Air Vent Attic Ventilation Educational Video

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you why is the contractor gotta mess around with attic ventilation why can't you just put the shingles on the roof and move on and be done because if you skip added ventilation it could contribute to problems in the attic and in the living space specifically heat buildup in the summer moisture buildup in the winter and in climates routinely pelted with snow and ice ice dams let's look at these problems a little closer heat buildup radiant heat from the Sun bakes on the roof this heat then radiates into the attic space if we don't get it out of the Attic properly it can radiate below into the living space that could affect the comfort level inside the house any appliances that are running might have to work a little bit harder that could affect utility bills meanwhile up on the roof we could be looking at premature shingle deterioration all because of heat buildup let's change gears the season we're in right now I recognize a lot of faces thank you for coming back I'm going to ask the veterans that take a back seat please for a minute anybody who has not been here before have an idea how many gallons a day does the average family of four generate in water vapor in the winter just by occupying the house to 2 for 2 to 4 gallons from these activities cooking cleaning doing laundry over a gallon a day from breathing and perspiration other factors that were not even showing you on the screen pets plants hang drying wet clothes indoors storing firewood inside a house this all generates water vapor where's it go well some of it rises to a cooler drier place the Attic and if we don't get it out of the Attic properly potentially it'll condense as frost or water droplets drip onto the insulation that could affect the r-value the efficiency of the insulation in time we might be looking at mold mildew wood right indoor air quality could be affected folks if we want the attic ventilation system to tackle heat and moisture the system better be balanced here's what we mean by a balanced ventilation system 50% of the air is incoming intake low on the roof the other 50% is leaving the attic high exhaust 50/50 that's a balanced system companies that make vents drop their products into two massive bucket buckets the vent either has a motor or it does not if it does not have a motor the maker calls it net free area I'll let you read it for yourself it's usually measured in square inches this is a cut piece of our flagship product shingle Van Thieu ridge vent we rate this we specify this at 18 square inches of NFA per linear foot that's our claim what we're really telling the Chicago area contractor every physical foot of this vent you've got 18 clear and free inches to which air can go through it you put a motor on that vent well now you're talking CFM cubic feet of air moved per minute let's go over the types of exhaust vents on the street not by brand by grouping ladies and gentlemen there's five and only five types of exhaust vents on the street here they are type one box vents hat vents Turtleback vents can vents we call them roof louvers category number two turbines it's a tall box vent that spins that's all it is and if it's not spinning it's just a tall box vent category three gable louvers you're looking at the bottom of the exhaust vent barrel gable louvers folks we make these that's not going to keep us from being candid when the time's right now is a good time the problem with gable louvers is their location you got one on this end of the house one on this end of the house they don't draw very well from the center of the attic they do not power fans roof mount power fans gable mount Paller fans they both use power the electricity to operate the good thing about a power fan because it has at least a thermostat control it turns on whenever we need it to as the heat rises and reaches the thermostat setting that kicks on the motor and it begins to ventilate for us if it also has the you missed that control it helps to tackle the 2 to 4 gallon sometimes 6 that in water vapour that the average family of four generates by occupying the house without that feature the only thing turning on a power fan twelve months out of the year is heat buildup it will not tackle moisture then there are solar power fans gable mount roof mount unlike traditional fans these use the Sun and the solar panel to power the motor there's no electrical hook-up required no electrical cost to the home moaner finally the fifth and final category of exhaust we saved the best for last Ridge vents rigid molded four-foot stick Ridge vents like shingles and two continuous rolled Ridge vents like peak performer ladies and gentlemen if everything else about two different projects is the same and the contract and the contractor could use a ridge vent or pick one of the other four groups of exhaust vents we just reviewed we think he'd be foolish to not pick a ridge vent if everything else about the project is the same it's the optimum exhaust vent hangs down and we underlined the keyword in bull Point - we're going to get a continuous flow of air from low on the roof deck to high on the roof