Father we just come before You, we thank You for your Word, we thank You for the opportunity to worship You, Lord, we're grateful Lord that we get to come together as a fellowship here and just commune with one another,
fellowship, God, feast with one another, and now we get a chance to eat from Your manna and to chew on Your Word. So God, I just ask, that You would help me Lord tonight, and speak through me, let Your words be clear, let them be pure, let them be all of You. Father, I pray that
You would manage this moment and let your agenda come forth Lord, in this time. Father I yield
myself to You and ask that You would have your way in Yeshua's name, amen, amen. And I could tell my voice hurts already. I kind of went overboard and worshipped a little bit and joined that time together. Anybody who else enjoyed that time? And I could do that for a long time, I wish my
voice would pull out, and I wish I could sing better than I am right, um, all right, well, listen uh,
what we're going to do tonight is we're going to talk about obviously the Feast of Yom Teruah the
Feast of Trumpets and I'm going to give a little background of it, and kind of do a quick overview of all the Feast days before I get into it. I'm going to kind of do a little five, ten, minute
overview so you guys can kind of remember what leads up to this moment, what has
led up to this moment throughout the year and, Why do we do this? What is so special
about this particular day? We're going to find out some of the history of this holiday, we're going
to discuss its significance, both, in ancient times and today, and hopefully by the end, you will have
learned at least maybe a little bit of something that you can apply to your life, that will cause
you to deepen your walk with the Lord. Ultimately, Why do we do this? Why do we get together? Why do
we want to learn the word? Why do we have a church, if you will, What is the point of all of this?
What's the end game? If there's, if there's any other end game, then for your character and your
image to be more in line with the Father, then we're doing it all for the wrong reasons. There is
just no other reason. We can learn everything that we want to learn, we can know the Bible backward
and forwards, we could even learn Hebrew and Greek and in whatever language you want to learn
that's in the biblical context. But if we don't have the image of Christ penetrating through us,
then all of this for nothing, and there were a great many Pharisees in the first century that knew the
Bible better than we did. Matter of fact, um, who quoted scripture to Yeshua when he was 40 days in
the desert? Thank you, okay, so satan himself knows the Bible very, very well. I would venture to say he
probably has it memorized because he wants to use it against us, and he is the accuser, and guess what?
If you're going to be accuser which in our terms today would be a prosecutor, very familiar with
how they side with the enemy, but in any case we won't go there, but he is the prosecutor, he is the
accuser of the brother. What do you think he uses to accuse? He can only use one thing in the courts
of heaven. He has to use: Law. And so, the law is important only from the perspective of, if you want
to be justified in the courts of heaven; the laws of God are very important to know. For instance,
if you want to be blessed in a particular area of your life, you probably need to know what
God's laws or instructions say about that particular area; if it's about marriage, you might
want to do some homework on the laws of marriage to find out what those instructions are in order
to be fully blessed in that area. So, we're going to start off and I'm just going to kind of get
a little background, so that we can understand a little bit where we're going. So here we
go. First of all, the Feast days of the Lord, the Feast of the Lord YHWH. The feasts of
Yahweh are consist of two categories of feast, most of you know this. But we can
make it quick: the Spring Feast days of the Lord, which consists of the first four and
the Fall feast days. The first one is Passover, it is interesting and amazing to learn that Yeshua fulfilled the feast of Passover that was
celebrated for 1200 years prior to his coming by becoming the Passover lamb. So He dies
on Passover literally at the same time I mean, literally, dies at the same time as
crucified, at the same time that they were slitting the throat of that Passover lamb. And so
at 3 p.m our Lord was crucified fulfilling the feast day, it's the first Spring feast day
of Passover. He was put into the grave during Unleavened bread when every single Jewish home in the whole country was removing bread leaven, which represented sin,
from their homes, He was being put in the grave, removing sin from the earth through His shed blood, isn't that amazing? What's the third one (Shavuot?) Okay, close, one ahead, First Fruits. There's two
First Fruits, but the First Fruits of the third Feast day of the Spring is the First Fruits
of the barley harvest. So, literally at sunrise, think of this, at sunrise the High Priest is taking... already taken and cut forth from the ground a sheaf of the barley and he's waving it before
the Lord at sunrise asking the Lord, the King of Israel for a great feast or, excuse me, a
great harvest in the Fall. This is the First Fruits sacrifice, the Bible says, uh, in the Gospels and
also throughout the New Testament. Yeshua is what? He is the first fruits of all creation
those words have not just said accidentally He is the first fruits, He rose sunrise crack at dawn Sunday morning and became the first fruits, the first one resurrected from the dead, and many
more resurrected right after that, and many more will resurrect at the end times when the
resurrection of the just happens; and so see a pattern here, there is a fulfillment of the first coming of Messiah, He's fulfilling these feast days. On the fourth one, 50 days later,
is Shavuot; how do we say it in Greek - Pentecost; everybody's familiar with that, Pentecost,
the feast of weeks, 50 days later from Passover, uh, from the First fruits, comes the
Feast of weeks; this is celebrated and uh for 1200 years prior it was celebrated in
Jerusalem; everybody gathered there and it just so happened that the disciples were in an upper room,
which by the way we know exactly which upper room it was, we know exactly where it's at, it's been
found in Jerusalem, it was above it was in the royal household of David uh because Yeshua was
in the line of David, He was a rabbi in the line of David; it was in that upper room, we know where it was at,
