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Hello hello! So today, let's bake again. And what we will do is the one you have been requesting, this is Ube Cake! So for those who don't have Baby or U-bae, just bake an Ube cake first. So even if you have U-bae or Bae, you can still make this and you give it to him as a gift so that he will love more. So there it is, I'm stuttering already. So that they will be inlove to you more. This is very very easy to make. Actually, if you've made our 'Mamon' or 'Yema' cake recipe, oh my God! This will just be super easy to you. It's just like you did a review or you just repeated a quiz. Very very easy. So first, let's start with the chiffon cake. Very easy. I'm going to sift first my dry ingredients. I have a cake flour here. Of course, I am using my trusted La Filipina Unchlorinated Cake Flour which I am inlove to more because of its packaging. Right? One of the common challenges that we bakers face is that, if you are not baking everyday, right? "I have flour left, insects are eating it already." So since its packaging is very pretty. You just cut it. So there, so let's just cut it. There it is, right? So there is a line over there. You just follow it. There it is, right? So it has resealable. So very very easy, you just get some. You put it in your bowl and then you measure and then after, you seal it. So it keeps your flour fresh, right? So you can save money, just to be honest. Instead of you buying a lot. Yes, you save money for buying in bulk but it was eaten by insects and you can't use it. So that's why I become more inlove with this La Filipina Unchlorinated Cake Flour. So that's the first ingredient, into the bowl. And then I'm putting white sugar. Let us not be confused. In this recipe, we have two sets of sugar. One will go into the main for the main chiffon and then the other one would go to the egg whites for the meringue. So don't get confuse on a world where we are confuse with many things. So don't be confused with this since even it's two, it will just go to one place. There is it, right? So you just put it there. And then today, I'm using Ube powder. This is the Ube powder. These are why I enjoy using this because it has really real Ube bits. It's the dried Ube that they grind, okay? So you can really feel your Ube to your main cake. "Oh my! I'm from Europe, I'm from Middle East." "I'm from Canada." Then you are the one whose in the cool place! But there's no problem. If you can't buy any Ube powder on where you are staying, you can always use Ube flavoring, the liquid one. There's no problem with that. We are also gonna use that later on. So again, anything that you have there. If you have a powder or- "It's okay to bring Ube liquid on the airplane but the powder one, I'm afraid of bringing that." or "It's allowed to bring powder but I'm afraid of bringing the liquid one." So you bring anything that you can bring. There's no problem. So for this recipe, you can use any of the two or you can also use both. "I bought it both yet we're not gonna use it both." You can use both, okay? So you already know now so you continue watching because you can definitely make this. So I'm going to put the Ube powder and then I have baking powder as a rising agent. And then I'm also putting salt as a flavor enhancer. So of course, just like any chiffon cake, you need to sift this for at least 3 times. Okay, so you break those that holds. Second time. I will repeat, we are sifting because you want to mix, you want to aerate, and you want to refine. For example like this, there are solid residues. We can refine it through sifting. After sifting, you just put it here. Get your wire whisk, you put your egg yolks. This is your canola oil or your vegetable oil. "But what I have right now is soya oil?!" "What I have is sunflower oil, wouldn't I be able to make that?" I will repeat. Any type of oil as long as it taste neutral, meaning that those that doesn't really have strong taste. Sesame oil, and olive oil are not good because again, it is tasty. So your chiffon cake is gonna taste olive oil. And secondly, any type of oil that does not sleep. "What? The oil sleeps?" What it means is that those oil where if you put it in refrigerator, it solidifies or those that produces grease. Do not use that type of oil for your cake because if you put your cake on the refrigerator, "Oh! why is it hard?" Because, the oil sleeps when put on a cold area. So use a type of oil that does not sleep or those that does not solidify even if it's cooled. So today, I'm using canola oil and sometimes, I use soya oil. This is water, 1 cup as well. "Oh! I have a lot of fresh milk in the house, may I use fresh milk?" Sure, it can be. So there, I'm mixing it, okay? For example, it's flavocol or it's flavoring and coloring liquid that you want to use. This is just how it is. So just like this, this is the flavocol. So you just put there even 2 to 3 tbsps. There is it, right? As simple as that. "I don't like that because I feel that that flavor is only an imitation." "It taste like fake, it looks like fake." "Just like my friend." Oh! Then you don't put it. That's just it. In