You can’t cure StUPiD. (Bad Boy Simulator)

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put some of that right there fill up the water balloon we fill up the balloon and [Music] oh yeah it's ready oh this is ready i told you not to tell on me four eyes that's payback for last episode fool welcome back to bad boy simulator the game where i have the freedom to be the worst super villain in class that i can be [Laughter] but eddie you're copying juicy fruit snacks content sit down kid let me show you how i am better at copying him than he is at copying me but before you do today's episode is brought to you by you guessed it raid shadow legends raid is an epic dark fantasy rpg that you can download on android and ios for free it's got sick graphics insane boss battles and tons of characters to unlock there's never been a better time to download raid than now this month they're introducing a brand new clan boss hydra but this ain't just any clan boss hydra has six heads each with their own strengths and powers there's the head of blight they will pull out a poison cloud and drain your champion's health there's also the head of wrath that weakens and taunt your champions but worst of all after he's taken a ton of damage hydra will get a new buff called vengeance that triples his attack damage and that's only two heads there's still four others you gotta worry about but that's not all the esports legend simple is also now in the game and he's available from now until january 28th to new and existing players all you need to do is log in for seven days before the deadline and he's yours otherwise he's gone forever [Music] as always raid has a ton of holiday activities available including a new fusion event to help you add some festive champions to your collection so why wouldn't you jump into right now hit the link in the description or scan my qr code somewhere on the screen to get a new epic champion aina 200 000 silver one energy refill one xp boost and one ancient shard to summon those epic champions as soon as you get in the game all this treasure will be waiting for you right here so download the game and start playing raid shadow legends today now back to the video okay um so they made him switch seats with monica so that i don't bother him no more what a [ __ ] apes monica monica hey you know what the banana is for monica hey stop crying hey what's the banana for am i just supposed to oh i know what the banana's for hold up right right right right right right so the banana is for you to take the peel and then stop time and then you can put it right here on the teacher turn around go back go back go back go back hey miss look i'm out of my chair you got pranked yeah okay chemistry time hey miss oh my bad it's just a spoon i just thought you might want a spoon get it hey you want a spoon okay uh whatever man okay i'm supposed to be doing chemistry [ __ ] what is this okay what actually is this do you stick your spoon in there what yo um yo on the reel what is this black powder and a fuse no um wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you can't actually be asking me to do what i think you're asking me to do i think they are if chemistry class was actually cool check this out first you take some powder and then you take some powder on the spoon and you put the spoon on the thing and then you grab it straw and then you put the noodle on the thing guess what this is okay while the teacher's not looking ready ready and stop time oh [ __ ] this is dangerous hey four eyes remember when you told on me yesterday and go uh that is not wait hold up i i changed my mind i don't know how explosive that's about to be wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i changed my mind wait up it was literally just powder it didn't actually explode okay i need to get my hands on that soap right over there first for what i i need a soap how about this oh well we know this is stop time real quick well this is bad boy simulator which means all i have to do is sit down resume time check this out i have to just make the teacher come over here before i shut the [ __ ] up now here she comes and then when she gets you hey miss you like soap gotta stay clean did that actually work it did all i gotta do is just let's get it throw [ __ ] at them hey you want some crack hey miss i threw an airplane right there next to the soap you wanna come get it oh there's a bar of soap on the ground kikihi there we go yeah okay mystery class again what is today's work day like at school day robert shut up dog i'm trying to concentrate stop trying to talk to me go talk to four eyes he looks like he needs friends okay i need a whoopee cushion i need a piece of gum i need another balloon what's the green balloon hold up hold up hold up wait what there's another recipe right here yellow plus blue makes and blah blah blah equals balloon bubble aha that makes sense i see yellow and blue stop time hold up yellow blue okay i got yellow and blue where's the balloon who's got the balloon balloons back there stop time i found the balloon [ __ ] okay here we go how to make school and early you take your dog's piss and