English with Lucy / A Conversation with Lucy Earl (LEP#693)

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hello lucy hello how are you i'm fine how are you i'm very good thank you i'm quite excited because i think i mentioned your podcast in a video you did quite a while back and i never never once imagined that i would be on it it's very exciting thank you thank you for mentioning my podcast on in in one of your videos my my sort of flight email subscriber list went bowing and i was like hello uh yes and news exciting yeah that's great you live on a farm don't you i do i live on a farm in england my fiance so the man i'm going to marry is a farmer he does mainly arable which is crops so wheat barley beans it's all very exciting we have very different jobs and i think that's why it works yes no animals there then no no it's all arable now arable crops okay very nice do you make bread and stuff there no we just sell it on and someone else makes it to be honest i am i don't know much too much about what goes on that's my fiancee and his dad they do all of that and i just stay in my little studio and sometimes hear a tractor reversed pass but that's it really okay i see i see that's fantastic so lucy right where where are you from actually so i'm from bedfordshire a little village i grew up there um and then i went to university in london and spain and now i'm in cambridge here do you have an accent these are the questions that learners of english often will ask so i speak from what i can tell with the modern rp accent the modern receiver pronunciation accent but there are definite hints of estuary english in there as well especially when i'm talking with my family or with my friends when you speed it up glottal stops start coming in and other little pronunciation quirks um i think there's so much blending now with accents and dialects yes definitely what about you i think i'm probably the same although i've got i don't know can you can you hear any hint of an accent i mean obviously everyone's got an accent if you speak you have an accent but can you can you hear any sort of uh regional flavor in there at all or or not i wonder this would be a guess i'm not that good at working out where people are from but are you from the south of london well i'm actually from london and the midlands so i've spent lots of time in west london and then also lots of time in the west midlands as well so which which city or town sully hole warwickshire that area okay my grandparents live there oh really yeah lovely area yeah it is it is nice so when i'm with my friends sometimes it's some sort of becomes a bit more drummy like that you know i can start sounding a bit more like i'm from sully hall or something but then i've lived in london a lot of my life as well so i have most of the time a normal sort of received pronunciation accent not dissimilar to yours that's the thing isn't it it's it's definitely the people you spend time with so when i learned spanish i was with my ex-boyfriend who was spanish well he still is he's still alive and um and yeah he is from seville so i very quickly went from schoolgirl spanish uh to a kind of andalusian accent and that was quite interesting and will went to university in siren sester which is in the cotswolds and it seems to be quite a posh university and it's so funny because when he's with his friends i see him adapting to a slightly posher accent and then when he's on the farm with farm workers with his family and his dad i see him almost go the other way it's so interesting to watch people adapt to other people yeah yeah it's totally normal and natural as well to adapt to your accent like that what did you do at university i studied marketing ah and yes has that has that helped you in what you do do you think definitely it's it's amazing nowadays because uh marketing has changed so much and so quickly it's always changing i mean we did a subject on digital marketing and we didn't even touch on facebook or social media or influencers because this was 2012 to 2016. whereas now i think if they did a um a segment or a session on that i think it would be all about influencer marketing and facebook ads and things like that so what i did learn uh was mainly through examples of what previous marketing companies had done successful campaigns mess-ups it was very very interesting but i think for marketing you've just got to learn as you go along and use a lot of instinct yes okay okay spanish you talked about learning spanish so wait a minute you went to university in in westminster right university of westminster and then and marketing and so what about spanish then and moving to spain how did that happen yeah so i loved spanish at school um and i was always desperate to spend some time out there when i was 16 17 i used to work in a pub and i used to save up all my money to then pay for a spanish course for a week each half term over in seville and i knew that i wanted to spend at least some of my university time in spain so i chose a university with an erasmus programme did you have you ever heard of erasmus yeah it's basically international studying program isn't it yeah yes yeah it's something that i imagine the uk won't be a part of when it leaves the eu which is so sad because it was such an amazing amazing program international students from all over europe would come together and study together it was awesome and so i did that in madrid and then i stayed that was for a term and then i stayed on for another year it was meant to be a marketing placement year a placement is like um when you are put with a company paid a salary but it forms part of your university degree but the company shut down so i ended up being an english teacher and here we are another person who ended