You Can Install a Third Function Valve Part One

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[Music] Tony stretcher in future let's show you this DIY third function valve installed so welcome back to the channel as you guys may or may not know we just bought this tym t 264 and now we're going to start fitting it out with the things that we want to to have to be able to use on our channel and as you can see here we've got the work saver grapple this is an like 40 horsepower tractors and below lectures this grappler mates up perfectly to the tym t 264 it couldn't be better matched however there's one thing we are going to have to have it's going to be a third function valve to operate this grapple so what I'm going to do is take you guys along as we install our third function valve now what I'm going to use is an aftermarket third function valve that I bought maybe a year or so ago and I never got around to putting on each tractor and so instead of going out and buying another one I'm sure there's kits that are made specifically for this tractor I'm gonna use the universal one that I have and will install it on this tractor I'll also leave a link to where I bought this third function valve kit and if you guys are interested in putting it on sale your smaller tym to 24 are the 264 or any tractor probably up to 40 horsepower this kit should work fine I got the tracker in the the shop here guys I won't say it front I apologize for the condition of my shop it isn't just full of projects and things going on there so much we got going on right now and I'll show you another one right here in the past I have told you guys that we were going to get a chainsaw sawmill by Norwood but what we ended up doing was getting a bandsaw meal from frontier which is a that's a derivative of Norwood matter of fact it says Norwood industries on the back of this but anyway we went ahead and got the OS 23 band sawmill and as you can see here on top of my box here I went ahead and got this little trailer from Harbor Freight and the only reason I'm not gonna use the trailer from frontiers because I already have quite a bit of Steel and let me zoom in here and show you the steel I got a bunch of sea channel sitting over in the floor that's 16 foot long let's get back to the third function bow all right we got the treasure in the shop let's take a look at the kid all right the first thing we look at is the babble and tear this open this is the summit hydraulic kit unboxing I don't know why we all find it so rewarding to pull the plastic off of something this is the summit third function bow that I have it's a pretty solid piece of steel I mean this probably is weighing in about I'd say 15 to 20 pounds at least 20 pounds it's heavy it looks well-built everything about the bow body looks pretty good I didn't notice this that this is all loose so we're gonna have to make sure that we tighten all this down now it comes with the bow body mount here it'll mount right on the back of this and this will mount to your loader it also comes with the front mount that goes on the tractor up by the loader this is where you hook your quick connects for your grapple or any of attachments in the front and we'll end up putting these hoses on this all right this is the wiring harness that comes with it we're going to top this off get it out of the bag here see what we got right here is a bunch of ties a fuse link for your power and ground a waterproof cannon plug and this is what the buttons will look like I would imagine I wanna put it like this and then I can open and close the grapple or whatever I attached when I need by just doing this also in the package it's got the wiring harness with the other end of the cannon plug and these parts here actually go on to your third function valve and they be sure you notice this there's a little rubber grommet there so that's going to cause it to be waterproof and so you're gonna do basically like this and then it has a little screw in here so when we get to that point we'll screw these in permanently and as it pulls down that's going to create a watertight seal now what I'm going to do here is just kind of dry fit this likes to this brackets universal we may or may not be able to use this alright this third function bag needs to stay with the tracker because the the fluid will flow through this and to the power beyond for the tracker so it's got to stay somewhere on this bracket or somewhere under the tractor some work you know you run into this when you get with a smaller trackers there's just not a lot of options so it would have to go somewhere like this which is not going to work or we could rotate the valve around and go somewhere like this then you got that thing sticking way out there but to play around with it alright there may well be a way to use this bracket this particular bracket only has two holes this way and it seems to matter how I put it it wants to cross to have the valve go crossways so what I'm going to do is discard this bracket and make my own I've got a piece of metal here this probably about 3/8 of an inch thick and it looks to be about three and a half inches wide so what I'm going to do is make a bracket that will fit right here and then it's going to have a small Bend out and then over like this and that's going to allow me to mount this bracket I mean this valve straight up and down like this and that just makes a whole lot more sense I got me some some welding soap sticks I guess you call it soapstone and what I'm going to do is set this thing here as high as I can get it without interfering with this pin make sure it doesn't go past and then I want my first Bend to be not right there and then so it's going to bend out and then I want to go back that way probably about right here and then we'll cut the whole thing off we'll give it enough we'll measure the width of the valve once we get these bins done and then cut that off you know what let's measure the valve now so I'm going to take after that being put the valve in and we'll have a we're going cut that first that way we're not working with this big long piece and we'll put a X here to let everybody know that this is what goes away it's raining like crazy outside