7 Reasons Why Introverts Are So Attractive

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- Seven weird reasons why introverts are attractive to others. And look, introverts out there, you might be doing these things without even realizing it. This video sponsored by Audible, audibletrial.com/FJ to get a 30-day free trial and a free audiobook, thousands of titles for you to choose from. The first thing that makes introverts attractive to others, this might be an obvious one, so let's get it outta the way first: introverts are mysterious. This is simply by virtue of them being quiet. When you don't say much, people don't know what's going on in your brain and that creates mystery, that creates tension, which people are attracted to. Number two: introverts are good listeners, or at least they appear to be good listeners because in a conversation, a one-on-one conversation, they prefer to not say as much and so that can come across as being a good listener, whether you are or not. Everyone wants to feel like they are being heard and introverts just naturally make people feel that way. The number three thing is that by being quiet, it makes you seem powerful in a sense, because in a conversation, the person who says less tends to be the one who holds more power in that dynamic, simply because they're not expressing as much of what they're thinking. A lotta these points, you'll find, go back to that whole thing of creating tension, which creates attraction. By the way, if you're enjoying this video, do me a favor, do me a solid, and hit the like button. Number four, this is gonna be controversial: introverts give themselves fewer chances to say annoying things or embarrass themselves in front of others, which makes them seem less annoying overall. The thing is, the human condition is to be annoying to other people. As Jean-Paul Sartre said, "Hell is other people." But extroverts, because they like talking, they like being out there, they're just going to say a lot more annoying things and embarrass themselves more often. Introverts just naturally are able to protect themselves by not saying as much. It makes people think, "This introvert has it together." And number five: introverts are introspective, which means they have a lotta things figured out in life. Because introverts like to spend a lotta time alone, what this means is that they have a lot more time to do internal processing, to figure things out, whether it's about life, whether it's about themselves, their own emotions, whether it's about other people or even simply a subject matter that they are interested in. This is very attractive to other people because they perceive the introvert as being deep and thoughtful. Number six, this is one you might be doing accidentally, but because introverts like to be alone, because they might not enjoy going out to parties, they might turn down invitations to go out, it makes introverts look really cool. You might think, "Oh, they might think I'm a loser because I don't like to hang out as much, I like to be by myself," but actually, a lotta times other people project onto that that you have better things to do, that you're just too cool for them or that you are so good in and of yourself the party is with you, you can have a party by yourself. People are really attracted to those who can go out on their own, apart from the crowd, and be okay with it. The number seven thing: because introverts are choosy when it comes to social interaction, they're not just out there talking to everybody, when an introvert engages with another person, that person feels special. You, yourself, as an introvert, might not think it's particularly meaningful, that they don't really care, but they're thinking to themselves, "This introvert here doesn't talk to many people and now they're talking to me, they're listening to me. This cool person, this mysterious person, they're engaging with me," and people find themselves attracted to those who show interest in them. Might I suggest a book to you? You might get it on audiobook: "Quiet" by Susan Cain, "The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking", audibletrial.com/FJ for a 30-day free trial and free audiobook. Thanks for watching. Stay cool and attractive.
Channel: Frank James
Views: 1,865,174
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Keywords: why introverts are attractive, why introverts are so attractive, why introverts are so damn attractive, introvert problems, introverts, introvert, introvert advice, introvert relationships, introvert attractive, frank james infj, frank james 16 personalities, introversion, introvert vs extrovert, reasons why introverts are attractive, introverted personality traits, attractive personality, introvert personality, the power of introverts, being an introvert, infj, beautiful people
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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