I sat on the same stairs, it's called a triclinium, uh where they sat and I've taught on that
once before;
this feast of Shavuot, they're all in Jerusalem, they're all celebrating it and 1200
years earlier the commandments of God were given in that time period when they come out of Egypt;
they go through the exodus they come across the Red sea, the Torah is given on mount Sinai
during this time period what happens Moses is at the base of the mountain; you always start speaking out one two three four, all the commandments and what number did they stop Him at,
ten, they stopped Him;
God did not say, He did not start off and say, I'm going to give you the ten
commandments, it didn't happen like that. He starts speaking the commandments and they stopped Him after 10 and said, we can't take this anymore, you go up Moses, you hear the rest of it;
so Moses goes up the mountain and gets the rest of it for them; that, listen to what I'm about to
say, that decision cost them the priesthood, that moment cost them that intimate walk with God,
because there was never supposed to be a mediator, never. Yahweh purposely had Moses down at the bottom of the mountain because Moses was to be just like everybody else, He had chosen them to be a royal priesthood a holy set apart nation; there was never supposed to be different individual tribes, Levites doing this, priesthood doing this, everybody was to be a priest;
remember, it was the Angel of the Lord, it was God Himself that was supposed to be intermediate, it was supposed to be the connector, He was supposed to be the High priest; the Spirit - the Ruach HaKodesh was
going to be given in that moment; they refused it and they chose to back down from what God's best was out of fear; we're going to talk a little bit about the trumpet and how it invokes fear and
as well as that warrior mentality of excitement; at that moment 1200 years ago just the truth was given; interestingly enough twelve hundred years, almost to the day, what comes - Holy
Spirit - the Holy Spirit comes, fills every single person in that room; and what was
over the top of them, huh, tongues of fire; how's that, for a time right;
you know what's fascinating about this, I drew it exactly the way a tongue looks, but I also drew something that some of you may not realize what this is; this is the letter shin in Hebrew; what was over the top of them what appeared to
be tongues of fire was not a tongue at all; we say tongue but the reality is it was a letter
shin and the letter shin in Hebrew is incredible letter, it's the second to the last letter
in Hebrew, and it is the letter that you find on a mezuzah and what does it mean, this is the seal of God; if you would put God's name into one letter, this is it - it's El Shaddai, the
all-consuming fire of God, the all-consuming fire of God; now check this out, I want to just connect to this, I'm going to talk about this for just a minute because I'm going to connect this to trumpets today; this shin that was over the top of each one of these individuals is not the first
time that this happened; this is the first time that it became very very clear of what God was doing but in an ambiguous way; let me back up and explain; in the time of Moses do we
have a temple or a tabernacle; and tabernacle, right, it's called the
tabernacle of Moses, this tabernacle of Moses that was strung down, was broken into two rooms,
just like the temple, this room was the holy place, this room was the holy of holies; where was the presence of God - in the holy of holies - what was inside the holy place, we know that the Ark of the covenant was inside the holy of holies, right, that's the cherubim right...and their wings are supposed to touch, and what's on top of this, what is this called, mercy seat, this is actually the ark of the covenant, they are separate and it's fascinating because
uh arc of the covenant in Hebrew is actually a masculine word and the mercy seat is actually a feminine; so when the Bible says that mercy triumphs over judgment, isn't that fascinating;
does that mean females trying to pull the men. I know everyone was thinking that every woman... is so bad but it's so true, mercy triumphs over judgment,
and typically inside of a home, the mother has the mercy the husband is the judgment and mercy always
wins and I don't know about you but I can say a hearty amen that mercy triumphs over judgment; I have been in the judgment side and I'm grateful for the mercy side; now if this is the mercy seat and this is the ark of the covenant what is really this; what is this, if it's a mercy seat and this is where the presence of God is, and ultimately what really is the ark of the covenant; it's a throne, this is the throne of God; so this blow up picture right here we're going to
put inside the holy of holies and I want somebody to tell me what was over the top of this holy of holies, what floated over the top of this, that by day they could see it and by
night they could see? The fire of God! The presence of the all-consuming fire of God in the form of machine rested in that pillar formation over the top of the holy holies;
I want to ask a question because we all know this. Why? What's the point? I mean seriously, He's God, right? He didn't have to use fire, He could have had digital texts show up in the sky: I am. What's the point of the pillar of fire what is it about, what is about this fire by day and fire by night, why is it here, what's the point of it, why not this fire over here over the brazen altar or the brazen laver that was right outside, why not over the top of the priest who were actually preparing the
animals for sacrifice, why not over the tribe of Levi back here? What is the reason why this pillar is over where it's at? Anybody have a guess? What was inside of there? [The word]
The presence of God, the word of God! This fire was delineating where the presence of God actually resided that the King sat on the throne right here; you get it? in all of Israel you could
look for miles and you could see where the King of Israel sat on his throne; when the pillar moved what did that tell them? the King was moving! You better get your stuff, pull the pegs up from the
sand and start packing your bags, you're moving; think about this they had to watch this fire
and know when it was leaving and they followed the fire; you follow the fire; today in Christian culture we would say when somebody gets old, saying get saved, what do we say ─ they're on fire for God;
