Yielding our will to live in the Spirit - Bro Zac Poonen

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as the blind man reaches out for his white cane in the morning did you reach out for the Lord this morning when you got out of bed or was it your phone or was it something else I just mentioned that to say how quickly we forget what we hear and how eager Satan is to make us forget something that can change the course of our life the Bible begins with the words in the beginning god that's how it must be every day of our life and if you have understood that we have understood one of the most important things so many Christians are eager to speak in tongues be more eager to begin the day with God what has God prepared those who love him the most wonderful life that anyone lived on this earth was the life that Jesus lived the most restful calm completely free from anxiety afraid of nobody even when Pilate threatened him saying don't you know I have power to crucify you and Pilate was nervous Jesus stood calm before him and said you have no power over me except what my father gives you that word was such a help to me once when religious people took me to court and they wanted the magistrate to write something against me I said softly you have no power over me except what my father gives nobody can touch your brother if you walk as Jesus walked turn to 1 John in Chapter 2 1 John chapter 2 and verse 6 the one who says he abides in Christ ought to walk in the same manner as he walked that's not like a burden you know you can read that verse and saying oh boy you mean to say I have to walk by the same way Jesus walked and by the standard he lived by that's like you know somebody forcing you to eat something which you don't like or forcing you to do what you don't like to do it's a wrong way to look at that verse you can look at it wow you mean I can walk as Jesus walked on this earth boy what an exciting thing that is you can look at it in two ways and you can look at Scripture in two ways as you know the commands were a burden the Old Testament law was a burden people tried to keep it in - as a bird and a bird and a burden and Jesus said to such people come to me those who are bird and then heavy laden how did they get burden and heavy laden reading the Word of God because they took them all as commands and heavy weights that are put upon them the Pharisees present like that Jesus said you Pharisees put heavy burdens on other people and a lot of sermons are preached in such a way which I heavy burden on other people you must pay your tithe than otherwise God will curse you or this thing that thing the other thing everything is a burden a burden of burden and people struggle under that burden and some keep it and some are not able to keep it in the field condemned that's not the way in the New Covenant in the New Covenant it's a possibility that the Lord is rich showing us you can walk as Jesus walked it's a possibility Lord is it really true yes I mean you will not give a command to your child which he cannot obey which good father will tell his child to do something he knows the child cannot do climb that 20-foot wall do you think a child can do that and sometimes in our mind when we read scripture we unconsciously accuse God we don't actually say it but unconsciously we accuse God saying no it's kind possible do everything without murmuring and complaining Philippians 2 1415 Oh how can I do that I thank God further I look at it as a wonderful possibility and I look at it like that it becomes fulfilled I can honestly say it's become true in my life I do everything without murmuring and complaining to the best of my knowledge thoughts come temptation I reject them I'm not saying he won't be tempted you'll be tempted to murmur and complain till the end of your life I'm saying the possibilities you can overcome it 100% but like we heard yesterday you don't jump up to the top class you've got to go first standard second standard third stand if you go slowly slowly slowly but you can come there God never gives us a command in the New Testament which we cannot away that's why in the Old Testament the standard was so low don't murder don't commit adultery don't not don't tell a lie but when you go to court and you're swearing then don't tell a lie because otherwise it's impossible to tell people don't tell lies but in the New Testament the command is don't tell lies no yes mostly yes you know must be known so all those things listed in Matthew chapter 5 why is it Jesus never gave that as a command in the old testament because they couldn't obey it they didn't have the Holy Spirit they didn't know that God was a loving father everything was a bird in a bird in a burden and my dear brothers and sisters if you think of God's commands as a burden you are under the Old Covenant then you must come to Jesus because he says come to me all of you who are burdened and heavy laden come to me I'll give you rest but we need to get revelation please turn with me to Matthew chapter 13 what is God prepared for those who love Him the possibility that we can walk every day of our life as Jesus walked this is not the most wonderful thing that God has prepared for those who love him but God has revealed them to us by His Holy Spirit that we can be there and live like that Matthew chapter 13 here is an amazing thing there are some amazing things that Jesus said the disciples came and asked him in verse 10 Matthew 13 verse 10 why do you speak to them in parables now today you know when when we make an illustration like I often use illustrations to illustrate some truths and people always say oh brother Zack I could understand that better when you made that illustration it that became more clear that truth where when you illustrated with an example but see the answer Jesus gives why do you speak to them in parables and I'll tell you in a nutshell his answer is so that people don't understand what I'm saying you mean to say Jesus speaks in such a way that some people don't understand that's right read here to you he tells his disciples it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom but to them it is not granted why is it not granted is it because they were not clever those Pharisees were 10 times cleverer than Peter and James and John who were fishermen these fishermen didn't finish high school those fellows were college graduates those Pharisees but they could not understand but these simple people could understand to you because it is a gift because