life, we have choices. You can choose to not welcome in your life those fake people. That also applies with the Ube cake. That's why me, I prefer to use powder sometimes because I feel like that the powder is more natural. So there, so it's smooth already. It smells good, it smells Ube. Our next step is that we will make our meringue already. So I have egg whites here, I'm going to put into the mixer. And then I will just mix this at low medium speed. And then I forgot, let's put cream of tartar on it just to help stabilize the egg whites, just a bit, just a pinch of cream of tartar. "I don't have that one." Maybe you have vinegar in your house? You pour a bit of vinegar, about how you many drops. "I don't have vinegar." Maybe you have lemon juice? "There's none." Calamansi juice? "I also don't have one." Then you go to the grocery store or you pick some calamansi on the tree of your neighbor. "But my neighbor does not have any calamansi tree." Then you relocate near our house because we have a lot of trees of calamansi. So when you see it like this, it's like a shaving cream already. "I don't shave though so I don't know what a shaving cream looks like." So here it is, it's like a shaving cream. It's like a whipped cream which is still soft. You can put the sugar gradually already. "Just gradually" So there. Just gradually so it won't fall back. Sugar is heavy. So there. You have pour it all. You just wait for this to become stiff or when if you raise the attachment of the mixer, it can stand already. And I also have two baking pans in here. You don't need to do anything to the baking pan. You don't need to brush it with oil, you don't need to put parchment paper on it because the chiffon, once it's cold, it will separate easily. I will repeat. Chiffon, once it's cold, it will separate quickly. But if a relationship is cold, don't separate quickly though. You talk about it first. Okay, let's check. So there. Right? It can stand already and is quite stiff. Don't wait for it to become too stiff, because when it become super stiff, you will have a hard time mixing it in here. So the next step is let's mix it both already. You put a bit of egg whites on your Ube mixture first. Just for the Ube to lighten a bit. Right? So look. When it lighten already, you fold it all then. You have been requesting this for long but it's just that I'm assuming. I assume that I teach already the chiffon and you're gonna make it into Ube already. But of course, it's also different if I really show how I execute making Ube, right? And then you just cut and fold. When you say cut and fold, it means you just mix it with spatula. There it is, right? When its color even out, it is okay already. "Do you need a light hand on doing that?" A bit. "But how would it be since my hand is not light, it seems to deflate with me." That's just okay, don't lose hope. Baking is practice and discipline. As you practice, you can perfect it eventually. Who would not even fail with baking, right? Even me, I failed a lot of cakes when I was starting. But what's important is you learn from failures and you avoid doing it again. So there, so it's already even, right? It's already even, you can pour it in the pan already. I have here two pans. I will just put half to the both of it. And then we will just bake this at a preheated 350°F oven for around 35 to 40 minutes or until if when you touch the top of the cake, it bounces back already. That's just it, it's okay already. So I will have this set up in the oven and then as we get back, we will dress it. I'm going to show you how to put the filling, the icing, and the topping. So there it is, we will saw something already. Look, I have a very long bread knife. I will use this on cutting bread- not bread, my mistake, the cake rather. If you don't have this, no problem, you use any cake you're available with. Our Ube cake is cooked already, look how nice. So let's just remove it from the pan, very easy. Just use a rubber spatula like this. You just use that. Just be careful for you to not make holes or scratch the sides of it. And then you just push it to the center. So you can quickly remove that, right? How amazing. Let's also remove this another one. It's on you if how many layers do you like to make but before we do the layering, before we layer the cake, I'm going to show you quickly how to make the Ube coating. The crumbs that you put on the side of the cake, that's just very easy. We can see that on Ube cakes from popular bakeshops. And you would feel envy, right? "How were they able to do that?" Right? So first, you collect those crumbs but let's just cut it first. So to cut it into half, you just use your bread knife. You just cut it circular or just like you're sawing, see? Okay, so just like you are sawing. So there it is, right? And then you just put it there. I sanitized the table so you don't need to worry if it's dirty. And then this, let's also cut this one. Okay. Oh! It's not even, there's no problem with that. You might get sad, so you even it out. We only have three layers. The other layer, we will sacrifice that so we will have crumbs. The one that we call ube