right, think about the weird things that we say, right, on fire, right, what are you really saying
think about it from a biblical perspective; you are saying that the presence of God is in me so strong it can't be contained; I'm on fire; and what does the fire do, it moves and guess what fire does - it attracts people; go anywhere at Succot go camping and you start a fire - people will show up; you build it - they will go, you build it - they will come, especially if I build it; if those of you have been to my Sukkot, the fire department has to show up just to make sure, even the fire department shows up; right, the point is this: 3 400 years ago God set a precedent that the fire of God shows up wherever He is; this is different than the gifts; how many have heard in scripture that the gifts are without reproach; okay yes you have a gift God's blessed you with that gift from birth, it doesn't matter if you're a pagan or not, that gift is there you could be an absolutely Mariah Carey, you could be an unbelievable singer; the gift is there, it doesn't go away; but
there is a huge difference between gift and the fire of God that anoints it; do you
understand what I'm saying, anointing is different than a gift, you can have a gift but you can always tell when the gift is a gift and when God is with the gift because the fire of God shows up and it attracts everything around it; like back in the 80s we used to have a deck that my dad built and in the corner of the deck (I don't know if they make these anymore) it was hanging from like
the eve; and it was like a bug killer; you ever seen those? they're like blue light and they weren't zapper, thank you! all right child of the 80s; and that the bugs would come, and
us kids loved it, we would just sit there waiting; and you could always tell how big the bug was, you ever notice that? yeah, because it would be like this─oh; that was like fire and it drops to the ground, right? I don't know where these examples come
from and there's some points to it but the more you are on fire for
God the more bugs you attract, that's what I meant to say; and on both sides, it's negative and positive; the enemy doesn't worry about somebody that they got on fire that just has a gift but when you have a gift and you are on fire for God, expect the enemy to attack you, expect the Egyptian army on your heels! so let's get back, let's connect this; so now we've got the
fire of God here; so is it by any imagination or convenience or coincidence, that when the Holy Spirit shows up on the feast of Pentecost... what shows up over the heads of these people? -tongues of fire! I ask the question, why? what is the significance of the tongues of
fire over their heads? it's very simple - God is proclaiming: this is the new tabernacle this is where I'm going to reside; it is going to be over in abundance inside of every single tabernacle that exists, that calls upon me that is in Bible places and Bible times on my Moadim, where I'm at when they call upon, if my people who are called by my name will do (what?) humble themselves and pray and then (what?) turn from their wicked ways, then (what?) I will hear from heaven and I will come and I will heal their land; guess what, you are, you're more than a temple, you are the land, you are the inheritance of God! God says that in His word, did you know that? His people are his inheritance, this is why when you don't live your life as the true trumpet of God, which we're going to get to later, and you're not projecting life from this tongue, you are defrauding someone else from the fire of God and thus at the end of the day, do you know what you're really doing? you're defrauding him because people are his inheritance; let me just show you how this works, when you dial it all the way down, because you can take all theology and all creeds and all doctrine and you can pull it all the way down to what my great friend uh late great friend Brad Scott used to say, it comes down to a house a family, and a piece of land because the Bible says that children are (what?) our inheritance; you see how this works; I'm not making this up, it works in the family unit because this is the bible, the family unit is the bible, this community is the bible; if you want to know how God works look how a community works, look how relationships work; our children are our inheritance, in the same way, us as the children of God so he doesn't make this stuff up; it's all connected; we are his inheritance,
when we don't follow scripture he gets jammed; the power of God on Pentecost; the message was not that these people could speak in different languages and all these Galileans and different people were hearing the gospel in their language, the power was not in the miracle that we
always focus on when somebody wants to talk about speaking in tongues; what chapter they go to? - acts chapter 2, but that is not even the miracle, we forget the miracle the greatest miracle in this moment which is the last festival of the spring which will connect to the feast of trumpets
three and a half months later almost to the day is the fact that God was moving the holy of holies
from the temple that was right over there to right in here that was the miracle because the enemy can
destroy a building Nero can burn it to the ground Titus can take away the items of the tabernacle
the enemy comes to what steal kill and destroy but he can't touch a temple that's inside of you
can't do it the only one that can take the light is who you you see when Yeshua was teaching
and he said you should be a city on a hill a light to carry your light to others be a
light to the nations you see these were just cute sayings of some weird rabbi new on the scene
everybody knew what he was referring to because that temple on the hill that he was pointing to
was was called the city on a hill it was the light of the world, this was a Jewish idiom, everybody
knew and he's saying this think about this if you're in the first century and you're one of the talmidim of Yeshua and Yeshua says it says by the way you are a light to the world everyone that's Jewish that that is around here that grew up since they were this high that they were told that
that is a city on the hill and that is a light to the world and Yeshua this rabbi turns around
to you and says you are the light of the world the significance and the gravity of that think
about what he's saying you are Jerusalem you are the temple you are the ancient tabernacle
all these patterns are built for a reason I'm telling you I'm transferring the power and