it is not something like science or mathematics which if you're clever you understand if you're not so clever you don't understand see the subjects in the world understanding depends entirely on cleverness that's why some people come first in every class in school their intelligence level is high maybe they inherit it from their parents and the others who are intelligence level is low and it's got nothing to do with believer or unbeliever there are many believers whose intelligence level is low there are unbelievers atheist whose intelligence levels very high they do very well in the world the cleverest people in the world are not believers they are atheists and agnostics and unbelievers but the mysteries of God's kingdom are not understood by the mind it is to be granted them it has not been granted they can be very clever they can read and read and read and read they will not understand they hear the parable of Jesus and they won't understand why do you speak to me to them in parables so that they don't understand and then he says in verse 12 whoever has to him more will be given now this is the opposite of communism communism says you take away from what they have and give people who don't have but Jesus said if you have and the meaning is if God has shown you some truth and you obey it more will be given to you if you have something and you obey it it becomes your possession that means you hear a word and you obey it becomes yours people have asked me brother Zak can I preach your sermons I say yes if you obey it first if you obey what you hear me preach on the word in your life faithfully it becomes yours then you can speak it as your truth you may have heard it from me first but it has become your truth because you obeyed it that's the meaning of to him who has so until you obey it is not yours you don't have it you have heard it so when it says to him who has the meaning is what he has heard it's become his possession how did it become his possession he obeyed it and if you possess something like that you heard it and you obeyed it it becomes yours then more will be given to you and then you obey that eat more will be given to you so that is the way we grow in the understanding of the Lord and his world and you will never understand Scripture if you don't obey what is told you to him who hears that's it it becomes his he has it then more will be given then he obeys it it becomes his again he has more more will be given he will have an abundance but him who does not have that doesn't mean he doesn't hear he hears but he doesn't obey so it doesn't become his he doesn't have it then even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him so I speak to them in parables verse 13 so that while seeing they don't see hearing they don't hear in Lord and they don't understand and you say Lord don't you want everybody to hear understand clearly this wonderful truth you brought from heaven no the Lord says I don't want everybody to understand what I'm saying I want those who are humble to understand it I want those who are poor in spirit you know the Amplified Bible translates Matthew 5:3 poor in spirit as blessed are those who consider themselves insignificant you know the meaning of consider yourself as insignificant that means you sit among people and say I'm the zero here that follows 10563 - they're all blind zero that's the one who considers himself insignificant that is poor in spirit it says Dez is the Kingdom of Heaven that poor in spirit is the master key that'll open every door in the kingdom of heaven will make you rich and possess everything they will understand everything it'll become their possession so I speak to them in parables because they are not poor in spirit they don't rate themselves as insignificant they don't think there are zeros some of them think they are a hundred or fifty or at least 25 but zero no zero that's those unlearn at fishermen like Peter James and John they are the zeros and when Jesus asked his disciples who do people say that I am all those clever people said maybe Jeremiah maybe one of the prophets and Peter said no you're the Son of God and Jesus said you're blessed Peter because you did not understand that with your cleverness you didn't finish high school those college graduates could not understand how do you understand it it was given to you by revelation from my father in heaven I praise God for that word revelation is a New Testament world understanding is an Old Testament word you can read the Word of God and understand it you may not have revelation but when you get revelation it will change your life I'll tell you a simple example jesus said in Luke 16 and verse 13 no one can love God and money understood it yes it won't be true in your lives people have heard it in CFC for 43 years it has not changed their lives they still love money but when it becomes revelation to someone he stops loving money he adds he may have plenty of it but he doesn't love any of it he loves God and when he loves God he understands so many truths in Scripture with other people don't understand that's just one example you can understand and not get revelation so what are the things God is prepared for those who love him everything is by revelation you can sit through this whole conference and understand a lot of things and none of it will be real in your life and next year you'll be at the same level because you don't rate yourself as a zero and you're trying to understand with your mind and you can be like the Pharisees then it'll be written in verse 14 as it says that this verse is fulfilled you'll keep on hearing but you won't understand do you know the number of people I have met who have sat in CFC for forty years and more who keep on hearing and they don't understand how do I know they don't understand I look at their lives some of them minister the word and I see the result of their ministry shallow empty nothing is accomplished there are elders in different churches who preach nothing is accomplished I don't mean numbers I'm talking about making disciples if you compare this church with Jesus Church Jesus Church was only 11 people don't you say what only 11 people in your church and Jesus says only 11 yeah oh we've got 500 Oh huh Jesus had lemon with which he turned the world upside down for 2,000 years and with a lot of churches which have got 20,000 30,000 they don't accomplish anything in terms of the kingdom of darkness they don't overturn the kingdom of darkness they can build big buildings and