we're gonna go ahead and do a clean this up real quick got my safety glasses on all right now we're just gonna make this up as we go see we're gonna take these two right here put them like such so what this to bend out so put that in the center tightener Jaco I got about this little 8 ton press I'm not sure how long ago it's been handy to do stuff like this I'm gonna get our fingers out of the way go it's kind of this thing here might want to pop out leave that's all we want right there so we'll take know if you guys can hear this but it's up just don't run pretty bad all right so we got our first one there so that makes us come out from the tracker I'm gonna figure out how to make it go back the other way let's see how are we gonna do that cuz keep this stock around is pretty nice about right there see if we can make that thing go back the other direction give this one to the very age probably can't see anything with my arm my wife always gets told me about that she got stung by a see we'll get this as close as we can anything popping out and removing any important parts got a little bit of it [Music] still got my fingers that's a good thing don't try it with these block here Stan let me the block to be behind that first bin it's not really meant to do this mm-hmm [Music] we think we gotta see that just go on the loader arm part here like this that'll make it step out and away from the the trasher so we'll drill the hoes and go from there just pilot hole drilled and we'll move on to the next one all right now we're going to go ahead and drill the last piece here on me down just a bit we're gonna grill the side now that's gonna go to the loader arm the part of the arm that stays on the tractor what I'm gonna do now is take a big bit I'm gonna clean these holes up just take it the big bit and set it on there take all the the sharp edges off the drill hole and it makes a little indentation a little bevel all right now they're nice and clean all right so this will be the valve way it's gonna mount you know by looking for my safety glasses they're on my head so this will be this bracket that's got the bend go up pretty high say about this high and then we should be able to put the valve on the inside here and still will be the other way around and still have clearance are we could put it out here and get it outside something like this I just wrote one of my wires and everything hanging outside so I'm probably gonna put it on the inside like a reason you planned and it should give me enough room to get these lines down to my power beyond here all right so what I want to do here is you want to take these clamps and mount these as high as I can get it without getting in the way of that groove at the front of it there's a little indentation here I got to make sure that don't get the way and then I want it to be level I like that all right that's pretty much in place now keep that bit cool I got everything kind of where I want it to be if these birds I'll make sure there's no burrs on this actually cut through pretty clean so we're gonna put this bracket on kind of in the general and just do a dry fit again make sure that it fits where I want it to your my boats are long enough which they are and then after we get it all kind of looks like everything's going to work and all the fittings are going to be where they need to be then what I will do is go and take this back off clean it up with with some alcohol and paint this little bracket for me so it won't rust but I am go ahead and snug this down put this alright now we've got the bracket mounted on good good and tight not too tight we'll tighten it up after we paint it we're going to take the third function valve and just do a dry fit on it okay so beautiful thing is this is my power beyond lion right here and there's a lot of fittings and adapters in here like I can take this one loose right here and rotate it 90 degrees up and just either make a metal line that will go back and forth or I can turn it straight up and have a small rubber hydraulic line made up to go here and then just put one 90 degree adapter in this this part here just so we have a loop up and around to my the power because the power goes here and then the the third foot goes on the right side as I'm looking at it so this side would come down right here and go back and then the power would come out power beyond come out and go into this side so from here to here it looks pretty reasonably easy I hate to say that because anybody that's ever done any kind of mechanic in or fab Katyn that's a dangerous thing to say alright so this valve is probably going tie this up a little bit tighter with my fingers what I'm going to do these these electric power plugins will rotate they're waterproof they've got some rubber seals on them they want to rotate them around so that they're my wiring will not be hanging off so I'll do that I mean I could even go as far as to rotate them facing the other way we'll cross that bridge when we get to it all right this is kind of how I'm going to mount the front bracket it's actually gonna work out really well there's a pipe up under this it's gonna get you a shot with a camera but it just absolutely fits perfect right there in the middle and this thing this kit comes with this this u-boat here that's made to go around that pipe on the loader it's pretty Universal do it like this ah [Music] wouldn't you know it it's the u-boat was just a hair wider as we go around this but if you won't go around well maybe if I hammered it I don't know I'm sure I can bend it I'm pretty sure I came in there pretty good quality stuff that would be so sweet just to be able to do that I got that side let me take this bracket off and just take some big pliers and pinch it together just bend the edges so I can put that that u-boat up there there's no way I'm gonna be able to tighten it down though so there there you go there you go got another idea alright so I want to do this take this cover off see if I can mount this a different way more how long these boats are like they're gonna be plenty long enough tym makes you pretty good loader all these lines are really well routed all the wheels are really they really look good too you