Compact Tractor Buying Guide from the EXPERTS!

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how about you i'm hank welcome to hamiltonville farm in this video i've assembled a panel of experts to talk about everything they know about tractors right so if you're a new tractor owner or you're researching information on what to buy or what brand to buy or what considerations to take while you're thinking about buying a tractor then this video is going to be for you even if you're old veteran tractor owner right you just still like learning this is the video you're going to want to watch all the guys in this video have youtube channels and i'm going to link every one of their channels in the description below go ahead and click on their channel and subscribe to it because i'm telling you the more you watch of these guys the more you're going to like it and of course here at hamiltonville farm we do tractor videos as well we also do a lot of heavy equipment type stuff so you can subscribe to us to get that kind of content but we're going to kick off our expert panel with a heavy hitter our first guest is an expert at farming and he knows a lot about tractors so i want josh from stony ridge farm to kind of share his thoughts and ideas about what kind of tractor to purchase so josh what you got buddy how about you just thought i'd give you a funny outtake how about you uh had to do it i had to do it hank so hank thanks a lot for reaching out to us and thanks a lot also for bringing us all together as a community because that's what we are here on youtube is a community of creators uh here on our property so my farm is 150 acre farm we've got a john deere 5065 as our primary tractor it's too small it's too small for managing 150 acre farm i would say that we probably have somewhere in the neighborhood of 125 acres in grass imagine mowing 125 acres with a six foot mower well six seven eight foot is about all this machine is going to handle right here so we bought an undersized tractor and this is the first tractor i ever bought when we first bought our property and i needed a utility tractor however i was kind of led in the direction of this tractor and if i had to do it again i would have gotten something in the 75 to even a hundred horsepower tractor range for 150 acres hank i tell you the biggest mistake that a lot of people make is just going out and buying something just thinking they're gonna get by well when it comes down to it this is a forty something thousand dollar piece of machinery it's not something that you just want to get by if you've got to spend an extra 15 or 20 grand to get what you need go ahead and spend that money to get what you need so on the back of the 5065 is a woods precision superseder it's the pss-72 and it is heavy man it is really really working and taxing this tractor it will actually lift the front tires off of the ground on this tractor even with the weight of the loader system on it so it's important for you to think about the size of your tractor for the size of your property if you're getting a 15 acre property and you're just going to be doing a little bit of mowing a little bit of hauling a little bit of mulch and stuff like that then you can look in that 20 to 25 to 30 horsepower tractor range if you're getting a say a 50 acre place now you want to start thinking about something like the 5065 here something in the 50 to 70 horsepower range and if you're over 50 acres if you're closer to 100 acres my advice is go big or go home in other words look for something 75 horsepower and above and start thinking about a cab tractor at that point because you really have a lot of dust and debris and stuff like that if you're working in the woods a lot you probably don't want to go with a cab tractor if you're working out in pastures and fields mowing hay stuff like that you probably want to start thinking about a cab tractor and another thing that we have on the farm is a skid steer if i had to do this again i would have probably looked for a used tractor in the 75 plus horsepower range anywhere from 75 to 110 horsepower the bucket wouldn't have been as important to me i would have bought a nice used skid steer so that's my advice get a bigger tractor than you think you're going to need because you're going to make the same mistake that i made in buying an underpowered tractor for your farm and we've got 110 horsepower tractor planned to come here to the farm within the next few weeks so come along we'll see you guys over on the stoney ridge thanks a lot hank for inspiring community here on youtube in the farm world awesome bud see you guys on the channel hey thanks a lot josh i'll keep the outtake in there for you okay hey our next guest is really good friend of mine tony from tony's tractor adventure again i'm going to leave all those channels and their links below in the description so make sure you check them out tony's going to talk to us about making sure you research all the dealers before you decide on one okay and he does a lot better job of explaining that than i can so take it away tony go ahead bud hey hank i really appreciate you having us on uh first time tractor buyer mistakes gosh let me think there's there you know i've made plenty myself but probably the biggest tractor mistake i see being made when you're purchasing this tractor for the first time is we have preconceived notions we have a specific color and a brand we go to that dealer look at only that particular dealer and end up buying a tractor from that particular dealer which may cost too much for you know for what you really need may not be a perfectly matched niche tractor so we need to i think i would tell you don't go into buying a tractor with your mind made up on a specific brand color of tractor shop around look at all the different tractor brands that are in your area are they going to be here so are they going to be able to support you do they have a mechanic on hand those are mistakes that i see tractor buyers make so the big one is they go into the market with a preconceived notion of what is the best tractor for them without actually ever doing any research so the research is the key shop different dealers different manufacturers gosh the market is wide open now with great tractors there's so many different manufacturers out there that make great tractors so one other thing just because it is a big tractor brand