so it's very important you'll keep on hearing but you won't understand verse 14 you'll keep on seeing but you won't perceive because the heart of these people has become dull there is something God has told them and they don't obey and they can keep on hearing what God has prepared for those who love him and their notebooks are full of it no revelation and they have closed their eyes years because if they understand I would heal them but they don't understand but jesus said to these unlearned disciples blessed are your eyes because you see here years because they're here because many prophets and righteous men in the olden days wanted to see what you see Old Covenant people they longed to see what you see and did not see it and hear what you hear did not hear him do you know that Elijah Isaiah Jeremiah Zachariah longed to understand the things that you're hearing now here and they could not hear it and understand it do you think you understood better than Zechariah and Jeremiah and Isaiah know if it has become life in you John the Baptist was more free from the love of money than the vast majority of Christians how can you say he didn't understand anything a lot of things he didn't understand we can glory in the New Covenant but compare yourself with some of these Old Covenant people in what way are you better than them Elijah was such a fearless man even he was not afraid of 850 false prophets standing against him fearless are you better than him so it's good for us to humble ourselves and not imagine that because we have heard so much about the New Covenant we have understood we are in danger of missing what God is prepared for those who love Him we need revelation brothers and sisters we need the revelation of the Holy Spirit and there's a verse in the Old Testament which says in Psalm 25 Psalm 25 and was 14 mystery is a secret of God the word mystery in the New Covenant means a secret and you don't tell your secrets to everybody secrets are whispered in the year there are other things which are proclaimed openly but some things are secrets forgiveness of sins is not a secret it's proclaimed openly but to be a godly person that's a secret 1 Timothy 3:16 is called the mystery of godliness and not everybody can understand it because the secret of the Lord he whispers into the years of those who fear Him and it is to only to them that he will show his new covenant so to whom does God show his new covenant and to whom does God whisper his secrets those who reverentially fear Him have a tremendous reverence for God and who not who are afraid that God would punish them but to have such a respect for God that they honor him as God that when God says something whatever it is whatever the price whatever the cost they will obey and I'll give you a classic example of that from the Old Testament see fear of God is something which I feel that many Christians haven't got do you know why the early apostles could understand the grace of God clearly when they were filled with the Holy Spirit they understood it so quickly because for 30 years they had never heard it but their parents had taught them the fear of God that's all that the Jewish people knew fear God fear God fear God and here's a person 30 years he grew up in the fear of God and you know Paul said all my life I've lived with a good conscience how did he live all his life with a good conscience because he feared God he kept the commandments so here were people who kept whatever they knew which is the Ten Commandments and they feared God and they grew up and then one day they heard about the grace of God so the grace of God became something precious and they understood properly today's Christians have come from unconverted non-christian religions or unconverted so-called Christian families learnt nothing of the fear of God they've lived wayward sinful lives no fear of God and then one day all of a sudden we hear about the grace of God and they misunderstand it those disciples early disciples didn't misunderstand it because they knew this grace of God is built on top of the fear of God whereas today's Christians the grace of God is built on not and that's why they live in greater sin then those Old Testament people the average Christian that I know not only average ninety-five percent of Christians I've met they live more sinful than the Old Testament godly people and the reason is they have not grown up in the fear of God they came straight and it's like going to college because you're not gone through school and in college they are studying complicated subjects in science and physics and chemistry and here's a fellow who cannot read ABC trying to understand it can you imagine the confusion of somebody who's never been to school going to college that is the condition of many Christians whereas the early disciples they went through school fear of God fear of God fear of God fear of God fear of God and one day they heard about the grace of God if you think of it like that they went to college they could understand what they were hearing so if you have not got a foundation of the fear of God in your life you cannot understand the grace of God you'll understand it in your head but the reality of sin will not rule over you because you're under grace that will not be true in your life and if some of you are wondering why is it I have understood these truths so clearly in my mind but sin is still ruling over me here is the answer brother sister you got it today the fear of God has not come into your life and the secrets of the mysteries of God are revealed to those who fear Him who reverence him so here is the first place in the Bible the very first place in the Bible where God Himself certifies God certifies I know you fear me Genesis 22 God says to Abraham he gives a certificate when God called him to offer up his son the Lord said to him now I know verse 12 the middle of verse 12 now I know that you fear God in the Bible that's the first time that we read of God telling a man now I know that you fear me when you read that do you have this longing that comes into my heart Lord I want you to say that about me I want you to say about me now I know that you fear God do you find such a longing in your heart when you read a verse like that a burning longing Oh God my father I want you to say that about me now I know that you fear God so many people in the in my church think I'm such a godly man what does it matter fit for the trash can I want God to say now I know that you fear me that's the only