the anointing and the fire of God from a transparent place above the temple to inside the
temple to where it will be just as obvious when you have the fire of God because it will empower
it will light it will be the city and you can't hide it under a bushel even if you try you can't,
fires can't be hidden when you try to cover a fire what happens it fans into flame even further
when you truly have the fire of God in your life it explodes with fury of God with the love of God
it explodes with compassion and empathy it grows the spiritual gifts let's say them together love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control the tenth one is patience again because I struggle with that one but when we have the spiritual gift did
you know that they flourish and grow inside of the fire of God, it requires deep calling to deep listen to what I'm telling you some of you guys that are out there you truly want to grow
I know some of you personally I'm working with some of you personally, you want to grow but life is hard and walking through the valley of shadow of the death death is difficult but
I'm telling you that the only way to grow closer to God is to be in the fire there is no other way when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the furnace it was the only way for
promotion there was no other way the God of Israel was promoted above all other gods and these three people that were nobody were promoted above all people and it took fire to get there. God is found in the fire it's not found in the water death of your flesh is found in the water
that's what going through the Red sea was all about; once the flesh is behind you true
supernatural growth comes through fire; do you believe that that can you understand that
there was not a coincidence that God showed up for the very first time and introduced
himself to all of Israel through what medium fire first through the burning bush then on to every Israelite on top of mount
Sinai what was it it was fire the fire of God he's trying to give this connection that this same
fire this spiritual fire can burn inside of you this making sense at all am I crazy all right so
let's move forward I want to make this connection so the last feast day in the spring
the holy spirit makes this message I am sending you my fire then there is a trans... there is a transition period here of three and a half months then comes the second set number five yom - day Teruah blowing - Yom Teruah; six is Yom Kippur the day of judgment and seven is Sukkot
Hallelujah Feast of tabernacles; let's walk through these this is the fall feast these
three and a half months is like the separation between the old testament and the new testament
that blackout time period where fire was gone and the church was in disarray if you will the community of Israel was having a very difficult time this is where God didn't speak right
I believe this is also connected to the three and a half year great tribulation period where you have the separation from when the shofar blasts in the spiritual realm and the antichrist comes on the scene and three and a half years of great tribulation happen and then at the end of
that three and a half years is going to be the great shofar blast that all the earth will hear it will be so loud the dead will hear it it will wake the dead and they will literally
come back to life all of those that are in the resurrection of the just so this Yom Teruah I want to go to a couple of scriptures and I want to read to you what this is all about
so please open up your bibles turn with me to numbers chapter 10 I want you to see something; numbers chapter 10 and read with me and verse 5. when you sound the advance the camps that lie on the east side shall then begin their journey when you sound the advanced the second
time then the camps that lie on the south side shall begin their journey they shall sound
the call for them to begin their journeys and when the assembly is to be
gathered together you shall blow but not sound the advance the sons of Aaron shall
blow the trumpets and these shall be to you as an ordinance forever throughout your generations
and so what's happening here is that that the word teruah here some of your version
says shout that is the word uh teruah is shout so it's not just about a trumpet it's not about a
ram's horn or a shofar or a cudahorn it is about the shouting so that tells us in the spiritual
realm what is the actual original trumpet the voice you are the trumpet of God in
the in in the end days God's people who are called by his name will humble themselves
and they will pray what are you praying with you're praying with your heart you're
praying with your voice you are the frequency of the shofar and depending on what your frequency
sounds like will depend on the return frequency how many of you ever heard the phrase uh uh like
frequencies attract okay so you can walk it's fascinating you can watch a teenager right and
the teenager let's say may not be necessarily following the Lord they'll walk into a group of
100 teenagers they don't have a clue who they are but they will immediately within minutes
end up with the worst kids in that (...) how they all have how does that happen why are
you laughing have you ever experienced this but then you take the most godly young
lady and who does she end up finding in a group of 100 people the most godly
young people why does it work that way because like frequencies attract like
frequencies if you find yourself attracting the wrong type of frequency it's because
you're putting off the wrong type of frequency we're supposed to be a pure sound
clean hands and a pure heart amen how about this Psalms 47:2 says this: clap your
hands all nations shout to God with the voice of triumph; we sing that song right clap your hands
all you peoples, shout out that the word shout there is teruah it's Yom Teruah; be the voice of God in the
earth realm shout to God all the earth psalm 66 1 sing to God our strength shout to God of Jacob
psalm 81 2 shout to Yahweh all the earth psalms 101. Leviticus 25:9 says and you shall pass a shofar of blasting in the seventh month on the 10th of the month on the Day of Atonement you shall pass
a shofar throughout all your land that is talking about this day Yom Kippur how many know
that on this day Yom Teruah right now this is the first day of heaven's court opening up this is
the first day of the trial now what does that mean the books are open and the judgment has begun so
on this day prophetically in the spiritual realm is the time when the courts of heaven are open and the judgment is beginning its process it's a