up being an english teacher which is quite funny quite common definitely okay but tell me about learning spanish because like um how is your spanish by the way it's good i would consider it's good so arrogant i mean it's fluent i am fluent in spanish because and i heard you mention this when you did a podcast with your wife it's very hard to change the accent that kind of dominates your relationship i'm not sure how you put it in a much better way than i've just put it i think maybe i said something like um you know once you start a relationship in one language then it's very hard to move up you know it's it's that that defines the relationship that's exactly it and that's exactly what happened with my ex-boyfriend we started speaking in spanish together and he wasn't he wasn't particularly fluent in english at the time he actually found it very embarrassing to talk with me in english which was quite interesting i never expected that and and so that is i'm sad to say one of the best ways to get fluent in another language is to shack up with someone learning by doing definitely right okay okay okay but you don't have like do you still work on your spanish these days um not as much as i'd like to the farm is quite restrictive so we can't really leave uh especially not during the summer which is the time i would love to go to spain lots i might start doing it more in the future um but i do have quite a few spanish friends i'm still in contact with um but i'm not actively working on it and it did it did kind of get to a level where i wasn't really learning the language anymore it was more just honing it a little bit and i definitely hadn't learned to like grammar in a book i just learned through speaking and immersion so for example i always had a huge problem with accents you know the the little written accents yeah um because i never learned where they went so i just never used them i just used spoke spoken spanish and so that that's almost like a little bit of a regret because when i s when i write spanish i don't feel that it comes across that i know spanish as well as i do so that's why i always push my students to make sure they understand the grammar as well and english spelling if they can but it's not the most important thing if you just want to speak it then just talk and listen and and so after going to university doing the marketing doing the spanish thing how long were you living in spain were you there for for a long time i lived there for nearly two years okay um but i lived in england with my spanish boyfriend for another two years as well so it was basically four years of immersion yeah and we were living in london together and working little jobs in london whilst i was at uni and one thing i discovered was that spanish people are just so friendly that they immediately met all of the other spaniards in london and stayed together as a group i mean they had the most fantastic social life amongst themselves um so it was great for me it was terrible for my partner because it meant he didn't meet any other english speakers to talk to um but it was great for me so i had my mini spain within london where did this awesome where did the spanish people hang out was it in a particular part of town it was all in houses ah but there was one nightclub called i think zoo bar or something oh yeah or tiger tiger tiger type i can't remember tiger tiger i think it was that the infamous the infamous tiger tiger in piccadilly circus right yes that was it and i remember once going along to a language exchange event there but i didn't realize this i just thought it was a language exchange was it was it were they just exchanging languages or just languages just what should we call it a tongue exchange maybe and uh you were meant to there was a face painter there and she said to me so you know where are you from what do you want and i said oh i'd like a melon like a watermelon and so i had a watermelon painted on my face i remember her being like okay that's fine and then i left the painting studio and everyone else had their flags painted on their faces so you could see where they're from and i was there with a bloody melon on my flesh why did you want a melon on your face because it's my favorite fruit yeah fair enough yeah there we are everyone's there with a for the flag on which is the perfect conversation starter oh i see you're from blah blah and you're like with a melon and they're like what flag is that have you not heard of melanonia or wherever it is that i know okay tiger tiger i remember my students in london when i was teaching in london uh they would sometimes go to tiger tiger i don't know how people found it but it was just like it's all word of mouth isn't it it's all word of mouth and the name is quite memorable as well but people you know i'd like hear from the students oh yeah everyone's going to tiger tiger tonight be like all right okay did you ever go no i never went oh see i was a bad teacher i did go whilst i was in my last year of university this was the year after spain i was so desperate to keep my kind of spanish alive and to still interact with spanish people that i did a lot of teaching and then i became really friendly with my students which is always something that isn't recommended but is often impossible because you're often of a similar age similar sense of humor and and i did go to tiger tiger a couple of times which was also around the same time i started my youtube channel and then i slowly started realizing that more and more people were watching and i couldn't misbehave at tiger tiger with a melon on my face do you get do you get recognized sometimes hardly ever hardly ever i mean when i go to london or i go abroad then yes but i hardly go and especially not in