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okay how many of you feel like this on Monday morning when it's time to go to work well here I'll heal oh you've seen me heal huh you never know what's gonna happen out here [Music] hey morning everybody it's a roping day today breaking some fresh Catalan kinda all right got a pretty big crew here today I'm putting daling in charge cuz I'm doing good just to stay on my horse and get them caught I don't want to be insurance you don't want to be in charge I'll work the chutes that's what I'm gonna do I'm in charge of the chute you come here you're gonna be on camera you know that right you are you signed away your your video rights right okay yeah yeah only to replay them okay perfect okay how many of you feel like this on Monday morning when it's time to go to work there you go yeah now that's teaching the horse to lead right there that doesn't want to lead here I'll get on right now wash you down just acting a little bit spoiled that's the only problem being made to do something that doesn't want to do you never know what's gonna happen out here do you Stratton [Music] are you getting on hey was I writing your wait for filming second time this horse has been on right Hey look what Sean's got on his on the back of his phone look at that right there that's some loyalty right there trying to ride this Pony real quick I'm turning my camera off she ain't gonna do nothing that's so uh-oh Carl here he's riding lunchbox we're gonna see how he gets along with any predictions heck yeah he might like old lunchbox right there that was the XPC a commissioner and the presidents the US PRC are you head well here I'll heal oh you've seen me heal huh you've seen me heal haven't you Laura what do you think about my healing you have it's not very often we had one with a broken horn so we're gonna fix him I always keep me a little casting plaster around is that very reason see we've got daelin to do it he's pretty good that running the cast so here's how you fix a broken horn on a pretty good steer right here daylan's the best that's why I let him get in there such that he's a lot smaller now that always works better this cuz you're smaller yeah then we'll tip those horns back a little bit so they bleed that'll create a little horn growth and we'll get here we'll get him fixed right up we'll pay it out you want another one don't you think this can be a dip it about like the last one just don't squeeze it so hard yeah I don't squeeze it so hard maybe just a little more water than the last one he doesn't squeeze it'll be good yeah if you don't squeeze it it'll be fine and if you found the end it's even better okay you can be on this film every day hey so if you ever do this at home you want to have daelin if you flip that over the other way it doesn't unroll those easy does it no it does not so you want to have it to where shown to my rolls towards you yeah see that so when you roll it it's coming undone need water a little bit of water a little water Bradley just in your hands well the cattle were doing so good and then they then they broke the line right there I thought they're just trying it out seeing where the arena boundaries are the important thing is they know where that bottom isn't they're going out the bottom okay so this deer has a broken horn and we took the wrap off so I told Lance I said just rope him around the neck because sometimes that's not as easy as it sounds so what did you say Lance when I asked you did you catch him now he's kind of backing up a little on his deal what they just make it work nothing [Music] [Music] so the same skier that broken horn is back in and he needs to be roped around the neck Lance did it just a minute ago we're gonna see if I can [Music] who do you have with you today hey hey can you sing tractor make go faster and would L dude - you I really don't matter yay whoo doggy we had a big old day or open today and got quite a few steers broke you in 23 of them I think we put about six runs on them and now Mason he's wanting to ride around so I styled a little max for him he's down there at the bottom of the arena just riding around pretty good horse we have not ridden that horse probably for two months and Mason just crawls right on him and goes to riding that's the kind of horse you need for your kids and your grandkids right there I'm gonna go feed some cattle but I am closing this arena gate so that Mason is locked in the arena so if something were to happen he's contained inside the arena right here all right okay I'm gonna go feed okay so we are done at the house and Lance and I left some cattle locked in the corral up here at Shumway and Mason and I we're gonna turn him out we'll just leave him right here close so that we can get them in next week and rope through them a little bit how many I'm one of the Mason eleven okay can you and snap that I think they're gonna want out check here oh yeah yeah just just let that they actually don't look too bad for standing in this crowd for today we're not just going crazy wanting to run out of here either are they [Music] hey this is Lauren Indiana we are at the 39th annual Ozarks farm fest in Springfield Missouri thanks for joining us leg gap you
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 91,013
Rating: 4.8568163 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, therodeovideo, rodeovideo, Roping, Team Roping, Amy, Mason, Rustyn, Reed, Arizona Cowboy, Arizona, Ranch, Hauling Cattle, Roping Cattle, Monday Morning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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