crumbs. So this is it. And all of that, you clean and get it like that. I will just set this aside since it might cut me and then you're going to use this for crumbs. Now, how to make it into crumbs? I have a food processor here, so there it is! it turned on. Just for a while, the food processor is excited. You just put it there, you will just crumble it. There is it, right? "But the one I bought, its color is really different." What color though? The very dark one, same color with Barney. If you like it super dark then let's put a bit of flavoring on it. It's just really one. It's really up to you. But you turn it all into crumbs first before you put the Ube flavoring. Just put a splash of your Ube flavoring. Not also too much because this one has artificial coloring so the taste might also become different. Just enough to give you your desired color. So there it is, it's a bit dark already, right? For me, I am contented with this kind of color. I also don't like that the color of my Ube cake would be like a cartoon character. And then I'm just going to put it into a clean sheet pan. So achieve, there it is, right? I know that you will say: "Oh! It's just like that, so there it is, right?" What can you say with that? So next, let's put icing to the cake. Just for a while, I will just arrange it here. Okay, let's assemble the cake. Very very simple. I have an Ube jam so that it would really taste like Ube. This is around 1 cup. I put it on piping bag because this is heavy and sticky. For you to not have a hard time distributing it to the layers of cake. And then you just cut the piping bag and then next, start layering the cake. Chiffon is a bit fragile so you should be careful. Make sure that you really washed your hands and the sticky side, you put that beneath so that your first layer of cake would hold beneath. Okay. "I'm a beginner on icing, what are your tips?" First, you want to make sure that your cake layers are even. "How is that?" I can't see clearly anymore, the glasses I requested for took long to make. It has been a week but I want to make cake already, I was not able to even out the cake. You have to apply pressure just like this. So that you can still even out the cake. Okay. After applying pressure, you can start with the layering. Okay. There is no such thing as perfectly cut cake or perfectly baked cake. Its on the bakers' hand how to make the finish product appealing. So after putting that, I'm going to put some Ube jam. Just like that. So that those who will order to you that keeps asking: "Where's the Ube? I can't taste the Ube." So there, a lot of Ube. And I have here whipped cream that I've just whipped and you just put some whipped cream. Just spread it. "I want to put pili nuts, I want to put cashew." "I want to put...." I can't think of anything already that you can put. "I want to put dried mangoes, I want to put macapuno or coconut sport." "Can I?" Yes, you can. But just a tip, okay? When we put macapuno, you'll notice there's color green on it. It's because the Ube flavoring will have chemical reaction. And then let's put the second layer. The thickness of the whipped cream is on you. You just level it like that. If you want a thicker whipped cream, no problem! It's really just on you. And then Ube jam. Not too much Ube Jam because you would also fed up if there's a lot of it. Anyways, you want to make sure that you were able to put icing evenly. Because of course, if you slice the cake. Let us say, it's for 10 slices. Those slices will go to different people. So you want to make sure that all people who will get the slices, they all should receive the same slices, right? What if the one with thin icing would go to you? What would you feel then, right? And then you put the last slice- the last layer rather. And then as usual, you level it. There it is, right? And then just like this one, the top cracked, no problem! There it is, right? You cover it with whipped cream, it will really hold. Okay, and now, let's start putting icing the sides. Just with whipped cream. "It's hard to put icing on, it seems that it's gonna break." This is just how it is. You put icing first to those areas where you can see that has big holes. You cover it up first. We call this as crumb coating. In cake decorating, this is called crumb coating. You cover first those difficult crumbs. In other words, you cover those areas with large cracks first. We will flatten it later on. Okay. You put icing to those areas with large cracks first. So there, just like this. So this one has a big crack. It's just like life. You find solutions first with those big problems of yours. Right? So that you won't be stressed eventually. "So that's how it is?" Yes, that's how it is. Every step in baking and in cooking has an explanation. And then that's the time, you cover the whole cake. You make sure that all of the areas will be covered by icing otherwise, it will become dry. So there it is, so I have covered it already, right? Next, you just flatten it out so that when you put the crumb coating, it is assured that it is amazing! "Can I put Ube flavoring on icing so that it would turn Ube in color?" It