lockdown but i did have one funny experience i went to bali in indonesia with will this was our first holiday together so i was feeling you know quite excited because i knew that a large part of my audience came from indonesia they're a very vocal group they love to comment and say oh hello from indonesia they're just so friendly so i i was pretty sure that i was gonna meet someone out there that might have watched my videos and we were at this tourist attraction i think it was a hole in a cliff and if the wave hit it right then water would spurt out it was mildly disappointing but this group of girls ran up to us and said oh can we take your picture can we take your picture and then proceeded to hand me the camera to have a picture with william because i've never seen such a tall person before oh my goodness i felt so humbled will found that hello you were the third most interesting prospect at that location basically water flying out of a hole one wheel second third in this case in this case um yeah it didn't do my ego any good but it was very very funny yeah yeah definitely um okay so when did you when did you start when did you choose to start doing youtube videos then well i had the idea for quite a while because i was around 19 when i started teaching english i did a tefl qualification in seville and then i was they hired me there to stay on and work which blew my mind but now i'm understand why um but yes i accepted a very low wage and they just thought that being a native blonde british girl was enough to teach these you know loads of students i thought they liked me anyway but yes so i started teaching but obviously had no experience i'd i'd never really dealt that much with grandma i'd learn a limited amount of spanish grammar and then just kind of winged it yeah winged it or wong it what do you think it's got to be wink it's got to be winged isn't it where are you getting one from to wing something wings sing song but i guess yeah when you turn of a noun the wing into a verb to wing it which is obviously listeners viewers meaning to make something up on the spot to kind of improvise exactly when you haven't prepared properly um then um which is often the best way sometimes but anyway absolutely uh wing yes to when you turn a noun into a verb how do you then conjugate that verb if if it's new so wing thing i think winged wings winged winged to go with winged i still think one has more of a charm yeah maybe uh but winged is fine uh yeah so i was winging it oh i didn't even need to use that verb at the end right okay just use the continuous form um i was winging it um i i had to teach prepare students for exams and i just knew if these students were going to pass then i really needed to up my game great phrase that isn't it there's another one vocab hunters improve yeah up your game up your game do you explain as you go along or do you have a yeah sometimes sometimes i probably should more but sometimes it depends if the conversation is flowing then just go with the flow but uh yes uh to up your game yeah i think it's i think probably fairly clear to raise your game up your game raise your game as well yeah to really start to make an effort yeah improve improve i guess basically or yeah make more of an effort in order to improve you started to raise your game you started to up your game i did i did and um i started to really look into the grammar i was finding that grammar books just weren't they weren't helping me so i started looking on youtube and i could see that a lot of uh there were a lot of teachers basically filming their classes um yeah normally they were intending it for a very small audience and then it went viral and reached a very big audience yeah but it was often teachers that were were treating the camera as if it were their classroom of six to 30 students and i learned a lot from them but i just noticed a little bit of a gap in the market so an opportunity um a business opportunity there and thought i think i could do that but i didn't want to do it at that point because i didn't feel like a skilled enough teacher so i just kept it in the in the back of my head and honed my teaching skills did as much training as i could did as much studying as i could and um and then in the end absolutely fell in love with teaching english because at the time i was just thinking of it as a way to fill a year because i couldn't re-enroll in university for that year and my placement scheme had failed the company had gone bust they had collapsed financially gone out of business and but actually towards the end i started to think this is what i want to do i love teaching yeah so when i went back to england i carried on teaching and then in the final the beginning of the final semester of my final year at university i started the channel which was very exciting yeah and it's it's doing so well it's i mean how do you feel about the response that you've had because like you've got what like four point something million subscribers on youtube you've got to be one of the most famous english teachers on youtube certainly one of the most famous british english teachers on youtube it's a bit of a sensation isn't it you've been in the newspapers and stuff you're making me blush if i wasn't wearing so much makeup you'd see using bright red um yeah it's true it's very i'm just blown away by the response to it um i certainly wasn't the first to do something like this but i i i'd like to think everyone brings something different to the table it just so happened i really gelled with my audience and yeah it's been awesome because it really has gone like that um for the podcast listeners i'm showing a an upward slope uh but i've i still recognize some people that were um they're from the very beginning as well