opinion that matters I wish all a few young people will realize that it when you're young the only opinion that matters is God's opinion the second best opinion is the opinion of a really godly man you know there are people who have heard me say I'll tell you an example of how people misquote me there are many examples here is one of them people have heard me say the opinions of men are fit for the trash can and so they say Oh what does it matter who says it fit for the trash can and when I have said something to someone to correct them they have set to out his own Matt's brother Zach's opinion throw it in the trash can fine and they say well his opinion doesn't disturb me I am happy I rejoice in the Lord even though brothers act things I am rebellious and I'm in sin no it doesn't disturb me I'm rejoicing in the Lord like the Bible says rejoice always think of the elder to whom John the Apostle sent a message saying you have a name that you're alive but you're dead and he says no no that's John's I throw it in the trash can I'm rejoicing in the Lord Helen don't think whatever he likes about me I am rejoicing in the Lord all the time and people are fooled by that that guy should repent in brokenness before God if John said that about him but he foolishly thinks rejoice always and tries to show Oh I've overcome all those Corrections of my elders and all that stupidity the height of stupidity or john tells another elder you haven't your wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked the elder and later this year and the other says oh I throw it in the trash can I rejoice in the Lord always I am perfectly happy and there are people who are fooled when that guy should be repenting in brokenness before the Lord and say you don't throw John the Apostles opinion in the trash can sorry that's what I mean by misquoting scripture or misquoting what I say God's opinion is what matters the most next is the opinion of anyone whom God is approved on I look at it like this if the Apostle Paul told me Zack I think you're a bit worldly or Zack I think you love money how do you think I'd throw that in the trash can I tell you honestly before God I'd get along before God and weep I said lord please give me light here is a godly man who knows you tells me something about myself and I don't repent who do I think I am so it's good to say I could only care for the opinion of God but sometimes God speaks to us through his servants in fact most of the time he speaks to us through servants you've got to be pretty close to God for you to hear God directly otherwise you may hear it 10 steps down the line through a tenth servant and get closer and closer to God then you hear him Abraham heard him now I know that you fear God and when did God give him that certificate when God tested him verse one God tested Abraham Abraham was about 125 years old now fifty years ago he had been tested to leave his country and come out 50 years later God tested does God test people 50 years after they started following him yes even 75 years later he never stops testing his people he's always why it's like asking you children children do you get examinations in 10 standard also or only in first engine didn't say uncle are you foolish of course we get examinations in 10th standard otherwise how would we go to 11 standard correct so this Abraham get tested when he's 50 years after following the Lord yes because God wants him to go higher every test is to lead us higher so God tested him and said now I'm going to ask you for something that's really tough take your son and and the emphasizes in verse 2 this son whom you love so much some time ago I told you to send away your elder son Ishmael you obeyed me okay he's gone now you got only one son Isaac this time I'm not asking you to send him away I'm asking you to take him to this mountain and kill him and I want you to take three days to think about it so they walked walk that's why you didn't tell him to kill him around the corner walk three days and it says in verse four on the third day he reached that mountain and when he reached there he had three days to think about it is it worth serving a God who asked me to kill my son was not a sudden decision you know that God never asks you to suddenly decide something he take time take your time sit down and count the cost Jesus never said stand up and come forward and give your life to Christ now itself don't think about it Jesus said no don't stand up don't come forward sit down and count the cost a lot of evangelists say stand up and come forward I never said I you tell people sit down don't stand up count the cost go home think about it and then decide then their decisions will be more serious these people who stand up and come forward maybe one of 1% of them maybe is serious but 99% of them are not serious they just drift away sit down and count the cost is it worth taking your son and killing him God is asking for the best in our life that is the point of the story when God asks you for something he asks you for the best not 10% but a hundred percent and when you say Lord all that I have is yours you can take anything whatever you ask me I will obey even if it is the most difficult thing you've asked me I want to do something and you tell me don't do it I won't do it Lord I have a great desire to go over there and God says don't go I won't go find me a man like that or a woman like that I tell you there'll be no limit to how much God will bless such a person even if he is not very educated not very clever because God when he saw Abraham offer up his son he tested him as Abraham took up the knife with Isaac tied to that altar God said stop now I know verse 12 the you fear me the secret of the Lord is with those who fear him now you understood what fear of God is what ever God asks you obey immediately if you want you think about it for three days but if you don't obey he's not going to give you that certificate and then God said the second time verse 15 because you feared me like this let me paraphrase his words in verse 17 there's no limit to how much I'm going to bless you there will be no limit to how much I'm going to bless you Abraham you may be an unknown person but I'll make you famous throughout the world for centuries people will know about you because I blessed you I will bless you and your enemies will be defeated and all the nations of the earth verse 18 will be blessed through you because you feared me and obeyed my voice can God bless us like that can God bless