You Are My Hiding Place | Pastor Octavian Poenaru

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hello dear friends welcome to the Fresno Central seventh-day adventist church worship service livestream we continue to livestream our Sabbath school and our worship services we would prefer to have you all here sitting in the pews these views look much better when you are here but unfortunately we still have to stay home and we are encouraging you to please stay home if you can't stay home even during the week we want to keep you safe we we have this hope that soon the the this stay-at-home Order or there will pass and we will be able to start having our normal lives again maybe with some limitations but we will probably start being able to go out more but for now if you can stay home stay home it's for your safety it's for your health but we as pastors and some volunteers are here at the church to provide this service for you also during the week we are encouraging you to reach out to us via email phone text just let us know if you have prayer requests if you have questions you would like us to address keep in contact with us we are trying to keep in contact with you it's amazing I'm sure that Patrick Tavian could testify of the same as pastors although we spend much time home right now our work is doubled or even tripled because there's a lot of people asking us for Bible studies for devotionals online we are keeping in touch with people via phone via internet so there's a lot of work for us and we want to keep working so we appreciate your gifts your tights your offerings because we want to continue having a salary now I have to say that every morning I am praising God that I still have a salary now every Sabbath here at church we are encouraging you to be faithful in it your tithes and offerings and yes as a pastor I'm being entirely honest I love having a salary I know that many of you are going through some hard moments you've lost your job or you don't have the same amount of work that you have that you had before and you are going through trials so I want to encourage you in the Lord because when I appeal to you to be faithful in your tithes and offerings it's not just because I want to continue having a salary it's not just because we want to continue keeping the church with your gifts and with your offerings in our offerings I have also done any church but it is also because I know that as you are faithful to God in your tithes and offerings God will be faithful to you in fulfilling his promises to you so I encourage you to be faithful and in the description box of this video you have the links to adventist giving you can donate online via that link your tithes and offerings we are also encouraging you if you don't like internet you we are encouraging you to mail us your checks to the churches address we you have the the address in the description box of this video as well you can go to our website and you will have the information there I've heard that our conference also has another way for you to donate you can call the conference there is actually a phone number we are getting we're going to start putting that phone number also on our videos we have we do not have it today but we are going to start having it on our videos and you can actually call the conference and the Laura stones that many of you know well she is willing to guide you through the process of having you donate via phone so there's a lot of ways to donate and I thank you all that are being faithful in your tithes and offerings we also would like to encourage you to for your church Fresno Central seventh-day Adventist Church if you are a member here even if you are not a member you're a visitor or you're just joining online please continue to pray for our church we want you to pray especially for certain people who are sick or who are coming out of illness or who have just gone to the hospital first of all we encourage you to continue to pray for Sandy teske her condition is still not stable so we asked you to please pray for her she is still making some having some tests testing done we asked you to pray for Sandy Teske and to keep her in your prayers Sylvia Cervantes I just talked to Robert Cervantes there's some good news she is out of the hospital a week ago she was in the hospital and she had some little complications but by the grace of God she's home she's able to drink a little bit of water and eat a little bit so continue to pray for Sylvia she's a warrior prayer warrior and a faith warrior and we want to encourage you there Sylvia because we know that God has called you to suffer in a great great trial but he is there with you and he is blessing you as well all our other brothers and sisters that are sick and we are praying for you Earl Myers I heard that his surgery went very well and we continue to pray for his recovery I thank God I talked to Christian ISA she's doing better by the grace of God continue to pray for her Debra Holland also please pray for her I appreciate your prayers many of you have mentioned that you are praying for my wife so Leon I appreciate your prayers her cough is going away but she's still coughing a little bit so I appreciate you praying for her I would like to ask you to pray for Margene matisse and our dear Margene has gone to the hospital I heard just this morning that she has an infection in her leg please pray for Margene a dear member longtime member of Fresno Central seventh-day Adventist Church we love