so it's awesome that's brilliant um i told my dad about my idea my dad had a business as well he's slowly retiring now but he um he had a business and so he was someone i trusted to talk about business things and he asked me to bring him a business plan um so i i think i wrote it on noted on note paper lined paper i wish i still had it i'd have loved to have seen it but in the end we agreed that he would lend me a 500 pound business loan to buy a second-hand a secondhand camera body and i say body because that's very important and a tripod so i ordered these put them together also i had to pay them back with interest as well that was the important part of it um but it's like dragon's den or something yeah it was like this it was a very friendly dragon i think he just wanted to do it properly he didn't want me to be just handed money to do do something he wanted it to be a serious exchange and um i put this camera on the tripod and i just looked at it and i thought that doesn't look like zoella's camera it doesn't look quite right and i hadn't bought a lens so it was just this lensless dslr or dlfr or whatever it is just on there so filming was postponed for another week whilst the lens arrived yeah was it was it a bit of a learning curve dealing with the cameras and the technology because for me uh video and editing video and uploading videos is a huge uh pain in the neck to be honest yes yes because for the first two years i was doing it all myself now i have enlisted the help of a couple of editors because i'm really not good at editing and what i can do in eight hours they doing two but it was it was hard work because i was running my own mini language academy so i had six students in at a time to do the cambridge exams trying to keep time free to also film but i was also living with flatmates who were sharing this space so i had to do it whilst they were out at work i just dread to think what would have happened had had the pandemic hit when i was trying to do all that it would have been a nightmare all those poor people who are just waiting yeah waiting to get started um but now i feel that phones and camera equipment you can do it in your own room i don't think i would have been able to do it back then yeah um but i feel i really feel for the people in flat shares during the pandemic that's not fun stuck with people that they don't necessarily want to be stuck with yeah especially if they're from abroad and they've come over lots of british people stuck here are lucky to go back to their parents home at least normally your parents tend to have a bit more space than you can afford to have in london but yeah if you're having to go back abroad maybe you just can't it really sucks yeah did you did you ever do a flat share except for like you lived with your your ex but um did you ever do a flat share have you ever had that experience yes i did one at university with six students that was a nightmare yeah because we no one did that washing up and i remember going on a three-week language course to italy once coming back and just seeing all of my saucepans full of pasta sauce yeah um and mold and this guy the flatmate had cooked in each of them and just left them for three weeks and i remember i think i called security and the security guard came and said i'm not gonna help you with your was 18. i was a drama queen like security and the security was like what's the problem look he's like you loser i'm not doing the washing up what are you talking about no there's something living in there i know i cringed so much at some of the things i did when i was younger yeah that is quite a common thing though at university in the uk i don't know if it's the same everywhere everywhere else i often ask myself this question um whether or not for example people in other countries do university in the same way that we do for example the fact that uh yeah we often have to live with other students uh there are no grown-ups around and i say grown-ups because you know often when you're a student you're not properly grown up and other other things like you know you don't look after yourself properly don't eat properly the kitchen is often a bit of a mess no one does the washing up is that is it the same in other countries i don't know yes i got given a book by my student called oh la coincolina de merda i think or something like that it was an italian and i also got given the spanish version as well i think i told the same stories to different nationalities of students because both of my christmas presents were the same book but in different languages um yeah i think it's just i think it's part of growing up isn't it yes yeah living away from home and living in a certain level of squalor i was the same i lived in a in a house in liverpool with about eight other people and the kitchen was a total disaster zone i mean i could go into the stories everyone but it's a bit disgusting you know things growing in the kitchen and like you know they're being one weekend one saturday where it's like right we're going to do it you know strap strapping on the marigolds and just attacking the kitchen it sort of takes all day it's like a military operation almost um i actually forgot that i lived in the worst flat chair ever which was illegal it must have been i can't even imagine how illegal it was it was the first i was jet i had just i think i was 17 because i was young for my age so i actually graduated school before i was 18. right because the school year ended in june in may my birthday's in june young for your age yeah young for you young for my year at school yeah i know yeah um yeah okay yeah and um i moved into this little well this house in finsbury park in london and there were 11 of us 11 of us but i think it started off