Don't JACK with ME

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Ray has a bull over in his field that he couldn't get in this morning I'm gonna vent here for a minute don't you jacked around with me [Music] let's go catch a horse we're doing a little cow work here at the house today as in I say cow work steer work we're gonna TB test all of these steers that we castrated the other day the USDA is going to be here also our friends from the state vet's office they're gonna be here with us we're getting TB tests 57 head of steers and a little handful of cows that we have here close see what the outcome of that is those of you that have been watching for a while you will recall it some time ago like gazia a year and a half ago that's nasty molasses so I was in like a year and a half ago we had a little TV which stands for tuberculosis scare and they never definitively decided that it was our steer that had the TV at least that's my opinion of it put a vent here for a minute so they t be tested 326 head of our steers didn't find any TV TV tested a cross-section of our cows didn't find any TV the other day we wanted to sell some heifers they said they couldn't be sold because we're under TV restrictions we TB tested the heifers didn't find any TV so today they are wanting to TB test these steer caps so we're gonna comply we're gonna do what they want to do and we won't have any TV all right let's give a little grant so we can catch when we get up there [Music] that's oats but I fed first and then a little sweet feed now I'm getting some bio mane for those of you that are just joining our channel you want to make a horse go by oh man or a grow mane and tail and even some hoof and just has a better coat all around you need to check out by oh man calm I've been feeding it now for probably for sure two years and I think maybe three a little much trailer for one horse but that's what I'm hooked to so then we're gonna take the EVF they're with us today and you'll pick up spider monkey alright we have one person here I think it's the USDA that's here I've got just a few more things to finish up to be ready for these guys I've got to go grab a squeeze chute stick it out here in front of my rope and shoot so we can catch all these cattle alright beautiful morning hopefully these cows won't run over Ryan and I out here Ryan don't stay behind me so we t be tested these cows six of them now we have 57 steers to do huh cows go in the gate in the gate cows alright you got those I'll move these steers around [Music] five seven seven okay so we're injecting these steers tagging them three days or 72 hours from now they'll come back and they'll read this test hey so this would be a good room so us right here cuz we got him in here backwards we don't we don't necessarily try to put them in backwards we're going to show you where we inject so you're looking at the caudal fold I've already injected this cow right on on the left side so you're talking the collar fold the fattest that yep exactly so what do you inject uh you inject just like that can inject up sideways as long goes in that fold and in three days we're gonna check to see if there's a little redness swelling and that would be a positive to that test okay so we didn't want him to go in backwards but since he did it was a good chance to show you right there are you done with him [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a little look at the process right there how we put them through the chute it doesn't take long to inject them and tag them and they're ready to go okay so that thing's done I can cross that off my list which was TB test and time to move on to the next thing the next thing right now is Ray has a bull over in his field that he couldn't get in this morning on his four-wheeler the bull just was defiant he'd just stand there and shake his head at him paw the ground so I'm gonna ride Oh spider over there we're gonna curl the bull and that bull is gonna go to the sale barn because we do not care to have a bull around but acts that way so ray rage it moves through the well through the country from me right here so I'm just gonna ride across there rather than halt around there maybe have my horse warmed up by the time we get there hey so here's the cows we just TB tested but we are going to turn them out so that they'll maybe lure that bull back in a little bit better rather and just go down there and try to drive that bullet by themselves they're wanting out of here though aren't they they may not want to come back alright we'll get this we get these cows with that bull I'll bet you he'll come right in horseback I'm thinking why wouldn't he I wouldn't he want to sorry a little beggar except these cows went down the wrong posture we're gonna put these cows over on that other side that's where the bull is and the prairie dogs in this country are ridiculous you have got to be careful trotting the horse across one of these pastures you might end up running his front leg down a hole taking a little tumble here's the bull we'll see how he reacts to a horse Ray was trying to put him in on a four-wheeler and he'd just stand and paw the ground shake his head at him he's acting a little belligerent he's in love with that heifer right there is the deal there's a heifer right there across the fence two fences away and this Bulls in love with her I think yeah see he's he's not even wanting to go over there and get with those cows like I whined - she's a crown with me he knows what I want him to do he's just not gonna do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right Spyder lighter we're gonna take him back up there to the field I'm gonna go check on those little roping steers that we broke in and Shumway I gave them some protein tubs yesterday I want to go see if they've found them and just kind of check on the general situation of those little cattle they've got a roping to go to this weekend so we are going to load back up in the aluminum trailer here and head up to some way let's go check on these steers [Applause] I just opened up another pastor to these cattle there's not a lot of feet in here but there's a little bit of picking left in here but they can come up in here and get some dry feed a little bit of green up in here still [Music] all right they're working on these tubs a little bit let's go check it out see how much of it they've been able to draw out of there it's a pretty baked in processing agenda stander need a bunch of it takes a little while get it out of there [Music] these little stairs are looking pretty good pretty good [Music] I think we'll go see if we can help these steers or at least part of these steers to find that pasture that I just opened up Joe it's a gate they've never been through before so it might be a little tricky getting them to see it [Music] there we go [Music] it just takes one to find it and the rest will go in there all right we'll leave them up in there they'll show some of these other steers how to get up in there [Music] it'll be kind of some fresh picking for him up in there we've got a new country for [Music] [Music] come on old man line up in here you move down move down give him a space right here everybody move down one max you got to go around the other side buddy other side other side go to the other side [Music] well it's dark outside so imagine it's time to come in the house thanks for joining me today we'll see you tomorrow good night everybody Blake yeah [Music] you [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 57,561
Rating: 4.9472384 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, therodeovideo, rodeovideo, reed, Arizona Cowboy, Raching, Hauling Cattle, Rancher, Horses, Greener Pastures
Id: IowJgCV1xVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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