doesn't always mean it'll be in your area hey hank i really appreciate you again for having us on here this is a great thing you're doing for a first time tractor buyers it's awesome again my name is tony from tony's tractor adventure youtube channel uh if you want to see firewood splitting if you want to see logs cut up on a sawmill and if you want to see all kinds of tractor work projects come check us out i really appreciate that i told you guys man we've got tons of information in this video and we're going to keep going unless you've been living under a rock or something you've seen this guy on youtube the next guest on our expert panel is tractor time with tim tim take it away buddy how about you hank i decided i would talk today about resale value it's kind of strange you think maybe to talk about reselling your tractor before you even buy your tractor but in my opinion that is exactly the time to think about it i think of resale value as flexibility there are all kinds of reasons why we might want to sell our tractors some folks say no i never consider selling anything i keep everything i have forever but some things we just can't predict some of the things are negative maybe divorce or maybe a health situation where we just can't operate a tractor anymore those of course are very negative situations some are kind of neutral like i just don't have this property anymore therefore i don't have the need for the tractor but the one i want to focus on today is the opportunity aspect it's really a positive side of choosing a tractor with a positive resale value now when we buy automobiles it seems like a treadmill we're we purchase an automobile and about the time we get it paid off we have to buy another one well tractors have so much better resellability resale value than cars that there's a hidden opportunity here let's say you buy this tractor right here a subcompact tractor you use the zero percent financing you drive that for several years say three years or so four years maybe you're still making payments on it i understand but you realize at that point i'd really like to have a larger machine maybe like the one in the background there if your tractor has a good resale value you can make that trade keep your payments consistent or maybe even lower them to step into that larger machine or maybe it's a machine that has a backhoe versus one that didn't maybe it's just something that that you find that you you need for whatever reason since tractors hold their value a little bit better than cars we can kind of use them to build up equity or build up an asset a little bit like a house now they're not going to gain value like a house but at least they're going to hold their value a lot of them will decline maybe one-third in value and hold that value for the long term and that's what we're looking for what drives the resale value very quickly i think it's one item and that is parts availability early on it's more of the perceived future parts availability right almost every brand is available for the first few years and it's the perception of will this brand be around in 20 years 25 years when when i need to get parts for this later on you can see this manifested itself directly for instance there were some uh gray market tractors sold here several years ago tremendous tractors but there's no way to get parts for them once in a while you'll see one of those for sale you say oh my goodness that seems like an incredible deal well there's there's no parts available you'd have to like make your own parts machine your own parts i don't even know how you would get parts for some of those machines it's the perception of future parts availability that's going to drive your resale value for that reason i recommend buying from brands that are committed to the subcompact and compact tractor industry you can tell that commitment by they've made their own they're they're heavily invested in in the future maybe they're already profitable doing it that would be some some key features right there i hope you find this helpful i just think it's a good idea to consider resale value in your upfront purchase because you just never know and the best most optimal reason is you may want to upgrade that machine at a later time thanks hank for giving us the chance to participate in your channel we talk about resellability we talk about ballast we talk about all sorts of new tractor owner things on our channel tractor time with tim check us out tim i appreciate you sharing those thoughts with us resale value is super important when you're thinking about purchasing a tractor but something else you need to think about is seasonal changes when you own a tractor and our good friend john from a ritter bit will do is going to take care of that topic for us right now john what you got buddy thank you hank i appreciate it hey i live up here in minnesota and one of the main reasons that i bought my tractor was to move snow around so if you're in the same boat that i am you're going to want to hear this stick around i'm going to talk to you about some of the do's and don'ts of winterizing your tractor the first winter that i had my tractor it was a cold january day it was 20 below zero the snow was blowing all over the place we had a wind it was i i remember just being one of the most miserable times on my tractor i've ever had i'm moving stone about three quarters of the way done and my tractor just shut down okay what happened is my fuel filter froze up it gelled up and it was that was not a fun thing to fix in the middle of my driveway getting underneath the tractor because that's where that fuel filter is and i had to change it my fingers were frozen i'm crawled underneath the tractor and the winter blowing snow not a fun situation i don't ever want to repeat that and i don't want you to have to go through that either so i'm going to tell you what to do to avoid a problem like that just because i had to learn the hard way does not mean you need to learn the hard way don't make the same mistake i did get yourself some fuel treatment okay this will keep your uh fuels your fuel line and your fuel filter from gelling up from freezing up you want to get some of this stuff in your fuel during the winter time during the cold months all right do not go without anything in fact even if your fuel station that you get your fuel from winterizes their fuel add this anyways you