you and me like that turn with me to galatians chapter 3 in Galatians in chapter 3 and verse 14 13 says Christ became a curse for us why did he become a curse for us on the tree verse 14 so that Galatians 3:14 in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to us through the promise of the Holy Spirit through faith so what is the blessing of Abraham I will bless every family that you meet on this earth will be blessed that's for me that means if God fills me with the Holy Spirit and really fills me not some cheap counterfeit a real fullness of the Holy Spirit a real baptism immersion in the Holy Spirit rivers of blessing will flow from me in many directions to bless many families and for you to no partiality with God jesus said if anyone believed in me if you thirst believe out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water I remember the day in my life and I said Lord only some trickle is coming out of my life and my life is such a struggle it's like a hand pump pump pump pump and I get a little bit of water I want rivers lord I want rivers I'll pay any price do anything I did not get satisfied to say Lord I want you to fill me with the Holy Spirit I'll do whatever you saying I want to encourage you my brothers and sisters have a thirst and a hunger to fear and obey God see we heard yesterday from Santo Chou the mark of humility is that you don't do your own will but do the will of God I really believe John 6:38 is the greatest proof of Jesus humility that were he coded I do not do my own will his humility is not seen in washing people's feet a lot of people their understanding of Jesus humility is he washed people's feet what is that washing people should pick up somebody's chapel's and give it to him this is all the external imitation of Jesus there are many people have tried to imitate Jesus externally but real humility is not there it's a hidden thing the real humility is in the secret place you don't do what you want to do you do what God wants you to do God told you to do something and you do that and it means that cutting of your own will not my will but your will so many times Jesus said that if anyone wants to do my be my disciple he must take up the and that taking up the cross means saying no to your own will it's not a question of understanding it's very important see I'll tell you how I who were so frequently discouraged for years and years and years in my life how I completely overcame at hundred percent it's first of all through the baptism and the Holy Spirit and then I realized that I must live in my will not in my mind not in my memory my mind will bring all types of things to me to discourage me to make me anxious but that's like temptation but I say Lord I live in my will I will not be discouraged I will praise you I exercise my will on your side I will not live the mind will be the servant of the Holy Spirit in my life this is a very simple principle but if you can understand it I tell you it will change your life because God does not dwell in our mind or in our body he dwells in our spirit it's very very important to understand this simple principle it changed my life I hope it changes yours so what Abraham did was he yielded his will that's why that is a proof of his fear of God and that's why God blessed him and in some situation where God tells you to do something and you don't yield your will and you just understand in the mind so many truths you'll never come into this life of God even those who claim to be filled with the spirit and speak in tongues they don't yield their will and they never accomplish because yielding of the will is the taking up of the cross to take up the cross means to say no to my own will and to say yes to the will of God so there are some slides which I want to show you which once some time ago we did a study on this you know this verse that was quoted yesterday Santhosh quoted this verse in Hebrews 4:12 can you bring up that first slide please Hebrews 4:12 the Word of God pierces to the dividing of soul and spirit in the Old Testament nobody had a clue of soul and spirit they thought it was one they thought man is body and soul that's all and today there are many many Christians also who think man is body and soul then how can you divide soul and spirit well the Word of God comes to divide between soul and spirit and it says here that is how we come to rest in Hebrews 4:10 there's a rest and that rust comes through the word of God dividing between soul and spirit this is how we come to a life of rest so we need to understand this division of soul and spirit I want to show you another verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 this is a New Testament revelation that God is that man is a Trinity like God God is a Trinity in three persons and man is a Trinity in three parts of one person says you may God sanctify your spirit soul and body three parts and spirit comes first so I want to explain a little bit of that to you it's not theory it literally it helped me a lot it may help you so can we go to the next slide please see in the Old Testament Tabernacle there were three parts corresponding to spirit soul and body and the tabernacle is a word used for our body John 1:14 says the word tabernacled in our myths dwelt in our midst the margin says Tabernacle in homage the word became flesh and tabernacled in our midst and then the revelation of spirit soul and body made us makes us understand the tabernacle was most holy place which was covered off the back part of that Curt tent and then the front part of the tent is the holy place the outer court reserved external part only one part could be seen after court just like in you only your body can be seen soul and spirit are hidden you think there's only one compartment inside the tent no it's not only soul there are two compartments in that tent that's what many people don't understand that is symbolizing the outer Court which everybody can see is the body and the hidden part inside is symbolized with the holy place most holy place the soul and spirit and you know in the Old Testament there was a thick curtain between the holy place in the most holy place showing that you cannot enter the most holy place that means you cannot get into God's presence also showing God cannot come into your spirit God can bless you in your body in the holy place but God cannot enter your spirit so we go to the next slide so here it is most holy place holy place out of court corresponds to spirit soul and body it's exact that's