don't know why I'm partial now I got a little bit bias but hey that's that's pretty good how they did that all right Michelle I'm gonna do this kind of what I want to do I'm gonna take this bracket use the boats that came with it run it through there but I'll have to drill another hole here and then once I drill that hole probably gonna cut this off because there's no reason for it to be there however I don't see anything that it would damage if it stayed out there but it would be more likely for something to come up and hit it and bend it put this in the center all right we'll drill a hole through there all right now we're gonna put this bracket back in place protecting those lines see if I get that started the way back pretty well you see that slides back and forth left and right what did I do with the other bracket all right here's the other bracket I'm gonna do again on the hands this bracket to it start the back one first and then we're gonna put the front one in he's got the oblong hole so he said I not sure if I want to take this out from that it might be something I can mount something to it another time I don't know what it would ever be but that looks pretty good I think it would be a much more finished appearance if I did go ahead and do that cut that off I don't know and through the magic of video this bracket has turned red and it has been cut off so we'll go ahead and tighten this all down get it into place I think this is gonna work out really nice and then we'll go ahead and tighten up the other side as well all right that brackets home then we right now what we're going to do is Mount the just you would call these the three really sure what you call them just an adapter that goes through this bracket the Quick Connect will go on the front here use two adjustable wrenches here do the next one alright that's probably way tighter than it needs to be but I don't want these to ever become loose all right this is the long hose kid that goes down the loader arm if you see it's already got two quick connects here and they're color-coded black and red and then these ends are just regular fittings that's gonna go down to the bottom here alright so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to route these hoses kind of over the loader right now I'm just kind of loosely putting them [Music] Hank Hamels gonna be happy with me if you use more Kristen I've got a little bit of idea how I'm gonna run this I want to do its run each one of these hoses kind of like this there you go get this one out of the way do the next for the same way kana I'm gonna go behind these steel lines here you got that in place those times I'm gonna get it let me snip that extra off so right now I've got my hoses hooked up to the front basically what I'm gonna do is run these lines along here and I put the loader back on kind of find out how I want to run these I may have to loop these once but uh I've got so many options right now so right now I'm just gonna leave these out of the way and and move on to the next part the next thing I'm going to do is go ahead and put the quick connectors on the front here and this is where this is an old ring type fitting you can go ahead and put a little bit of this sealing on find it easier put a little bit on there but I'm gonna put it in on the threads in this fitting because it's easier to spin it around in my hand get a little bit everywhere I'm gonna screw this all the way down until it hits the o-ring and then we're going to tighten it I'm gonna pull this little rubber doohickey off put it back on in a minute guilty alright so now I go ahead and put the bracket on and again with a magic of video it turned red and it's all cleaned up however if run paint I did that my wife was painting it and I got in a rush and put another coat on it now it's all run so I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life all right now that I've got the bracket on these boats are hanging off the back of pretty good ways so I want to go ahead and take my sawzall and see if I can get up in here and and snip them off got a pair of bolt cutters somewhere probably might be used to do that way but this will make a smooth cut it's not sharp Randee blade it's sharp now that my loader is back home and we'll go ahead and put these legs out of the way all right so now I have the loader back on the brackets in place nothing's in the way everything seems to be doing really well I'm going to go ahead and put the lock washer and bolt on I'm not going to put Loctite on this yet and I'm not going to tighten it down because I may have to remove it but this will help me route my hoses so I've got a lot of extra hose and I don't really want it like sticking up here I guess I could do a loop and then zip tie that together and run those hoses right here like such that's actually not terrible right there alright so now I'm going to go ahead and zip this zip tie this these steel lines so I'll snip off the excess with my diagonal side cutters all right so we're gonna move up and do one more here and I've got these hoses pushed behind here I don't want them to get in the way of the quick connects so I'm gonna do I'm gonna put it through the two lower ones and just wrap it around those steel lines so there's no way for it to get up into the quick connects but it's gonna keep it all right so we'll take our cutters cut off the excess we should be able to get to all these hoses relatively easy so what we do we will try it like this I don't see this being a bother but just in case what I'll do is I'll go ahead and put these zip-tied together so that they're not flopping around too much and the draw strength off each one all right so I'm gonna pop these off out of the way and then we'll go ahead and tighten all this down this loose so just be aware of that it looks like the bottom o-ring fittings are tight but the quick connects are not gonna be real careful with this and sit and put some of the thread sealant on these these are the o-ring types truthfully they're done you don't have to have this but I have its own to use it it's made specifically for hydraulics so we'll take this one all right because these are o-rings they don't have to be as tight as a flange