don't want to you can't be too safe you don't want to be in that situation that i was uh this is this will treat about 20 gallons of fuel but i use about a third of it per jug of fuel that i go so i put about a third of this into my five gallon jugs works great never had a problem don't make the same mistake i did now if you live in one of the cold states as i do i bet somewhere along the lines you've had yourself a dead battery in your car your truck and you've needed some nice person to come and give you a jump with some jumper cables or maybe you've been on the other end of that and you've been that nice person helping somebody else out well i've never had a problem with my tractor and the reason is i always use this trickle charger in the winter time when i'm not using the tracker i can leave this thing plugged right in this is a battery tender junior it's about 20 30 bucks online uh it works really well i've always had a always had a healthy battery a fully charged battery couple clamps that go on the battery terminals and it's kept my tractor up and running i've never had an issue with the battery hopefully i continue that luck this year if you live in that cold weather climate hopefully your dealership included a block heater for your tractor so if you look down here on my tractor i've got my tractor plugged in right now you can see that it's got this cord and there is a heating element on the other end of that cord that goes right into the engine block and it works great i've got my infrared thermometer right here and we're going to take a reading on the block it's about 32 degrees out today this is the low 30s anyway but let's take a look at the block temp and we've got look at that 62. are you guys seeing that there we go 62 degrees i've only had this uh block heater plugged in for about 20 minutes it makes a world of difference when you're starting your tractor and you got the you got the engine that's already kind of warmed up for you so if you don't have a block heater contact your dealership get yourself one it really helps don't forget treat your fuel take care of your battery get yourself a block heater those three things will make a world of difference for you if you have any further questions regarding anything we went over today or anything that you may have seen on my youtube channel please feel free to join our facebook group our facebook group is called a ritter bit will do there you can chat with me post pictures and see what we've been up to here on the channel so until next time keep on tractor and god bless and now back to you hank hey thanks john i appreciate it buddy you know we don't worry too much about snow down here in florida right so i appreciate you sharing that with us our next expert on this panel has one of the fastest growing youtube channels in the tractor community mike morgan from outdoors with the morgans is going to share some precautions you need to think about when you're researching or buying new tractors take it away mike thanks hank and hi everyone this is mike from outdoors with the morgans today i want to tell you about a little secret that a lot of new tractor buyers aren't aware of and actually a few veteran tractor owners aren't aware of it either this morning here i'm using the kubota mx 5400 with the land pride land plane and i'm spreading some 2a limestone on top of this geotextile here around the new building it's working out really well now this tractor it works great for that and so does this bx23s so if you're in the market for a new tractor you're probably already doing your research you know you're checking out the tractor facebook groups you're looking at tractor forms on the internet you're watching youtube videos hopefully outdoors with the morgans is on that list but sometimes what you'll find when you're searching in those places is people doing things with tractors that they probably shouldn't be doing now don't get me wrong you can get an incredible amount of work done with the tractor even a little bx 23s like this as a matter of fact this tractor right here you can do almost everything that you can do with this big mx 5400 obviously you know you have a difference in lift capacity but you can pretty much do the same types of work with these these are like a swiss army knife you know you can mow with them you can dig trenches with it you can do loader work brush hogging grating driveways you can do tons of different things with these but they're not a skid loader and they're not an excavator you know like this backhoe on this bx23s i use this all the time i just did all the drain lines you know for the downspouts around the new building here i've dug some lines down at the brick house that we own down the road all sorts of things but when you're going into this keep in mind this is by no means a mini excavator but not too many people you know just land owners are going to go out and spend seventy thousand dollars on a designated excavator like that that's where these tractors come into play so to kind of review what we talked about basically this is the way i look at it and keep in mind this is just my opinion if you just bought a piece of property that's like raw land you've got to clear a whole bunch of trees you need to build a new driveway dig the foundation for your house i wouldn't buy a tractor i would buy a skid loader or an excavator or rent that equipment or hire somebody to do that initial work once you're kind of established and you're just in the mode of you know improvements and maintenance that's where a tractor comes into play sure you can do the same type of work with this little bx23s as you can a skid loader but it's just going to take a lot longer and you're going to tear your tractor up doing work that it wasn't designed for but anyway that's really all i have to say about that i want to thank hank for putting this video together and once again if you haven't checked out our channel outdoors at the morgans check it out and i hope everybody has a great day thanks man we've heard from a lot of people that are expert tractor operators and have a lot of knowledge about owning tractors in general right but they've all been operators what about people that actually sell tractors for a living let's hear from courtney from good works tractors because he's got some excellent ideas and thoughts that he wants to share with you courtney what you got hank