exactly what God is trying to teach them in the autism but they didn't understand but once the Holy Spirit came we could understand this now you see what this dividing of soul and spirit means there is a veil there between soul and spirit when they could not go in and God could not enter man's spirit and this dividing of soul and spirit through which we come to a life of rest you'll understand in a moment please go to the next slide Jesus this is a great verse Hebrews 10 20 also which many people don't understand Jesus inaugurated a new and living way for us through the veil we know the whale is between the soul between the holy place and the most holy place Jesus opened up away that means that's the way he lived how did he live he lived through the whale in the spirit in the most holy place he always lived there and he is opened a way for us through the veil so Jesus is not only our Savior not only the baptized in the holy spirit he's a forerunner he not only forgives our sins he not only annoying sense of the holy spirit after that he leads us into the most holy place and that was through the veil that is his flesh Hebrews 10 20 what does it mean but he made a way a way through his flesh flesh basically means his self will it's and through his flesh that is his self will that's he made a way through his self will means he put to death his self will that's how he made through the way and that ways inaugurated for us it's like a road that was never opened and one day some minister comes and cuts the ribbon and says the road is open for everybody that's called inauguration Jesus inaugurated a way and it's a way it's not a the veil is a curtain you think it's just entering no no no it's a way that we have to walk single day that's the way of the Cross which helps us to live in the spirit to worship in the spirit to preach in the spirit to pray in the spirit everything is only if we go through the rail through walking this way of self-denial okay we go to the next slide please so the thing that leads us into the spirit is the will the soul consists of mind emotions and will I want you to look at this picture carefully for a few moments a lot of us our understanding of Scripture is only in our mind and our emotions and we never become spiritual you this is the meaning of a soulish Christian a soulish Christian is one who understands everything clearly in his mind not only he understands he's excited about it he shouts and praises the Lord lifts his hand and you think this guy's really spiritual he's not you think that other guy he doesn't lift his hands he doesn't shout he doesn't pray he's just a dead intellectual both are soulish but one looks better than the other because he's so excited and those who don't have discernment that's why some people leave the Brethren assembly and go to the Pentecostal thinking oh these guys are just sitting there studying scripture all day these people are shouting and praising God these are spiritual that's not spirituality this is one form of soullessness and that is another form of soullessness this is you know developing the mind that's developing the emotions but you still don't enter the spirit you turn back to that once again that what is it that will lead you into the spirit the will that is the whale what is it what it say through the veil that is his self will you read that in Hebrews 2 and 20 I want you to make it so clear to you that you'll never forget it that that when that self will was born he could enter the spirit and when Jesus died and the veil was rent from the top God helped him throughout his life and God needs to help us to deny his will deny his will deny his will and when he died on the cross the last stitch on that veil was torn and the veil was open for whom for us to walk in every day this is called a new and living way which means an ever fresh new means always fresh that means I got a new opportunity today to deny my will which I didn't have yesterday then I can enter into the spirit this is truly spiritual life so I hope you'll understand this very clearly and this is how I can be saved from discouragement I I live in my will let all types of thoughts come into my mind I say no my will is yielded to do the will of God in my life if the devil tempts me about the past sorry Satan you can't fool me anymore I live in my will and I praise God I will refuse to be discouraged I choose for example the devil says you haven't forgiven that person you have you haven't forgiven that person you still remember of course I will remember till the end of my life I will remember evil people did to me but I'm I will I choose to forgive him Satan can't fool me once you understood this Satan will not be able to fool you by the thoughts that come into your mind I reject them by my will my will is the important thing Jesus humility as I said that he heard yesterday was in saying I will not do my will but the will of my father that is how he made the new and living way into life in the spirit ok we'll go to the next slide so he listen to this another picture now we are talking about one was the picture of the tabernacle now here is another picture of the a of the yielding of the will again everyone who hears these words of mine that is the mind he's excited about it emotion oh great word oh did he hear that today I was really challenged by what I heard and does them he is the man who builds on the rock not the one who hears and is excited a lot of people are here God's word in a conference and are excited they are not on the rock when they yield a wilted I've spoken about this before I'm willing to speak about it a thousand times so that we understand true spirituality is when your will is yielded to do the will of God okay the next slide Luke 648 the other words from Matthew 7 where did this man build on rock it is not 10 miles away from the man who built on sand no they both built their house next door to each other the wise man and the foolish man the only difference was Luke 6:40 it makes it clear the wise man dug deep through the sand and laid his foundation on the rock underneath and so his house did not fall the foolish man did not dig deep enough he just sand was everywhere both are building next door to each other this man says who's going to take all the way down to the raw he's a lot of money and dynamite and all is very expensive let me just build a house and with the money he had he built a big structure beautiful structure the other man said I'm going to dig deep and while that man