her so much please continue to pray for the family of Earl Medeiros as you know he passed away recently we want to keep that family in our prayers encouraged also for Martha Cervantes I heard she is not doing so well and also pastor Octavian has a friend named janosh who is going through some some trial right now and we would like to pray for jános also he has a couple that is a close that are close friends of his that is going through some trials we want to ask you to please pray for this couple that is going through trials and Janish who apparently has the co vid 19 today before we pray together I want to introduce to you the people that are going to be blessing us with a special music and those people are Daniel which is a somebody that I just met today he's a friend of Nathan Nathan Cornaro the son of pastor Octavian and Elena Panaro so Nathan is here today he brought his friend Daniel and pastor Panera as well pastor Quintero and Nathan will be playing the violin and Daniel will be playing the piano by the grace of God there is one daniel here today that can play the piano there's another daniel that can only pray for you so let us pray together i want to invite you even if you're at home if you can kneel with me let us kneel and pray to our loving having heavenly father if you cannot kneel that's fine just follow along and the prayer okay let us kneel and pray together our Father in Heaven we thank you this morning that we can talk to the same God to whom Abraham Isaac and Israel have spoken to in the past and with whom these same men will will speak in the future we want to thank you that we can speak to the same God to whom Moses spoke and we want to thank you that you are still willing to hide us in the rock Jesus Christ so that we may not be consumed by your glory but be transformed by beholding your glory in the face of Jesus Christ we thank you that through the blood of Jesus we can come and we know that we are accepted forgiven and changed through the blood of the Lamb father we are told in the book of Revelation that that great multitude of the saved has come out of Great Tribulation we are told that they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of Jesus Christ we want to pray that each and every one of us those who are physically here at the church and those who are joining us online we pray that each and every one of us may belong to that group that will see the face of Jesus forever that group that has accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins in the cross of Calvary and that group that will accept the grace of God to change their hearts and the work of the Holy Spirit to write the law of God in our hearts and minds make of us that generation that is patiently awaiting for the coming of Christ that keeps the commandments of God and has the faith of Jesus father some of us in our church are going through trials and tribulations not just with the fact that it's not very comfortable and easy and nice to stay at home but some are going through hard trials some are have lost their health some maybe have lost their job or they are not allowed to work as they were allowed to work before Lord some are going through trials and their families some are going to other types of difficulties some have lost their courage and we want to pray their father that in the name of Jesus the Holy Spirit may descend upon each and every one of us especially those that are suffering right now in a special way father I pray that you may give them the encouragement of knowing that you are their father that you will never leave them or forsake them that you have not forgotten about them and that you will bless them according to their needs for your glory father I pray today that as we hear your word through the mouth of Pastor Tavian your Holy Spirit can reach our hearts may he touch us and give us a more full trust in Jesus Christ may he give us a greater consecration to your word to the mission you have given to us and to your love it's what we pray in the name of Jesus amen all right we will have now a special music with these three gentlemen recognize the song the title of the song is you are my hiding place [Music] amen you are my hiding place that is the title for pastor kayvyun sermon today and to introduce his sermon I am going to be reading the words of psalm 32 verses 6 and 7 invite you to open your Bibles and have them close to you as we start the sermon this morning and to introduce I'm going to read some 32 verses 6 and 7 that says for this cause everyone who is godly shall pray to you in a time when you may be found surely in a flood of Great Waters they shall not come near him you are my hiding place you shall preserve me from trouble you shall surround me with songs of deliverance amen amen pastor kayvyun god bless good morning and happy Sabbath I imagine that you're all there in your homes and with the Bible's open even though some of you might be in your pajamas but keep your Bible close to you this morning I hope that this you know shelter-in-place condition doesn't take us farther away from God but contrary brings us closer some of us have more time than before and I'm it is my understanding that some of our people actually enjoy this like a very very interesting vacation where they can take care of other things and their personal life and even connective relatives and friends but I hope we don't relax as far as the spiritual life is this morning I'd like you to go in the Bible with me in one of