how you doing man thanks so much for the opportunity to participate in this video and share with your viewers great video idea by the way for you guys in the market for a tractor i'm telling you you're going about your budget the wrong way i see it all the time here at my shop well that's not true sometimes you guys have it figured out but for a lot of you guys myself included i'm guilty i get it you see the shiny green paint orange red blue whatever color and you think all right i gotta save up i gotta save whatever it is or get the down payment or finance or be able to budget a monthly payment for whatever that tractor cost there that's my goal no that's not your goal do you see all this out here this is where the fun really begins okay i know that tractor is fun to sit on and in your mind you're dreaming about riding around on it just putting around having fun i love to do that too but right out here all these attachments this is what gets that work done okay so the tractor it's kind of the base tool you know it's the swiss army knife when it's all folded up and as you start to open different little attachments on there that's what all these things are okay on the front end on the back end sometimes underneath you got a budget for that other stuff that's going to go along with your tractor and help you get your projects done you also got a plan for safety okay so that counterweight nearly all of us sub compact compact tractor owners even smaller utility owners you have a front end loader on there what happens if you scoop up a big load of dirt well that tractor is just going to want to tip right over unless you got weight on the back side there to even it out something like a ballast box here have some suitcase weights you get wheel weights you get liquid ballast lots of times you need a combination of two or three of those methods there to be safely planted to the ground trust me when i say that is not something you want to say meh i'm going to see how it goes maybe i'll add it on later if i need it grease baby well maintenance in general all right you can't just think you're not going to have to do anything to the machine so plan ahead get yourself some maintenance stuff here you know grease is a really good thing maybe buy yourself a couple oil change kits air filters some tools just some basic stuff to have around and at the ready maybe keep it in a tool box on your tractor just right inside the shop door you got to have that stuff on hand because you know what if it's not there to do it when you think you need to have it done a lot of us just don't get it done okay so make sure you have it there at the ready that way you can tackle it when it needs to be done now i know a lot of you guys are going to trailer equipment right whether it's between properties you know up north down south parents house brothers house friends house maybe taking on some side jobs you got to think about that all right you want to make sure you have enough trailer as well don't go buying a trailer that's just too small and only going to fit the tractor on there things like a brush hog man they take up like an extra seven foot a 20 foot trailer barely does it justice so plan ahead because that part of your budget might be quite a bit larger than you thought where are you going to keep that shiny new piece of equipment you have or nearly new if you're buying from goodworks tractors the last thing you want to do is let that thing sit outside fade away it's not good for the paint it's not good for the polymer or the steel panels i don't care which one it is it's not good for the rubber hoses it's not good for the tires it's just not good for the equipment to sit there and get baked on by the sun so whether you're going to store that inside a building a barn a garage put it under a canopy at least get a tarp or a cover put something over top of it but keep it out of the element so that's just another cost you got to plan for and at least have an idea in mind of what you're going to do with that i love planting so go into it with the right plan with all the different facets of that budget considered well that's a wrap for me courtney with good works tractors back to you hank i appreciate that courtney some very solid advice that you're offering hey listen we've got a couple more so make sure you're sticking around till the end of this video because we're not done yet and our next expert i like to call him the graveyard of the group right every group needs like a senior leader this guy's been on youtube a long time knows everything there is to know about tractors and tractor dealerships so i want my good friend mike from tractor might to give you some insight on some things that you need to think about if you're researching or buying new tractors mike what you got buddy hank one thing i think a lot of people don't look at when they're buying a tractor is the people that back it up i know we want to get the specs right we want to get the right size tractor we want to get the right options and all that and people get to be really focused on that and and maybe the brand and kind of forget about who's selling the brand because it's a people business you know there's 11 or 12 major brands of tractors in north america and and i think i would be personally happy if if they met the specs with any of them any of their tractors so the thing to me that really differentiates one tractor from another is not the brand or the color of paint or the any of that it's the dealer so i recommend when you're shopping for a tractor find a dealer that you trust that you kind of click with that you get along with and that you know will be around to take care of you over the life of that tractor and buy whatever they're selling and develop a good relationship with them because they're going to be taking care of you especially if you're new to tractors you're going to be asking a lot of questions you're going to need a little bit more training than their ag market is hand holding along the way and and so you want a good relationship with him and one last thing there's one person in that dealership you really want to be in good with and that's the service manager and the best way to get in in good with the service folks is take them donuts once in a while if you bring in a couple of dozen donuts about 8 30 in the morning to that dealership and set them on the service manager's desk they