10-day trial 10 is what number for in the bible it's a number of the nations that's the number
of the nations guess what's going to be judged all of the nations from this day to this day on
Yom Kippur it's 10 days and it's called the 10 days of awe this is not a happy time this is an absolute time of 100% retrospect, it is preparing for the final judgment where on this day one time a year in Israel the high priest will go into the holy of holies and he would make a sacrifice first for himself and then for all of Israel. God would either accept the sacrifice and forgive all of Israel or he wouldn't and how would they know well what would happen if we know this
from the talmud because it says that they took a scarlet cord and they would
tie it to the front door of the temple then they would take these uh the Urim and Thummim it like the dice and they would they would cast the die for which one of the goats would be the Adonai goat, the goat for God that they would sacrifice and which one would be the la Azazel goat that they would lay hands on and they would transfer all the sins of Israel to this goat well what the Talmud says is that from 30 a.d to the time of the destruction of the temple which was 70 a.d, it says for the previous 40 years that which the die always came up in the right hand for the law out of Niko it always came up in the left hand and the scarlet cord that in the morning after Yom Kippur would always turn white signifying that Yahweh had forgiven their sins for 40 straight years it never turned white it stayed scarlet and the doors of the temple they would wake up in the morning and they were wide open this is the Jewish history books saying this isn't like Christians going hey let's make this up this would be cool no the Jews historically are saying that the doors of the temple were wide open now why are they wide open why did God open the doors of the temple because he's saying I want you to come to me the doors are no longer for just the priest I am opening up for anybody and everybody and matter of fact I'm pretty sure right across the Kidron valleys right where they sacrificed the red heifer which inaugurated all of the service the temple service stood a man at 33 years old that put his
hands out to say the doors are open amen is his right the doors of the temple are now
open and I'm not going to accept these sacrifices anymore because I was the sacrifice I took your sin which was scarlet I made it white as snow and I'm not going to honor that system anymore
that was a system I chose to honor but it was just a template he was not saying that the sacrificial system was wrong or wicked God forbid he made it up did he not he said it was temporary it
was just a template everything on this earth is temporary and it's a template is it not the temple itself which the Jews adored and I can't even imagine how amazing it was in Solomon's temple but even that God said was just a symbol it was just a shadow of what Moses was seeing in the heavens your body is temple it's temporary it's it's just a small shadow of things to come
matter of fact in Hebrew when the bible says that man was made in the image of God that same word (...) can actually be interpreted as shadow think about that you're made in the shadow of God how cool is that when you have a shadow cast on the wall you may be able to tell who it is or that that person resembles somebody just from the shape
when people look at you and they hear your voice bringing this back to you when they hear your
voice when you speak what frequencies are you bringing forth what are you talking about what is
on your mind what is on your heart what's coming out of you when someone comes to your temple do they see God of Israel what do they see on the scene who's on the throne
because if you are on your own throne the fire of God doesn't show up but if you were off the throne and you let him take that place his fire will begin to show up and let me just throw up for those of you that are in transition and I know there are people that are in a transition that are trying to serve God that desire to do it but they struggle and they... I don't see the fire of God that's like taking a giant bonfire and one little spark thing and trying to start it does it start on the first time every time no from God's perspective think of it as a dad if I'm going to give my son or my daughter the keys to my car you better have already proved to me that you can handle it does that make sense i'm not going to hand over
something that's super important i'm not giving you my fire if I know you can't handle it because
you've never shown me that you really love me through the frequency that comes
out of your shofar yeah amen to them I think that was the Lord channel him
you know out of the mouth of babies the fire of God is designed to burn inside
of you but God wants to first burn out what is not of him first that's what he wants to
do and sometimes we have to stay in the fire a little bit longer every week on Shabbat what
do we do with the candles here we take one of the candles right matter of fact let's do
it in real time can you find the two candles sure I'll show you this because there's
just nothing better than showing you this in real time to get and understand the point
of why we have to stay inside the fire of God we move to Yahweh oh yeah that's
where we're going for the 10 days so here's what happens end of time wise is that
the messiah comes back that's Yom Teruah it just so happens that Yom Teruah the feast of trumpets
that's when they inaugurated the kings of Israel so a king could come in in in February or
Nissan but he doesn't get he does not get inaugurated as king until Tishrei one just like in
the united states we will uh we will anoint a new president, we will vote for a new president
but when does he actually become president is it november 3rd no we choose on november 3rd
but not until inauguration day in january does he get actually inaugurated as president or king it's
the same way here do you think it's coincidence that all of Judaism when you ask them when
does the messiah come what will they tell you okay because why the prophets prophesy that
the King of Israel is going to come and he's going to be sitting on his throne and be
inaugurated as king of Israel on that day it is at that moment that the dead and the Christ
will rise first the resurrection of the just there's two resurrections one is the resurrection
of the just one is the resurrection of the wicked there's only one resurrection when he comes and