as you know seven or eight but everyone had partners that moved in and everything we were all spanish apart from apart from me but i could speak spanish apart from one poor italian guy who couldn't speak any spanish or english and uh we had to like communicate through simple tools and gestures names sign language like you uh do the do the washing up no no me neither yeah yeah it was a bit intense um i'm going to ask you more about your videos if that's all right by you and um so um making your videos then how how much time does it take for you to make because i you know i do audio mainly and it takes quite a long time to do one single episode from the idea to it being published that takes quite a lot that can take a long time like hours depending on the episodes sometimes days uh but uh what about video how about you yes it's it's a big big task um i've become quite good at managing my time and finding efficient ways of doing things but i don't always follow my own rules so i normally block shoot so i will spend one day writing all the scripts i've got to be in a real really intellectual mood for that day um i'll also spend the whole i i'm always researching so i'm always looking at articles um trying to pick up mistakes from the comments section comment sections of my videos yes are a gold mine for mistakes that people need to work on that i can then include in a video i see what everyone else is doing i look back at my previous videos to see how they've performed as well so yeah i do a day of writing scripts and then the next day usually the next day whilst it's fresh in my mind i'll do a full day or a half a day of filming so i'll film four to five videos and then i put the audio and the video together i send it off to my editors but it's not as easy as it sounds because you have to communicate exactly what you want them to do and sometimes it gets to a point where they know you so well and they know your style so well that they can pretty much work out exactly what you want but when you're taking a new editor on board the onboarding process that process of starting with a new employee um this can be quite tiring um so i normally write out a very exact uh explanation of what i want done at each time stamp so it does end up taking quite quite a while and then i'll have maybe up to three revisions um and then actually uploading it's quite intense as well i still do all my thumbnails and everything i really enjoy that generating the subtitles i create free pdfs for each of my videos now as well so i make those by hand but i hope to maybe have a bit of help with that at some point you make them by hand to sort of weave them this is how pdfs are made crochet i know what you mean obviously i'm just being stupid but um yeah i love it that's interesting no it's really good that you've taken on other people uh because that's sort of personally i mean i have you know what it's like doing this there's a lot of work involved but yes it's another step entirely to bring new people in well i'm not as advanced as many youtubers are with having a team so to speak um but definitely here and there normally when i'm way past needing someone then i'll bring them on um but it's a smart thing to do because they're not just helping you out you're also helping someone out by offering them decent employment as well it's just it's just been a really good experience having people work with you because it's a very lonely job i wonder if you well you work teaching real students as well don't you but yeah i find that so lonely i do combine with what i do with actual teaching with classes of students too but when i'm not doing that yes i'm basically in my wife will be at work she's got an office that's not far away and but i'll spend most of the time just knocking around on my own i don't mind so much knocking around on my own because you know i keep myself entertained as you know playing music and just you know do whatever i want but a lot of the time it's just like right got to do got to make my content got to make my content that can be quite hard to kind of stay focused i probably go a little bit mad as well on my own uh yes i mean it's very easy to procrastinate isn't it when you're on your own it's extremely difficult not to get distracted and and and hours can fly past you all it takes is like i'm gonna go i'm gonna go into my google documents to do some work and on the way to google it's like oh twitter and i just like sometimes i'll click on twitter um without even realizing i've done it you know like literally it's so cl it's so insidious in a way social media is that it like grabs you and holds you uh for me it's reddit have you ever been on reddit yeah yeah yeah yeah i do oh i'm an absolute addict i can't can't get off once i'm on there i get my screen time report and reddit is so up there do you do you post on reddit as well are you just sort of reading i do but under a private account yeah and um i have had some successful posts in my time um my dog made the front page oh really wow that's something that's something on reddit what was yours definitely can i ask what your dog was doing or uh he was in my um my fiance's arms looking very silly um yeah it's a very cute cute picture and some people did work out that it was will and diego they did recognize him but it was very funny because a lot of meme pages on instagram steal a lot of content from reddit and i'm used to my my english video is being stolen but it was interesting to see you to log onto facebook and seeing you know a random friend from school sharing this cute dog picture and i was thinking that's my that's my dog and my fiance you've got no idea you don't even realize either yeah yeah yeah a lot of stuff does come from reddit reddit seems to be quite