Yes... Developers actually warned low-honor players in this scene

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R Reverend what are you doing here I'm I'm leaving running away I suppose so yes I'm running away I try to make Dutch see sense but he's he's very strange recently and the women little Jack you leaving them I told them to run to I asked them to come with me but they wouldn't I'm changed I'm a changed man Arthur I I can't die for a bunch of nonsense sprouted by a fool I understand you're well you're you're not a good man Arthur but you're not all bad either everything will be your journey your path will be just fine I'm worried my path is coming to an end Mr Swanson maybe I felt that way for a long time about myself I mean but but you'll do what's right I don't know about that I do save who you can and let the rest rot and look after yourself maybe we'll see you do see you just can't quite admit it to yourself on the board be well Reverend all AB board you too Arthur sure good luck out there you lived your life like a man Arthur and you turned into a good man if we were all like you things might have turned out differently you're again my a Sentimental Reverend Reverend Reverend what are you doing here uh I'm leaving running away yeah I suppose so I'm I'm running away I I tried to make Dutch see sense but he's very strange recently and the women little Jack you're leaving I told them to run to I asked them to come with me and they wouldn't I've changed I'm a changed man Arthur I won't die over some nonsense spouted by a fool I ain't changed I'm still a bad man maybe your path isn't changing Arthur not path is coming to an end Riv I know son I know and I know that you will face Destiny like a man like a warrior because that's what you are that's all I am a fighter a killer and crazy man so be it you lived your way you'll die your way but in the time that you have left don't compromise and you'll do everything that you have to do just fine we'll see I don't have to see I know you fight and keep fighting okay good luck out there be true to yourself Mr Morgan and leave the lies and the hypocrisy to fools like me
Channel: Player7
Views: 2,061,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uedLoJs6DCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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