that is his people they resurrected from the dead those are alive and remain will be gathered up
together with them in the clouds they will come and they will rule and reign for a thousand years
from Jerusalem 10 that's when he comes when we are lifted from the earth this is when the holy
spirit is released from the earth because we're gone and guess what happens over the next next 10
days which is called the ten days of all this time period between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur this is the 10 days
of awe, this is when the wrath of God is poured out here God's people will never have wrath children
your parents should never have wrath against you they might be angry we can discipline you
we discipline you because we love you and that's always what we're going to say right
parents we do but we don't pour out our wrath we don't punish we discipline God punishes the
wicked disciplines his children that happens is ten days watch this can you get this all
ready to go for me all right Sierra okay all right so in our family what we do on
Shabbat on Erev Shabbat in our evening meal is we light the candles but we do it in this way we
allow this to represent the fire of God Yahweh so I think this is apropos since we're talking
about this and Yahweh brought his fire to the earth because he's an infinite spirit and he
cannot just come by himself in pure form or the whole earth would explode if you
will with his life so he brought his his light into the form of Yeshua and he gave him
his light he gave him his name and that authority was cast in the earth realm and Yeshua's light grew and y'all remained sure bro are these real candles oh
these aren't like fake like all right we're about to find out, let the fire
of God start up here for a second this is Yeshua and he represents Yeshua and Yeshua
in the earth realm is full of light then what happens is does Yeshua and we do this
at our table does Yeshua force himself on us he just becomes a light he stays a light and what
happens to this candle which represents us we go to him you see a lot of times i'll just tell
you this on a very personal level in my life i've been accused of more things than i think
satan himself sometimes, and it's so tempting sometimes for years to defend myself and to say
this is it and i didn't do this and i didn't do that but at the end of the day you know what
the Lord told us while i was in my uh uh higher learning facility he said just be
a light just be a light you can't deny the light just be the light so sometimes when
we come to the messiah when we come to him brand new world we don't know come here from
Sikkim as they say and we come to the light this is what most of us do whenever we want
to uh have the light of God somebody says okay nope that didn't work i think i'm
going to do something different well God's light didn't work for me again i'm
going to go to church no anywhere i'm going to church again again again again i might even tie
it might even like sing in the choir that is not being on fire for God if you truly want the fire
to transfer from you from him to you this is what you have to do you have to come over the top of
the fire and you have to allow it come over here look at this the fire gets brighter
just by the fact that it knows and you just have to sit there you have to do
the right thing yeah you have to just show up and it jumps it has to burn off the wax and the junk that's inside of you first you don't
have to touch the fire isn't that pretty you have to just let the fire consume
you and at some point at one moment the fire will jump to you and you will be on
fire; now somebody tell me which one is Yeshua because see if you let the fire of God work
in your life you're supposed to be the image this is what people are supposed to see
this is the image of christ this is Yeshua this is what people are supposed to see they
can't tell the difference and then when you truly recognize your calling and how to walk with
the messiah you do it like this and watch what happens the fire grows twice as high as it
was before because they come in unity this is the picture of a husband and
wife uh very good oneness thank you and this is what we pass around the table and we
pass our light symbolically that we're sharing our light and then what we do after we're done
sharing the light where do we put the candles right in the middle of the table
because they're to give light off to everyone that's sitting around it what's
under the light the bread, what's the bread the body of messiah the manna the word of God it
all starts with fire it starts 3440 years ago with the with the tabernacle in the wilderness and
the fire of God it penetrates itself moves itself forward and the light of God penetrated the heart
of mankind on Shavuot, you want to come up here you have no fear do you high five yeah that child is solid my girls never felt like that it
came out that way he came out there see this is how we're supposed to operate our
lives the symbolism is clear when we follow the feasts of God when we begin to understand
the patterns the cyclical patterns that are in the scriptures and we begin to enter into that i'm
telling you right now you will never feel the joy of the Lord until you experience the fire no one
goes to a bonfire take graham crackers chocolate and a marshmallow puts them together and
eats them nobody that's normal what do you do you put it in the fire you gotta put the
marshmallow in the fire i was like wait what, Laura's the only one that
eats cold, no no no no no the marshmallows got to be in the fire and there's
two types of people and only two types of people there's the weird people that spend a half an
hour turning the marshmallow until it's just nice okay then there's the people that believe this is
a torch yes and i gotta light the whole thing on fire because the only way to melt the dumb
chocolate is to put it on there while it's on fire how many of you guys are out there
all right praise God okay when you come to Sukkot, you can come to my bonfire and let all
of the slow people because you ain't faster anymore no but in all seriousness in closing i
want you guys to see this; we are each a candle candles are not meant those beautiful
candles which are... look like decoration were not meant for decoration and there's too
many believers today that are walking around and they're telling people i'm a candle i'm a
candle praise God i'm a candle Hallelujah candles are us but at the end of the day do you ever have