the books of the Old Testament you see the main purpose of reading the Bible is not just to know about people and historian places and what happened here and there even though if you will visit Israel as suddenly the the stories of the Bible become very real because you see lots of places where they are actually historical places you see signs one of the things that amazed me when I was driving in when I was one my first and single visit for now in Israel you see signs it says towards Jericho or you see towards Bethlehem or towards Jerusalem then suddenly the Bible becomes a very real place a very real thing please go with me to read about one of the men in the Bible who's very known to many of you know many of us his name is David I was reading last night as I was looking through the Bible I realized that actually the Bible speaks a lot about David beginning with chapter 16 in 1st Samuel we have the the life of David it continues through the first Samuel the second book of Samuel actually the whole book of second Samuel deals with the life of David even it continues in the first two chapters of The Book of Kings in total over 40 chapters in the Bible are devoted to the life of one man his name is David but that's not enough because many of the sounds in the Bible actually speak about the same man King David or the men David as we read the Bible and find these people we realize that actually they're human beings like me and you and it doesn't matter when you live where you live the fundamental needs and experiences of human beings are actually the same it's like you know in a theater the scene changes the actor goes but the fundamental things remain the same David please open the Bible with me today in 1st Samuel chapter 27 4 Samuel chapter 27 we read verse 1 and David said in his heart now I shall perish now I shall perish someday by the hand of Saul keeping in mind the context of these events at this point in his life at this point in his life David David is a fugitive he's running away for many months we do not know exactly if it's years or months but we know that he's running and running away David Israel is betrayed by almost everybody you remember that at one point he saved a city the name of the city was Kayla he saved that city and Saul is coming to catch him and David is praying and says Lord this man whom I have saved will they give me will they betrayed me in the in the hands of Saul and God says yes they will so David has to run away David has to run away from people he actually saved then he he hides himself in a wilderness is called the wilderness of Ziff twice the people of Ziff the people living in that area spy on David and they send word to Saul and Saul comes twice to catch David there in the wilderness at one point he runs to a wealthy men his name was Mabel and he's asking for some food actually David and his men he protected this shepherds and their flocks for him from being you know abused and and violently dealt with by by different tribes and thieves and bandits and when David goes to this man to ask him for some food David humble himself goes to this wealthy man and he's basically begging for food and this man by the name of navel says go away who are you I don't need to know I mean many fugitives are running away from their masters why should I take my food and give it to you as if he had never known who David was the point is and by the way King Saul wants to kill him and he takes as we read the Bible he took 3,000 strong men to hunt David David had a few hundred people were not trained not well organized there were some of this you know Runaways they wanted to attach to someone you may call them as they were called sometime Desperados people that didn't have anything left and so they joined David they thought that David is gonna start another rebellion David was in a very hot spot in his life and as the Bible says David said in his heart many things are happening in our hearts and in some time we may we may come to this point of trouble and despair and David said I shall perish even the greatest heroes of God even the greatest men of God they may come to a point of despair and being deeply deeply troubled they they begin to lose the hold on God actually as we read the Bible we find that many the faithful men of God they they've gone through troubles and struggles and being faithful to God for a long time but at one point they they started losing that grip and they they they fall remember the great prophet Elijah then verse 1 said there is nothing better for me then I should speedily escape to the land of the Philistines and saw with despair of me to seek me anymore in any part of Israel so I shall escape David makes his own plan of escape and he thinks well there's only one way for me to escape I have to run to the enemies of my people the Philistines I'll go to them and hopefully Saul is not gonna hand me everywhere I go and I put my hands in the lives of the Philistines so he goes to one of the kings of the Philistines a Koosh was his name the King receives him with gladness SSO welcome welcome I am happy you are coming to my place I actually I'm very pleased that you have looked for shelter in my kingdom I'll be happy to provide shelter for you I'll take care of you and think Ashley a Koosh says well I'll give you a city the city was the name of the city was zigzag Zig lag and David finally with his men his family his children everybody else they find the place of refuge in the Philistine Kingdom