes a risk yeah yeah Towing line and crossing the line are two very different things Nick yep that's what comedy's all about baby let's each say something that toes the line okay let's play this thing like say something it seems like you had something I'm looking I'm waiting you're in charge okay so the three second rule is that you can check out a woman for three seconds but any longer than that you're kind of being a creep it's kind of like good Charlotte's rule which is the beat yeah it's shake it once that's fine shake it twice that's okay shake it three times you're playing with yourself Don't Wanna Be You Remember Good Charlotte I just like you the lead singer of Good Charlotte is actually the host of Smashers which is a great show every Wednesday cut it out I can't do that well Owen's the only way we can cut it out he always uploads them right away he doesn't let me into the account anymore and I was like okay well he got me so instead why don't you just upload my [ __ ] so I just I'm like once he finishes I don't know I'm just like put it up and say whatever you know he's got a grip on my finances you surrendered your privacy [Music] there's the boys love that look at his phone here we go oh Corey got choreography is insane here look at this yeah wow [Music] when you're walking down the street the scene is looks like you know there's something about like the act of just like saying what's going on in a song and being like okay so for this lyric where I say when you're walking down the street I'm thinking we go out to like a street yeah you know get this you're gonna stand over there and you're gonna take a video of me walking down the street yeah she said school they show to school inside the dancing which was a pleasant surprise yeah yeah the dancing's crazy it didn't full I was kind of mesmerized by it yeah I remember you guys being like yo the dancing nuts and I remember just sort of not doing anything yeah the choreography is great the boot cut jeans I mean it's like a whole 2012 vibe that we can never get back to people thought the world was gonna end they had to write songs like this you know what I think would be awesome there's like this website where you can like in AI like isolates the vocals from like the instrumental or whatever and like what if you just took the vocals and then like process them and auto corrected them and everything and put them on the sicko mode I wasn't thinking that I was thinking maybe like recreate we have someone recreate like a better instrumental and make the song good better what uh burp cam getting kind of drunk that's the problem oh my god dude [Music] wow she goes behind the line and in the time frame just stay behind the line frame frame here what's the next note too she hits a high yeah yeah here we go stay behind the line and within the time frame cause I'm all you need [Music] so literally it's like at that moment that three second rule that the song is based off of comes into play but dude she like is so crazy than the first one she's like that's when this one's just like that okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I love that [ __ ] and like having all the harmonies in there too and it's like that's when my three second rule comes into play I was like very nice fun Melody and I love this song it's just like it just has some comedic value this is like some [ __ ] like Phoebe Bridgers would cover this yeah like a show it'd be like her Encore and should come out and be like in order to be a man [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is awesome the choreography is nuts that's so sick boom boom wow he goes [Music] it was the bridge [Music] and these Harmony these are the ones that'll take you to space that's almost Earth Wind and Fire it is like holding on for to your life [Music] like it sounds like foreign over and over again and every time they hit this part it's like almost hair metal wow that hurt I think I think I got a hernia from that [Music] dude what [Music] take it back home you know take the whole base right here this one I would really be a catchy song like I want to try to like it is you should you should make one or if people at home want to make one too yeah make a three second rule cover I just fear over the last 10 years she's done something crazy she hasn't no no I still keep up with her sometimes she hasn't seems good definitely voted for Trump but this is more dislikes than likes that's [ __ ] up can we mobilize your audience for something good for once let's move [Laughter] all right guys let's mobilize this audience go to Lisa Gail's song the three second rule and give it a like so we can move that needle hashtag move that needle hashtag move that needle hashtag move that needle for Lisa Gail Allred and her song three second rule because Nick and hive mind made a video about it that's the whole hashtag yeah that's too long no it's not it's not we could do like one big acronym m t n f l g a a h s 3 S R B n a h m a b a i that's the whole one oh yeah you can't put numbers in hashtags you can't put the three in there come on she's trying to give us the chorus one last time yeah this is the breakdown where everyone's like [Music] take us home Lisa go ahead thank you it's just my three seconds [Music] Chris clip I feel like this part is supposed to be the crowd club and they're really just driving home a single person [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that was good dude give me some of this [Laughter] let's do one last cringe Owen one last hit like the Jonas Brothers I think they got one more in him I agree you know what I mean they had sucker didn't really stick around it did not stick in the classic sucker fashion and then I feel like yeah they have one more hit in them what's up guys thank you for watching the video if you liked it make sure you please hit subscribe comment like and share the video with a friend maybe check out these two boys over here this one's Hive this one's mine that's true he's the smart one you guys so subscribe to both of their channels hive mind and hive mind unlimited and remember to check out my podcast new episode coming out every single Sunday so check it out alright that's the end of the video thanks for having us thank you Nick we cringe we smoked
Channel: nickisnotgreen
Views: 1,126,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickisnotgreen, tiktok, commentary, comedy, reaction, greenisnotnick, smoking game, drinking game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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