a sort of rich source of original content and things like that that ends up being shared elsewhere uh yes so uh procrastination that's what we were talking about how do you manage that do you actually have a system because i know a lot of people have very organized days where they find ways to you know um be productive and stuff do you have a a fixed routine in your in your day um so i like to break it up quite a lot um so pre-lockdown it was going to the gym um i've got a really small gym it's just a room with some equipment and we just do exercise classes there i'm the youngest person there by probably at least 20 years i hope i don't offended anyone by saying that i'm 32. everyone's fine here don't worry but it's just the loveliest thing to go there and have a little bit of a social life do some stepping around on a box or lifting a barbell meaninglessly and yeah that's lovely a lot of dog walks as well and in the summer i love running so i listen to a lot of audio books when running i also have a very useful tool which i will show you some of the younger folks may never have seen something like this it's a piece it's a list book oh i don't think i can show you everything that's on it secrets um but it's um yeah just this has changed my life it's so silly i was doing everything on my phone and i it's very easy to put your phone to one side but when you've got something written on your desk staring at you you know you have to get it done yeah that's my secret to success though i've got so many lists oh no so the thing is like i write lists of things to do and usually the first thing on the list is write a list so it's like you know i just i've got lists which contain references to other lists it's just lists on lists and i've started sectioning it off it's too complex i don't get any anything done like like for me writing the list itself is a task when you've already done something but you're writing a list do you write it on just to cross it off is that is that i haven't i haven't quite got to that stage yet but i do love crossing things off lists but often i'll cross them off just because they're so old that they that i just like done that's gone now that is whatever that was i don't even remember cross it off oh feel better that's like equivalent to doing it for me yeah just crossing it off even though i didn't do it still feels vaguely satisfying i'm i'm really badly organized i need to get my act together we spoke about this via email when we were planning this episode didn't we yeah we both claim to be quite quite disorganized i'm disorganized if i let myself become disorganized my personal life is a complete shambles not my actual personal life but my bedroom floor i had a floor drove for example a floor driver yeah but yes i had a vent i hadn't heard of a floor drop before i get it instantly but i wonder if our viewers understood what a floor drove is what is a floor drop it is where you use your floor as your wardrobe where you store your clothes so i just have a terrible habit of removing my clothing oh yes and also putting it on not just removing the clothes well that's another habit but i've had therapy for that okay good good good yeah uh our bedroom is a bit like that but it's not a floor drop instead we've just got piles of clothes in diff like precariously um put on different objects folded yeah folded nicely folded then precariously balanced on an object then they fall then they fall off they become less folded and you know it's it's it's i'm not sure what you could use what word you could use to describe that so you like living life on the edge basically my wife does and so by by extension so do i i suppose yeah yes in your relationship is there is one more organizing the other or or are you pretty equal it depends in what in what context actually i'm more oh god no i think we're equally disorganized i would say she's more of the life organizer she's more on the ball for things like holidays and she's in she's in charge basically she knows what's going on i'm just kind of like um she's the sort of steve jobs and i'm the under manager i don't know i can't try i'm trying to find a metaphor to describe my relationship and i can't but um i think she's probably more organized than me yeah my my head's in the clouds thinking of you know stupid things and and podcast episodes and things like that whereas she's a bit more down-to-earth probably yes yeah it's funny how the dynamic sorts itself out i definitely think our dynamic is like that as well um but i also think will's worked with his dad his whole life so he's always had someone telling him what to do in quite an authoritative way so maybe that's why i don't want to get too deep into that but psychological but he he runs a farm so he must be pretty organized right no i think sometimes when you i think the farm is organized to an extent but there is the issue with farms is just there is always so much to do um there's no such thing as right we're done doesn't exist there's always something to do yeah uh the thing that people used to say about farmers is that they would get up when this they go up get up and go to bed with the sun so this is is it still really true apart from going to bed uh getting up yeah at the moment his loving life waking up at 8 30 or whatever and coming in at dusk as well because especially when you're using um machinery on the land we are we have quite clay soil yeah so it's very sticky yeah so at night time it gets really sticky sticks to the wheels and you physically can't drive the machinery on it so that's a lovely excuse i feel sorry for everyone with lovely light land who has to keep on going until midnight um but yeah that's absolutely true but then in summer different story because obviously we