tight-fitting proper ones all right let's move on to the next part all right so I have several hoses here so I what I'm trying to do is figure out which type of fittings I'm going to need and how long of hose I'm going to need so what I want to do now is crack this open I'm guessing this is a check valve not 100% sure but it's either enough just an adapter or a check valve sometimes I'll put a check valve in and keep stuff from pushing backwards and moving controls backwards I'm not really sure we'll find out so I got me a little drip pan down here because there's gonna be some fluid all right what I'm going to move the loader release all the pressure off of the loader all right so the loader has no pressure on it hydraulics have no pressure on it and we'll pop that loose and reel in that tight so let's see yeah I'm not really sure on this one this could be a flange here which if it is would be yeah it's like a compression fitting see there's nut flex flexibility I'm pop this out and it is this is an old ring type fitting on this end I'm a compression fitting on this in kind unusual and that is a check valve so what I'll do is go ahead and put this back on tighten it up keeps all the fluid from pouring out backwards well not all of it next thing we do is loosen this fitting up it's my power beyond [Music] about that can't unscrew it because this lines in a way I'll have to remove the I'm gonna have to remove the return line so that I can scoot it over not that big a deal it's harder to do when your handlers sleep I never could work with gloves well I see a lot of mechanics working with gloves on there's very few things I can do but I really feel or as I say I see with my hands a lot of times and I don't know how some mechanics can do that where they can wear gloves all the time leave them when they're working as a mechanic there we go so that's loose and out of the way you turn this out now when you get to this port on your tractor you're gonna have to probably make two or three trips back and forth to the to your to your shop or to your hydraulic store or tractor supply or ooh looking something like that just so that you have all of you know fine you're not the from this valve to your tractor is gonna be unique unless you go and buy a third function kit from tym or whatever treasure company you're buying it from next I've got I got to put this line back together and I've loosened this nut up so that I can make it easier to start the the nut back home all right I don't have what I need so what I gotta have to have is I'm going to have an adapter that goes from this type of oring fitting this size which i think is a 3/8 this is a 1/2 a belief I'll carry it with me just so I know all right we're back here and I've went and got a couple of new fittings let's see we're gonna put this in this is a yep like I got this new fitting here pick this up at my local hydraulic shop you can find this probably the hydraulic shop or your tractor repair shop a lot of you know your big guys are going to have a lot of these hydraulic fittings on on hand put just a little touches sealing around it and screw this in please that's a trophy and it's a 22 not Springer 22 that is a crescent wrench that's what that is [Music] all right I got the new homes made up got two new homes is made up I got them 16 inches long and it'll let me flex it and kind of angle it the way I want to one ends 90 degrees the others straight to go up and then turn into this so let's go ahead and put this on all right so we'll just start the threads on the 90 down by my power beyond so my fire beyond comes out and then it turns up and goes to here I could have got these made almost exactly right I just got more comfortable having a little bit of flexing this I could it may be a benefit or not we will find out at some point tighten that down let's see here put this on and we're gonna put the check valve in so this is art we're gonna add this adapter to the check valve so that we can put our holes up to our third function there again I'm just going to put just a little bit of the hydraulic stuff on here I've probably got a thousand people tell me that just wasting my time but I got it I'm gonna use it and I've done it in the past and my stuff don't leak so I guess that's probably a good rule of thumb this here tighten this dude down got you now this one's going to take both Crescent wrenches one to hold and one to tighten all right that is doing now we will add the whole zone so I'm going to start this off again by putting my ninety degree on this may or may not work as well as I hope you would and then we'll take this and put it up here start it it started since I got it like this I believe I'm going to go ahead and probably all tape it like such I mean a zip tie like this but I'm going to tighten these these down now I've kept this rear fitting loose so that I can kind of turn this however I want it yeah see if I can get in here with a cursor into this one so as long as this rear fitting back here is loose I can go ahead and put it in place and it lets it swivel all right now I've got this up where I want it go ahead and probably zip tie this thing in back here and such [Music] because these are going to go through brush I'm probably going to go ahead and put a few more of these on there and we're probably necessary all right now we're going to tighten up that last hydraulic fitting hey we really appreciate you watching our channel stay tuned for part 2 and we'll finish this job up god bless and have a great day you
Channel: Tony's Tractor Adventure Homestead
Views: 70,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tym tractor, tym tractors, tym t264, tym t224, tym t474, worksaver, #tymtractor, third function kit, 3rd function, third function, third function valve kit installation, third function valve kubota, third function valve kit for ls tractor, third function diverter valve kit, You Can Install a Third Function Valve, worksaver grapple, worksaver electric grapple, worksaver root grapple, worksaver mini grapple, worksaver compact grapple, tym t264 third function
Id: vOJ1OlSti9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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