to tell someone that you're does a candle ever have to say it's a candle no it's on fire when
it's on fire the candle is self-defining itself it is automatically expressing its original tint
of the Maker you see if you're not on fire for God you are a dead candle that is worthless there
will come a day i believe because my bible says it coming it's coming there will come a day
when all electricity is going to be shut off when the end of the world begins to come one emp
i read a great book called one second after emp two of them hit over the United states knocked
out every single electronic piece of equipment in the whole country and guess what happened people
died by the hundreds of thousands the first week because we don't even know how to exist our
water is generated by electricity everything we have is operating based on electricity and
what is electricity when you refine it all down fire the earth operates by fire so if the
natural earth operates by fire and what three elements water air and air is it not
a coincidence that in the spiritual realm you see these same three elements just in the
spiritual realm you see the fire of God operating inside of a brethren or sister in Christ you see
the wind the air which is what it's the Ruach it is the word Ruach which is the word spirit spirit
and wind and then you also see that God says that unless you pass through the water what happens
when a baby comes out goes through the birth canal do you think there's a reason why they call it
a canal long because it's water the children of Israel had to go through the Red sea there
was a reason why Yahweh backed Moses up against the Red sea and didn't just take him straight
through he could have killed all the Egyptians he took them and backed him up
against the wadi through the water into the Red sea for a reason he's trying to paint
the picture that the fire of God the spirit of God and the water of God that's why he says you
must be baptized John baptized you by water he will baptize you by what fire fire fire water
spirit over the top of their heads it's all the same the tri-unity of the Creator operates
through the fire through the spirit and through the water you've got to have all three you can't
have the fire of God without the Spirit of God you can't have the spirit of God without dying to
your flesh and being baptized and submerged in the water of God which is his word don't tell me that
you're saved don't tell me that you love God and don't tell me that you have the fire of God but
you can't even tell me where John 3:16 is located it's John 3:16. that's the one that pagans put up at the baseball
games just to aggravate people at the end of the day God is desiring you to enter into a triunity
relationship with him based on the very three elements of the physical realm that created the
earth he's trying to say in the spiritual realm i want you to be filled with my spirit i want you
to be on fire for me and i want your water of my word to flow out of your mouth when Yeshua comes
what does the prophet say that when he comes water will come out of his belly and when he
when he comes the waters that right says what it came up to his ankles then his knees then his
waist and his chest and he was swimming swimming in what the water that was proceeding from the
throne of God and it cleansed him of everything is this making sense can you guys stand
with me let's let's just close this closing prayer i want you to experience in your life this Yom Teruah that the memorial of the blowing of
trumpets is to remind us of a single event and i know what that event is and the rabbis
teach this event and i want to teach it to you because i think they're right on the money; there
was a single event in all of biblical history that commemorated the power of your voice and what happens when you truly allow the spirit
of God through crazy unreasonable obedience and when you do that like the Israelites did for excuse me 3 400 years ago when they came
out of egypt 40 years later the generation that qualified to go into the promised land because
they watched their mouth did you know that entire generation was disqualified because
the words that came out of their mouth that were resonating from their heart when they
said oh we don't believe that the God of Israel can defeat the giants they're too big that
one statement of doubt disqualified all of them but the generation that went in their
first battle was against the highest fortified city in all of Canaan
it was the outpost called Jericho Jericho they were told to go around that city seven
times and on the seventh time what did he say Teruah that's what he said that's scary that's
what you get for sitting in the front row she'd be looking out right here he
probably felt it too but he said shout blow the trumpets declare this city defeated that
the high walls of your life the struggles that you have that the enemy has boxed you in
and you feel like there's no way out in whatever category of your life or maybe you know
somebody that is boxed in and you're frustrated there's only one way out says
the Lord God declare i'm here says the Lord declare this is my land this is
my city enemy get out the enemy has no power you know Jericho was built when the Israelites
left to go to Egypt this land was their land when they came back they were simply reclaiming
what was already theirs this is the message of redemption amen let's pray:
Father we love you we thank you God you are a holy God i don't know what we would do Father we wouldn't even
have a message if you would not have first spoke it was your words that caused
the earth to come into existence the worlds obeyed the frequency of your voice
you did you could have just thought the world into exist you chose to use your shofar your
voice because you are bringing forth a principle a power a pattern an example of a good father that
says i will create with what i say i will destroy with what i say i will speak and it will be in
the same way Father you've given us in your image built in your shadow the ability to speak life or
to speak death it will happen says the Lord i gave you this strength this ability and this anointing
you are one of mine; when you speak to the demons they will leave if you speak with authority as if
you are not afraid and there is no doubt because a one who doubts is like a wave of the scene blown
and tossed by the wind Father i thank you for speaking life into us through your Son has spoken
to his disciples and told them you can do this Peter i know you messed up i know you denied me i
