You Can Be Insanely Evil In Hogwarts Legacy

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a few months ago I asked the question how evil can you be in Hogwarts Legacy after the most recent gameplay showcase I think we have our answer the new gameplay footage of Hogwarts Legacy showed off a combat-centric horde mode area known as the dark arts battle arena and they wasted no time in showing off all three unforgivable spells and just how Sinister they can be now back when we knew very little about Hogwarts Legacy one of the biggest fan requests was without a doubt please include the unforgivable curses in the game to be honest I personally had my doubts they would be included at all and then even after abbotta Kadabra was confirmed with the first gameplay reveal many again including myself felt it would only be used as one of the game's special finisher spells and not as a slottable spell that you can just have on you at any time but this showcase revealed the three unforgivables will all be available as slottable spells to the player we'll start with imperio here which was confirmed in an official post back on Halloween we got a description at that time of how it would work in battle however this recent showcase marks the first time we've seen it in action it will essentially turn an enemy into an ally on the battlefield and they'll fight alongside you so while the Imperial spell may be unique to the Potter series this type of gameplay effect is something that will be familiar to many players where things get interesting is that Imperial will also place a cursed status effect on anyone who gets hit with the spell so take note of this little green x that you see here this is also true of crucio so in addition to their normal effects they'll also cause enemies to become cursed it remains to be seen if there are other curse inducing spells in the game or if it's just these two but this enables an incredibly deadly combo of creating a situation where multiple enemies actually share damage that's right any enemy with this curse effect placed upon them will all take the same damage so we don't know the full limits of this yet but theoretically I mean you could have a situation where multiple enemies are surrounding you you hit them all with this curse effect and then you cast Avada Kedavra on one of them and they all fall at the same time my goodness Voldemort would be so proud of you guys right now believe it or not AK is a true insta-death spell in Hogwarts Legacy game director Alan 2 said it was very very important for the team that this spell be true to the series so we actually see it throughout this recent gameplay take down a full health mountain troll human Wizards goblins all of varying Health levels of course with such a powerful spell balance is obviously a concern which the dev team is addressing by a longer cooldown meter for spells like Avada Kedavra even so there are potions in the game and presumably even more upgrades along the way that will enable us to speed up these cooldowns now you want to know something crazy guys Avada cadaver it's not even the darkest spell in this game no no no that is reserved for the torture curse crucio of the three this was the one I often doubted they would ever even include I mean the spell quite literally exists to torture other living beings in fact one of the most tragic moments in the entire Potter series of course is when the trio saw what became of Neville's parents Frank and Alice Longbottom after they were tortured with the cruciatus curse so in the game it exists as a spell to essentially incapacitate enemies on the battlefield take them out of the battle it also appears to have a slight damage over time effect as well well but I think the most Sinister the most dark part about all of this with crucio is the sound effect I mean this little effect alone just when you cast the spell sounds absolutely terrifying just like Souls crying out [Music] and then you can even hear the enemies on the battlefield crying out in pain I mean it's absolutely brutal now earlier in the video you remember I mentioned how we originally thought that AK would be a finisher spell well we actually gotta look at some of those as well and guys they are equally as deadly for one we have a finisher that seems to be possible when this meter reaches the halfway point and it just completely obliterates this enemy I mean it seems like this guy just combusts in midair before our very eyes and then another similar one here but you see it has a slightly different visual effect and then maybe for a more I don't know humorous one this one's still kind of dark too but we have another finisher spell that actually transfigures enemies into a chicken and then of course we can't forget the massive Lightning Spell that we've already seen in a previous trailer now what's interesting about this whole dark arts battle arena is that you can try this area out even if you don't want to learn dark magic so let's say you're like me you know we're the good Gryffindor we're doing a playthrough as a purely good no dark magic character you can still go into the dark arts battle arena to get a little taste of what it would be like and they actually confirmed there are going to be three of these Arenas in the game with the dark arts Arena only be included in the deluxe Edition or as part of the dark arts pack which buyers of the standard edition can purchase as an add-on now even though I'm not really a dark magic kind of guy what I love is the moral dilemmas that they're already setting up here in a previous trailer we learned that Sebastian sallow is the one who introduces us to crucio the torture curse and what's interesting about what Sebastian is doing this is actually one of the few story details that we know is that he is trying to find a cure for his sister who has some sort of curse we don't really know what it is yet we've speculated but we don't know for sure and he believes that dark magic may somehow be the path to being able to cure her we even hear him say at one point that an unforgivable spell should not be unforgivable if it can save a life and then also what about those of us on the side of the light the no dark magic playthrough kind of folks well Alan unfortunately did not go into specifics but he did mention this there are dark eyes fantasies there's fantasies about being more of a defense against the dark arts character things like that that Misty step that you see um occasionally being used on the battlefield and we can also back into our potions and plants to make them more powerful and more efficacious so it's all about which type of player you feel like you are and whether or not you want to play with prep on the fly or with deliberation and those are all different options so there is still hope my friends maybe stealth maybe more maneuver type mechanics and I've still got my fingers crossed for expecto patronum as well the gameplay showcase also gave us a look at the open world exploration as well as a stunning look at all the customization options in the room of requirement as well as these vivariums where we're going to be able to care and nurture magical beasts I've already posted my full reaction video to the entire showcase which I'll conveniently link here on the right side of your screen now as always plenty more Hogwarts Lexi videos coming folks thank you all so much for watching I'll talk to you again soon
Channel: RetroRaconteur
Views: 807,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RetroRaconteur, hogrwats legacy, hogwars legacy, hogwarts legacy, harry potter legacy, harry potter rpg, harry potter video games, hogwarts legacy rpg, hogwarts legacy mmo, harry potter game, ps5 hogwarts legacy, hogwrats legacy, new harry potter game, harry potter gameplay, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy gameplay showcase, how evil can you be in hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy dark magic, hogwarts legacy avada kedavra, hogwarts legacy crucio, hogwarts legacy imperio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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