in the place of Ziggler now this was the place for escape for David he thought that you know in his distress he could find a way of escape for himself the Bible doesn't say that David inquired of God the Bible doesn't say that he listened to God or he asked the priest as he usually did to ask Lord shall we go what would you like us to do what is your will with us this time the mind of David was so flooded with fear and concerns that he even didn't think of asking God he found a place of escape a shelter FZ glug I wonder how many times when we lose our grip on God we try to find a way of an escape for ourselves and we devise our own plans and we put in motion the connections we have we give phone calls we try to reach out to people and we say well can you help me with this or interesting we try to find a place of escape for our own from our own circumstances and we leave God behind so did David then David the mighty warrior of God the men who in his youth trusted in God alone now he found shelter in you know in a Philistine Kingdom and he's hiding himself in one of their cities in the glog I imagine that if you had visited David one of those days and go to King David and say well hiya King David how are you doing by the way he was not a king at that time you'll ask him hey David how are you oh I'm fine how are things going with you I always survive we do this and we do that but it's fine it's better than being a fugitive the Bible says that David was there in the king in the city of zigzag for 1 year and 4 months 1 year and 4 months 104 months it's a long time that was the time I was in the military I was actually a year and a half but it can be a very long time but finally David and his men they got used to a certain way of living and they are fine if you ask King David how are you he'll say I'm fine even today you ask people you know we meet with each other and we we see each other and we ask people oh how are you doing oh I'm fine many times this I'm fine it's not fine at all as david Hyde hid himself at Ziggler he thought that he is fine he was not actually fine at all I wonder if King David wrote any sounds in this time probably not well as we continued to follow David in his life we skip part of chapter 28 which deals a little bit of King Saul and coming to it means the the first verses in chapter 28 now it happened in those days that the Philistines Philistines gathered together and their armies together for war to fight with Israel and a Koosh Koosh said to David you assuredly know that you will go out with me to battle you and your men this I'm fine thinking David life changes when suddenly the war the war breaks between the Philistines and Israel when King Ankush who was generous enough to give him you know to give him a city now is he's asking back you wonder when you think that someone is doing you a favor how much are they going to ask you back from for what they give you sometime God's children you know we got children we try to make a bargain with the devil in one way or another and we think that we'll be able to to kind of negotiate with him and sometime you have the feeling that the circumstances of life when you compromise bring you to a place of I'm fine but we never know what the price is when David accepted the offer of the Philistine King to live in zig log he never thought well what's the price what is the cost how much is gonna cost me I've learned in my life that when you do when you do a business with someone you should never at least that's my opinion in business you should never accept an answer oh don't worry we'll deal with this in the end no no no make the deal very clear right from the beginning so you know that when something is offered to you how much actually would be the final demand from you when you get into a negotiation of the devil be sure that every time when he offers you something he's gonna ask you way more at the end King the king the Philistine King is asking now David to go with him to battle against his own people chapter 29 we read chapter 29 when the Philistines gathered together all their armies at a fak effect in the israel's in camp by the fountain which is in the Israel and the Lords of the Philistines passed in review by the hundreds and by thousands but David and his men passed in review at the rear with a Koosh now there is here are the Philistines with their kings and armies ready to go to finally better with Israelites all the captains all the Kings are passing by proud of their armies and when everybody is gone in the end here is David with his 600 men and the Philistines are looking at them and they try to recognize them and they are asking who are these people as we read verse 3 then the princes of the Philistine says what are these Hebrews doing here they recognize them as not being the Philistines now a Kish said to the princes of the Philistines is this not David the servant of King Saul of Israel who has been with me these days and these years a year and a half and to this day I found him no I found all fault in him since he defected to me but the princess of the Christians were angry with him so the priests the princes of the Philistine the Philistines said to him make this fellow return that he may go back to the place which you appointed for him as you will continue to read the story the Philistine says this guy what are these Hebrews doing here send them back send them away do you know who they are do you know whose David is oh these David this David he's the guy