You Can't Touch The Color Blue In Minecraft!

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today in minecraft we are stuck on an island and we have one condition to this video we cannot touch blue which means that we cannot cross the ocean to get our trees if you want to build me a bridge hit that like button in three two one hey thank you for helping for some awesome merchandise and let's get right into the video i can end this video by walking one centimeter backwards wait wait wait wait wait this is it right now i'm doing it i'm kidding i'm not gonna do it wait okay on a second we're on an island right yeah there's a whole lot of blue around us the game i have no idea how we're supposed to do i gotta get off of here i got it we should go over there wait why uh there's trees we need trees we don't have trees anything stuff wait are you kidding me we can just make a breeze oh that is actually pretty smart josh i i admire your brain sometimes can you get your own bridge time that's right jelly i'll start on it wait hang on what oh okay no jelly no guys this is not obviously you shouldn't stop from up there with the bridge are you dumb wait this is not going to work yeah jenny watch out you got to hit the this is not working i mean we're going to need a lot of sand if we just keep going like this how much dirt is there we've hang on we need to use the instead chris we're doing pretty good see josh no guys guys there's literally grass here it's going to get so deep at one point but what if there isn't enough grass how do we know this collect all of the girls we can okay sure that painter get your all it's my i was here first annoying today i'm not annoying today i'm annoying all day water cave underneath me we die well there's actually so much dirt around here this is incredible all right i think we got enough guys all right let's make this bridge boys i have 29. 52 one is 50. 49 48 47 46 i so badly want to punch him like yeah just if you no don't do it josh hold him back please jelly hold on his earrings or whatever not holding you back you're gonna have to control yourself buddy we can't even touch that ice why would we want to touch the ice jelly i'm gonna go over to the eyes and then like no karina right now don't get me wrong wait no you can't place crainer what you're breaking it yeah no i'm not touching it i'm putting a block on it josh why did we have to go up i'm making a cool bridge you guys turn around out loud i got some okay jelly you made me land right here [Applause] [Laughter] hey come on jelly keep going the point of that well i didn't know this would be annoying we ran out of funds guys i ran out are you kidding me i ran out uh all right well josh's dumb staircase wasted so much dirt that was a good idea guys don't take from underneath are you dumb jelly what that now i have two i got josh what is he doing no i got this trust me what's the point catch him catch him catch the point catch the thingies i am i am why do we have to do look i'm catching them yes i mind them do you got another one josh uh a lot of them are falling josh okay i can make this jump now guys guys i can make this jump now you ready yeah okay watch this guys watch okay okay we really like to get okay here we go how many have you got one i'm doing it okay you're coming down here oh you did it i think i did it i think you almost touched it i i think maybe my little toe dipped in the water but that doesn't count because we don't have little feet wait are you sure because that means it's over no we don't have tons of minecraft that's not a thing you guys have kind of gotten yourself in this predicament go jenny i didn't i don't do anything okay finally guys all right now we can actually get but we can finally get basically you get your own tree all right let's get some tools guys come on hurry up chop chop who's making the crafting i've been it's over here at me let's get some wood let me just tell you what are these new things you say what we want yabba dabba [Music] is stone like you know kind of blue no it's not blue all right i'll get some more i've left sorry guys where are you going because we can actually find better lane where you go i just i vote wait can i hit yours i'm a menace to society [Laughter] it almost killed me dude guys we're finding land land do not touch squids oh yeah touch those guys wait if you're wearing that if you if you're wearing armor does that mean that you're not touching blue no that doesn't no that doesn't count real land i see real land i see i will wait we have to go around it you're not even doing a pirate accent you're just doing a weird jelly one crainer i feel like it'd be more appropriate for you to do vikings how do you even do a viking accent ah land crapper i don't know about oh wait wait wait there are blue flowers because what's up josh i mean jelly oh my god wait we can land in that water no you can't jelly yeah we literally can't are you i'm on one heart oh i knew that would happen all right i'll go in this cave hi josh good luck surviving hey i've got iron water's coming down josh watch out wait peter what are you doing trying to make his life different wait what yeah why are you doing this trainer please i'm trying to troll josh what did i do to you you do everything i have iron can we concentrate on our mission well i fell down i'm down here oh wait i thought that was wait what did he get impaled by he landed on one of the spikes he landed on a spike good luck getting back jelly a few moments later jelly did you land with your butt on it uh i just want to know how however how else do you think about your life just not ask questions about it okay fine yeah i'm i'm getting i'm getting iron up here guys what's wrong with you devil human being i'm actually done i got the iron pickaxe already do you guys want to go get diamond now guys all right guys i want to see if i can make a giant drip stone oh look at this jelly come on oh you died but reverse wait oh oh okay right we're good watch out oh zombies have blue alert zombies have blue oh yeah they have blue pants or something there's a lot of water here guys water get hit by a zombie is game ogre what is wow i keep getting hit by arrows ah this is zombie don't get hit by the zombies this goes down pretty far over here josh come here guys i almost died there that was insane look down there it's just really good there's a zombie there you can't even punch a zombie by the way guys what did you say if you punch a zombie it's game over look what i'll do block him in block him in i'm trying okay oh guys we gotta go deeper come on there's literally this oh my god i thought it was come on shambo there's literally a ravine here we are almost at diamond level come on ah i will find you how are we supposed to do this i don't know wait hold on what jelly stand still wait i ah jelly stand still josh look at jelly you notice something on him hit with an arrow baloo trousers i think he lost a game already a long long time ago those are navy green wait and we disagree that this is green right yeah that's green yep are we really letting jelly get away with those people he could have changed underwear oh my god all right where do we go now so close to death i don't know diamonds i mean you already lost the challenge so i don't even want any advice i mean he's not gonna diamonds come on appear diamonds oh over here maybe josh this is definitely somewhere where diamonds would be over here think about it wait i don't know where you guys oh follow the blue trouser trail bodies are coming let me see you guys nice geez koji yeah that's the baddies he was talking about [Music] i haven't found anything wait really yeah yeah yeah yeah diamonds guys what have we not talked about the fact that diamonds are blue no that doesn't count no no no this is green like jelly's pants no no that's not i mean that's as blue as anything no touch it mining come on crazy that's actually that's actually baby blue which is another category that didn't work um that would work though no because you can't even pick it up then no you can sometimes it does drop okay okay go recruit a creeper crainer okay guys i got him oh okay there's another one there's another one okay crainer crater you gotta make sure you you stand against this back wall okay okay come on come on come on yes what that completely did not work failing lava hey i tried my best man i really did you know what i tried my best with that creeper but it just didn't want to cooperate with me what can i say check out these two videos thank you
Channel: Crainer
Views: 597,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: LQbwF7zkN3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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