You’d Be Surprised How People Perceive You

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this video is sponsored by fabulous the first 500 people to use the link in the description will receive 25 off a premium subscription it started as a normal night a young woman named Claire was out with a couple friends and her boyfriend in Austin Texas the group had a few drinks at one of their apartments in downtown and then went out to a couple of bars in the area from here however things would suddenly and severely turn bad the next thing Claire knew she was opening her eyes to Stark lighting that overwhelmed and blinded her it was almost as if she was being born and seeing light for the first time as her vision returned she noticed her surroundings a stair aisle mostly empty white room she was in a bed her head was pounding there was a woman in the corner of the room but Claire didn't recognize her in a Delirious confusion she leaned her head up and looked around Claire the woman in the corner shouted as she noticed the woman rushed to the door of the room and gestured outside of it almost immediately a doctor rushed in and began assisting Claire checking her Airways adjusting various medical equipment and administering medications after some time passed the doctor asked Claire how she was feeling and what she remembered Claire paused for a moment I I don't know why she said you've been in a coma for several days you hit your head don't worry though everything will be okay just try to relax things should start coming back to you more and more and we'll be here to help you and explain everything the doctor paused I'm gonna let you be with your mother for a little while the woman who was in the corner of the room approached Claire's bed how are you feeling sweetie she asked I I don't know weird I think Claire responded Claire's mother went on to describe what happened she told Claire that she was at a bar with two friends named Shannon and Mary and her boyfriend Chris when someone tried to fight Mary but Claire stepped in and tried to protect her in the process Claire got hit in the head knocking her unconscious and causing her to fall and hit her head on the ground the smack against the ground severely injured her brain and she was rushed to the hospital where she had remained in a coma for the following six days Claire didn't remember any of it she had no idea what happened but far far scarier she couldn't remember anything at all she didn't recognize her mom she didn't remember anyone her mom mentioned she didn't remember having a boyfriend she couldn't really remember anything from before waking up just moments ago she had no idea who she was it was like she had been reborn but with an ability to think and understand language and Concepts it was an experience that if she had a stronger reference point for how she felt before and knew what she had now lost it would have psychologically broken her Claire spent the following couple days resting and going through assessments treatments and therapies after several days had gone by and Claire's memory hadn't returned at all the doctor eventually concluded that Claire had developed what is known as retroactive Amnesia far worse than he had originally expected he explained to Claire and her mother that this particular condition was known to affect episodic autobiographical and declarative memory which were essentially responsible for remembering events people contextual Frameworks and essentially who someone was and what their life was like however it often doesn't affect the individual's procedural memory which involved things like skills and language comprehension and so Claire wouldn't have a difficult time learning new information moving forward but she would essentially have to relearn everything about her life about herself after receiving the news Claire sat quietly in the hospital room with her mother her mother cried for a while Claire felt very little struggling to understand the emotions of the situation eventually after some more time passed Claire looked over to her mother and said can I ask a question sure of course honey what do you need who am I like what am I like her mother stood up and walked over toward the bed okay sure that's an easy one you're quiet always been a little on the shy side closed off a bit but you know exactly what you like and want you always love spending time with your friends and going out and doing things you like extravagant big things especially big events and luxurious experiences you're sweet and you would never hurt or bother or annoy or upset anyone you don't like to waste time or involve yourself in useless or dumb things like a fight for example obviously you got caught up in the middle of something but you stood up for your friend so that says a lot about who you are Claire later head back and looked straight up as if trying to remember or perhaps absorb her mother's words vague threads of memory seem to appear in her Consciousness but what were attached on the other sides remained hung down into the shadows of her mind later that day Claire's sister Sammy came in to visit her after talking for a little while Sammy said if I know you at all you definitely started that fight Sammy laughed a bit then continued you've always been a shitster you know that always ready to fight the next day Claire's boyfriend Chris came in to visit giving her mother some much needed time to go home and rest without worrying as much Chris sat at the edge of the hospital bed holding Claire's hand they talked for a little while though they had a difficult time finding exactly what to talk about in the midst of a silence Claire looked at Chris and said can you tell me who I am and what I'm like Chris paused for a moment clearly overwhelmed well you firstly you're incredibly beautiful and sweet more generally you like your alone time you prefer the simple things in life like to just spend time by yourself or a night in you love pasta and wine you're a bit impulsive and often kind of like to throw caution to the wind when making decisions he paused for a moment carefully thinking to himself then he unintentionally