that actually he was a pro at one point in his life you're so famous that the people of his nation were singing songs saying Saul killed his thousands but david killed his ten thousands when you look at the picture of David David at one point he was in high esteem when his trust was high in God he was in high esteem in front of the people where is David now he is the tail he is at the rear of his enemies isn't that an interesting lesson the David when David lost his grace grip on God instead of being the head he becomes the tail Illinois it writes about this and she says David was caused to flee that he David was constantly that he mess he missed his path far better would have been for him to find refuge in God's strong fortresses of the mountains then with the enemies of Jehovah and his people but the Lord in his great mercy did not punish his error of his servant by leaving him to himself and his this in his distress and perplexity for though David losing his grip on grip on grasp on divine power had faltered and turned aside from the path of strict integrity it was still the purpose of his heart to be true to God David is now it trapped in a very narrow a very difficult circumstance and not only that that he's he's in shame have you ever done anything that when you compromise bring you to a place of shame and remorse and regret have you ever been in those circumstances ever I'll tell you a story I just want to make a point of illustration and I hope you don't judge me too too harshly on this I remember many many many years ago back home in Romania it was immediately after the Revolution the cars were very expensive plus that there are flood of cars coming from the Western Europe Austria Germany many many cars from Germany Italy France and there are better cars and at a reasonable price and I remember I got one car it was a car from Germany the problem was that all these cars were coming from the outside of Romania they had to go through technical inspection many times unfortunately that was a that was made very difficult for people so the bribing system which was all over the place was there too so in other words if you want to register a car especially a car coming from outside Romania at that time you had to know someone and to bribe someone that was very common at least to my knowledge and I remember at one point that one of my church members told me he said Master Octavian if you ever need someone or if you need a connection I had a connection at the municipal level at the police I know someone he owes me so I'm sorry if you need any help let me know when I bought these carriages remember said oh this so and so was a church member told me that if I need some help I can ask him for help I asked for help he gave me the phone number and I call this captain it was the police and I said this is so-and-so I know this and that can you help me and he said oh not a problem come and I'll help you in an instant you see I didn't pray about her at all I even didn't think of praying I said well let's do it let's finish the job and I took the car I went there and I talked to him to make the whole story short he made some arrangements for me to have the inspection done and to have the paperwork done he made it very quick because he knew someone and things were done and when things were done I had to ask him the key question and the key question was how much I how much I owe you I kind of knew the price because you talk to other people and they said well like $100 give him $100 and they'll take care of the business and so I had I had some money and I said well here it is here are the money I says no no no no please no no no please you know Curtis he says well no no you you take your do you be you take it to Kate take it then I need to go this is no no no no no no please no no no sir I take please please take it please take it says no no no but if you want to do something for me you can buy something for me I said no please please think I mean I I mean I was already getting very embarrassed with what I was doing and he says no no you you you you just buy something from me I said no no please I says well let's go together let's go together and he talked me to a shop that was next door across the police station can you guess what kind of a shop what is that what that was it was a shop with alcoholic drinks and he took me in the shop and he said well you buy two bottles of that whiskey for me that's enough please please I've never touched her I mean I don't drink I don't please take this money and no no I don't I don't take money I don't but please get those bottles for me I'll wait for you in the office and he left such an embarrassing situation what am I supposed to do now I put myself as a fool in this in this circumstance I bothered two bottles they put them for me in a bag and I will never forget seeing myself of climbing the stairs of the police station does Abby big office it was at the county level and I'm going with those bottles climbing the stairs and the police is asking me well sir where do you go well I I need to see captain so so oh okay please go there go there I felt so embarrassed so ashamed for what I was doing I put myself now I hope you you don't understand the whole context one thing it's clear I compromised instead of praying and asking God for guidance I put myself in such an embarrassing situation I passed the technical inspection that day interesting enough in two months I had to do the technical inspection again because