YOU are not Alone. | Do You feel different?

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maybe you can relate to this I was little and I can remember physically being so upset if I would even see like physical objects like thrown away wasted destroyed anything I mean it could be something as simple as like a phone case or food being wasted or like a car if if I would see a car um have like a dent or get like a baseball thrown through it I would like feel physical pain for that car as if it were a person and I always felt so weird I don't even know if I ever really shared that with anyone I don't really think that I did because I seem to be the only one around me that felt deeply like that and although now I've grown up and I realize that's part of me being highly sensitive that's part of just me being empathetic and a deep feeler a deep thinker but it was always strange to me as a child and I couldn't understand why other people didn't get so bothered when things would be destroyed like friends around me would just let their tennis shoes get tore up and I was so good at like taking care of all of my my physical things I mean yes my yes I've always tried to take care of my body and you know not get hurt and and stuff like that but this is different I'm talking actual physical objects that could just be replaced right like a pair of tennis shoes they get dirty or they get a rip in them or something you could yes you could maybe go buy new ones but actually feeling like a sense of pain sadness seeing that object be mistreated or like unappreciated I think a lot of it was of it just being unappreciated and wasted and um not having you know the gratitude for it that was huge but feeling it on on a deep level made me feel so out of place and if any of you you can relate to that feeling like you're the only one that is sensitive or feel things deeply or you empathize deeply you feel other people's energies you or you just think that you're the only good honest person around you you're not you're not alone there are other people like you there are other people that want to have true connection with people that want to build real relationships real meaningful connections you're not you're not alone this world I think is very negative sometimes we're very superficial at times you know the media and television doesn't help that but it doesn't mean that that's the majority of the people it might be a large portion of of the population but it's not everyone there are people sometimes I think we just have to actually put ourselves out there to try to connect with those that feel the same way we do I just wanted to throw this out there because I know I have always craved real connection I've never liked the fake needy kind of energy or superficial kind of conversations and I value honesty loyal loyalty faithfulness you know Integrity doing the right thing even when no one's looking or honoring honoring yourself you know living your values even if it might not be the most popular thing that type of thing and I think it's important to just let everyone know if you're feeling the way that I have you're feeling misunderstood you feel like you're alone you feel like you're the only one you're not you're not you just might need to open up a little bit more maybe we need to be a little bit more vulnerable and put ourselves out there to different people to give people the opportunity to actually see us for who we really are that's a realization that I came to maybe that's part of it maybe we don't put ourselves out there in a vulnerable way enough for people to know that about us maybe we're all doing that and that's why we're not connecting as much just wanted to put it out there something to think about something that's been on my mind I hope you guys have a good day I hope this helps you're not alone I'll see you later
Channel: Alyssa Leigh
Views: 455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feeling isolated, loneliness, connection, alone
Id: 6Gq58DeUHhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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