is still digging foundations as far as completed his house he looks wise but wait'll the storm comes who's going to who's from house is going to stand the one who dug deep and built on the rock the one who yielded his will to God the next slide please now listen to this everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them that means he did not yield his will he understood it excited about it mind and emotion was ok so literally he was alright but he did not go through the rail he did not do he did not yield his will he's a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the next slide see again here Matthew 7:21 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord listen carefully when he says Lord that means his mind is right when he says Lord Lord hahas emotions are also excited there's a difference between a person who says Lord and the person who says Lord Lord Lord is mine Lord Lord is emotion he will not enter the kingdom of heaven you see everywhere you read in Scripture once you understand this it's the same thing Jesus is saying you understand it you're excited about it now you won't enter the kingdom of heaven but your will must be yielded you got to do the will of your father say no to your will then you enter heaven here the next slide please now you see it the sand is mind and emotions the rock is when you blast your will and say I'm gonna lay my build my house on a yielded will and not that I understood everything in the conference I got excited about everything I'm gonna go and obey it and why do I need how can I obey that's why I need the baptism in the Holy Spirit I don't need the baptism of the Holy Spirit to understand I don't need the baptism the Holy Spirit to stir up my emotions you just need to get drunk drunk people have got a lot of emotion you think they're very excited no Phil let's although you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to blast your will Romans 8:13 says if through the Holy Spirit great verse Romans 8:13 if through the holy spirit you put to death your will the deeds of the body you will live you can't do it on your own they couldn't do it in the Old Testament there was soulish in the Old Testament nobody in the Old Testament could become really spiritual till the Holy Spirit came so Jesus opened up this way through the will into life in the spirit the next one please there you see the wise the foolish man's house even built on the rock mind and emotions and the storm and the wind came and the house collapsed I hope this picture will remain in your mind forever that when you live in your mind and emotions and you think you understood everything and you can understand everything some of you who are very clever can even teach everything to others you know the number of teachers of God's Word whose home life is a mess the number of teachers of God's world have not brought up their children properly what type of teachers are they they are trying to get an honor from people because they are so clever you've got to be very careful if you are very clever if you are intelligent God has hidden these things from the clever and intelligent revealed them to babes ok the next picture here is the wise man he his house is not as colorful as the other man's house but he dug deep and went through the mind through the emotions he doesn't ignore mind and emotions it's not that the spiritual man says I don't care for my mind I don't care for my emotions rubbish I use my mind I use my emotions I am an emotional person I am an intellectual person but I don't live in that I live in my will and allow the Holy Spirit from there to control my mind to control my emotions that's why in my mind I can be free from anxiety that's why in my mind I can overcome temptation because I allow the Holy Spirit to go through this and that's why emotions don't I don't fool myself and I emotional that I'm spiritual I remember the days when I was a young kid and I used to see movies of Jesus and whenever he was crucified in that movie I would weep and next day live in the same sinful life haven't you had that experience or you come to a meeting and you are all stirred up and say at last I got it some of you thought you got it in the last conference how was your life mean in the last one year ask your husband ask your wife it's only if you decide that every single day of my life I'm gonna walk this new and living way every day I'm gonna deny my will Jesus said you got to take up your cross every day this is not a once for all thing it's 'we not a door the veil is a way not a door a new and living way through the veil Hebrews 10:22 his self will into the most holy place and there you come into fellowship with God there you live in God's presence and there he can say I set the Lord always before me he's my right hand I will not be shaken fear will not shake me discouragement will not shake me where can I set the Lord always before me only in the most holy place if I've gone through the veil through the new and living way through the flesh is that the last one is there another one after that no I think that's it okay so this is the sum and substance of it if anyone will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross that means saying no to himself walk this new and living way then we can follow him that is the meaning of the word of God dividing between soul and spirit and bringing us to rest which you heard of last night dividing between the soul and spirit is putting my will to death so that I can do the will of God and thus I live in the spirit then I can worship in the spirit you remember what Jesus told the Samaritan woman John chapter 4 John's Gospel chapter 4 Jesus told the Samaritan woman the time has now come John 4 and verse 23 an hour is coming and now is he said two things it's coming but it's also here now what is that the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit not in soul not in body in spirit and in truth means reality and the father is seeking for those who will worship in the spirit ninety-nine percent of Christians worship in the soul and body like in the Old Testament and that doesnõt the ones the father's seeking the father is seeking for those who worship in the spirit because God is his spirit and he dwells in the most holy place and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit in the Old Testament they worshiped with the body and soul what do I mean the body clap raise your hands the soul wonderful words coming out of our lips O Lord we praise you exalt