I had to replace one of the bearings at one of my wills very interesting this is just a very you may may see just a very simple strange example as how can we put ourselves in embarrassing situations as we compromise or as we drift away from the ways of integrity and the way of God David was in a situation like this but obviously in a much more disparate circumstance he was there and now he has to fight with whom on the other hill he could see the armies of Israel he could see his brother brothers he could see Jonathan and so he and his men were about to go and fight with their own brothers he the anointed of the Lord was now in a place with the sinners and the pagans fighting against God's people sad and and and and David put himself in an almost impossible situation if you think of the Bible David is not the only one if you think of Abraham running in Egypt in the time of famine they Abraham didn't ask God to go to Egypt but he went to Egypt and there you know the story when he lost his wife because he lied he thought that he found a solution that was another solution when we drift away from integrity and faithfulness to God the results cannot be other than shame and failing fortunately in this time God did not abandon David and in an amazing way God used these enemies of David and they said you David you go away you go back to your place so David was not put in a place of battle and he David finally leaves the place of the the battlefield with his men going back home but in his mind probably David begins to say God thank you for getting me out of this trap which I put myself in thank you so much for getting me out of this now continuing to read we come to verse 30 chapter 30 now it happened when David and his men came to Ziggler finally they go home and they are approaching home they have to travel three days as they are coming close to their city they see something which looks like something is something is wrong and this is they are coming closer to the city they realize that something is definitely wrong because smoke is coming huge smoke is coming out of the city feelings of premonitions of evil grasp their hearts and minds and the Bible says now it happened when David and his men came to see glog on the third day that the America Amalekites had invaded the south and Ziggler attack Ziggler and burn it with fire and had taken captive the woman and those were there from small to great they did not kill anyone but carrying them away and went their way so David and his men came to the city and there it was burned with fire and their wives and their sons and their daughters had been taken captive now David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had more power to weep then david was looking for safety and comfort at Ziggler and now Ziggler becomes a rain and what he loved the most that the treasures of their lives their wives and their children were taken away captives and the Bible says that this this this men this hard men you don't see men whipping that easily but the Bible says that they wept until they could not weep anymore it's interesting how our choices can lead us to this kind of place but things begin to change and the Bible says verse 6 now David was greatly distressed for the people spoke stoning him because the soul of all people was grieved every man for his sons and his daughters now David is looking around at the people that were with him and they start they stopped weeping and that deep deep pain becomes anger and he's looking in the eyes of this man and he sees deep in their eyes anger and absolute despair and they are talking with one another it's all because of you it's all because of him let's kill him I was thinking of David David was running from place to place hunted by Saul from place to place betrayed by everybody else but now David is in a place where he there is no place for him to run there is no place to run he's there abandoned by everybody and and and everything the mids of smoking grains there is no place for him hide the ultimate place of despair is lately in the last month or two months I was listening to some stories the histories of some of the great men of history I listened to the history of Hannibal the great Carthaginian general that was so courageous and so invincible that him and his armies crossed two tall mountains the Pyrenees and the Alps invincible as listening to the story of Julius Julius Caesar the stories of Pompey another Roman general the story is of an Anthony and Cleopatra this our history is written by historian James Abbott very good historian with deep insights very very very very good to read or to listen to as listening to this interesting histories many of these men came to a point of despair for example Hannibal at one point he's running from one kingdom to another the Romans are hunting him in the end he ends in one of the cities and one night he wants to escape to realize that all the gates of the cities are blocked and he has been betrayed and Hannibal killed himself no place for him to run away Pompey a great Roman general great Roman general with a these are people that never fear death after his battle with Caesar with Julius Caesar Pompey after his last battle he has to run away he puts his family his wife and the small crew of people and he wants to run down to Egypt to save himself as if Egypt was a neutral country that plays but he ends up in Egypt and there Cleopatra is the one who's raining and he can't trust her so he flees and here--is