100 IMPORTANT Antonyms in English (B1 B2 and C1 Level Vocabulary)

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hello lovely students and welcome back to English with Lucy today's lesson is going to be absolutely Dreadful actually I meant to say the opposite of that word which is exactly what we're talking about today antonyms perhaps antonym is a new word for you so let me quickly explain an antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word think happy and sad this is opposed to synonym which is a word that has the same meaning as another word if you've ever found yourself searching for the perfect word to express the opposite of what you're feeling you're in the right place learning antonyms is also a really cool way to double your vocabulary I'm going to teach you really beautiful words at B1 level then we'll move to B2 and then finally C1 Advanced and I'm going to teach you the opposite of those words as well the antonyms the lesson gets harder and harder as we go along let's see how far you you can get now as you can probably tell by the length of this video down here you are going to learn a lot of vocabulary today so I have made a free pdf I mean it's virtually an ebook at this point there's a lot of information in there it contains all of the words that we're discussing today all in order B1 to C1 all of the antonyms phonetic transcriptions for all of them definitions example sentences a quiz is it's a good one if you're a teacher watching this I recommend you download it because it's going to be an awesome resource if you like it it's yours just click on the link in the description box you enter your name and your email address you sign up to my mailing list and the PDF will arrive directly in your inbox after that you've joined my PDF Club you will automatically receive my free weekly PDFs alongside all of my news course offers and updates it's a free service you you can unsubscribe at any time right let's get on with the lesson I'm going to give you an adjective and then I'm going to tell you its antonym or antonyms plural because many words have more than one antonym do keep in mind that some of the antonyms I give you might be more advanced than the adjective I give you I've also tried to weave in some mini stories so you can see how these opposite words work together see if you notice those first up B1 level number one great grateful grateful this is feeling or showing thanks Molly was extremely grateful when Tim helped her move house our first antonym unappreciative unappreciative not feeling or showing thanks Tim felt Molly was unappreciative when she forgot to thank him for his hard work two amazed amazed greatly surprised or impressed June was amazed at the view from the mountain top our antonym is unimpressed unimpressed Martha was unimpressed by the view claiming she had seen better three cheerful cheerful happy and optimistic my cousin is always cheerful in the mornings grumpy grumpy this is bad tempered and irritable I for one am typically quite grumpy before I've had my coffee number four private private this is intended for a particular personal group not for people in general to know about Lucille prefers to keep her life private the opposite Public public known to everyone her uncle Mark on the other hand is an open book and lives a very public Life Five rough rough having an uneven surface the road by our house was so rough that driving became a challenge the opposite smooth evenly flat or level once the road was resurfaced it became smooth and now it's my favorite road to drive on doesn't everyone have a favorite road if they drive six qualified qualified competent or knowledgeable to perform a job Janet is highly qualified for her role in finance and feels confident at work incompetent incompetent not having the skills to do something well but for many years she was incompetent and often made many errors we also have unfit unfit this means not suitable or qualified her former boss thought she was unfit for her previous position leading to her dismissal seven fascinating fascinating this means extremely interesting Paul is an absolute history buff and finds all things history fascinating dull dull not interesting unfortunately his daughter thinks his fun history facts are incredibly dull eight shy shy nervous or timid in social situations I've always been shy and prefer smaller Gatherings outgoing outgoing sociable and eager to meet people unlike me my sister is quite outgoing making you friends wherever she is nine basic basic this means very simple this recipe for banana bread is fairly basic but delicious elaborate aborate detailed and complicated a more elaborate version of the recipe includes exotic spices 10 proud proud feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of achievements Carla is proud of her accomplishments and doesn't forget to celebrate her small wins humble humble not having or showing feelings of superiority in contrast her colleague Ben is extremely humble and downplays his achievements to a fault to his detriment 11 brave brave showing courage and fearlessness it was very brave of you to stop that man from stealing my back on the other hand we have Cowardly Cowardly lacking courage or resolution his actions were those of a cowardly man especially when he tried to deny the whole thing 12 generous generous willing to give more of something especially money or time than is strictly necessary or expected my mom is very generous always volunteering and donating to charity selfish selfish lacking consideration for others concerned chiefly mainly with one's own personal profit or pleasure my father can be rather selfish and doesn't often think about others by the way that is not true my father is not at all selfish 13 obvious obvious vious easily perceived or understood I thought it was so obvious that Max was into you to be into someone is to be interested romantically on the other hand we have unclear unclear not easy to understand but after reading the messages he sent you it's rather unclear 14 calm calm this is feeling a sense of Peace Sophie remained calm during the heated debate effortlessly making her points frenzied frenzied wildly excited or uncontrolled in contrast her opponent became frenzied raising his voice and speaking rapidly we also have agitated agitated feeling or appearing troubled or nervous even after the debate ended he still appeared agitated unable to relax 15 standard standard this is conforming to established Norms the doctor described the procedure as being quite standard and following all normal guidelines unconventional unconventional not based on what is generally done however he stated that there was a new approach that was unconventional but more effective 16 tight tight firmly held in place I made sure the knot on my son's shoe was tight and secure before he ran off to play loose loose not securely held in place 30 minutes later the knot became loose again and needed retiring 17 confident confident certain of oneself