Yep… This is my house.. and this is me fixing MY mistake

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the build showed today company from an attic actually this is my attic and I'm sorry to say we've got a little bit of a confessional video today but I made a few mistakes when I remodeled this 1970s house of mine about 1112 years ago and one of them was that I didn't move the insulation from here up to there I should have done a conditioned attic I didn't and it's very hard to retrofit that so I'm at least correcting another mistake I made which was I didn't go back and retrofit ventilation at the soffits correctly let me it's actually well yeah I can show you inside here hang on okay so I've got traditional two before trusses in my 1970s house and you can see I've got lots of fluffy insulation here although I really need to read blow it but when you go out towards the --use let me zoom in a little bit oh there we go where the where the soffits are I've had a serious wind wash me see that the insulation is really thin over there what's happened is my vented soffits would let in air that air would blow through and actually would push the insulation back and we're kind of piled up here but we're thin at the edge of the house which means that I've got really bad insulation on the edges of my house and really lumpy insulation so let's go outside now and I'll show you how I'm cracking up okay so there's my soffit vents right there that's that hearty soffit I did when I did the house or when I remodel this house twelve years ago and I'm replacing the shingles on the house I never did replace those when I moved and we're finally putting a metal roof on but what's happening is air is coming up through that soffit right here and when it's for a windy blowing through the attic and pushing some of that insulation out of the way so now let's get up on the top of the roof and I'll show you how we're correcting that okay so now we're on the roof this is the back where we put some new sharks in down and I had my roofers and stand up here had my roofers just put tar paper on this section so that when my carpenters came today they could go ahead and rip this is the overhang this is a two-foot overhang right here they rip this section here they're leaving this in place because that's where my soffit is and my overhang but they pulled this up so that I could put these new baffles down here's what's going on before the baffles were in place you could see the insulation was just following into my soffit that's my soffit right there because there was nothing to prevent it from coming through there from the top plate and through this 2x4 Trust so now these smart baffles that are in place this is a corrugated plastic products from DCI these get pushed into this rafter space and they get tacked on with some cap fasteners so now I've got a clear path from air to flow from my soffit all the way up to my ridge if you can see that I'm kind of throwing my camera up in there but this is a clear pathway now and then I can come in and actually Reeb low my attic and now I want to worry about wind wash okay so now we're on the other side of the house where the governors have done a big long strip all the way down here you can see now we've got the baffles in place we're all set over here let's go back down to the front of the house let's get off the roof here and I'll show you what those baffles look like and let's talk a little bit more about options for retrofitting these all right let me show you how these baffles work you order these in either 16 or 24 inch configurations you can get these at ABC supply other roofs supply houses these aren't sold at the Home Center though the ones that they sell the home Center look like this kind of cheap flimsy these actually were installed at some point and they fell out this is this is not what we want we want to use something that's actually gonna stay in place and with this thick corrugated cardboard like this these are actually going to stay in place so when you first get them out of the box they come great and so what you're gonna do is fold them like this and that's how they're gonna go in the rafters days you saw I use the cap staple around those that's gonna work for a while to hold it in place these are gonna be there for it a long time to come but in this case I've got a retrofit and we're doing it from the outside you could retrofit these from the inside man it'd be a little harder though I wouldn't want to crawl up into the attic especially with that shallow of a pitch it's like a 4-12 pitch on this roof be really hard to do from the inside that's why we're doing it from the outside and honestly that's why I haven't done this sooner I've been in this house for 11 years now or so and I've been wanting to do this project for a long time but I didn't have the money to change the roof until now so I'm glad I can finally do it now let me show you how to retrofit for this application that we're doing where we're trying to block off the end take your knife and you're just gonna cut down on these about six inches or so it doesn't have to be perfectly precise I already actually did this one and then once you cut them down six inches we're gonna do a flap down Bend right here of about an inch inch and a half and then we're gonna do another Bend that's gonna take us down another four inches or so what that does is when we put them up in the rafter bay they're gonna look like this you're actually going to staple this part down onto the 2x4 or 2x6 top plate at the edge of the plate so that your plate is right here and then this is gonna create an end dam for the insulation and then this is gonna follow the pitch of the roof so now when my insulator comes Andry blows the Attic he's gonna be able to blow it all the way and get that insulation all the way in there and now I don't have to worry about wind wash because air that's coming into my soffit it's gonna have this channel is going to go out my ridge man now we could also spray foam on top of these and I understand these are actually rated to adhere spray foam to so closed-cell foam would be a great choice we could close so right up against these and then we could come in later with a less expensive insulation below it Steve basic my friend and Jake Bruce and I've seen that on his job sites that's a great detail but of course ultimately we want to get our ducks out of our hot attic space I haven't done that yet on my house I'm working on the real remodel project you may have seen we're gonna be working on that I've been talking to the trained Mitsubishi guys about how to bring all that ductwork down in the conditioned space and we're probably gonna do on my house some version of different equipment that will allow me to condition in a way that new ducts will be up in the hot attic so stay tuned for that guys thanks for following me check us out on Twitter Instagram although wise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 210,910
Rating: 4.9337907 out of 5
Keywords: roofing, roof ventilation, attic ventilation, attic insulation, good insulation, bad insulation, celing insulation, matt risinger, the build show insulation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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