your evil sister's cold blood and you mix them together and now you've got this throw up mixture that looks like green slime then you pour that into a water balloon and stop time then you go up put it above your teacher right there and then you get back and hope for the best yeah it smells like [ __ ] doesn't it can we go home are you okay dog like are you all right in the head i'm starting to think you're no no you yeah you you the [ __ ] dumbass i think miss smith is having another episode um ms smith be like oh harry why did you have to leave me i still think about you every day why did you have to go and mix literal gun powder with feces i remember the explosion like it was yesterday um miss smith you good dog [Music] yo i'm just trying to make sure you're okay okay she's back she's back she's back um no actually i think she's still she's still broken heartbroken how to really piss off your teacher step one get the gum from under the desk step two stop time step three throw it at her and then step four wait one second has passed she suspects nothing seven seconds have passed look at her stupid face wait until she gets this piece of gum 10 seconds have passed and now she will experience the gum oh i missed i missed you watch this stop time [Music] angle you're just gonna ignore me i just drew a dick in your desk and you're gonna fine you want some peanut butter there you go oh it actually worked and stop time whoopee cushion time teacher hey mrs whoopee cushion time let's see if she notices ew you farted cocina cacochina what the [ __ ] is happening oh damn i'm hungry hey monika monica i'll pay attention to you if i could have some peanut butter hey monica could i have some peanut butter please you know what fine i don't i was just trying to be nice and ask anyway stop time give me that [ __ ] i will eat that peanut butter thanks monica appreciate it look at that mmm mmm it stuck to the roof of my mouth pretending to have peanut butter stuck in my mouth in vr how low have i fallen what okay so now we got this new black powder stuff that uh we're supposed to put into here okay what's the black powder do let's just check it out real quick okay ready is she looking she's not looking she's not looking up she is she is she is i'm sorry teacher sorry miss miss wait wait wait wait wait wait wait relax relax relax miss relax oh that thing's about to explode uh miss whatever you do don't pass by there whatever you do don't pass by there don't pass by there that thing's about to explode [Music] ah it's just black powder it's the same [ __ ] as the other one man i got all excited for nothing here have a doorstop nope now i'm supposed to make something go boom and it's not that oh wait a minute am i thinking what i'm thinking wait i was just having a flashback over there i'm just gonna chill over here oh black and pink make boom got it i figured it out so you take a little bit of black stuff and you put it right there you take a little bit of pink stuff and you put it right there and now we've got ourselves actual boom boom boom boom boom yeah that's right jessica you're about to become jessica boom let's just do this [ __ ] okay now for real four eyes we're gonna make some real fun stuff out of this one so you take some pink and you put it on there and you take some black and you put it on there and now you got that good good okay and then i put the straw thing right there and then now we have perfection jessica what the [ __ ] miss can you not like swallow that heart i can hear your cells hydrating look miss i know you know how to swallow but can you like turn the volume down a little bit that [ __ ] is loud and it's making me a little uncomfortable if i'm being honest okay now watch this stop time hey yo four eyes i'm sorry dog that one probably is gonna hurt hey four eyes look up yeah whoops oh what's that oh is that a can with powder and it's about to go what kaboom oh it worked i did it [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you tell jessica i like monica stop crying can you call jessica please can you pass a note can you can you pass this note can you pass that to jess jessica why is it so hard to communicate in school why we always gotta pass notes dog like why can't we just like go up and be like hey yo hey jessica wanna go to the movies no okay see you gotta pass notes when your booty's itchy but you're in the middle of class stop time scratch real quick so no one looks oh [ __ ] i'm running out of time hold up what what the [ __ ] i'm running out of time [Music] okay so i need to make a bottle of rocket piss how do you do that oh she's got the piss over there stop time let me grab this piss real quick hey thanks miss thanks for the piss she probably was gonna turn this in to get like checked for some sort of disease at the hospital but i got better experiments to do appreciate your donation miss oh is that blood i'm not even gonna try and guess where that's from give me this [ __ ] okay so what happens when you mix these two together you get a really cool looking substance that actually looks pretty toxic if you ask me like that doesn't look like does is it drinkable tastes