know that you feel like a loser you want to quit i know you're a hypocrite i saw it when you
were there with Paul in Galatians you turned your back on them but i believe in you you
can do this stand up get up you can do this speak it everybody say i can
do this i can do all things do you believe it yes God says he will give you
life if you open up to him and ask him he says those who confess will be forgiven not those who
think about it it's those who confess with their mouth that Jesus is the lord that God will forgive you
so i just ask right now that you would you would take this challenge that from this day forward you
will make a commitment that your own shofar your own voice will begin to breathe life to everyone
around you no negativity no critical spirit no judgmental spirit it's life and it's liberty and
the pursuit of the Creator that brings happiness Father i just ask if there's anybody in the
sound of my voice that's struggling so much Lord that they can't even contain or the emotion
that's inside of them because they want you so bad but they feel like they're caught in a web of
whatever's around them circumstances other people the frustrations of life the mire Father i speak right now that they are to be free
that bondage is no longer existent by faith walls will come down i pray for my brethren in prison that love you, they're dedicated on Shabbat they're pulling away and separating themselves to unto
you bless them set them free God and for everyone else that's in prison on the outside in their own
life set them free Father call out to Christians everywhere Lord by faith i ask that your voice
would penetrate this realm and you would call out to our brethren in Christ and let them know
that you're not found in a church building that you are found in the heart in the ark of the covenant where you chose to bled through your son to bring us to a place where your presence and
your fire exist inside the local home first that your power and image be found in
the home and let it ignite communities let it be like a virus war that spreads like
this corona virus is spreading but let it be deadly to the enemy let it sweep across America
i pray revival or the of the Hebraic Christian roots of our faith will absolutely tantamountly
bring down the walls of Jericho of religiosity and destroy the chains that the enemy has bound his
people and they don't even know they're in bondage break us free from the traditions and doctrines
of men and bring us to a place where once again the spirit collides with the truth and
creates a one new man in Messiah Yeshua that it bring forth the dead
piece of wheat that was shaken it was crushed and it was put under foot and
stomped into the ground little did they know did the enemy know that that seed
was wheat and it thrives in the dirt Father water it with your word every person Father
Yahweh i pray that has ever received the gospel right now i pray that it would be watered it would
grow that Lord evangelism would happen people would get on fire for you and they want they can't
contain it they share with their co-workers their neighbors they spread the word of god like it did
in the first century where people just didn't care and they didn't have to say anything hardly
because the fire does its job all by itself destroy the wax of the false religion burn off the chaff Lord burn off
the resin of carnality and flesh and the desire for earthly pleasure God against
your word but call your people who are called by your name and let them hear your voice we want
to hear your voice we give you permission Father to invade us we are our own Jericho call
out to us Father and break our walls down that your frequency you are the high priest
let your frequency destroy the man-made bricks let them melt in your presence and
let your people fall to their knees and let them see your glory once again Father
can i say this we have not to experience the glory that you showed the Israelites in
Solomon's temple alone we've never seen it, it was so amazing so extraordinary the priests had to
leave the building because it was so overwhelming to their senses would it be amazing if once again
your spirit indwelled our temples our earthly temples our bodies to such a degree it would
overwhelm the enemy and he would have to leave every single crevice of who we are and people
from miles around would see a burst of light like an atomic bomb going off a city on the
hill and the dead will raise spiritually and they will come back to life and have it
more abundantly can it be that way again father we pray that we pray that in our families
and our marriages and our relationships but most of all we pray in your church
let the bride of arise let the bride arise let the bones of Joseph gather let the
sinews and the muscles and the tendons come together let the one new man live i declare it
right now in Yeshua's name Ezekiel 37 bones live the Joseph and Ephraim the two sticks come
together and the hand of the messiah and let he take his throne on this earth now and let it start
in our own hearts today you are King you are Lord you deserve this day to be yours if the courts
are open for heaven on this day then this day i stand before the courts of the Almighty God and i
declare that your people are humbling themselves and we are praying and we are turning from
our wicked ways we're not very good at it we are trying our best but what Father we are
asking you to hear from heaven and heal our land we're asking for your grace to be poured out we're
asking for the fire of heaven to be poured out and i declare on this day innocence for every
child man woman that is a child of the most high God that is messed up screwed up that has felt
like a loser lord let their death be canceled on this day let them be judged faithful and
innocent and worthy by the blood of messiah over unleavened bread first fruits
shall we all be wrapped in the one and let your fire fall on
this day and heal your people you deserve our love Lord
and we don't give it enough let this day be the beginning
of the rest of our life Lord i don't know where this passion is
coming from right now other than it's You let Your fire fall and burn out
everything in the underbrush that's him and let only the trees that are strong survive
and let the forest of the Almighty be worthy for the King's horse to ride let the army of
God stand up and let the angels support them let the war begin for your bride let
the wrinkles be ironed through fire and let the wonders and the signs and
the glory of the train fill this temple in Yeshua's name, everybody said Amen!