have such long summer days in the uk um in summer he's up at four and back at back in after ten it's a long day that is a long day yeah okay so winter's a good time what's the other thing that that um now this is this is something else i'm thinking farmers but now the the expression comes to mind red sky at night shepherd's delight but he's not a shepherd he's a farmer so you know just forget about that i think i think him i think his dad did do sheep at one point i think everyone's done sheep at one point you're not a real farmer who've tried sheep uh you mean um breeding sheep um yes breeding them sheep on sheep action not any not anything else oh lord no you did talk about doing sheep i felt you know i felt compelled to highlight the innuendo oh dear making it worse for sheep farmers everywhere i'm very good at digging myself into holes here but um so i think that's what the farmers were doing i think so oh red sky at night shepherd's delight is a phrase in english which basically means if you look up at the sky in the evening and if there's a red sky then it means what the shepherds will be happy does it mean that the weather's going to be good i think so it must be yeah i don't know if there's any science behind that red sky at night shepard's delight we just watched the the weather it's it's so funny when you know i go over to his parents house and they're all sitting around and the tv's on the minute the weather comes on they're like little meerkats looking at it like what the weather and then they love to complain the next day about how wrong the weather was it's never right yeah it's the it's the gift that keeps on giving the weather in the uk it's a perfect topic for for conversation it is brilliant uh lucy i don't want to keep you too long you've been very generous with your time i could keep you know rambling on to you about shepherds and sheep and all sorts of things like that i wonder if uh if we've lost the uh the if we've completely lost the audience here like what are they going on about shepherds and sheep what about lucy's videos um what um i'll i'll sort of finish maybe by asking you what do you know what you're gonna do in the future are you planning to just continue doing the youtube videos or is there if you got like big plans or anything oh we've got lots of plans i mean i've just released my first ever course which is a pronunciation course british english modern received pronunciation course and i did actually set up a little coupon code for your listeners and viewers if they want it it's 15 off and it is luke 15 a very imaginative code and you can use that at epiphanylanguagestudios.com which is my website epiphanylanguagestudios.com this sounds really good is there a story i think it's good but i'm very biased i know it does it sounds good epiphany epiphany language studios.com yeah um and uh is there a story behind this behind the name yeah well an epiphany is a moment where you realize or understand something that's really important to you and i kind of coined that phrase when i was um well i i had my own epiphany when i suddenly realized hang on a minute i think i'm fluent in spanish after a night out and i had just conversed with everyone i'd made jokes i'd made people laugh i'd laughed at people's jokes and i just felt on top of the world and i really want to make my students feel that way at some point as well so i'd like them to have their own epiphany with me so we started with pronunciation because my pronunciation videos have always always been really popular and it's a topic that i'm really keen on teaching i really enjoy it so in this course we go through all of the sounds that can provide comprise modern receive pronunciation connected speech intonation rhythm and stress there's so much there i'm i'm very very excited it just launched last month that's great luke 15 if you want to get your 15 discount and i expect there'll be other courses arriving on epiphany language studio studios.com yes hopefully hopefully very soon great lucy thank you very much for talking to me and my audience it's been a pleasure and thank you for having me yeah it's been lovely uh yeah it has it's been lots of fun and uh good luck with all the courses and all the videos in the future thank you very much um yeah it's been an absolute pleasure to be here um i've loved talking to all your listeners and um and yeah i just think it's a really nice full circle that i recommended your your little podcast in a video i say little it's one of them what it's massive it's massively it is it is it's huge it's huge it's into it it's got global reach i've got i'm extremely influential i'm i'm working on i'm working on vladimir putin he's subliminally amongst others i sense self deprecation but in all honesty when i was typing in and listening to lots of different um podcasts there was a reason why i chose your one because i just very very natural and funny i won't make you blush anymore yeah i'm pretty good at that which is one of the reasons i prefer audio so people can't see my blushing face which is constantly just like say with me always my chin first i don't know why well you look fine lucy thank you it's been lots of fun as i said and uh have a lovely evening thank you very much you too thank you you
Channel: Luke's English Podcast
Views: 532,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, learning, english, lesson, lessons, luke, podcast, luke's, vocabulary, native, speaker, interviews, listening, pronunciation, british, accent, london, lucy, earl, lucy earl, english with lucy, conversation, interview
Id: OUtpjZEIXr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 50sec (2630 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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