50+ Blender Tips and Tricks (that you'll actually use!)

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did you know you can zoom in and out of any blender UI using the control middle Mouse button or maybe if you're lost in the share editor you can just press Ctrl F to jump to any one of the nodes you're looking for did you want to know how to get silky smooth zoom in and zoom out in blender or maybe you understand the use of the blend 1 file that gets created every time you steer your project maybe you want to know how to get an EV view more within cycle or maybe you just want to optimize blender and make your final renders look good all this and much more coming right up welcome ladies and gentlemen to another one of these tips and tricks videos that you see on the internet where you hear a ton of information for 20 minutes straight and you obviously don't register anything with your memory you still feel like you've learned a lot but sometimes you look at one of these tips and tricks videos and you find something really really good like life altering good that's the best case scenario for both you and me and if not that it will be a lot of hey I knew that I knew that why don't I use that I should use that those are the best two reactions I aim to get from you from this video so with that Spirit let's start with some general workflow tips now you could just control C and control your models in between blank files I remember when I learned that I felt so stupid like how did I not know that but how did I just not drive it myself so if you just got to know that your ass stupid as we were someday so welcome to now staying in the same Lane say you embroider a model into your scene and as it happens a lot of times it gets lost in the abyss of the blender Greener and you cannot find where the Mortal just got imported the best way to get into the center is just go to object set origin to Geometry then press alt G which will bring the currently selected object right to the middle of your scene so you don't want it in the middle but around a particular object instead of orgy I just shift select the object I wandered around and press shift s and select selection to active and that brings it right where I want now a lot of times when you import a model from say sketchfab it most likely has a lot of triangulated topology which is not great for that carrot Loop select anything you can have subdivision problems or maybe even shading problems I think the best way I've found to fix that is pressing spacebar and searching for tries to chords while the object is in edit mode and boom a lot of the times that is enough to fix all the triangulation issues but a lot of times it doesn't work at all so in that case you either learn to live with it or invest in a good read topology app now staying in the edit mode did you know about the shift G shocker it gives you ton of selection options I select similar normals or material or coplanar it changes based on what mode you're in it shows different options yet select mode and different options in the vertex layer pretty cool and while we are in here did you know you can simultaneously have two selection modes active like both vertex mode and face select are active at the same time God if I had a block for every time I needed that feature but didn't remember that it existed by the way shift G also works in the object mode say you have a lot of different objects grouped together and you want to select the children of the parents separately or the grandparents or the uncles and aunts and the pet dogs and pet cats whatever the hell you want shift G will select it for you let's get back to the edit mode for a moment again I didn't know this ended recently but you can press Ctrl F or Ctrl e or Ctrl V to get a different face Edge or vertex options like what the hell is weld edges into face what the hell is poke face poke faces with an event and very easy to remember to control F Ctrl V and Ctrl e this is the one and only time when shortcuts make any sense in blender now we can't not talk about the all T shortcut right now which gives additional extruding options especially extrude faces along normal people who already know this remember when you learned about the shortcut how revolutionary this was to your modeling workflow where it changed everything right people didn't know about it now you do your life is Gonna Change your leg and talking about life-changing shortcuts let's not forget about L it's not an L at all if you know what I mean it's a W for sure right zenzi you know what I mean so in edit mode if you press L anywhere on the mesh it will select anything that's linked to that face based on what you have selected in this hit a little menu right it's a great way to select particular broken parts in a mesh like maybe you downloaded a jacket mod from sketchfab and you just wanted to select the arm of this jacket just hover over any of the faces of the arm and press L it might select all the link faces right then but go through this list of options more often than not one of these will work and you'll have selected that particular power of mod maybe the arm maybe the caller maybe this flap it will just work and you won't have to manually select them if the mesh is properly modeled sitting a bunch a few times now let's talk about the control M shark how many times that you wanted to flip a particular thing in blender like this robot leg I had I wanted to duplicate it and then flip it what I used to do was scale it on the x-axis press minus one to flip it and sometimes that would screw up the whole rotation so you had to rotate it back 180 degrees and was a complete mess enter control M duplicate the leg press Ctrl M select the axis you want to flip it in in my case it's the X so I press X and it's flipped that's it that's all you have to do to flip it four years I've been using this minus one thing before you are you kidding me anyway let's talk about the control chart that lets you link really important things in between objects like say you have a lot of objects you want to apply the same material onto you just select them all and then keep the main object that has the material active and press Ctrl L and select thing for tears and you're done you can also copy modifiers in between objects and a lot more with the Shocker okay now aligning things is always a pain in the ass and blender we will usually use this magnet thing with God knows what options and it really ever Works what I found is this copy attributes menu add-on that comes pre-packed in blender