How to install rafter vents in an attic

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hey good morning guys so it's friday thank god um this is the last job that i'll be doing for the week so i'm working in uh this job here uh these people got their roof done three years ago they had insulation done as well and uh whoever these roofers were they just put all the rafter vents they just left them laying inside the attic loosely they didn't puff them they didn't stuff them in i guess they figured you know this is a it's a 412 pitch there's not all that much attic space um but it's not like it's not that bad i wouldn't call this a belly crawler or anything just need the right tools get the right tools to do the job and you'll get her done so i'm going to show you guys a little trick a little trick that um can help you do uh get your raptor mates in there get the basketball if i can find the right bit here oh i might be screwed nope hey yeah so today i'm going on a uh going up in a hot air balloon weather weather permitting i've never been on a hot air balloon ride but uh i'm gonna try it today see how it works okay here's a little trick so if you gotta crawl in in an attic you're gonna be crawling around on your belly you got to reach this can't reach if you're chin for the bat you got to pull them out just take something something simple like this like a broomstick i'm going to pop some screws through it like this put two screws like that that'll give me the ability to pull back these uh these bats put the rafter vents in flip it around to the broom side and uh stuff the bats back in uh to hold the rafter in in place hopefully this bit works it's a little bit small but let's try it out let's see if we can do here if you guys can see this maybe i'll do it up here i'll try it out like this yeah i don't know if this bit's gonna work let's see [Music] yeah so this is a pretty easy job take me about an hour i'm gonna go the good thing about this one is at least all the soffits are 100 perforated so it's not like i have to hit every other every single rafter but uh i'm just going to do it anyway get more airflow in there the better [Music] there you go okay a little hook so that and that'll pull back my my back stick the rafter bent in this around shove it back in place okay so i'm just sitting in the attic now now if you look behind me here i'll show you my head if you look behind me here you have a little bit of issues with uh surface molds before uh i guess uh the path exhaust transfer hooked up properly and that's why it's always important you always got to make sure that your you know all the all the connections are all nice and tight you don't want any of that that humid air going into the attic and that's what that's what it's like that's what it causes pretty pretty straight forward attic i'm gonna go around i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna put a uh [Music] [Music] let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right let's move over to the other side now nice easy friday i stress about it all that all the time it's good to have uh if you get your roof done you always inspect you have to inspect your attic make sure all the housing for your uh bath beds dryer vents all that stuff like that it's all properly secured um because if not you're gonna end up having issues if you don't take care of it so let's get the rest of these rafter vents in and jump on that hot air [Music] balloon [Music] see how easy that is board oh [Music] oh we're all done let's go home [Music] well that had to be the easiest friday i've had in a long time well except for a day but i missed a friday but when i was here anyway it was an easy it was an easy friday so hopefully it's going to be a good weekend guys um i'm having issues getting my truck i'm getting a runner big big time run around um i'm praying to god that that thing is in here today man because i'm like a i'm a little kid i get very very impatient i won't even sleep at night if i'm expecting to get something that i really want but anyways guys have a good weekend watch how you hook up your bathroom fence put those damn rafter vents in pull the bats back do everything do what you're supposed to but some of you guys can keep messing up because i still need my job
Channel: Everybody Looks Up To A Roofer
Views: 50,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TsaM1u3h5Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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