deck along the entire horizontal peak of the roof deck folks weren't stalling this thing and the end on the roof we balanced it down low with good intake no dead spots no airflow gaps gable louvers box vents fans turbines the other four groups they can't make that claim they cannot bottom of the screen we're going to get more NFA out of a typical ridge vent application then we're going to get from any other type of non motorized exhaust vent what does that mean Paul well it means this it'll take five wind turbines fifteen can vents to match what 42 feet of ridge vent cranks out on the same roof folks you're looking at roughly roughly a 1500 square foot attic it's got 42 feet of available ridge the Chicago roofer puts 42 feet of been up there which is what we would recommend to him if he asked somebody else has to swing by with their saw and start cutting five turbine holes or god forbid 15 Kanban openings would you kindly table performance for a second can we set performance aside briefly how attractive would 15 box vents look on her roof air moves through two primary forces the first is the weaker of the two thermal effect thermal buoyancy warm air will naturally rise and exit out of event then there's wind wind is a much greater mover of air when wind hits a house it creates high pressure and yellow low-pressure and purple high pressure can actually push air back into the exhaust vent we don't want that low-pressure purple can pull air out of the vent enhancing the vents performance we want purple whenever we can get it I'm going to show you right now how we can get purple frequently here's a ridge vent using no wind just thermal buoyancy notice the warm air the red arrows rise and exit through both sides of the vent fantastic now let's bring in some Windy City area wind and watch what happens to these arrows please remember high-pressure yellow low-pressure purple here comes that Chicago wind now when the wind blows that yellow arrow that you see is incoming wind effect through the windward side of the ridge vent bad news with that wind is whatever Mother Nature's carrying that very moment rain snow debris this is an exhaust vent but because of wind effect part of it ingests on the windward side but now if we put a little wing on that vent if we put a little lip on that vent we call it by the way an external wind baffle and you bring back that wind now look what happens the wind strikes the wing and to flex up and over creating a pocket or purple low-pressure above the windward and above the leeward side of the vent goodbye incoming yellow arrows only red arrows exiting event and that's what we want folks even when the wind blows if I could ask the veterans to please take a back seat briefly anybody who has not been here before want to take a stab I'm going out on a limb here I know it who wants to take a stab at the name of the phenomenon going on behind me on the screen it's the same phenomenon that gives lifts to an airplane anybody want to take a take a stab at the name I'll go to a repeat veteran if I have to who wants to bail me out my name in the back thank you very much first name Chris thank you Chris Bernoulli effect the Bernoulli principle named after scientists many many years ago all that's happening the wind rides the roof deck that's the windows it rides the roof deck and at some point it intersects the vent well the vent has the wing the baffle it deflects up and over creating low pressure and enhancing its performance there's a bonus taking place any weather being carried by the wind strikes the baffle and deflects away from the vent away from the Attic some people don't realize we make shingle been in three different widths traditional 12 inches wide very common across North America then we also make it nine inches wide seven inches wide because some contractors out there are using specialty captions cedar shake for example they need a narrower ridge vent then 12 wide nine seven we also make it Class A rated for wildfire zones 2010 in response to the requests across North America you got to give me something else their event for chopped up roofs besides Paulo feigns not everybody out there likes power fans what else you got for me for this roof that does not have very much horizontal run what do you got hip ridge vent launched in 2010 you can put the ridge vent on the diagonals on the hips of the roof folks it passed the rather challenging miami-dade County Florida wind-driven rain tests I know we're in Illinois what do we care about Florida you should please care about it because it's the most difficult test today on the street 1,200 gallons of winter and rain 1,200 a buck 10 miles per hour wind three different roof pitches dimensional architectural shingle we were not allowed to use sealant it did not leak it did not we captured the vent surviving that test miami-dade on camera it's a pretty cool video it's on our youtube channel and our web you know why this pass is miami-dade County diagonally and shingle ven doesn't stand a chance to pass that same test diagonally shingle van by the way passes horizontally but not diagonally you know why this passes you're probably already eyeballed it the gaskets it's got two