or of an outcome Roger was confident he would get the lead role in the Christmas pantomime a pantomime is a show performed at Christmas time that often features celebrities someone in drag it slapstick comedy for children but there are hidden naughty jokes for the adults on the other hand we have uncertain uncertain which means not sure I was uncertain about his chances after seeing his Dreadful audition okay you've made it this far let's move on to more of a B2 level we have number 18 aggressive aggressive confrontational and assertive James's aggressive negotiating style often puts others off passive passive accepting without resistance his colleague Brenda adopts a passive approach during business dealings never voic ing her ideas or concerns 19 anxious this means worried and tense we all felt anxious about the coming exam constantly reviewing our notes when we had downtime relaxed relaxed free from tension and anxiety but come exam day we all felt shockingly relaxed because of our excessive studying 20 dishonest dishonest not honest my neighbors children were decidedly dishonest when I questioned them about my broken window truthful truthful honest and straightforward when their father got involved the children suddenly became truthful admitting that they had indeed broken the window while playing Cricket in the garden 21 confusing confusing this is difficult to understand the lecture was so confusing that even the brightest students were left scratching their heads straightforward straightforward this means easy to understand luckily the professor's clarifications were straightforward instantly clearing up the confusion 22 dramatic dramatic striking or Sensational in appearance or effect the sunset was dramatic painting the sky in Vivid Hues understated understated appearing or expressed in a subtle way the following morning had an understated Beauty with soft light Illuminating The Horizon we also have mundane mundane meaning ordinary and dull my daily commute on the Underground felt mundane compared to the spectacle of nature I'd witnessed 23 offensive offensive this means causing someone to feel hurt or upset Carlo is a popular comedian whose jokes are so offensive that people often walk out of his shows inoffensive inoffensive not causing offense or harm he decided to change his routine and his opening act was surprisingly an offenseive Ive appealing to a broader audience pleasant pleasant giving a sense of happy satisfaction his entire set turned out to be quite Pleasant desperate desperate feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad it's almost impossible to deal with out of work and low on funds Joanne felt desperate hopeful hopeful feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event however after a promising job inter view she became hopeful 25 steady steady this is not moving or held firmly in place the surgeon's Steady Hand was crucial during the delicate operation shaky shaky not firm or securely fixed likely to move or break it can also mean physically trembling the intern's shaky hand made everyone nervous 26 accurate accurate this is free from error especially conforming to fact or truth the journalist prided herself on providing accurate information incorrect incorrect not in accordance with fact or simply wrong however she published a rumor about a local politician that turned out to be incorrect damaging her reputation we also have erroneous erroneous this comes from the word error it means wrong or false she had to issue an apology for publishing the erroneous article before checking all of the facts 27 optimistic optimistic this means hopeful and confident about the future despite the setbacks Rowan remained optimistic about the Project's success pessimistic pessimistic tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe the worst will happen his team however were more pessimistic and started looking for other opportunities we also have negative negative not hopeful or enthusiastic expecting the worst the negative atmosphere became a self-fulfilling prophecy causing the project to fail 28 modest modest not having or showing a high opinion of your own importance despite her achievements our CEO remained modest about all her talents arrogant arrogant having an exaggerated sense of One's Own importance or abilities our CFO however could definitely be described as arrogant often dismiss ing others contributions we also have pretentious pretentious attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or Merit than is actually possessed his pretentious demeanor was off-putting leading people to favor Emily's modest approach 29 temporary temporary lasting for only a limited period of time not permanent their housing Arrangement was only temporary until she found something more stable permanent permanent last ing or intended to last indefinitely they eventually found a permanent home where they felt secure and settled we also have enduring enduring lasting over a long period or durable their enduring friendship with her neighbors made the new place feel like home 30 sincere sincere this means free from pretense or deceit genuine our new manager is sincere and very straightforward with his his expectations disingenuous disingenuous lacking in sincerity or honesty our former boss was ultimately held accountable for his disingenuous actions okay well done for making it this far we are 60% of the way through and we are ready to move on to more of a C1 level of vocabulary let's start with 31 skeptical skeptical doubting or questioning and was skeptical about the so-called miracle diet Martina had recommended credulous credulous ready to believe especially with little evidence Martina was known to be credulous buying into every Health fad she heard about we also have trusting trusting willing to trust without suspicion an is very trusting of her friend but she does her own research before believing anything 32 Hasty Hasty done or acting with excessive speed or urgency Patricia is always Hasty when she orders food she just gets the first item on on the menu deliberate deliberate done consciously and intentionally her friend Anna liked to take her time and make a deliberate Choice after considering all the options we also have cautious cautious careful to avoid potential problems or dangers Paul was more cautious and decided to consult the waiter before ordering anything 33 resilient resilient able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions despite losing her job Emily remained resilient and started her own business vulnerable vulnerable susceptible to physical or emotional harm a partner Richard was emotionally vulnerable and found it hard to adjust to the new challenges 34 candid candid truthful and straightforward I try to be candid with all of my clients so they know exactly what to expect from our products deceptive deceptive giving an appearance or impression different from the truth true one unfortunately my boss prefers a more deceptive approach in order to