are going to love you and they're who's going to take care of you if you have a major warranty problem they're going to go to bat for you with a company if you have a major failure they're going to decide how many hours it took to fix it and and what they charged you and they're going to be a lot of times the people you call when you have an issue so it's good to be known as the donut person and not the yelling and screaming when something goes wrong person so develop a good relationship with the dealer and take that service manager donuts once in a while hey solid advice mike especially the donut part right i love donuts and i know someone else who loves donuts too hey brandon hey hank i heard something about donuts right have a seat man all right so we've been doing a video on experts that are giving their advice to like new tractor owners or first-time tractor buyers and we've had experts offer some really really strong advice about you know what to purchase when to purchase things like that and so i want to talk about implements that you should buy when you first buy your tractor so brando when you bought your tractor what was the first implement that you bought and was was it a good decision or would you have done something different what's your what's your take on that so yeah hank so i really whenever i bought my tractor i had no idea what i was going to need so i just kind of bought a couple things that were used on the lot so i bought a boom pole right and a ballast box so one was a good decision one was not such a good decision so yeah the boom pole you know who needs a boom pole really when you've got a front end loader sure that's kind of what i found out eventually whenever i got a really good and useful implement my grapple right the ballast box came in really handy so a lot of new tractor buyers or a lot of tractor guys that are researching buying tractors or wanting to buy a tractor for the first time they look into these package deals and i think people have to be careful about that you know what i mean because a you don't know well hey it depends on who the implement maker is the size of the trailer the rating of the trailer things like that so what do you think about i personally think a box blade and a grapple are excellent choices for first implements for a tractor owner yeah hank i totally agree the box blade is a great implement i personally don't use it but i i don't have a lot of roads to take care of or anything like that however just like you said the grapple that's going to be the most used implement i think for anybody i never take it off my tractor so that's by far what i would suggest more than anything yeah i think so because well if you're buying a grapple you got to make sure that you think about the third function kit that's you know plumbed into the system as well because that's an added expense courtney talked about earlier in the video budgeting for implements and things like that so i think that if you're going to get a grapple you know plan for it budget for it get a good one you know of course we use homestead implements here on hamiltonville farm but i think that you know those costs associated with that just like courtney was saying are very very important but for as far as your property your property will dictate what implement you need to buy hank you know actually whenever i bought my tractor i was going to add the third function to it at the time of purchase okay but my dealer actually talked me out of it he said oh they you know you might not use it a lot so it might get corrosion in the connections or something i found that i use like i said the grapple more than anything so really what you have to do is not just think about today what you need but you know really what are you going to think or what are you going to use two years three years down the road that's an excellent point yeah yeah so that you can have all of the tools right there with you you know so your tractor can be prepared with rear remotes third function maybe even cruise control or length pedal stuff like that to make your tractor more usable as well with those implements well man that's that's a lot to process a lot of information in this video to to to think out yeah it's a it's a ton of information with a lot of really knowledgeable folks if i were y'all i would definitely bookmark this video so that you can refer back to it later on um you know in that one year two year three year process because some of the information that you've presented doesn't really matter like resale right now doesn't matter to them maybe two or three years it might matter yeah i agree with that it's a it's and i want to thank all the experts that were on the panel today it was a great video and i tell you it's it's to get all these get all these heavy hitters into the same video it's just an amazing thing to share their knowledge with you guys who are doing your research maybe you have recently purchased the tractor and you're still trying to learn it so i really appreciate all the guests today they've done a really really outstanding job brandon i appreciate you coming over man thanks for that yeah i know i'm sorry there weren't donuts but uh i mean get me over here i know i don't know i'll buy your lunch hey thanks a lot for watching we appreciate it again i'm gonna put all the channel links in the description below make sure you go subscribe to all the channels that were on the video today and over my shoulder right here is a little white circle make sure you click on that to subscribe for more content like this and of course uh underneath it is a video you can go watch from hamiltonville farm we appreciate you guys take care god bless
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 286,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TRUTHS Tractor Dealers wont tell you! Experts Tell ALL, Branson tractors, branson, homestead implements, tractor, tools, homestead, small tractor, tractor attachments, farm tractor, small farm, 3 point implements, agriculture tractor, stoney ridge farmer, outdoors with the morgans, tractor time with, tractor time with tim, tractor mike, a ritter bit will do, good works tractors, tonys tractor adventure, hamiltonville farm, mistakes new tractor owners make, first time buyer
Id: CGsALQT0ag4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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