gaskets if you touch those gaskets they feel roughly like a windshield wiper but unlike a windshield wiper it's a fixed part it's not moving we are done with exhaust we're done it's time to address the other half of the balanced system unfortunately the often overlooked half of the system intake here are the types of intake vents on the street rectangular under eaves the larger the rectangle the more net free area you can expect category 2 vented soffit usually made by siding manufacturers we have a strong word of caution if you're using a siding panel to be a functioning intake then we chose those words on purpose if you're using a ridge vent that yields 18 net free area per foot it needs 9 net free area per foot at the eave on each side of the house two nines equals 18 most brands a vented soffit on the street only produce six nfa not every brand most at six at an output of six you need an 18 inch overhang with every single panel vented to get to nine category three continuous Offit two inch wide strips eight or ten feet long PVC or aluminum the nice thing about continuous soffit then number nine 9 on the left of the house per foot 9 on the right of the house per foot 18 you just balance Juraj vent category 4 vented drip edge it combines a drip edge with built-in continuous soffit for homes with very little or no overhang finally category 5 for intake rooftop installed the edge vent folks this is now eight years old the edge vent and it was launched because we heard loud and clear from a group of contractors across the country look I know it takes important I do I agree but I'm not comfortable standing on a ladder with ass all over my head cutting into a soffit it's not my cup of tea I'm a shingle guy keep me a rooftop you keep me roofed up I'll think of that intake until then I'm not sure enough people said that to us we took him seriously so we launched our rooftop installed intake vent you want off the ladder we'll get you off the ladder stay on the roof and put this on the edge of the roof and shingles over it just like a ridge vent but it's not a ridge vent it's an intake vent here's the cool thing about the math behind a balanced system I think it's kind of cool anyway to four-foot sticks of the edge vent ladies and gentlemen two of them equals 1/4 foot stick of ridge vent shingle vent - because a pair of 9 and a phase per foot equals 18 NFA per foot I mean we really tried to make the math for a balanced system a piece of cake for the Installer two sticks one stick two to one quick shortcut for you you don't have time there roll through the math you don't want to fumble for the app you just want to give them a number and be gone bottom of the screen red ink Thanks the air-vent engineering / - you take the Attucks square footage at the top of the project whatever number that is / - immediately in square inches that's a much exhaust you need that's how much intake you need 2,000 square foot attic / - is a thousand it overestimates a little big that's okay you're in the zone you're done here go see your next client cuz you're rolling on i want a power fan pause roofing I don't want a non-motorized van give me a fan how'd you come up with the fan I see the app show me the math alright here's the math home owner 2,000 square foot attic you multiplied by 0.7 why point seven where's that from it's from the home ventilation Institute homeowner H V I which has established an industry standard of ten to twelve air exchanges every hour that's our goal you multiplied by 0.7 you get those exchanges you need a 1400 square foot sorry CFM fan 1400 you're not gonna find a 1400 fan and the air vent catalog we don't make one we pick this number on purpose what do you do if you're looking for a CFM value and you can't find it anywhere come close thirteen twenty thirteen sixty better yet bump it up go higher there's no problem going higher as long as we do the next critical step you gotta give the fan chosen for the project ample intake critical step / 300 FM / 300 evils intake needed get out of square feet talk the makers language square inches 672 square inches of intake a fan at or around 1400 that's a nice segue I believe to the second most common mistake across North America coming in at number two a close second to lack of intake is this mixing types of exhaust on the same roof above a common attic we call this short circuiting of the ventilation system folks a short while ago we went over the five categories of exhaust we're not going to do it again you remember them we don't want any two of those five on the same roof above a common attic no ifs ands or buts the install sheet says don't do it Building Code says follow the install sheet here's why air follows the path of least resistance it wants to come in point a low on the roof do its ventilation duties and exit high exhaust and not be interrupted along the way you put box vents in between a ridge vent and a soffit vent it's short circuits a system I'd like to visit the slot cut for the hip ridge vent please because it's very different than a traditional horizontal ridge vent first of all let's say it's a 20 foot hip 20 foot diagonal you don't cut beyond the 10 foot mark the midpoint you don't