boost sales 35 infallible infallible incapable of making mistakes or being wrong Sue believed her strategy was infallible and would guarantee success unreliable unreliable not able to be relied upon Steve however was rather unreliable missing key deadlines that put the planet risk we also have imperfect imperfect not perfect faulty or incomplete the strategy itself turned out to be imperfect once Sue realized she was missing several key components 36 coherent coherent logical and consistent Jane's argument was coherent and persuasive winning over the audience disjointed disjointed lacking a coherent sequence or connection her opponent's rebuttal was disjointed and failed to counter her points effectively 37 tangible tangible able to be clearly seen to exist or physically felt the tangible benefits of the new policy were felt immediately with increased wages and improved working conditions abstract abstract existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence however its abstract goals like employee satisfaction were harder to measure 38 erratic erratic not even or regular in pattern or movement Mike's erratic Behavior made it difficult to anticipate his next move consistent consistent unchanging in nature standard or effect over time his wife however was consistent and always followed the same daily routine we also have predictable predictable able to be predicted you know in advance that it will happen and what it will be like not surprisingly her predictable schedule made it easier for everyone to coordinate with her 39 profound Prof found very great or intense having deep Insight or understanding Megan's presentation had a profound impact on how her community viewed recycling shallow shallow lacking depth of intellect emotion or knowledge she took on many of the shallow arguments made against her stance we also have superficial superficial existing or occurring at or on the surface luckily most of the community agreed that the counterarguments were just superficial 14 robust robust strong healthy vigorous despite his Advanced age Graham remains robust walking three miles every day feeble feeble lacking physical strength especially as a result of age or illness he always feared becoming a feeble old man but he's not slowing down yet 41 minimal minimal of a minimum amount quantity or degree the damage was minimal thanks to the quick response of Emergency Services extensive extensive covering or affecting a large area the neighboring City wasn't so lucky and suffered extensive damage from the storm we also have abundant abundant existing or available in large quantities and this is typically more positive luckily abundant help was available as the community pulled together to assist in the cleanup 42 absurd absurd wildly reasonable illogical or inappropriate it seemed absurd that someone would abandon their brand new phone on the bus logical logical of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument on second thoughts it is logical to assume that someone had simply lost it we also have sensible Sensible able to make good judgments based on wisdom however any sensible person would have checked their pockets before getting off the bus 43 Cooperative Cooperative involving Mutual assistance in working towards a common goal the team was cooperative and completed the project ahead of schedule obstructive obstructive causing or tending to cause difficulties and delays one team members seem to be deliberately obstructive constantly throwing up barriers to progress 44 eager eager wanting to do or have something very much Ben was eager to start his new job and make a good impression apathetic apathetic showing or feeling no interest enthusiasm or concern his co-workers appeared to be quite apathetic and didn't share his enthusiasm we also have indifferent indifferent having no particular interest or sympathy unconcerned they just went about their business indifferent to the fact that Ben was even there 45 overwhelming overwhelming very great in amount or overpowering the first week at University was overwhelming for Leon with so many new experiences and challenges manageable manageable able to be managed controlled or accomplished without great difficulty however after settling in he found the coursework to be quite manageable 46 trivial trivial of little value or importance many thought the debate was focused on trivial matters that diverted attention from real issues significant significant important in contrast subsequent discussion addressed significant topics that mattered to the community at our last one 47 persistent persistent continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition though R and his kids had never built a treehouse they remained persistent in their efforts inconsistent inconsistent not staying the same throughout unsurprisingly his kid's dedication to getting the project done was inconsistent and another antonym sporadic sporadic I love this one occurring at irregular intervals their sporadic bursts of energy and interest in everything other than the Treehouse meant that Ral was alone to finish the task so there you have it there were your antonyms that is a lot of new information don't forget about this PDF nearly ebook it's massive don't forget about the PDF that contains everything you've learned today all of the phonetic transcriptions definitions examples plus a quiz to test your understanding and that's really important because you've done all of this now let's see if it's stayed in there if you'd like to download that PDF just click on the link in the description box also we worked at B1 B2 and C1 levels if you are looking to achieve the B1 B2 or C1 level of English I have released my B1 B2 and C1 English courses they are 12we programs and if I do say so myself they're really fantastic we' have had amazing feedback from our students so far with many going on to complete all three and come out with an advanced level of English at the end if you are interested in learning a little more about my programs if they're right for you please visit englishwith lucy.com students love these programs because they contain pronunciation integrated throughout in B2 and C1 you get weekly conversation lessons as well these are recorded conversations with really interesting people in my life we build really cool exercises and lessons out of them all of that alongside your reading and listening lessons and loads of grammar and vocabulary video lessons too you also get access to the course community and there is the option for feedback from my team of teachers englishwith lucy.com has all of the information on how to enroll and all of the price options you have I will see you soon for another lesson [Music] m [Music] [Music]
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 417,375
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Keywords: #Grammar, #EnglishGrammar, #LearnEnglish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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