Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs of Foreign Products | China Uncensored

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on this episode of China uncensored copyright infringement is the sincerest form of flattery hi welcome to China uncensored I'm your host Chris Chappell oh what's that you've noticed my new Apple watch yeah she's quite a beaut isn't she but here's the best part while all you suckers out there paid at least 350 bucks for one I got mine for just $48 technically it was 300 u-n-c I bought it online from China it works great it even syncs up with my iPhone I got mine in white now I know what you're thinking wow I want to buy all my stuff from China too but if you are too discerning consumer like me you can run into some problems China is full of knock-offs in Chinese they're called Shanghai which literally means Mountain stronghold you can learn about the origin of that phrase here on learn Chinese now with my friend Ben hedges now when it comes to knock-offs it can be pretty hard to tell the difference for instance which of these is the real one probably the one with the extra L fortunately you got me to warn you so here are the top ten Chinese knock-offs number 10 video game consoles now I know you kids like to play video games but if you were in China you might have had a hard time of it for 14 years video game consoles were banned that ban was only lifted at the beginning of 2014 so let's play a game together guess which one is the original the Sega Dreamcast or the treamcast the Wii or the Wii we'd the Xbox or the arcade game box that's weird they knocked off the look of the Xbox with the PlayStation controller not as good though as the polystation looks like a first generation playstation in a Nintendo 64 box and even though that bit on top looks like it should take a disc it actually uses something like a Super Nintendo cartridge number 9 so China manufactures 2.5 trillion cigarettes a year and about one in seven of them are knock-offs it's such a lucrative business that you shall a County in southern China has more than 200 underground counterfeit cigarette factories and by underground I mean literally underground now these knockoff cigarettes look a lot like the real things if you go by the branding printed on the boxes except they can contain eighty percent more nicotine a hundred and thirty percent more carbon monoxide and the occasional insect egg or human feces number eight sports where I spend a small fortune on Puma when you could buy Numa tuna or pig and Y by adidas when you can buy Adi dose or Aviva's Nike when there's an IR hike Calvin Klein when clearly Calvin claim or Caravan colonel are just as good but remember after a good workout be sure to clean up with some okay shampoo number seven Disneyland China's knockoff version of Disneyland anyway called Wonderland it's sort of like the original except instead of being the happiest place on earth it's the creepiest place on earth with weird nightmare versions of iconic Disneyland locations like crazy Mouse the Epcot Center and this rabbit that wants to shoot you fortunately for the mental well-being of all Chinese children the Wonderland theme park was never actually opened construction was abandoned in 1998 and it was finally demolished a couple of years ago number six Google who was to fill the shoes of Google after it pulled out of China over censorship issues why gooje of course the name is meant to be a tribute to Google actually but that doesn't make it legal it also rips off the paw print graphic from China's largest search engine Baidu and like other Chinese search engines gooje is willing to censor its search results number five fast food yes China has enough troubles with fake foods fake eggs glow-in-the-dark pork donkey meat there was actually Fox meat no seriously that happened at a Chinese Walmart but then there's knockoffs of famous brands like pizza ha Sun bucks McDonald's ofc Wow that's wrong on so many levels well at least this Apple store looks like it has something good to eat number 4 fake apple products speaking of Apple almost every product the real Apple makes has a fake Chinese counterpart from iPhones to iPad 2 the iMac and Apple TV even fake Apple watches Siri do you know anything about fake Apple products and machine not here of fake you sure don't but it doesn't just stop at products even Apple stores themselves have been knocked off and they were pretty good too down to employee clothing and interior design number 3 cars why buy a Range Rover when you can buy a land win for a fraction of the cost or spend a small fortune on a rolls-royce when you can buy a gilli GE now you might be wondering how can Chinese car makers get away with this well it's basically impossible for a foreign company to successfully sue a Chinese company for intellectual property theft in China in fact IP theft is partially a state-run affair which brings us to number two the j-31 jet fighter according to a 2009 US State Department cable obtained by WikiLeaks hackers in China's People's Liberation Army stole parts of the design for the United States state-of-the-art stealth fighter jet the f-35 and then a few years later China rolls out with this the j-31 somehow this isn't as cute as a Starbucks knockoff and now for number one the future of cheap Chinese knock-offs this is ninebot an obvious ripoff of sec Segway had actually sued them for stealing their design so how was the situation resolved in April this year nine BOTS used the money they made selling their knockoff segways to buy the original company Segway and now no more lawsuit so is this the future of all Chinese knock-offs what do you think leave your comments below and be sure to subscribe to get notified about new episodes of China uncensored once again I'm Chris Chappell see you next time this war is called hybrid warfare this US Army white paper from last year states that People's Liberation Army Colonel Xiao Liang has already laid out a vision for how China will attack the United States through military and non-military tactics the first rule of unrestricted warfare he says is that there are no rules with nothing forbidden no rules nothing forbidden it's like you think you're playing football but then let the games we go these days everything is made in China and Chinese people have become great at faking stuff this is called Shan Zhai
Channel: China Uncensored
Views: 3,419,074
Rating: 4.4518065 out of 5
Keywords: chinese products, china fake, china uncensored, chris chappell, china, top 10, Apple Inc. (Publisher), iphone, goophone, bootleg, counterfeit, pirated, china unique, knockoff iphone, chinese rip offs, chinese knockoffs, china fake products, fake china, fake chinese products, china knock off, chinese fake, china copy, china products, fake iphone, china news, giveaway, faking, economy, ccp, made in china fake products, china making fake products
Id: tx5zdf-bG4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2015
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