take your saw beyond the midpoint run the product to 20 feet for cosmetics stop your cutting at the halfway point secondly it's not a continuous 10 foot cut it's got to be intermittent you cut some deck you leave some uncut you cut you don't Bowl point one keeps the vent from becoming an intake vent on itself the further you go down that hip you risk it becoming an intake vent bolt point two is a code requirement for structural integrity you can't just hack at a hip and cut a continuous slot you can it will potentially weaken the deck I'd like to point out the most important step of the whole process right now on the screen climate appropriate underlayment under the vent and then over the then I grew up in Philadelphia Pennsylvania born and raised I now called ballast my home whenever van hired me in 96 in Philly Chicago we're using a water protective membrane dallas they're using a 30-pound fell the point is whatever is climate appropriate the day of the job we want that material under the vent that deck can't be bare don't leave that deck bare under the vent repeat it over the vent sandwich the thing how wide do you cut the slot for a ridge vent how wide Ridge pole construction ridge board you're dealing with a center beam some eight quarters of an inch on each side of the ridge Pole after we clear the width of the pole you gotta clear the width of the board first clear it extend it three-quarters of an inch on each side trust construction meaning there's no board inch and a half wide slot inch and a half by the way an inch and a half wide slot over the distance of one linear foot in other words 1.5 times 12 equals 18 that's where the event gets its net free area we emphasize that because we keep getting asked believe it or not will I give my vent a net free area boost with a gigantic slot cut no you will never get more than 18 never the vent maxes out at 18 no matter how wide you go with the slide you'll get less than 18 if you cheat the slide you'll never get more what you will get potentially if you go more with your slot weather infiltration surely somebody out there is doing it right they're not the cheapest price and they're getting their price there's got to be people out there doing it so we interview we went on a hunt and we interviewed contractors across North America here are a collection of tips from people who are kind of high-priced and they get their fair asking price because they take the time to educate the homeowner like Jeff does you tell the homeowner how you're going to attack the project what products you're going to be using and you establish some credibility and then they're more willing to pay your fair asking price and the next time the homeowner says whoa I've lived here 25 years and I've never had balance ventilation and now you swing by and you're telling me I need balance ventilation no no I don't think so Paul's roofing hey I've got five bids on the kitchen table five why is only yours talking about balanced ventilation what about the other four companies face the face roofer homeowner it's go time simplify an explanation like short-circuiting with a visual I love this this is from Sam Rosario in Boston homeowner I'd love to sell you a ridge vent I love to but until you let me block off your pre-existing box vents you're not getting a ridge vent from me because you're short-circuiting you got a soft drink straw in your hand one end of your soft drink is about to be in your coke glass the other end of the straws are going to be in your mouth before you take your sip of coke let me pop a pinhole halfway up your straw now take your sip of coke it doesn't work as well the Box vents on a roof between soffit and Ridge vents are the pinhole in the system we were asked to put in the writing five things homeowners should know about attic ventilation so it's not the roofer saying it it's another party saying it we're going to give us to you on your way out included in this hey homeowner stop bugging your contractor to mix two different types of exhaust vents on the same roof above a common attic would you kindly back off that is in this brochure we'll give it to you on your way out hop kick hop kid stands for home owner presentation kit it's basically a shoe box with a mini block sample it's a good chance for the homeowner to touch and see the vent up close if you're feeling energetic at the time maybe take a stab at the Bernoulli effect and the external baffle it's up to you and inside there's a leave behind brochure for the homeowner to read on their own time popke Contractor locator is a free tool on the web where you can be matched with homeowners looking for assistance with projects you've got two ways to get your name on the contractor locator and it's free the first is Self Help we don't police it just go to the link add your company information or in about 15 minutes when we pass out the feedback forms answer yes the question - which asks would you like to be added to the contractor locator click yes check yes we'll add you you
Channel: Air Vent Inc
Views: 9,373
Rating: 4.7377048 out of 5
Id: beWpS60x2DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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