runs to his to her brother and he's looking for escape it was the ultimate place of escape a very sad story the man lends to the shore begging this Ptolemy King for help and he kills him there on the shore under the eyes of his wife and and his son then you you read the stories of Anthony who was also a great general and very very courageous he comes to the end of his life killing himself Kamiya patre he killed her she killed herself then you see the lives of these people coming to a place know where they couldn't go anywhere else and they didn't know where to go and they ended up their lives well you think well those are stories of the past sure but the other day I was looking at you yesterday and then news and it was on March 9 and the title of one of the article was Midwest farmers faced a crisis hundreds are dying by suicide when I saw that title about Midwest farmers in the United States dying by suicide I was curious and I said me let me see why are these farmers dying by suicide people many of them could not pay for their farms they didn't have good productive years they couldn't pay their loans and they just didn't know where to go and many of them the article said four hundred farmers in the last years kill themselves in the article one lady by the name of Heather she says Heather whose husband's cousin was the third to die by suicide in the family worries that her father could be next the longing the longtime dairy farmer who for years struggled to keep his open afloat his operation afloat so the last soul the last of his cows in January the mid is declining his declining health and doing Lee dwindling finances the decision crushed him and his daughter is afraid that he's gonna kill himself now you read about these stories of people coming into very narrow place of impossible escape and they don't know where to go they don't know where to hide and find protection the Bible says about David the last sentence in verse 6 I'm reading 1st Samuel chapter 30 verse 6 but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God in the perpetration prophets Illinois it says David seems to be cut off from every human support all that he held dear on earth had been swept from him Saul had driven him from his country the Philistines had driven him from the camp the Amalekites had plundered his City his wife and children had been made prisoners his own familiar friends had banned again had been had banded against him and threatened him even with death in this hour of utmost extremity David instead of permitting his mind to dwell upon this very painful circumstances looked earnestly to God for help he encouraged himself in the Lord he reviewed his past eventful life where had God worse was there a time when the Lord abandoned him his soul was refreshed in the recycling that many evidences of God's favor in the many evidences of God's favor interesting enough that in this moment of deep despair in contrast with Hannibal or Pompeii or many other people David turn his life to God he found a refuge in God as we read in sound 32 verses 6 & 7 for this cause everyone whose godly shall pray to you in a time when you may be found surely in a flood of Great Waters they shall not come near you you are my hiding place you know we go through this interesting crisis in United States and in the world some of you may have a hard time some of us may go through hard times and some of you may be at the end of your solutions in an impossible place where do you go from there friends may not have a solution parents can't help and you may feel very lonely and abandoned remember David in this outmost place of despair at that point David found the strength to turn back to God that was the crucial moment in his life instead of despairing he turned back to God again for this cause everyone who's godly shall pray to you in a time when you may be found surely in a flood of Great Waters they shall not come near you you are my hiding place you shall preserve me from trouble there are many Psalms in the Bible where David the main theme of David is trusting in God trusting in God remains ultimately the greatest lesson of the Bible irrespective of age nationality times we have lived in trusting in God remains the ultimate lesson we know that the days are not far away from us when my faith a new of faith will come to a very very tense point where your friends your family your boss or anybody else won't be able to help at all we may be left alone in those days let us remember David not only let us take let us take advantage of these days of I would say peace and somewhat rank tranquility to know God if God brings in your life a challenge praise God for them take advantage let's take advantage of these challenges and learn to trust to trust in God remember the song 32 you are my hiding place let us pray father in heaven we turn our souls and minds here today we thank you very much for the stories we find in the Bible for the examples of these people that they themselves didn't know where to go or didn't know where to hide but you provided for them the shelter in place so as we navigate the troubled times of the 21st century may we know you may we love you may we trust in you forever in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Fresno Central Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 380
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Z1gvXckrFts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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