does a much better job so say you had a screw you wanted to align on a Surface you select the screw you select the plane press Ctrl C which activates this new add-on menu and then you choose copy location and then copy rotation and the screw just aligns itself to the surface much simpler in my opinion speaking of pain in the F moving the origin point of any object in blender is a serious pain in the ass what most people do is place the 3D cursor where they want the origin point then right click on the object would be site origin and select origin to 3D curves but guess what placing the 3D cursor is also opening the ass Inlet to cover two solutions both of them in the end panel first in the view section you'll find the 3D cursor drop down which has location slider for the 3D cursor so you can precisely place the 3D cursor whatever you want that is a lifesaver because the 3D cursor can do a lot of things in blender only if it's actually at the right place and now it is and if not that go to the tool section and check this effect only Origins checkbox and now you can precisely move the origin Point directly no need for this 3D cursor anymore now let's cover some miscellaneous tips starting with the image slots in the rendering tab you know about it but you never use it do you you just select a slot and render the image and I use arrow keys to flip between them how are you not using it it's incredible use it I also have separate app for specifically making notes within blender itself I just made an extra tab turned it into a script editor and made a new file and checked this sealed checkbox that makes sure this file isn't deleted once you exit blender and just see of that certified so that every time I open a new blender project I get a new empty note stamp with it now a lot of new users don't know this but you can change multiple text field values all together at the same time just drag on to the fields all at once and you can change them together rather than changing them one by one a lot of new users also don't know this but you can actually perform arithmetic operations Within These numeric Fields as well which also comes pretty handy and finally when sliding through such a Field hold shift to reduce the interval of change that occurs in that field sometimes you don't want to jump valleys that quickly and just want to play around in the decimals that's when shift dragging these feeds is pretty useful last but not the least the most underrated feature in blender I think is the cute quick favorites band you right click on anything in blender and choose add the quick favorites and now press Q in your scene and you have that option one click away and what's crazy is it works separately in every workspace scouting has a separate one UV editing as a separate one and shading as a separate one that means no more looking for the color ramp you just assign it to the quick favorites and it's just right there in front of you and now that we are in the shooting space let's talk about some shading tips and tricks did you know if you go to the material you drop down and select these two check boxes you can get the EV render view right here it's like and it looks exactly the same so in case you have wanted to test out the lighting and cycle but didn't want to render the whole scene out just turn this EV mode on and do it super quickly here because lights and shadows render so quickly and while we are in this isometric scene let me tell you how important recalculating numbers is for example in this room these walls are the inside faces of a cube so if you apply bump map on this wall without recalculating the normals the bump will be reversed what needs to be protruding out will be in Saturday which is obviously not good so just select these in a wall and press shift n and then in this tiny menu make sure this inside checkbox is checked and you're all good to go keep this in mind if you intend to do a lot of interior and Architectural ranges let's talk about UV maps for a while did you know you can apply two UV maps on the same model with different UV projections as well same this big character I want to add this logo on is Jersey what I can do is make a new UE map for the Jersey model go to the front view and do a projection from view now if you go to the UV editing Tab and select the two UE Maps you'll see the two different projections and now you can just adjust the second projection to fit this low isn't that great I didn't know that for the longest time hope it helped somebody and while you're here let me tell you this as well if your note trees are getting a little messy try to control Edge shortcut to minimize more snots the only slot that is being used there that can help reduce the Clutter a little bit another thing that happens a lot is you lose all your notes in this dotted black abyss that is the Shader editor and no matter how or where you scroll you can never find them a quick way to find the direction at least is pressing s which will bring the scaling curves I think which will tell you at least where to go but much better than that is just press shift F which helps you find nodes in your Note 3 to select any one of them from the list that appears and blender will take you right to it and lastly if you know you could just drag and drop materials from this area of the material tab to any object you wanted what the hell just so many of these tiny UI things that we don't even know except piston blender that can make our lives so much easier it's great and there are still a ton more tips and tricks that I couldn't fit in this 10 minute video because nobody's gonna want to watch a 20 minute long tips and tricks tutorial right so what I did was divide into two parts so our attention deficit brains can actually store some information from this video so let's check that video out when you download this one I'll hopefully see you there thank you
Channel: stache
Views: 205,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tips and tricks, blender tips, blender tricks, blender tips for beginners, blender tips and tricks for beginners, blender tips for modelling, blender tips for noobs, blender tips animation, sculpting tips, modelling tips, animation tips, shading tips, geometry nodes tips, material tips, blender performance tips, optimise blender, blender shortcuts, blenders, best blender shortcuts, UV tips and tricks, lighting tips and tricks, lighting tutorial blender, 3d tips, 3d
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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