gestured a sort of why not look you're also kind of defensive kind of kind of feisty which I personally love about you you always say how you feel but you also kind of like starting things sometimes like to see what reactions you can get out of people in situations sometimes you go out over your head like the fight sometimes you start things with people and it's an innocent thing initially but but it can get carried away there was a brief silence I started the fight Claire said yeah did your mom not tell you what happened no she did but just differently I think I mean I saw the whole thing you and Mary went up to these two girls at the bar because you guys thought they looked at you weird even though they didn't one of them just kind of looked at you guys casually but like you were just in front of them and then you egged them on and when they finally pushed back you guys pushed back further and then you all started fighting Claire suddenly laid her head back confused and disoriented but you're an incredible person Claire and an incredible girlfriend and I love you more than anything two days later Claire's friend Mary came in and visited her the two sat in the room alone while Mary reminisced over things from their past after a little while Claire asked her can I ask you something sure yeah Mary said can you describe what I'm like who am I immediately Mary answered you're tough as hell outgoing adventurous confident not willing to take anyone's you're my girl been best friends ever since high school always down to drink and go out and have a good time down for anything honestly Mary laughed you're easy going love to take risks and try new things super fun and you're an incredible friend you stood up for me when those girls tried to fight me so there's that hesitantly Claire said back so someone tried to fight you yeah this girl wanted to fight me over like nothing and you tried to stop the whole thing but they just kept escalating it but you had my back the whole time later that same day Shannon Claire's other friend who was there that night came to visit again at some point Claire asked Shannon can you tell me what I'm like and what happened sure yeah well firstly you're incredibly kind and smart I met you in a personal finance course in college and I feel like I knew exactly who you were as soon as I met you pragmatic calculated careful you don't just do things haphazardly you're thoughtful about risks and what you spend your time doing and who you spend your time with you can kind of be closed off into yourself a bit don't like doing crazy things or going crazy places which is just like how I am you don't like causing drama or being involved in anything stupid you were just caught in the middle of a misunderstanding I saw the whole thing I was standing with Chris while you and Mary went to get a drink and these two girls I think like thought you guys were someone else and you guys just asked them what they wanted but they like prodded back at you for some reason and then it all just erupted and you were just there in between it all trying to stop it soon Shannon left leaving Claire alone in the hospital room for a while Claire sat in silence thinking to herself trying to piece everything together it had been a little over a week since she had awoken from her coma unaware of who she was and what happened now after she had talked with five of the people supposedly closest to her asking each of them who she was and what had happened and why somehow she still didn't have any idea each person described her almost completely differently often in complete contradiction with each other but each person had good reasons examples and an obvious sense of certainty with what they said Claire wondered to herself how she could be all of those things they described if they contradicted each other what was actually true she wondered to herself was it all true was none of it what is true who was she [Music] this video was sponsored by fabulous it's fascinating that most of us could easily describe a few simple things that we could do each day that would almost certainly improve our lives eating better sleeping better exercising meditating reading and so on but yet we don't do them or we try but we don't do them very well or often the self-care app fabulous is a unique app that uses principles from Behavioral Science to make these simple seeming but often difficult habits actually simple and actually stick by breaking down long-term goals into small tasks and trackable habits and by using guided approaches and daily insights fabulous works like a digital coach that can help you sustain your motivation and make your goals more achievable fabulous offers two main approaches one is a more self-guided habit tracking approach which is best for the person who already knows what sorts of goals and habits they want in this approach you can select and create habits and then use fabulous notifications tracking function and other features to help develop and stick to them the second approach is a more immersive experience with fabulous dedicated program approach which uses their behavior change programs habit changing programs guided experiences and content Journeys that provide extra guidance and insights about how to go about understanding and defining your goals while providing additional help along the way our quality of self is truly built in major part on the collection of things we repeatedly do and so it is exceptionally important that what we do repeatedly attends to who we want to be start building toward your ideal daily routine today by clicking the link in the description below the first 500 people who use the link will get 25 off their premium subscription with fabulous premium you can create an unlimited number of habits and take part in all programs and exercises and of course as always thank you so much for watching in general and see you next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Pursuit of Wonder
Views: 2,018,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y4ObnLRrklo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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