can also be. It's just that the color would look like it fake, it's obvious that it's food color. So just keep it white, but just my two cents though. That's only my opinion. In life, we are surrounded by fake people, just kidding. So even just the cake, let's not make it too fake. Clean the sides using a scraper and then we are on finishing already. So I am also gonna clean my table already. Making cake does not require a lot of work and it's also not messy. You just really need to be well-organized, that's only the secret. You need to be organized and you need to know what you are doing. Then fine since they really want their icing to have an Ube color. You put a bit of flavocol, just a bit, just a splash. There it is, right? So see? It turned Ube in color, anywhere you are happy. So I want you to be happy. So if you want it to be Ube in color then push! There is it, right? So you also have a point though. It's more colorful. So let's start dressing it. I will wear gloves because my nails might turn Ube in color later on. So let's dress this, just the sides only. The technique with that is you get a lot and then you really stick it. This is delicious, okay? This is delicious because this is cake. So do not thrift it up. And this is really included in the recipe, this is one of the cut that we cut. Cut of a cut, what is that? On the slice that we cut. There is it, right? It's so amazing. And make sure that the white area, you were able to cover it and you were able to remove the excess. Okay. And then let's put topping on the top. So this is the whipped cream that I put a bit of Ube flavoring. I will remove my gloves already and then you just pipe it evenly. You can form rosettes or any design that will make you happy but normally, you can practice here first. Okay, let's make this to the top. Right? It can also be that. It can also be that from here, you will go in here. Then you turn around, and go back to that side. You turn around and you go back to that side. Oh my, you are dizzy already. Go back to it. Just to be honest, I admit that I am not expert with cake decorating. I have admitted that many times before but I can make beautiful cakes but I'm not expert in cake decorating. That's why just keep on spinning and go back to that area. So that's my only tips for you but here, seriously, you just have to be relax and you have to keep your piping bag very clean. Don't let it be that your hands will be filled by icing. Your hands has to be clean. Okay and see, you need to be relax. Okay, see? So you have your very amazing Ube Cake. If you feel like there are spaces on the sides that needs more icing, you can simply just cover that again. So that is good already because normally, if you will put a dedication here, you will put a candle here, that is good already, okay? Too much icing would also make you feel fed up. It's beautiful though, right? There is it, right? It's beautiful. I'm so proud of myself. So this is our Ube Cake and before I slice it, I will take a picture of it first since this is a fruit of my hardwork. I am really the one who made this, so let's take a picture! So normally, I would chill or I will put the cake in the refrigerator overnight. That's really recommended that you refrigerate it overnight before slicing but with such a beautiful cake like this, you will not be able to stop yourself. So let's slice it. Cut it like that. And then one more. With us of course is my favorite La Filipina Cake Flour. And then.... oh Gosh! Isn't it amazing? So look. So look at the layering. Your cake, your whipped cream, the Ube Jam is not just that visible, because of course, the whipped cream went down because we sliced it even if the cake is not that cold. But you will see the layering, its layering is so beautiful. So I will just take a picture on the inner part. So now, let's try. Let's try it. I just want to taste the cake alone before we add icing. So soft. And now the icing and the ube jam. Of course, you also need to use a very delicious Ube Jam because you work hard for your cake yet your Ube Jam would taste fake. It would also be pointless. And then now, with the crumbs. The crumbs is on another level, the one we put on the exterior gives so much classic vibes. And let's also taste the icing that we put ube flavoring with. Just enough. The ube flavoring, even if it's only an imitation, as long as what you put it just enough, the taste that it will give is just really enough. So use it in moderation. It's so delicious. So what are you still waiting for? To those Ube lovers... Even if you're not an Ube lover, you will definitely love this. So you make one for yourself and don't forget to tag me when you make a very amazing Ube Cake like this. It's so stable, right? Even if you spin it around. It does not fall, so I hope all. So I hope your relationship like that, even if it's spinning, it won't be easily destroyed. I'm going to see you all soon :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 863,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 78dP7DNBV2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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