like orange juice uh where do i find a bottle i need to get a bottle what a pause found it thanks dog okay now we use a bottle and then um and then you put it together and you make it like you pour it in there like oh yeah that's a rocket cola makes pissing blood okay now we need a straw next to put it on there like is that what we need to do is that like okay i think i got a straw like oh no there it is nice that works you scared me miss be careful we're doing science experiments here where the [ __ ] did the banana come from is that what you slipped on whoa whoa whoa whoa okay yeah that makes sense put that on there wait hold up wait what the [ __ ] it's permanently stuck to my hand hold on stop time no what the [ __ ] yo what the [ __ ] the thing's glitched get off me oh i gotta start over this thing is glitched fool okay so you mix them together you make this little orange [ __ ] pour some of that in there yep okay so you put the cap back on and then now you put the straw there you go like that yeah okay we gotta test what this actually does we're gonna test it on four eyes sorry four eyes you're the new test subject let's see what happens and yeah yeah that looks [ __ ] cool wait i did the thing why did the soda not work anymore why did the bottle not work man i did the thing man this [ __ ] okay how do i make that what is that oh wait a minute okay so you take some paper and you put it oh [ __ ] yeah look at this and then you fill this up with some of that just like that and then you wrap it up wait hold up hold up wait and then you put a little popote on it that looks like it's about to [ __ ] someone up hey um sorry about this but you can't keep getting away with it miss you just can't keep getting away with it you can't keep getting away with it up you dropped it you dropped no no you dropped it oh what's that black powder i thought it was gonna blow up face just let me just let me do something to her that actually makes check something off my list what's the point nothing's checking off my list i'm a sad but stop gulping like that dog i'm not even i accidentally push the button relax relax i have an idea what if i just take some powder put that on there and then okay look clearly i haven't been bad enough my bad meter is not up to the red yet i've got to turn it up a notch and the only way i know how is by just throwing [ __ ] at people so why don't i take this item and just throw it at this [ __ ] let's see if that works hey the [ __ ] up she didn't like that yep it worked okay now what is that one i want to know what that one is it looks like gray powder okay what if i just mix white powder and black powder you know what i'm just gonna use white powder you just use white powder in there and see what happens i need a noodle i need a thingy i need one of these shits right here give me that yep no no no no no no no no no no relax please relax this ain't it uh uh uh uh stop time oh [ __ ] i'm in a situation i'm in a situation i'm just gonna give it to my teacher i'm just gonna give it to my teacher okay okay okay and go sorry teacher ah i had to get it off my hands can i get a tad yeah what did that give me though i already did that one god damn it okay i know how to make her stop gulping if i put some glue on the bottom of her mug and stick it to the table maybe now she's not gonna be able to pick that up so that she's not sitting here [ __ ] sounding like she's choking on some and now i need to find a key hey miss drink your coffee she's zoning out again shut up four eyes quit talking to me i'm trying to concentrate on class okay i have made another soda but i think i have to do it in the teacher's desk this is how you piss off your teacher i'm really sorry about what's about to happen miss that's my bad i mean oh [ __ ] what's that who did that wait did that work did that actually work this time please tell me that worked do i get a tata can i please get a tatan oh it's you you're not working huh i've tried everything there's only one thing that i know works you take piss and blood and you mix them together i'm going full mad scientist [Laughter] not again not again not again come on [Laughter] now that was a lot less epic than i thought it was gonna be it didn't even work [ __ ] okay that's it this is why i failed chemistry chemistry chemistry [ __ ] all right that's it for me thank you guys so much for watching uh whatever this was if you enjoyed it please leave a like share it with your friends you know what to do but that's it for me i love you guys and i'm gonna see you next time bye [Music] testing testing one two this microphone this is the microphone right here this one right not that that one not not not it's this one right here do you hear it's this this the microphone you get paid to watch me do this i get paid to do this
Channel: EddieVR
Views: 3,086,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bad boy simulator, vr, vr funny moments, back to school, eddievr, funny moments, mexican youtuber, school VR, mexican, chemistry, update, game, funny
Id: ltSCB424WrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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