you and so many things very very clever words mind and body emotions are all there so today how is it today yeah I use my mind I use my emotions I use my body but it comes from my spirit the way has been opened if you're walking the new and living way the Holy Spirit dwells in your spirit and flows through your mind and your emotions and your body then your mind and your emotions and your body became become servants of the spirit that dwells within this is not just theory it's real and many people who claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit I want to tell you never come to this reality they live defeated lives they speak in tongues in the meaning and in their unknown tongues and then go home and shout at their wife with their mother tongue what is this when I sought the Lord for the power of the Holy Spirit I said Lord I want power to control my mother tongue first I don't want unknown tongues I can't even control my mother tongue I get angry what's he was speaking in unknown tongues first let me control my mother tongue let me control my English language for soryo tamil language or whatever your language is then go into other languages and then of course God gave me the gift of unknown tongues which is also a very wonderful gift to be able to communicate I thank God I speak in tongues more than all of you but in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue but the main thing is that we live in the spirit so can you go to the next slide this is a book which is there in the bookstall living as Jesus lived if you want to know more about life in the spirit and soul and spirit you're going to read this book okay thank you you can shut that down so dear brothers and sisters I hope you've understood one thing today the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him then we can understand the mysteries otherwise like Jesus explains broke the parables the purpose was so that people don't understand I don't want to be in that category I want to understand and if I want to understand I must open up my spirit to God and the only way I can do that is as I said if I deny my will so what does that mean in practical terms the Lord says when you come to the altar with your offering and there you remember that you hurt somebody go and ask forgiveness first there you deny your will leave your offering stop praying and go and ask forgiveness from that person then come and if you have to do that ten times a day do it 10 times a day that is denying your will doing the Father's will the Lord says that money you took wrongfully give it back that money you borrowed give it back don't say he's forgotten about it God hasn't forgotten about it you're not supposed to be in debt can you imagine Jesus being in debt to anybody you want to walk as Jesus walked and you know what miracles gotta do for you you'll never be in debt in your whole life I can say that I've never been in debt for a single day not even for one rupee in my whole life if I had a little line bought little I never believed in buy now pay later Jesus wouldn't do that and I wouldn't do it either I can live without it till I earn enough then I can buy it little things like this you deny your will don't follow all the other worldly believers around you don't go to a house and say I want I want that and I want that and you ask how did you get that where there's a scheme called buy now pay later okay you keep it I don't want that these are the ways in which were disciples become worldly because they are competing with others they want that and then maybe it's your wife who says honey please get that for our house also sorry we don't have the money what to do we'll wait will deny ourselves for a few years and then we can buy that if you're serious about the Christian life it's amazing I tell you this believe me God will make your blessing to people around the world but you've got to obey God in secret in the little things and the more you deny yourself the more rivers will flow from you not one trickle and not one river but many rivers do you feel that you have limited God in your life you're satisfied with what God has accomplished through you and in the day of when God judges your life he shows you I wanted to do 10 times more than that in your life but you were satisfied with a trickle coming out of your life he was satisfied with one River when I wanted 50 rivers to flow from your life in many directions I never want to hear that from God in the final day that God wanted to do so much more inside me to make me like Christ and through me to others and the Lord says I couldn't do it because when I told you to do something you didn't take it seriously you'd say wait or it was not convenient when I asked you to forgive someone or when I asked you to go and ask forgiveness you didn't do it immediately husbands and wives the great advice I give to them as be quick to ask forgiveness and be quick to forgive don't be satisfied that you forgiveness the next day don't be satisfied that you go to bed angry with each other what type of Christian are you husband and wife you go to bed the Bible says don't let the Sun set on your anger and you disobey it read Ephesians 4:26 that's how the devil gets an advantage in many homes we want to drive the devil out of every person's life every family life and every church and this is why we want to see God for the power of the Holy Spirit to put to death our self will so that we don't fool ourselves by intellectual understanding and an emotional excitement that we are spiritual and I hope we will we keep we are we believe in intellectual understanding we believed in emotional excitement but they are servants of the Holy Spirit let's pray Heavenly Father as we bow before you we pray that what we have heard will become such a reality in our life and the proof of it will be that we never get discouraged will never be anxious we'll never be afraid these things will gradually disappear from our life we go from first standard to second standard tenth standard and graduate and postgraduate in the Christian life on and on as you help us to walk this new and living way to walk as Jesus walked helped each one of us here Lord not to deceive ourselves we pray in Jesus name
Channel: Ebenezer Samuel
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Id: 3M9FM0vK7Pg
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Length: 69min 13sec (4153 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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