You are using this Render Setting WRONG! in Blender

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I'm currently working on a bigger project and I tried to decrease my render time because I had some struggles with it actually it was around 15 to 60 minutes each frame and the final animation will be something around one two three minutes and that would take weeks or even one or two months so after weeks of burning my PC Hardware I found this mind-blowing setting change by accident I'm sure you all know the noise threshold and most of you like me thought the lower the value the better is the quality of your rendered image but also it increases the render time I mean that's why the standard setting is 0.01 with a sample count of 40 69 and in general you will get a nice looking render but it takes some time in my case something around 23 minutes and that's totally okay if you have a single image or maybe a very short animation even this is manageable but not if you have a model per minute animation time because I'm not Pixar and have a huge render farm so in general if the image looks nice but the time is too high you will increase the noise threshold to 0.02 and decrease the sample count and press render and see how it how this it's six to seven minutes and it's already starting to having some little artifacts in the darker areas normally you would increase the sample count to 2048 to solstice this would take around 12 minutes for the final winner I mean that's an improvement but still way too much for a larger project and normally you won't increase the threshold again because logically it will getting worse if we do so but let's try it 0.05 and yes less time and more worse let's do it even higher 0.1 like the viewport settings even more worse so which idiot would increase this again yes me but it was a common mistake so I increased it to 0.25 instead of 0.025 and now let's see what happened I rendered this image in around one minute and it's looking okay I mean not perfect but okay so what will happen if we increase it even more to 0.5 it's a little bit better and now to the maximum to one it's still around one minute and it looks it looks okay it's a bit darker than the original one and some of the small detail are blurred out but now the second part of the magic kicks in let the sample count and the noise threshold as it is and double the resolution and voila as the detail is back with the render time of around 2 minutes you have reduced your render time from 23 minutes to 1 to 2 minutes depending on your detail level and yes that's it I just wanted to share this awesome trick to you I can't explain the technical side of this because more like a over complicating thing if I can't do it um have a nice day and hopefully uh it will help a lot of you and see you next time bye bye
Channel: David Kohlmann
Views: 84,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering, blender, noise, threshold, rendertime
Id: FNiobzflmpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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